BULLETIN 182 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN PALEONTOLOGY (eleven papers) B. S. Norford, D. E. Jaclcson and A. C. Lenz, D. H. Collins, W. T. Dean, D. C. McGregor, E. W. Bomber, W. W. Nassichuk, Charles A. Ross, R. T. D. Wiclcenden, L. V. Hills and Sandra Wallace Ottawa, Canada Price, $ 6.00 1969 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN PALEONTOLOGY J ,450-1968-573 I -6 Technical Editors, B. S. NORFORD AND E. J . W. IRISH Editor MARGUERITE RAFUSE Text printed on No. I enamel Set in Times Roman with 20th Century captions by CANADIAN GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU Artwork by CARTOGRAPHIC UNlT, GSC Collotype by COTSWOLD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA BULLETIN 182 CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN PALEONTOLOGY (eleven papers) By B. S. Norford, D. E Jackson and A. C. Lenz, D. H. Collins, W. T. Dean, D. C. McGregor, E. W. Bamber, W. W. Nassichuk, Charles A. Ross, R. T. D. Wickenden, L. V. Hills and Sandra Wallace DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES. CANADA © Crown Copyrights reserved Available by mail from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa, from Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, and at the following Canadian Government bookshops : HALIFAX 1735 Barrington Street MONTREAL tEterna-Vie Building, 11 82 St. Catherine Street West OTTAWA Daly Building, corner Mackenzie and Rideau TORONTO 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG Mall Centcr Building, 499 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER 657 Granville Street or through your bookseller A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Price $6.00 Catalogue No. M42-182 Price subject to change without notice The Queen's Printer Ottawa, Canada 1969 PREFACE From time to time it has been appropriate to issue several short papers on related paleontological topics in a single Bulletin under the general title of Contri­ butions to Canadian Paleontology. The papers that form this Bulletin describe differ­ ent groups of fossils that are important to correlation in the sedimentary basins of northern and western Canada, and consequently of relevance to petroleum explora­ tion which is so dependent on accurate stratigraphic interpretation. Y. 0. FORTIER, Director, Geological Survey of Canada OTTAWA, May 15, 1968 BIOITJIETEHb 182 - MATEPHAITbl ITO ITA­ ITEOHTOITOfllll KAHA.IJ:bl PaHHeKaHa.IJ:CKne ( TpeMa.IJ:OKCKHe) TpHno6HThi Clelandia u Jujuyaspis H3 Ki)KHOH YaCTH KaHa.rr.­ CKHX CKaJIHCThiX rop B. C. Hop<J:>op.n: Ha116onee n03JJ:HHe CHnypcKHe rpanTOJIHThi H3 p. IlopKbionailH TeppHTOpHH lOKoH ;:I:. 3. A)K3KCOH HA. K. ITem.{ .IJ:esoHCKHe HaynwoHJJ:hi H3 cesepHoH qacTH KaHa.IJ:hi ,n:. r. KOJIJIHHC MecToHaXO)KJJ:eHHe TpHno6HTa D e c h e n e ll a (Dechenella) B cpe.n:He.n:esoHCKOH OBHThi ITaH­ )J.pH (3ana.IJ:HbiH pailoH MaKeH3H) B.T . .IJ:HH UesoHCKHe oKaMeHenocTH paCTeHHH p o .n: o B Kryshtofovichia, Nikitinsporites H Archaeoperi­ saccus ,n:. K. M3Kfperop flepeonHCaHHe THTIHYHhiX o6pa3QOB BepxHe­ MHCCHCHTICKOfO Kopanna Ekvaso phyllum casca­ dense (Warren ) H3 Anh6epThi 3. Y. Ba:vt6ep IlepMCKHe aMMOHOHJJ:hi H3 CBHThi B e n n o il cesepo-socTOYI-IOti YaCTH BpHTaHcKoil KonyM- 6HH B . B. HaccHYYK il03)J,HeneHCH:Ibl3aHCKHH aMMOHOH,II, C OCTpOBa 3nhCMHpa (KaHa.IJ:CKHH ApKTHYeCKHH apxHne­ nar) B . B. HaccHYYK BepxHenaneo30HCKHe <J:>Y3YJIHHHJJ:hi Eowaerin­ gella H Wedekindellina H3 TeppHTOpHH lOKOH H rHraHTCKa51 Parafusulina H3 BpHTaHCKOH Ko­ nyM6HH q_ A. Pocc He.n:e<J:>opMHpoBaHHhiH o6pa3eQ HmKHeMe:wsoil <J:>opaMHHo<J:>ephr Haplophragmoides gigas Cush H3 AJib6epThi P. T. Y HI(3HJJ:eH Paraalnipollenites, HOBhiH <J:>opMaJihHhiH po.n: H3 nopo.n: HaH6onee n03JJ:He -MeJIOBhiX H naneoQe­ HOBhiX OTJIO)KeHHH I<aHa)J,CKOH ApKTHKH H CCCP n. B. XHJIJIC H CaH.n:pa YoJIJiac BULLETIN 182 - Beitdige zur kanadischei1 Pa­ liiontologie Die friihkanadischim ( der Tremadoc-Stufe zuge­ horigen) Trilobiten Clelandia und Jujuyaspis aus den siidlichen Rocky Mountains in Kanada V on B. S. N orford Die neuesten silurischen Graptolithen vom Por­ cupine River (Yukon-Territorium) Von D. E. Jackson und A. C. Lenz Devonische Nautiloideen aus dem nordlichen Kanada V on D. H. Collins Ein Vorkommen des Trilobiten Dechenella (De­ chenella) in der mitteldevonischen Landry-For­ ma tion, westlich er Mackenzie-Distrikt Von W. T. Dean Devonische Pflanzenfossilien der Gat tun g en Kryshtofovichia, Nikitinsporites und Archaeope­ risaccus V on D. C. McGregor Erneute Beschreibung der Typnsexemplare der obermississippianen Koralle Ekvasophyllum cas­ cadense (Warren ) aus Alberta Von E. W. Bamber Permische Ammonoideen aus der Belloy-Forma­ tion im nordostlichen Britisch-Kolumbien Von W. W. Nassichuk Ein Ammonoid aus dem Spat- Pennsylyanian von Ellesmere-Land im kanadischen Arktischen Archipel Von W. W. Nassichuk Die oberpaliiozoischen Fusulinaceen Eowaerin­ gella und Wedekindellina aus dem Yukon-Terri­ torium un(1 eine Riesen-Parafusulina aus Britisch­ Kolumbien V on Charles A. Ross Ein undeformiertes Exemplar der Foraminifere Haplophragmoides gigas Cushman der Unter­ kreide aus Alberta Von R. T. D. Wickenden Paraalnipollenites, eine neue Formgattung aus den obersten Kreide- und Paleoziingesteinen der kanadischen Arldis und Russlands V on L. V. Hills und Sandra W allace CONTENTS PAGE THE EARLY CANADIAN (TREMADOCIAN ) TRILOBITES C/e[andia AND Jujuyaspis FROM THE SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS OF CANADA by B. S. Norford 1 Plates 1 and 2 . ....... .... .... ... .... ............ .... ......56-59 LATEST SILURIAN GRAPTOLITES FROM PORCUPINE RIVER, YUKON TERRITORY by D. E. Jackson and A. C. Lenz 17 Plates 3 to 5 . .. .. ..... 60-65 Figure 2 20 DEVONIAN NAUTILOIDS FROM NORTHERN CANADA by D. H . Collins ............. 31 Plates 6 to 10 . ... .. .. ...... .. .. ... ... 66-75 Figures 3 to 9 .35-47 AN OCCURRENCE OF THE TRILOBITE Dechenella (Dechenella) IN THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN LANDRY FORMATION, WESTERN DISTRICT OF MACKENZIE by W. T. Dean . ....... ... ......... ......... .... ... .... 51 Plate 10 .. .......... ..... ... .. 74 DEVONIAN PLANT FOSSILS OF THE GE N ERA Kryshtofovichia, Nikitinsporites, AND Archaeoperisaccus by D. C. McGregor . 91 Plates 11 and 12 . ....... 7 6-79 Figure 10 . 93 REDESCRIPTION OF TYPE SPECIMENS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPIAN CORAL Ekvasophyllum cascadense (WARREN) FROM ALBERTA by E. W. Bamber . 107 Plate 13 . 80 PERMIAN AMMONOIDS FROM THE BELLOY FORMATION, NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA by W. W. Nassichuk . 113 Plate 13 . 80 Figures 11 to 14 . .116-121 A LATE PENNSYLVANIAN AMMONOID FROM ELLESMERE ISLAND, CANADIAN ARCTIC ARCHIPELAGO by W . W. Nassichuk . 123 Figure 15 .... .. 125 UPPER PALEOZOIC FUSULINACEA: Eowaeringella AND Wedekindellina FROM YUKON TERRITORY AND GIANT Parafusulina FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA by Charles A. Ross . .............. .. ... ....... ... ... ...... ... ... ..... ... 129 Plates 14 to 16 . ...... ...... ....... ..... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ...... ..... ..... .. ... ..... ...... ......... ...... ... 82-87 AN UNDEFORMED SPECIMEN OF THE LOWER CRETACEOUS FORAMINIFER Haplophragmoides gigas CusHMAN, FROM ALBERTA by R. T. D. Wickenden .. 135 Figure 16 . .......... .... ...... .... ................. .. ............. ..... .... ... ... ....... .. 136 Paraalnipollenites, A NEW FORM GENUS FROM UPPERMOST CRETACEOUS AND PALEOCENE ROCKS OF ARCTIC CANADA AND RussiA by L. V. Hills and Sandra Wallace 139 Plate 17 88 FIGURE 1. Locality map for all papers . .... .... ... ... ... .... ... .. .... Facing p. 1 1 GSC loc. 80159, Hare Fiord fm., Ellesmere Island (Nassichuk, 2nd paper). GSC loc. 57730, Eids Fm., Ellesmere Island (Collins). GSC plant lac. 4713, Okse Bay Fm., Ellesmere Island (McGregor). 4 GSC plant lac. 7277, Eureka Sound Fm., Bathurst Island (Hills and W olloce). 5 Strati graphic section, Reindeer fm., Caribou Hill s (Hills and Wollacel. 6 GSC lac. 53220, unnamed Pennsylvanian rocks (Rossl. 7 GSC lees. 53241 ~ 53252, Rood Ri ver Fm., lowe r Po rc upine River (Jockson and lenz). GSC plant lac. 7831, Imp e rial fm., Smith Creek (McGregor). 9 GSC Ices. 53089- 53094, Prongs Creek Fm., Royal Creek Section (Collins). 50" 1 10 GSC lac. 47209, "lower limestone Unit", larsen mop· oreo (Ross), 11 GSC lees. 69044 and 75773, landry fm., Sekwi map·oreo {Collins; ·oean). 12 GSC lac, 51078, unnamed Permion lim estones, McOome mop-area {Ross). 13 Imperial Sikanni Chief Number 1 Well (Nassichuk, lst paper). 4 0o 1 14 ~~~7 r~~ic~:~~ne~~mber 1 1 15 localities in Survey Peak Fm., southwest Alberta and adjacent S I 1A I E S British Columbia (Norford). 16 Rundle- Cascode Range, Banff (Bomber). 100" FIGURE 1. locality map. THE EARLY CANADIAN (TREMADOCIAN) TRILOBITES CLELANDIA AND JUJUY ASPIS FROM THE SOUTHERN ROCKY MOUNTAINS OF CANADA by B. S. Norford Abstract Five species are described from the lower part of the Survey Peak Formation of southwest Alberta and adjacent British Columbia. Clelandia texana Winston and Nicholls, C. albertensis new species, and Jujuyaspis borealis Kobayashi are from the Symphysurina-Euloma Zone (Zone A); Clelandia utahensis Ross and the new species C. wilsoni are from the Bellefontia-Xenostegium Zone (Zone B). These two zones are the basal zones of the Canadian in western North America. They are of Tremadocian age, and are either Lower Ordovician or Upper Cam­ brian, depending upon whether the Tremadoc Series is included in the Ordovician or in the Cambrian.The bases of these zones are defined by the first appearances of Symphysurina and Bellefontia. Clelandia and Jujuyaspis seem to be restricted to rocks of Tremadocian age. The type species of Clelandia is redescribed. Resume Description de cinq especes prelevees dans la partie inferieure de la forma­ tion Survey Peak situee dans le sud-ouest de !'Alberta et a proximite de la
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