n i SV THE INTERNATIONAL WS. PSYCHIC GAZETTE Nm 2111 Vili UO HKBRUARV, 1032. Price Sixpence Net » 1 \ Mkvrouw de W ed A. E. Noe, Holland, k ( >ur C hit look T(>wcr. writes :—> 1 1 cannot malorstand a mentality like Bradley's ; a ft or taking Valiantino’s part, veering round and pulling HMAHUCVS ATTACK ON VA 1.1 AN TINIC. him down for his own dark plans ! Is he mad ? I only hope Valiantine will bo plucky enough not to let his IMI WlhlsriM Ah IN'II'.MI*SI IN OUR do reticle vs fight alono. When such a sum was given to " li \rosniM ;.M dolentl the halconer Brothers, there should be means to onahlo Valiantine to come to Europe, to vindicate his ì\ |¡h vii Ih'oii gìmttly Puoourflgfld during character before the world.” r III). | tri h I 11H >111 11 |iy ilio Illlni'Nl hi i own )>V Mr. R. H. Saunders, Author of " Healing ! i|in it iiiiliMh I In ohoimni i ho country IS our * Il through Spirit Agency," etc., writes :— * i il li loin oí I li lililí Mi m liny 'm ultortu to cilscrodlt " I consider the pamphlet is a sledge-hammer and rapier Viiliiiiil iim< iiml " hi i oí hi i Spii il iiiillhin“ combined, for not only does it smash Bradley’s whole At ilo i < 11111 h i ni ii ii'iulin^ SplritimlUt. wo ciino with deadly logic but the delicate irony and ridicule IojHIII!oil ilio i itili hill In |iiiiiiii|iIoI Ioidi tinder with which it envelops his most important points shows (lo lille ol I ut juntura oj I)oimih Bradley.” him up as a tactician of an unscrupulous kind. ' Abduhl lit loin Hie monili With hull1 wily til rough tlm I .atif 1 is aware of the pamphlet and thinks highly of it ! ” 111 h t edil Ion ol o 111 > i ii. 111 « I loploh will Mold out, A n Ii din burgh L a d y Spiritualist writes :— *1 i*d M mol million o| Hilothei 111 o 11 sí 111 d COJlJoR ” I uin glad Dennis Bradley has had a good ' set down,' lot ho has behaved disgracefully.” Wiih iitihimlintely juiutnd I IiÌm in tnin In nearly i h ha Uhl nd A Scottish S piritualist A uthor writes :— Vlil, ” Your pamphlet on H. Dennis Bradley’s attack on I hih tut i ih, whit h Im nearly twenty yoan Valiantine is an able and exhaustive refutation of the loth i 11 n 111111 >> 111 d | III tillin' ol mediums when charges made so recklessly against the honour of this uiijilklly liewllml, loth iilone itoinled mil in dotflil famous medium. ih•1 iieliy iiiti'i- and IMoí'li'hh imnutatlon» by ” l hope the pamphlet may have a wide circulation Í¡V» and he instrumental in deterring imitators of such unjust wllirh Mteiiliy Ut lei ii lilt'd Iti deMtroy VnlianlineM N l attacks. | L . i**| »III# I ton Im limo 'ly H ie|iiiliilion lit* him st*l I " You must have gone to a great deal of trouble in had vipmoiihly defended linluii' ||iw own intentai the compilation of this review, and you deserve the •Old no a id iillllmli mo MUiiiU'Illy and /untiringly thanks or all who have the best interests of Spiritualism (hanged and its good name at heart.” A P ractical Supporter of Spiritualism in L*'"1 » I lio i ol i Oh|toiole||rn we have imeived on the htihiei I jj im ilo ) pioni n| Hie wideNoread Interest Devonshire writes :— A '[ ” 1 admire your outspoken way of dealing with persons l ha I loot hooii awakened. I ho following are who ill-treat honest mediums.” eh 1i noth limn home ol Hie lattari» atldressed to A W igan Spiritualist writes :— « I | | « ! ” 1 think all readers of the Gazette must again thank you Mi I tu nis Iowan I Invi a wi ites ; for the manner in which you carry on your noble work, and I think ymi hft.yi put fat aieil a indilli. duty. tor wliloli light the battle of our honest workers and mediums when «il lull inlinh-d opinili • >Ioinl<I lriw (Inly urriuful. they are attacked. I think H. Dennis Bradley should WfòfÌljl bury his head in shame, after the way he has been helped, Mi in Mem Vai un 11 Nr, (lie direni voice to turn round and bite the hand that fed him. But it oodhon, whom lii imh MiniUay hold up In puhlie is nothing new for the followers of Catholicism to try to fa optao|umin as a hand ami a trickster ! remove others from the true way, when they have got V i no lililí w/lll punii« iiMoivml Vim i hi lainly all the good they can out of it for themselves.” '*•>*»», un M| NBMWÍM Monlloy Up I Vh liirml« nay you iin> malting A Spiritualist Society Secretary writes :— ii/i)i ' Ilo- hmyhhtg fftm It ni Ilio wmld ' I 11 " I received the pamphlets replying to H. Dennis ) i m f'/-ni i :Mn< i /nn nt lin/^ANn, President of I Iradley’s so-called ” Exposure ” of George Valiantine, and sold them all before our Sunday meeting started. M $ t U t A fé t H/* Italian dnjfMualtst Ammoi lalion, wiilt'si— I did not have enough to go round to those who wanted » Metili ilamio- Ini yum lumi i • >mir*oVolo 11«mw toni good them, so please send us more.” yOb/iM mi my 9ulh hi 11 luluy AInh entity thanks Ini llu* ¡Ucj jtfej jjjcj lan nfihhl mi ilo " 0 n|nmnn ni II MhiiiiIn Bradley,” •W MH Wb>«é* 1 nnhiil I Inni uln mly 1 mal with glori) lnloiohl LADY CONAN DOYLE’S CORRECTION. tM WS 1 0 0 I'kl'llth (hl^fiffPi Wltlt It I twelve {Letter to the Editor.) Ofi/tally ii>* lug Ik 111 r1 I» lini tu «« ni Mini' I' Mittalo Mutili Windlesham, Crowborough. I uhi Ifh tmlly *tiitN|ed III 11 iillalUg I hill Mi Moolloy January 26, 1932. Il0h inmU III* Halli I High I Mgiilant Vii 1 lit 111 ilio ani ill Ilio Drah Star Will you kindly allow me space to correct ì *•11 ii ut ni i t a) li Im < la - a il 1 1 fu Mirti f(y Mo l< hi 11 jail ( loin li I an nionemis impression which has been made in regard Am? / iilihyiyk Ilio Imi Mail Mi Monili v raiiiii Ins ailnnl <0 an interview with me bv the Daily Mail. |PfÌJf {¡j)0 juillkimiil iluiilnln IiiiMmI nl him by Vallnntiiie. They tang me up on January 14 and asked whether That It 1 /nil limi liniiti ’liliali nini ih 1 ply with I ho I mill" Iho decline in interest in Spiritualism, and the falling fnfa#M /if VH!lttaUaa,|i •«11011« ni 11 mm• 10 «no nil o| a demand tor literature on the subject, was due P P f I Im vi» */IMmi m Iniiy o < a ry ni Ila (iitnli, ' Alai lo my husband’s passing over, and to the fact that there Ahw fijif Miti )laliali /avh'ty / tin1 11 ihuhtii, loti now I was no leader to take his place. hid IJml I fiijj I t i 'Inly limimi In ílihl H Nolo ni Mio I assured the Doily Mail representative that, so far tii4 tèi luf BtÜhln " from the interest in Spiritualism declining, it was enor­ mously on the increase, largely due to my husband’s 0 *» ItlUHii I UHh'h, I Ià III i Nmway, Aollmi ot Untiring etiovts in talking face to face with the people of " v/t Am linf e/' wHtui i SO many count ties, and his continuous fighting in the W 111 hiMltly MiipiaiMii ynai • 11111 o I amtlynlM ni Mt I*tohm, ole , lor the Cause. ItlMihh1 Mi imÙw'ii imi ni tinnii I «hniihl 11 He Now, the Daily Mail did not report these remarks of jp ff,i. i'jffyi/ti ¡i a a 1ni niiiiiiiu salmi Mlior, mot Olii luso mine in that interview in their issue of the 15th. I pnaial fill II a y«*< 'UPi WÍI II IDV haul I hen tote wrote to the Editor, remonstrating that the pJ||[JI fati filili ia/hj^ tyfll’h Intel view had been very incorrectly reported I received an apology from them and they rang me up later in the Mi i aim f Ah/ h hi i p, I dii'»/ ni A/va/cm in day asking for a second interview, m which 1 reiterated ^Hl khlffllh WtliW lm (lie tart that public interest in Spiritualism is greater 1 rtì&tflfi lm Ilo i nt/i 11Hv Ih Hoiahes ,,lt' Ha pdiaplilsl tIran even I im i WMm afvan Mi HlMÌklV a seven» «•»MIM I« Hits interview was subsequently published in the me papi-/ Wmffik } Slip)fona la- i* lhma|jh with die Daily Mail u! J a n u a i v ¿0. - Yours faithfutlv. AfN /i-nKa/ Ini bvHi uii'l gioii' Ini 1 h l,n |ha hiM JKAN CO-N AN DOYLE 66 THE INTERNATIONAL PSYCHIC GAZETTE. F e b r u a r y , 1932. Florizel Von Reuter Gets “ The Voices.’* SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE AND FAMOUS MUSICIANS MANIFEST. J HEN Florizel von Reuter, the distinguished encourage other family circles to make similar experiment«. musician, was in London a year or two We fancy there are many cultured persons with good guides who would find they possess latent psychic gift« of ago, giving his violin recitals and lectures as remarkable a character if they were to sit regularly on his psychic experiences at the Grotrian and for their development.
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