Issue 14 henley Autumn 2018 S THE NEWSLETTERillage OF SHENLEY PARISHV COUNCIL Matters CONTENTS Chairman’s Report. ..........................................................................................3-5 Councillors pics .................................................................................................. 5 List of Councillors and Responsibilities .............................................................. 6 Shenley Neighbourhood Plan ..........................................................................7-9 Shenley Fete ............................................................................................... 10-11 SCAG visit to Windsor ......................................................................................12 Police Report ....................................................................................................13 Community Payback Scheme .......................................................................... 14 Action for a Cleaner Shenley ............................................................................15 Shenley Primary School PTA ........................................................................... 16 Village Information ......................................................................................17-20 WI. ...............................................................................................................21-22 1st Shenley Cubs ............................................................................................ 23 Allotments ........................................................................................................24 Horticultural Show ........................................................................................... 25 Shenley Park ...................................................................................................26 Craft Club ........................................................................................................ 27 Carpet Bowls ...................................................................................................28 Knit and Natter ................................................................................................. 29 de Havilland Aircraft Museum .....................................................................30-31 Chanukah ........................................................................................................32 Village Walks ...................................................................................................33 Games Afternoon ............................................................................................. 34 Forthcoming Events ......................................................................................... 35 2 SHENLEY PARISH COUNCIL Summer 2018 Report June saw elections for the vacant QH[W¿IWHHQ\HDUV:HDUHDGGLWLRQDOO\ Parish Councillor position and after delighted that around 150 people have much campaigning, a £7,000 bill taken the time to complete the online and an hour of vote counting at survey. Doing this has given them the +HUWVPHUH¶V RI¿FHV WKH UHVXOWV ZHUH opportunity to give their comments on declared and Nigel Heller representing 7KH3ODQDQGVKDSHWKH¿QDOGRFXPHQW the Conservative Party won and was If your participation in the feedback declared to be our newest Parish process has given you an appetite Councillor. We should congratulate for this initiative please contact Nicky ourselves as we achieved a 19.5% Beaton or Rosemary Gilligan as the turnout which is a little higher that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group average for a similar election nationally. are looking for additional members to All Parish Councillor positions are help them complete the Plan. up for election next May and one or Our thanks go to the ladies of the two of our current Councillors won’t Carpet Bowls group and other local be standing again. If our activities in residents who have planted out and Shenley have got you thinking about tended the Village troughs. Fantastic how you could contribute to the displays were created so it was Village and get involved as a Parish unfortunate that many of the plants Councillor then please do get in touch got stolen within a couple of weeks. with me and I will be able to give you We are always on the lookout for new some background. people to join this team so if you have We therefore have welcomed Nigel ³JUHHQ¿QJHUV´DQGFDQVSDUHDOLWWOH on board as the new councillor who time then please do get in touch. has taken responsibility for primary It is disappointing to so many of the liaison with the Police as we believe Villagers that the Church of the Good that a “Councillor lead” focus will help Shepherd is stopping local community achieve better results and build for groups hiring their hall in favour of better community and police feedback. a rental to a full time Nursery. We We wish him the best of luck in his DOUHDG\ KDYH ¿YH 1XUVHULHV ZLWKLQ new role and hope that this will indeed D ¿YH PLQXWH GULYH RI WKH 9LOODJH inspire other villagers to take up the Many Parishioners are upset that this challenge and stand for election next valuable community asset which is year. the home to a number of local groups 7KH ¿UVW GUDIW RI WKH 6KHQOH\ ZLOO QR ORQJHU EH DEOH WR IXO¿O WKLV Neighbourhood Plan was released valuable community purpose. What is in June in front of a crowded hall of particularly upsetting for many is that 9LOODJHUV 7KH RI¿FLDO ODXQFK ZDV DW the money initially raised to build the the Shenley Village Fete on Sunday hall came from donations from within 1st July, it was great to see so many the local Shenley community. Upon people visit the stand and participate the recommendations of Hertsmere LQ WKH SURFHVV WR VHH DQG LQÀXHQFH Borough Council we are looking to what is planned for our Village for the work with the Catholic Church to see if 3 a resolution can be found. buff up the memorial plaques. More July saw our Summer outing for the recently they have tidied London Road seniors of the Village, where we went outside the School and cleared the to Windsor and partook of lunch and a footpath along Radlett Lane adjacent trip along The Thames. It was an early to Shenley Park. sell-out with over 100 people booked. In addition, we must also thank again Since this trip we have reviewed our to the Action for a Cleaner Shenley reservation policies to ensure that Group for keeping Shenley tidy; to residents have early booking priority. date they have completed 84 hours of A new zebra crossing opposite voluntary work and collected over 119 Novita has been suggested as has bags of waste! one at the bottom of Porters Park 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WUDI¿F WKURXJK WKH Drive at its junction with Edgbaston Village continues to grow - particularly Drive following an incident when a as drivers see Shenley as a cut- schoolboy was knocked over. We are through from the M25 to the A1. currently investigating both of these Over time we have seen not only the and will report back in due course. YROXPHRIWUDI¿FLQFUHDVHEXWDOVRDQ A huge vote of thanks must go to Guy LQFUHDVHLQWKHVSHHGRIWKHWUDI¿FDQG and Nicky Beaton and their committee it will therefore only be a matter of time of hard working volunteers who before there is a nasty accident. We organised this year’s fete in The Harris have investigated a number of ways Lane Fields. It was again an amazing to deal with these issues and whilst day and thanks to the tremendous ZH DUH H[SORULQJ WUDI¿F FDPHUDV DQG support from the Village they have chicanes etc. Please bear with us as raised £6,000 for local good causes. these do take time to implement. The fantastic summer we have just To help tackle the issues in the short had allowed the County Council to term we have subscribed to the Police catch up on the road repairs and owing “Community DriveSafe Scheme”. to successful lobbying at Borough and In conjunction with the Police we County level we have managed to get KDYH LGHQWL¿HG WKUHH ORFDWLRQV ZKHUH our fair share of budget and repairs speeding is a particular issue; Black carried out to areas of our roads that Lion Hill, Porters Park Drive and the were long overdue for repair. The road south end of London Road. We need down to Radlett seems to be less of a to recruit a number of volunteers to slalom now! make this happen. The volunteer team will be given speed display equipment Our Community Payback team and stand at the roadside monitoring continue to do fantastic work around passing vehicles. Speeding motorists the Village and you will have noticed will then be sent an advisory letter that they have brightened up the area from the Police and those who speed around the pond and tidied the area frequently will receive a visit from a in front of Novita (formerly known SROLFHRI¿FHU as The Black Lion). They have also given a fresh lick of varnish to The Please let me know if you would like Hub and are now working through volunteer to help as without you the the Village’s benches with sandpaper, scheme won’t get off the ground. paint, varnish and a tin of Brasso to We are now entering The Parish 4 Council’s busy season with many kids in Shenley was motivated to visit events planned between now and the WKH¿UHVWDWLRQDQGVSHDNZLWKWKH5HG end of the year. Watch team. As a result of this Red Our next event will be “Halloween Watch visited Shenley twice in August at the Cage” and this will be held ZLWK WKHLU ¿UH DSSOLDQFH DQG VSHQW on Wednesday 31th October and the afternoon and evening raising will give the children of the Parish DZDUHQHVV RI ¿UH VDIHW\
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