TF.I.EGRAPIIIC ADDRESS-DAir.Y KXI'Rrss. I.ONnoM THE DAILY EXPRESS. JUNE 7J^3£^ DRAMATIC DEFEAT OF THE „ ^ , , , Windsor Lad Equals Record-Easton Beaten Length HOW THEY FINISHED I COLOMBO'S GALLANT EFFORT Windsor Lad (15-2) • C. Smirke J , GOES UNREWARDED Easton (100-9) Gdn. Richards 2 Colombo (11-8) .. W. joWone 3 PENNED IN NEAR TATTENHAM -By ! Tiberius (18-1) .. G. Nicolll 4 CORNER—CHARLIE SMIRKE'S THE SCOUT Won by one length: iieck. sronnd iiKe a slide, and it was one of tlio i3 GREAT COME-BACK grea-.est of posl-war crowds. No incident in pnrade. aud only L'mid- war~drawii No. 1—deserving to start la.sL. while Medieval Knigh:, Colombo. Bonds­ man, Easton, jiiid Linidwar—who soon ran misfortune can overtake a big race runner. It Is safe to bet these up—.settled down to make it a true gallop. On The Scene Of Hh : •'Sieve's on the leader all right" and times that it will be the favourite. '• Johnstone's taking no chances." were There is, of course, no solid nor ulterior reason why it should be so, early thouglits, and so they sped up to but it has become more and more obvious in racing. The latest victim the top of the hill, with Tiberius ap­ parently a, bit outpaced and now last. Greatest Is Colombo, who was an 11 to 8 chance in a field of nineteen for the A 100 10 1 chance In the woman- WINDSOR I.AD cntcriiiK the unsaddlii.K enclosure after lub great Derby, and finished a lengtn and a neclt behind the Maliarajah of owned FIcelfoot wa.s already living up Rajpipla's equally game Windsor Lad, with Lord Woolavington-s French to his name and had Joined the loiiders, victory. purchase splitting the pair. and he reiusod to budge, too, until the straigiu. I do not wish in the slightest to iJiit, mueli was happening in those Course rapidly passing seconds wiicu tlic horses llyjx'rioii For disparage the success of a good, are heading for ilie "last round-up." honest, perfectly-trained winner who Nicoll was tlashing up Tiberius on the Geoffrey Gilbey's Gossip refuses to be beaten when a chal­ outside of the leaders to lake contioi lenger draws close, for Windsor Lad when Colomoo became "penned" by the Jottings Comnalioii once again proved that looks are not collapse ol Medieval Knight. everything, but that handsome is as Richards had Easion beautifully placed yet nnotlicr sample of Ills near ihem and could ouiy have been handsome does. niomcuiariiy checked by the incident. By OUK COUKSK COnRESPONDENT EPSOM, Wednesday. bri^l?i Cup Any colt, too, who could equal the * tf T is alwaj's cheering to start witli EPSOM, Wednesday. new record of 2mins. 34secs. set up a winner, particularly on Derby LTHOUGH somewhat unusual, I When the field settled down. Medieval by little Hyperion last year is cer­ Day. Bach, who was my selection Knight. Colombo. Bondsman. Easton and One With The Whip my reasoning out of the Derby liKNDEX. Windsor Lad were most Tronnncnt T ere tainly worthy of his place In Derby Aproblem landed us very near tjie In the absence of Red Horizon in the records. And owner, young trainer, ND ail the lintc Charlie Smirke. feel was little real change until TaUenham lug in his bones that he was on the mark. It was particularly annoyin" ! Colonilii) \Kii tlvsi race today, won in a common Corner, when Colombo dropped back to Marcus Marsh, and the irrepressible V canter. .sixth piacc and Tiberius took u up from goods, was obtruding his opilmism and however, to have named the fi li li'.- h;ul bee Windsor Lad. Ciiarlie Smirke. had been extremely . i presence so much more iliat ho acuiaily three and then see them finish and-ou r' camo round Tattenham Corner close to confident for months past. • the rails and .m the inside. the wrong order! That : uumo 1 Oorcioii nichards wits^ aanin well backed, * ^ c btii he ciiiiiioi will if il'.c horse is not Kooti One with the whip and it was bang Tomorrow's programme comcf, as r •lui'd n Wind-soi Lad was In front two fnrlongs pa.st a tiring Tiberius in a ll::sh: no re­ ohance iroin home, with Easton nnproving and surrected Colombo yet and only Gortion aijli-cljmax. and, with ihe going still hn Colombo coming again. For a tew strides The Turning Point —still conserving Easlon's stamina- lields are likely 10 dry up. Selection.-;:- I want piirllcnlarly ' to eniplinsi.=e the I thougiit Colombo would win, but Wind­ WJHEN, Iiowever. niemoiics of the 1934 moving along with Jjim. 2.0.—Our old friend Cornisli prince li^ f:tix cvcrytht-As I write in lUa ••Smi- sor Lad responded most gamely to » > Derby become niollowed by time, I I Jiiii sure lie got nearer ilian a length, under order.s, wi;h his u.suaJ pilo:. W. tiiiy Express" and "Daily Express" (and Smlrke's call, and won a great race by wonder if independent critici win talk bill i.ne little man—siill to rcali.se his I do not write for nny other publtcatioiij a length. ^ ^ . of the "race which Windsor Lad rightly Dcrl)y ambition—know instinctively thai Eiiiotl, in the saddle. Ai the woighi.s. Koos in imdc* my own name. and woriliily won" or the "Derby which the more he did the more a better iiowevcr. I do not think he das much ColomlKj would iiavc won, but " stayer was pulitng out. chance of braimg Sea Joy. This is one oi T was an cxtrcincly popular win. _AI1 Donnghuc's mount. Medieval Knicht. Windsor Lad does it at thn righj time, old John Nightiiizall's pets—Uie other Is Bach paid a urmt roiiipltmeiit to I who have the pleasure ol knowing put the damper on Johnstone's chance and I know that Jack Jarvj.-; had £100 Murano. Might Surprise, and Imogen, who ,he Maharajah of Rajpijila yke him forwJie n lie began suddenly to crnck'coming each way on hini after tlic Newmarket Virgo—a/id I Ji.ne a ;7.7."[;ci!;.i.''."y snoug heal him at York. ihe good .sportsman ho is. His Highness down the hlU towards Tattenhaui Corner. Stakes. tip ror him publicly lipped his horse, who was backed Tiie loaders were about hnlfwny down The coK. who had been called n -ach way by people throughout the the JilII III tlie time, and if Colombo trooper," seemed, too. to r.-iidi some of CONFIDENT VOTE "COLOMBO was so eool in thn paddock country. had liecn following on the outside and the super-confidence of the Epsom !ad in not the inside of the leader the .situa­ Only three numbers—but they There would be danger from Ballet ( that, instead ot using the expression • the saddle. He wns we!) worth that length Dancer, who missed .in carljej- eni-;igc- "jis L-ooI as a cucumber." we sliaU be It tvas a wonderful trliunph for Marcus tion might have been saved ;tt once. brought ,ioy or sorrow to all verdict over Easion. who had revoised tlie s.iying ".15 cool as a Colombo." But tlic loiiB-strlding favourite, whose ment here, but I understand this one .Marsh, his young trainer. His father was parts of the world. •2.000" pincings wiiJi Colombo in such a may not tic saddled alter a:I. and I give Dick jnrsh, who, I have always main­ action was already not quite so perfect on ditlereni sort of race. tlic descent, had to be checked at the ... a confident vote 10 M-a Joy. tained, was the best trainer I ever knew, -- -- •-•-•stiM hopes a.s &)lomJ}0 closed Ihc gap, ruiO 2.35.—I do iDt expect 10 .see Quick­ Umldwar was drawn No. 1. Coloniho 4. and his mother, the daughter of the late Knight's" heels: others came up on his silver saddled again aiicr her d;.'.aptjoint­ and Eastoii 5. which w;is not in their lie may actua!^r\' have headed Eas;on and Sam Darling end a sister to those gleat right and he bcRan to go further back drawn almost level with the winner below ing display yesterday, and I think we shall trainers, Fred and Sam. until the hara-tyied man in the saddle could Closing Scene loaiiiiy \Vc: the distance, but the great efTort was nvnv -,„rt fhn •.v,,,,.-^,, ^^'^ broiJiers Hichards fiKuring In a jnniiiu win only eventually pull out and take the lelllug on him. and his pilot knew it. rj^iHE Derby wn. t\irn wide. * * » m^h\r^1ah~'^"FnS^- ^"'"^ Gordon on Liuie luoiT. 0 GEOFFREY GILBEY'S Colombo ceased lo pain, biu lost a hit riico.^ :— It was particularly gratitying to nie an Indian as l!)e^^La ?i'mrwitlf'?.^lTnn- '^;V>'^t healing Ciirjord on Golden Earl if ground: all llie .lamn, I shall certainly :],0.—Ver; . " Sunday Hxprcss " Code Sclcttion that Charlie Smlrke rode the winner No not Join in a chorus that "Colombo mpr home over here—with his good-Jook- , -Jla-—Hyperion wij be a popuiar lancy, T. Wcsloi) T is not ea-iv to pick'all this out from ing. thirty-year-old trahier. went out on PV^ ^'^^"'^ '-""^ '^'^'"o knocked oil I prc:er one used more words that I did to get thn stands, for some ot ihe move­ didn't stay the trip." ZTQOJT7Y him back to the Turf. I to the course to lead in Windsor Lad I'"^ pedestal today, and this trip I intend I'ainv.
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