(19) TZZ _____T (11) EP 2 511 117 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.: of the grant of the patent: B60J 7/02 (2006.01) B60J 10/00 (2016.01) 29.03.2017 Bulletin 2017/13 (21) Application number: 11162247.8 (22) Date of filing: 13.04.2011 (54) Sunroof arrangement including assembly method Schiebedachanordnung einschliesslich Montageverfahren Agencement d’un toit ouvrant y compris méthode d’assemblage (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventor: Dryselius, Joakim AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB 42167, Västra Frölunda (SE) GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (74) Representative: Volvo Car Corporation 405 31 Göteborg (SE) (43) Date of publication of application: 17.10.2012 Bulletin 2012/42 (56) References cited: EP-A1- 2 020 323 EP-A2- 2 042 361 (73) Proprietor: Volvo Car Corporation DE-A1- 19 732 700 DE-A1- 19 810 839 40 531 Göteborg (SE) DE-B3- 10 326 433 US-A1- 2010 038 933 Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 2 511 117 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 2 511 117 B1 2 Description tilt to vent and slide open above the roof, requiring little headroom or roof length. Spoilers typically do not provide FIELD OF THE INVENTION as large an opening as other roof systems, but offer the convenience of a self-storing panel. Most spoiler roofs [0001] The present invention relates to a sunroof struc- 5 are electric, with optional features like integrated sun ture for a vehicle comprising a front, a rear, a left and a shades and express open/close. Spoilers are ideal for right side. The structure further comprises a flange for short-roof vehicles where other types of sliders can’t be holding a bulb seal, the flange being arranged at least installed. partly on the front, the left and the right side. The present [0009] Inbuilt sunroof systems have a panel which invention also includes a method for assembling a sun- 10 slides between the metal roof and interior headliner, re- roof structure. quiring some loss of headroom but providing a full open- ing in the roof. All inbuilts slide inside the roof, while some BACKGROUND also include a rear venting feature, and/or express open/close functions. Inbuilts don’t fit every vehicle, as [0002] An automotive sunroof is a fixed or operable 15 the panel must slide and store completely within the ve- (venting or sliding) opening in an automobile roof which hicle roof. Historically, inbuilts were a metal sunroof panel allows light and/or fresh air to enter the passenger com- painted to match the vehicle roof, but now most are glass- partment. Sunroofs may be manually operated or motor panel systems with sliding sunshades (typically referred driven, and are available in many shapes, sizes and to as moonroofs). styles. 20 [0010] Folding sunroofs (oftencalled rag-tops or cabrio [0003] Sunroofs, by historical definition are opaque coach) are a European tradition. They offer the conven- and slide open to allow sunshine and fresh air into the ience of a sunroof, with an opening more like a convert- passenger compartment. Today, most factory sliding ible. The panel is made of fabric (often vinyl), which folds sunroof options feature a glass panel and are sometimes back as it slides open. After a long absence in European marketed as moonroofs. 25 and North American Markets, folding sunroofs have ex- [0004] Variations of both the sunroof and moonroof perienced resurgence with several new factory-installed have become the norm in both factory installed and af- options. Aftermarket versions were once only manual, termarket offerings, creating a wide range of features and but now are also available in powered versions. choices. [0011] Top-mount sliding sunroofs (rail mount top slid- [0005] Sunroof systems may be manual or electric mo- 30 er) have been a popular factory option in Europe for many tor driven. Manual sunroofs may be lever actuated, as in years. A large glass panel slides open in tracks on top venting type pop-ups, manual lever or crank operated for of the roof, with no loss of headroom. Most feature an sliding systems. Electric roof systems are usually cable integral wind deflector to eliminate wind noise. driven by a motor and feature some form of sliding open- [0012] Panoramic roof systems are a new type of large ing. Most moonroof systems today are electric and have 35 or multi-panel moonroof which offer openings above both either a combination pop-up/inbuilt or a pop-up/spoiler the front and rear seats and may be operable or fixed configuration. glass panels. Large operable openings are often accom- [0006] Roof systems may be original equipment, fac- plished with top-slider (tracks in the top of the roof) or tory installed options (provided by the car company), or spoiler type mechanisms. installed aftermarket by a roof installation professional 40 [0013] Removable roof panels (T-tops or targa roofs) for the car dealer or retail customer. Once the vehicle open a vehicle roof to the side windows, providing a wider leaves the assembly line, the factory option can no longer opening than other roof systems. T-roofs have two re- be integrated into the roof, making aftermarket the only movable panels and leave a T-shaped structural brace option. in the roof centre. Targa roofs include only one (opaque [0007] Roofsystems are available in many shapes,siz- 45 or transparent) panel and leave no cross brace. After- es and styles, and are known by many names. The gen- market kits are no longer made, but several companies erally accepted sunroof/moonroof industry terms are as sell replacement and remanufactured panels, parts and follows: accessories [0014] Motorized power roof systems may be operated Pop-up sunroofs are simply a manually-operated tilt- 50 bya simple push-and-hold switch,or may include an elec- ing panel. These panels are usually removable, and tronic control module (ECM) to provide single-touch ex- like T-roofs, must be stored when removed. The tilt- press opening, express closing and/or auto-closing on ing action provides a vent in the roof, or a full opening ignition off. when the panel is removed. Pop-ups can be installed [0015] Solar sunroofs actually are made of glass, in most vehicles, and are relatively inexpensive. 55 which unlike the proper moonroof terminology standards have an inlaid photovoltaic solar insert, or solar panel, [0008] Spoiler sunroofs (tilt-&-slides) combine the fea- making the glass totally opaque (thus allowing the proper tures of a pop-up with those of a sliding roof system. They term ’sunroof’). While they operate identically to conven- 2 3 EP 2 511 117 B1 4 tional factory-fitted glass moonroofs (tilting and retract- vided a sunroof structure for a vehicle comprising a front, ing), the solar panel provides electricity to power the in- a rear, a left and a right side, the structure further com- terior ventilation fans, for cooling the car interior on hot prising a flange for holding a bulb seal, the flange being days when the car is standing outdoors in the sunlight. arranged at least partly on the front, the left and the right [0016] The present invention concerns factory in-5 side. Further, the structure comprises a second flange stalled sunroofs of the kind where a sealing is present. arranged at least partly on two of the sides of the structure Generally, prior art sunroof assemblies include a weather for holding the bulb seal when the sunroof is being mount- strip as a sealing member for sealing a clearance be- ed. Thus, with the present invention one part replaces, tween the panel or panels and the roof opening portion according to one prior art arrangement, five parts. The in order to prevent the invasion of water or reduce noise 10 one part being a combined acoustic/inner blind bulb seal, in a vehicle compartment. temporarily fixed to the sunroof structure in a "parking" [0017] For some presently used solutions the sealing position on said second flange during transport. One of consists of several parts. In one example there are 5 the purposes of the present invention is to have these different parts; a front acoustic bulb seal, front side covers parking position flanges adjacent to where the adjust- as well as rear side covers. The front acoustic bulb seal 15 ment screws/devices are located, i.e. when the bulb is is attached to the main delivery sunroof unit, while the parked the adjustment screws/devices are accessible. front and rear side covers are separate delivery units. [0023] Further advantages are reduction in number of Dueto thefully automatic processwith the needof access parts which leads to cost savings, man hour savings at to adjustment screws, the front and rear side covers production line as well as improved ergonomics for blue needsto be assembled manually afterthe mainassembly 20 collars. adjustment process. The parts needs to be picked up [0024] Accordingto oneaspect of thepresent invention from different boxes along the assembly line, brought the flanges are extruded aluminium tracks.
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