Governor Scranton to be Principal Speaker at 208th Commencement William W. Scranton, Governor of Pennsylvania and ex-officio Trustee of the University, will deliver the prin- cipal address at the University's 208th Commencement Dr. Gerbner Becomes May 18, at 10:15 A.M. in the Municipal Auditorium, George Convention Hall. School's New Dean The U. S. Navy Band of the Third Naval District will Annenberg provide music for the occasion. The Annenberg School of Communications, after nearly On Sunday, May 17, Dr. Marvin Wachman, president a year of searching, named a new Dean this month. of Lincoln University, will deliver the Baccalaureate Ad- He is Dr. George Gerbner, associate professor at the dress. He will speak during the annual Baccalaureate Institute of Communications Research of the University of Service at 4 P.M. in Irvine Auditorium. Rev. Stanley E. Illinois. Dr. Gerbner will assume his duties July 1, suc- Johnson, Chaplain of the University, will direct the pro- ceeding Dean Gilbert Seldes, who retired as the school's gram, assisted by the men's and women's Senior Class head in the summer of 1963. In the interim Dr. Robert officers. E. Spiller, Felix E. Schelling Professor of English Litera- The Baccalaureate Service will include selections by the ture, has served as Dean. Baccalaureate Chorus under the direction of Bruce E. Acting Montgomery, Director of Musical Activities. A musical A native of Budapest, Hungary, who came to this coun- prelude, with Christopher McCutcheon at the console of try in 1939, Dr. Gerbner took his bachelor's degree in the Cyrus H. K. Curtis Organ, will be presented at 3:30 Journalism at the University of California at Berkeley in P.M. in the auditorium. 1942, and his master's and doctorate at the University of Following the Baccalaureate Service, the Senior Class Southern California in 1951 and 1955, respectively. He and parents will be guests at the annual Senior Collation at has been at the University of Illinois since 1956. 5 P.M. on College Hall lawn. At the time The Almanac went to the list of Under a Cooperative Research Grant from the U. S. press, per- Office of Education, he has recently completed work as sons to receive honorary degrees at the Commencement director on a of "Mass Communications and exercises had not been completed. It will be published in project study the issue. Popular Conceptions of Education." In it he and his as- May sociates studied the portrayal, and factors influencing the portrayal, of teachers and schools in the mass media of the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Van Pelt Library Receives Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the U.S.S.R. First AlA Honors for Dr. Gerbner is presently project director of a "Com- Design of Films and the Film Hero" under a Na- The University's new Charles Patterson Van Pelt Li- parative Study was out this month for honors in the tional Science Foundation Grant. The project, to be brary singled top in 1965, is an of the fictional second annual Library Buildings Award Program spon- completed analysis person- sored the American Institute of Architects, the ality structure of leading characters in American, French, jointly by Italian, Indian, Czechoslovak and Polish film American Library Association, and the National Book Yugoslav, Committee. production. A First Honor Award Citation was presented to Presi- Earlier, the new Dean was in charge of research on the dent Harnwell by J. Roy Carroll, Jr., national president of portrayal of mental illness in the mass media, as part of a the AlA, at ceremonies in the library building on Thurs- larger project devoted to study of popular conceptions of day afternoon, April 16. Carroll, a partner in the Philadel- mental illness, under a grant from the National Institute phia architectural firm of Carroll, Grisdale and Van Alen, of Mental Health. (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) THE ALMANAC 2 English Dept. Sponsors Spruce Hill Sponsors Tour Members of the faculty and administrative staff have First Poetry Workshop been invited to take part in an Open House Tour spon- The University's first Poetry Workshop, a pioneer proj- sored by the Spruce Hill Community Association on Sun- ect of the English Department, was launched this month day, May 10. Approximately 14 places of interest in in the Dreiser Room of the Furness Library. University City, all within comfortable walking distance, Under the direction of Miss Jean Garrigue, noted poet will be open for the occasion. and recently one of the judges for the National Book The tour, part of the association's continuing effort to Award in poetry, the Workshop began its session April 2, promote Spruce Hill as a residential district of University and will continue for the balance of this semester. City, will begin at 2 P.M. sharp at the Divinity School, Dr. Allan G. Chester, Chairman of the English Depart- 42d and Spruce sts., where free, patrolled parking is to be ment, said in announcing the project that "the establish- provided during tour hours. ment of a poetry workshop on our campus marks a sig- Tickets are and include all admissions to $1.50 per person nificant step in the Department's continuing program as well as refreshments. They are available from the stimulate imaginative writing among our students. We are House Tour Committee, 4423 EV 6-3122, or who Osage ave., fortunate in obtaining the services of Miss Garrigue, may be purchased on the day of the tour. in addition to being a widely published poet of distinction, has had considerable experience as a teacher." LIBRARY AWARD (Continued from Page 1) Miss Garrigue, who is working with a group of about 14 students, is the author of five volumes of poetry, and has is a Pennsylvania alumnus and chairman of the Board of held many awards and grants, including those from the Fine Arts. Rockefeller Foundation, the National Institute of Arts and Associate Trustees of the University and members of the Letters, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Board of Libraries and of the Board of Fine Arts witnessed She is the fifth visiting author to come to the Pennsyl- the in the J. Rosenwald Exhibition under presentation Lessing vania campus during the current academic year De- Hall, on the sixth floor of the library. The three groups had partment of English auspices. Others have been the novelist held separate meetings earlier in the day. and poet May Sarton, whose visit preceded Miss Garrigue's of the arrival a few Roth, Elizabeth The ceremonies were among the highlights city's by days; Philip Janeway, observation of National Week, held April 12-18. Denis Donoghue, and Archibald MacLeish, the latter in Library residence for a month. Dr. Kenneth M. Setton, University Professor of History and Director of Libraries, welcomed the guests and intro- duced Dr. Emerson Greenaway, director of the Free Li- Dr. Mitchell Heads University's brary of Philadelphia and a member of the National Book Committee executive board, and Donald Hunt, library New Human Resources Program career consultant at Drexel Institute of Technology and The University has launched a major new Human Re- executive director of National Library Week in Pennsyl- sources Program designed to assure equal opportunity in vania, who spoke briefly. education, human and industrial relations on its campus, A reception in the Rare Book Room followed the and has named Dr. Howard E. Mitchell as its head, presentation. President Harnwell announced this month. Harbeson, Hough, Livingston & Larson, the Philadelphia A psychologist who has been on leave from the Univer- architectural firm which designed the library, will receive sity, Dr. Mitchell returned to his duties here on April 1 a similar award at the 1964 AlA convention in St. Louis, with the new rank of Assistant Professor in the Graduate June 14-18. School of Education. During his absence he had served as The other winner of a First Honor Award in the college associate director for research and training of the Philadel- and was the Beinecke Rare Council for university library competition phia Community Advancement. Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. In his new capacity, Dr. Mitchell will coordinate student, and In citing the Van Pelt Library for first honors, the faculty administration concerns regarding equal op- awards termed it "an solution of the portunity in the areas of education, human and industrial jury ingenious prob- relations at lem of creating a large university library in scale with the the University. He plans shortly to convene a other academic series of meetings with representatives of various faculty buildings. and student "The library houses, in horizontal layers, three quite groups to assist in the development of the different units which in one structure: program. belong functionally Dr. the central reference and circulation services, and pro- Mitchell's work in this area will be carried on in vision for at the level of the collaboration with the University's Albert M. Greenfield undergraduates, beginning Center for Human Relations. entrances; next above, the research collections and the accommodations for advanced students and and, Before going on leave in February, 1963, he was Direc- faculty; tor of in under the roof, the special collections requiring a variety Research the Division of Family Study, Depart- of ment of Psychiatry, School of Medicine. ceiling heights. "The facade clearly expresses the functions within, fit- them a Law ting into unified whole," the jury concluded. Space Collection at Law Library Since its opening in June, 1962, the Van Pelt Library The Biddle Law Library of the University Law School has accommodated up to 5,000 students a day, compared has received from Mr.
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