Our corporate sponsors: a handshake but no embrace While commercialism is becom- Host, head of Host Communica- tising in game programs and The program work from day one. ces in a first-class way. This year, ing more prevalent in all types of tions, which handles the day-today NCAA News, and an opportunity “Walter Byers (NCAA executive that will include: sporting events, the NCAA is at- administration of the Association’s to work with each other to eve- director emeritus), Dave Cawood l Taped public service announce- tempting to prove, with some ap- corporate sponsorship program. ryone’s benefit -including the As- (assistant cxccutive director for com- ments featuring corporate officers. parent success, that successful “Now,” hc added, “those companies sociation’s. munications) and now Dick Shultr aPrimary funding of the Final corporate sponsorship programs can arc convinced that’s never going to Other NCAA corporate sponsors want the sponsors to interact with Four Foundation. be beneficial to all parties without happen.” include American Airlines, Coca- each other. For that reason, meetings asponsorship of banquets and diluting the integrity of National Instead, companies like Grey- Cola, Fugazy International Travel, are held at least twice a year that hospitality activities held at each Collegiate Championships compe- hound Lines, National Car Rental Mitsubishi Electric and Pizza Hut. involve the marketing staffs of corm NCAA championships site. tition. and Gillette provide funds to sup- A corporate ‘YES poratc sponsors and representatives l Support of a new promotional “In the beginning, I believe there port many NCAA programs, in- “The NCAA YES (Youth Educa- of Host Communications and the campaign for NCAA champion- was a perception on the part of cluding for the first time this tion through Sports) clinics were Association. It was during one of ships. some companies that there eventu- year-the Final Four Foundation. born bccausc of the corporate span- those meetings that YES came l Continued support of NCAA ally would be corporate-name asso- In return, they receive advertising sors,” Host noted. “The story of about.” youth programs. ciation with some NCAA time on radio and TV broadcasts of how (the clinics) came about really Host said the concept has been to *The advertising time and space championships,” said W. -James championships events, print adver- says a lot about what has made the promote sponsors’goods and servi- See Our corporate, page 2 N ews Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association September 26,1988, Volume 25 Number 33 The championship season Changes suggested in officers’ duties Concerned regarding the time changes in the Association’s Icgisla- commitment involved in serving as tive calendar to permit more time an elected NCAA officer, the NCAA for consultation on and rcfincment Committee on Review and Planning of proposed amendments to NCAA will recommend some controls in legislation. that area when it reports to the 11 did not support the concept of NCAA Council at the latter’s Octo- having a voting Convention only ber meeting. every other year, however. Instead, I Specifically, the planning corn- it will suggest to the Council that mittce-which consists ot six annual Conventions be continued former NCAA officers and one until the effects of an extended former student-athlete--will pro- legislative calendar are known. pose the following: “In a related discussion, we also l That a secretary-treasurer be agreed to compliment the Council prohibited from being elected pres- on its decision lo sponsor less legis- ident of the Association until at lation at NCAA Conventions,” John least one year has clapscd since the R. Davis of Oregon State University, end of the term as secretary-treas- committee chair, reported. “And WC urcr. want to compliment the Council, aThat in the future the NCAA See Changes, page 2 president not serve on any NCAA committees, standing or spectal, and that the secretary-treasurer not Amendment serve on any standing committees and only in an ex oflicio capacity on special committees or subcommit- deadline is tees. al-hat a system be developed November I that would share the duties of pre- Amendments to be considered at siding at Council and Executive the NCAA’s 83rd annual Conven- Committee meetings and Conven- tion next January in San Francisco tion business sessions, all currently must be submitted by November I. handled by the president. l’hc procedures for proposing A new beginning The committee, meeting Septem- changes in NCAA legislation are set ber IO-20 at Hilton Head Island, forth in NCAA Constitution 7-l NCAA member institutions will be vying for national championships in 21 sports during the South Carolina, chose those ap- and Bylaw 13-1, pages 53 and 185 1988-89 academic year; beginning with cross country, field hockey and soccer champion- proaches rather than recommending I86 of the 1988-89 NCAA Manual. ships competition in early November: Above, members of the Concordia College establishment of a president-elect Any six active member institu- (Minnesota) team (from left, Mary Lee Legti&, Jessica Beachy and Cheti Beyer) celebrate position. tions may submit proposed legisla- the 1988 Division Ill Women’s Basketball Championship title. A listing of 1988-89 Legislative issues tion, and the NCAA Council, any championships dates and sites appears on page 12. The committee voted to support division steering committee and the Presidents Commission also have that privilcgc. Nominations open- for Today’s Top Six awards Legislation to be sponsored by a Nominations arc open for NCAA the preceding calendar year and winners may come from the same who, when confronted with a situa- member institution must be submit- Today’s Top Six awards for out- to rccognizc six distinguished former sport. tion involving personal danger, ted by the institution’s chief execu- standing student-athletes competing student-athletes on the silver anni- Sclcction of winners will be based averted or minimized potential dis- tive officer or the CFO’s previously during the 198X fall sports season versary of their graduation from SO percent on athletics ability and aster by courageous action or notc- designated rcprcscntativc. A con- and for the Association’s Award of college. Nominations are open to achicvcmcnt; 25 percent on acade- wart hy bravery. fcrcncc is permitted to submit pro- Valor. men and women. Winter/spring mic achievement, and 25 percent on The Collcgc Athletics Top XII, posed legislation on behalf of Its Nomination forms will be mailed Today’s Top Six and Silver Anni- character, leadership and activities. the Award of Valor and the Thro- rncnibcr institutions without the to member institutions this week versary awards nominations already The Award of Valor is presented dorc Roosevelt Award arc part of signatures of the institutions’(??Os, and must be returned by November have been received. on an irregular basis. Selection is the honors luncheon program, per CiiSK No. 176, p”gK 363 of the I. Nominees for Today’s Top Six based on the calendar year ending which is held annually at the NCAA NCAA Manual. The Today’s Top Six awards are must be seniors who have earned a just prior to the NCAA Convention. Convention. ‘lo comply with the November 1 prcscnted as part of the College varsity letter. Institutions may nom- ‘J‘hc award may be presented lo a Completed nomination forms deadline, any proposed amendment Athletics Top XII program, which inate more than one individual in a coach or administrator currently should be returned to David E. must be received in written form in provides the Association the oppor- sport or sports. There is no limit on associated with intercollegiate ath- Cawood, assistant rxrculive director the NCAA national office by 5 p.m. tunity to honor the top six out- the number of winners from an letics or a current or former varsity for communications, at the NCAA on that date. If a submission arrives standing senior student-athletes of institution, but not more than three letter winner at an NCAA institution national office. See Ammdrncnt. page 3 2 THE NCAA NEWS/September 26,1988 Our corporate Continued from page 1 rate America that immediately elicit 1 other teams. “You need to under- ideas for tie-ins between companies. other sponsors through the facility. mentioned earlier. good feelings anyway.” stand that our off-peak period “All of these sponsors are interested “I’m sure that somebody will It will not include on-site banners Host said that in most cases, coincides, for the most part, with in moving product.. that’s why come away from that meeting with or title sponsorship. NCAA corporate sponsorship was the school year:’ he explained. they’re in business. a new idea,” Host continued. “It “We are up front with potential not an “easy sell.” “Our (general passenger) business “Our meetings give them an op- may help the NCAA, one of the sponsors,” Host said. “They know “Once people had an opportunity starts to slow down in September portunity to get together and come other sponsors or everyone involved. going in that there is a lack of title to review our presentation in detail, and October, and it doesn’t pick up up with ideas to promote their busi- That’s the real positive aspect of this sponsorship, and they know that however, they began to understand again until April and May. The only nesses;”he added. “Later this month, orogram. the NCAA will have the right of the concept of our program and exception is during the holidays, tor example, our next mcetmg ~111 1 - refusal concerning any kind of prod- have been very receptive”’ he said. but most teams are not going to be be held in Minneapolis at the head- “From the start, the NCAA has uct-related tie-in they might want to And that has been good for cor- traveling then.
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