C I T Y O F W A N N E R O O MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN COUNCIL CHAMBER ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, BOAS AVENUE, JOONDALUP, ON WEDNESDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER 1994 ATTENDANCES AND APOLOGIES Councillors: H M WATERS, JP, Mayor North Ward F D FREAME, Deputy Mayor South-West Ward L O'GRADY North Ward A V DAMMERS Central Ward B A COOPER Central Ward L A EWEN-CHAPPELL Central Ward S P MAGYAR Central Ward M J GILMORE South Ward B J MOLONEY South Ward K H WOOD South Ward I D MACLEAN South Ward A B HALL South Ward G A MAJOR, South-West Ward G W CURTIS South-West Ward M E LYNN, JP South-West Ward Acting Town Clerk: R T McNALLY City Planner: O G DRESCHER Acting City Treasurer: T ORD City Building Surveyor: R G FISCHER Deputy Building Surveyor: L CANDIDO City Environmental Health Manager: G FLORANCE City Parks Manager: F GRIFFIN City Recreation and Cultural Services Manager: R BANHAM Security Administrator: T M TREWIN Manager Welfare Services: P STUART City Librarian N CLIFFORD Executive Assistant P HIGGS Publicity Officer W CURRALL Committee Clerk: J CARROLL Minute Clerk: V GOFF In Attendance Mr Bob Dymock - Deputy Town Clerk (Elect) There were 34 members of the Public and 1 member of the Press in attendance. The Mayor declared the meeting open at 7.30 pm. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES I90901 MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING, 24 AUGUST 1994 Corrections 1 Item I90852, Point 1 be amended to read: "1 approves the use of Whitford West Park by Whitford Shopping Centre Management as a temporary car parking facility from 3 October to 15 October 1994, subject to: (a) parking be provided for a total of 340 staff cars from Monday 3 October 1994 through to Saturday 15 October 1994; (b) a fee of $1,000.00 be levied by Council's Recreation Department in lieu of bond requirement; (c) all security to be the responsibility of the Centre Management; (d) all entries and exits via Dampier Avenue." 2 Cr Lynn advised that Page 67 omitted to record her return to the Chamber and requires the Minutes to be amended as follows: (a) Page 1, Attendances and Apologies: following "M E LYNN, JP", deletes "to 9.25 pm"; (b) Page 67, following Public Question Time, includes "Cr Lynn entered the Chamber at this point, the time being 9.30 pm"; (c) Page 69, "Close of Business" includes "LYNN" on list of Councillors present at that time. MOVED Cr Curtis, SECONDED Cr Dammers that the Minutes of Council Meeting held on 24 August 1994, amended as above, be confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED QUESTIONS OF WHICH DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN, WITHOUT DISCUSSION Nil QUESTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS NOT BEEN GIVEN, WITHOUT DISCUSSION Nil ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR, WITHOUT DISCUSSION WHITFORDS LEO'S CLUB Councillor Lynn deputised for me last month at the official formation night of the Leo's Club of Whitford. I believe this was the fourth such Club to be formed in WA. A Leo Club does much the same work as a Lions Club. The only difference being that Leo Club members are aged between 14 and 28. I would like to add my congratulations to Councillor Lynn's, and wish the Leo Club in Whitford all the best for the future. VISIT - INTERSTATE AND OVERSEAS EXCHANGE TEACHERS Last month Council hosted a visit by a group of interstate and overseas exchange teachers. This was a first for Council, as we've certainly hosted a number of functions for exchange students over the years, but never for the teachers. It was a great opportunity to meet teachers from different countries and to also show off the City of Wanneroo. RED CROSS SOCIETY RALLY Earlier this month, I was invited to open the Wanneroo Regional Rally for the Red Cross Society. The get together gave all local members of the Australian Red Cross Society the opportunity to have an informal chat and make plans for the next 12 months. We are fortunate that here in the City of Wanneroo there are so many people prepared to give up their time to help people less fortunate than themselves. LITTLE FEET FESTIVAL I had the pleasure of officially opening the Little Feet Festival earlier this month. This is the third time that the festival has been held and judging by the response by families in the area, the festival was a resounding success. AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF BUILDING SURVEYORS CONFERENCE Council hosted a lunch and tour of the local district for Conference delegates to the Australian Institute of Building Surveyors 7th National Conference on Sunday, 4 September 1994. The Conference delegates enjoyed seeing the sights of the area, particularly the formation of the Joondalup City Centre. ROYAL WESTERN AUSTRALIAN HISTORICAL AFFILIATED SOCIETIES CONFERENCE Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of officially opening the 1994 Annual Conference of the Royal Western Australian Historical Affiliated Societies Conference. It was the first time that an Historical Society Conference had been held in the City of Wanneroo. Former Wanneroo Mayor and President of the Wanneroo Historical Society, Bill Marwick, have an interesting address entitled "Wanneroo: Then and Now" and our City Planner, Oscar Drescher, gave an interesting talk on the formation of the Joondalup City Centre. WA YUGOSLAV BOWLING CLUB This morning I had the honour of bowling the first ball at Warwick Bowling Club Opening Day for the WA Yugoslav Bowling Club. It was an enthusiastic opening, with many members in attendance. INQUIRY INTO SALE OF LAND - GRIFFITHS ROAD I was advised last night by the Minister for Local Government that the results of the Inquiry into the sale of land, Lots 12 and 13 Griffiths Road would be released today. A copy will be sent to all Councillors and the matter discussed at the Policy and Special Purposes Committee Meeting scheduled for 21 September 1994. PETITIONS, MEMORIALS AND DEPUTATIONS I90902 PETITION SEEKING EXPANSION OF RANGE OF CONVENIENCE FOODS SOLD BY MARKET GARDEN SALES OUTLETS - [30/611, 30/165, 30/626, 30/2363] Cr MacLean presented a 5-signature petition requesting Council to consider expanding the range of convenience goods permitted to be sold by holders of Market Garden Sales Permits. He requested that this matter be considered in conjunction with Item I20913. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the petition requesting Council to consider expanding the range of convenience goods permitted to be sold by holders of Market Garden Sales Permits be received and considered in conjunction with Item I20913. CARRIED I90903 LETTERS OPPOSING PROPOSED DENTAL SURGERY - CNR GLENMERE ROAD AND DUGDALE STREET, WARWICK (LOT 229) - [30/3498] Cr Hall tabled two letters from residents opposing the proposal for a paramedical surgery on corner Glenmere Road and Dugdale Street, Warwick. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the correspondence opposing the proposed dental surgery on the corner of Glenmere Road and Dugdale Street, Warwick be received and referred to Town Planning Department for a report to Council. CARRIED I90904 PETITION EXPRESSING CONCERN AT TRAFFIC PROBLEMS JUNCTION MONTCLAIR AVENUE AND WESTHAVEN DRIVE, WOODVALE - [510-2169, 510-2172] Cr Hall tabled a 12-signature petition from residents requesting Council to address traffic problems at the T-junction of Montclair Avenue and Westhaven Drive, Woodvale. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the petition concerning traffic problems at the T-junction of Montclair Avenue and Westhaven Drive, Woodvale be received and referred to Engineering Department for a report to Council. CARRIED I90905 LETTERS OPPOSING GROUPED DWELLINGS ON LOT 40 WEST COAST DRIVE, MARMION - [40/2648] Cr Major tabled three letters opposing the rezoning of Lot 40 West Coast Drive, Marmion to grouped dwellings. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the letters opposing grouped dwellings on Lot 40 West Coast Drive, Marmion be received and referred to Town Planning Department for a report to Council. CARRIED I90906 PETITION EXPRESSING CONCERNING AT PARKING - EDGEWATER RAILWAY STATION - [727-9-2] A 35-signature petition has been received from local residents expressing concern at the parking of motor vehicles by commuters using Edgewater Railway Station. The petitioners are concerned that use is not being made of the current car parking provisions and request No Parking Signs be placed in Conidae Drive adjacent to the Freeway/Railway Reserve. This report will be referred to Engineering Department for a report to Council. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the petition from local residents expressing concern at the parking of motor vehicles by commuters using Edgewater Railway Station be received and referred to Engineering Department for a report to Council. CARRIED I90907 PETITION OBJECTING TO PROPOSED AMBULANCE STATION AT EDDINGTON ROAD, WARWICK - [30/4829] A 47-signature petition has been received objecting to the proposed ambulance station at Eddington Road, Warwick. The petitioners object on the grounds that this proposal will create serious traffic safety problems in a residential area. This petition will be referred to Town Planning Department for a report to Council. MOVED Cr Wood, SECONDED Cr Lynn that the petition objecting to the proposed ambulance station at Eddington Road, Warwick be received and referred to Town Planning Department for a report to Council. CARRIED LAUNCH OF CLEANAWAY PROGRAMME Cr Curtis advised that on Friday 9 September he deputised for the Mayor at the launch of the Cleanaway School Information Programme at the Bayswater Recycling and Sorting Plant. He reported that he had a tour of the operation and recommended that interested persons view the premises. I90908 PETITION OPPOSING PROPOSED DENTAL SURGERY - CNR GLENMERE ROAD AND DUGDALE STREET, WARWICK (LOT 229)- [30/3498] A 69-signature petition has been received opposing the application for proposed dental surgery on the corner of Glenmere Road and Dugdale Street, Warwick.
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