134 LONG MARSTON. HERTFORDSHIRE. [KELLY'S Oakley Noah, farmer &; cattle dealer, Rodwell Jesse, farmer, Church farm Wells Charles, station master Whittle farm Southernwood Thomas, farmer Woodward Ann (Mrs.), White Ran Reed Jsph. Arth. baker, Post office Williamso'n: William, farmer, Boors- P.R. & farmer Roberts William, beer retailer croft farm MEESDEN is a parish on the Essex border of the county, The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £ns. 6! miles north-east from Buntingford terminal station net yearly value £179, including JOo acres of glebe. on the Great Eastern railway and 9! miles south-east with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late from Royston, in the Northern division of the county, Rev. Charles Maxwell, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Edwinstree hundred, Albury petty sessional division, Henry George Maxwell M.A. of St. John's College, Buntingford union, Royston county court district, and Oxford. A sum of £2 annually, bequeathed in 1687 by­ in the rural deanery of Buntingford and archdeaconry Edward Young D.D. dean of Exeter, is given in: bread. and diocese of St. .Albans. The population is at Meesden Baron Dimsdale M.A., D.L., J.P. of Essendon Place. Green, from which the church is half a mile east. The who is lord of the manor, and the Marquess of Salisbury church of St. Mary is a very small and ancient building K.G., P.C. are the principal landowners. The s~ i~ of flint, erected probably in the 13th century, consisting heavy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, of chancel, nave, south porch of red brick, and a beans and peas. The area is 1,008 acres; rateable value" western turret containing 2 bells, dated 1877: the pave- £9°3; the poulation in 1891 was 178. ment of the sacrarium, composed of vitrified tiles of Parish Clerk, Thomas Flack. various colours, appears to be of great antiquity and is Letters through Buntingford R.S.a. arrive at 9 a.m. &; the most interesting feature in the church: in the 6 p.m. Pillar Letter Box at Meesden Green cleared at chancel is a monument to Robert Young, gent. ob. 4.50 p.m. llarkway & Hare Street, Great Hormead,. 1626: the church was entirely restored in 1877, the are the nearest money order offices. The nearest tele- chancel at the expense of the Rev. F. Rudge M.A. a graph office is at Barkway former rector and the nave by W. Rolfe esq. at a total Church School (mixed), built about 1874, for 40 chil-· cost of £1,5°0: there are 190 sittings. The register of dren, with a full average attendance; Miss JMnson.. baptisms and buriaIs dates from 1737; marriages, 1795. mistress Maxwell Rev. Henry George }'LA. Kimsey SamI. farmer, Rectory farm Watson Daniel, farmer Rectory Morris William, Beehive P.H Watson Edward, farmer Brand Jemima (Mrs.), farmer Prime Frank, farmer, Meesdenbury Wisbey George, farmer Johnson Josiah, beer ret. & shopkpr Robinson Joseph, carter MILL END is a village and ecclesiastical parish, formed Charles Wallace Neild M.A. of Trinity College, Cam­ 29 June, 1875, out of Rickmansworth and Chorley 'Wood; bridge: the vicarage house, erected in 1876, is sur~ the village is near the Colne, about I mile south-west rounded by pleasant grounds. Here is a Baptist chapeL from Rickmansworth station on the London and North The population in 189! was 809. Western railway and half a mile from the Rickmans- HERONSGATE is a hamlet about one mile and a half worth station on the Metropolitan railway, in the Western north-west of Mill End. St. John the Evangelist's, a. divisiun of the county, Cashio hundred, Watford petty chapel of ease to St. Peter's, is a small edifice of red sessional division, union and county court district, and brick, with a stained east window, presented by :Mrs. in the rural deanery of Watford and archdeaconry and Lance, of Chorley Wood, in 1886: there are about 124 diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. Peter, erected at sittings. The Wesleyan chapel, Heronsg-ate, a structure­ s cost,· including organ and fittings, of about £4,000, of brick, erected in 1884, will seat 120 persons. and consecrated in 1875, is a building of flint with stone Post Office, Mill End.-Vincent James Cobb, sub-post- dressings, in the Late Decorated style, consisting of master. Box cleared II a.m. & 6.40 p.m.; sunday chancel, nave of three bays, transepts, organ chamber, 12 noon. Letters arriv~ from Rickmansworth at 7 a.m. south porch and 8 small western turret containing one & 12.40 p.m.; sundays at 7 a.m. Rickmansworth is. bell: there are ten stained windows, the east window the. nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal having been presented by Mrs. E. C. Walker and her orders are issued here, but not paid. daughters: in the nave are memorial windows to Thos. Post Office, Heronsgate.-Thoonas Chambers, sub-post- :Fellows esq. formerly of Money Hill House, d. 1838 and master. Letters arrive from Rickmansworth RS.O. to Thomas Howard Fellows esq. late Judge of the Su- at 7 a.m. & dispatched to Rickmansworth R.S.O. at preme Court of Victoria, Australia, d. 1878: the church 9.45 a.m. & to Chorley Wood at 5.15 p.m. The latter- affords 300 sittings, all free. The register dates from is the nearest money order & telegraph office the year 1815. The living is a vicarage, average tithe National School (mixed), erected in 1880, at a cost of rent-charge £61, net yearly value £275, including 3! £1,3°0, for JI9 children and enlarged in 1894 for acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the vicar 60 more children; average attendance, 129; Miss. of Rickmansworth, and held since 1875 by the Rev. Rita Rich, mistress MILL END. /Miller Harvey, beer retailer Fensom Charles Belch Mrs !Nutter Joseph, beer retailer Gill James Braithwaite Robert Welsh The Cedars Osborn Thomas, beer retailer Gyles Frederick Mo'ney hill ' , Parsons Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper Gyles William John Gapel Hon. Reginald .Algernon J.P. Peddle Alfred, carpenter Hawkins .Amos ~foney Hill house Pepper James, beer retailer . Hollan~ Rt. FJ.:~omas, Her?nsgate Downes Mrs. Calne Bridge house IShackel Robert, farmer, Sprmgwell Hutchlson Wm. M. Heron s Gate hD> Neild Rev. Charles Wallace M.A. lodge Jones Edgar, The Bungalow Vicarage Skidmore J sph. frmr. Mill End frm J oseph George Powell Mrs Wallis James B. beer retailer Kingham William Isaac Walker Mrs. St. Peter's cottage Warrell Wm. Whip & Collar P.H Kingwell Albert Church lane '. Weedon Caroline (Miss), dress maker Leeming JumeoS, Nelson hon~ Wells Albt. Joseph, Sunnyside Wells Chas. Herbt. Rose & Crown P.H Marchant John Frederick White William Wild Cornelius Wade, farmer, Shep- McKean 'V. Heron'.s cou:rt. Wild Miss, Colne Bridge house herd's farm M~xtead. Amedee Wild WaIter, The Hawthorns Wild Thomas &:, So'ns~ brewers & PrIce l\bss, Peace cottag~ mineral water manufacturers Rhodes William Henry COMMERCIAL. Wilks Thomas & Herbert, tanners Smith James Er'nest Clark James, butcher Verey .Alfred Sainsbury Clark James, farmer Wilks Thomas Ladywalk house Cobb Vincent James. baker & grocer, BERONSGATE. C~MM:ERCIAL. Post office PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Baines Jas. frmr. Blackett's farm Corbett George, beer retailer Brister David, hurdle maker Dalrymple ,Home for Inebriates. See Bedwood William Henry Chambers Thos. grocer, Post office under RlCkmansworth & advert Bird Arthur Frank Ford Daniel, market gardener Flood James, HaIfway House P.H > Bond Charles Ford Philip, market gardener HaIsey William, shopkeeper Beatson Lennox Hedgecock J ames, cowkeeper Higby Charles, boot maker Cartmell William John Hughes Joseph W. beer retailer Horwood Jsph. corn & coal dealer Camp Arthur Thompson .Azel, blacksmith Kibble William, Golden Cross P.R Chambers William Thompson Jesse, Land of LibertyP.IJ Lambourne Charles, baker Chapman Mrs Tilling Richard; tailor. :Mill End Paper Co. (.Albert Joseph Dinslage Frank Jos!ph YOl;mg Women s ChrIstIan Associa- Wells, propr.), blotting paper mfrs Dodd William han Summer Retreat.
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