*ip , ' ; - • Start A--- THIRSDAY, VAST II, 1KX DUQUESNE DUKE PAGE THKEE BLUFHTES CONCLUDE EASTERN TRIP TONIGHT Quintet Goes Past! Cagers Meet Georgetown Down Before Calling Madison Square Dukes'* History Shows Before Returning Home And The Gym L. I. U., 44-34 Progress For the Bluff 20 Years Hoyas Field Veteran Team Pioneers Suffer Second | The sports enthusiasts of the "mod- Defeat In Stadium i ern" age tend to live in the present; i And Impressive Record i failing to realize that a major sport By John Russell Thriller. 38-37 of any college actually had a begin­ Sports Editor ning. Delving into the past of Du- Against Dukes By Frank Fltipatrics. quesne's basketball history it be- This corner went out on the limb last week and the limb was The University Basketball warriors. I comes quiet evident that the Dukes snapped by a powerful Long Island quintet. The loss to that club j conquerors of Oregon and Wyoming I have been gradually attaining lame The University eaters conclude their 1942 invasion of eastern MS expected by many observers but *e are of the opinion that the • from, the far west; Bradley Tech from for a period of twenty years. basckethail centers on Thursday, February 12. when they encounter lieil and Blue has something which we deem necessary in all good the Mid-west and leaders of the Dis- | BasketballIwas instituted as a ma- the Georgetown Hoyas at Washington. Coach Chick Davies' protege- teams. But the loss is there, harft as itj mav be to realise. | trie* quintets, fell before the cream i jor sport at Duquesne University in will be striving' for their twelfth win of the -season, and if pre-dbpe- ithe season of 1913-14 under Coach The real test has heen met and the Dukes just didn't make the °' Eastern Basketball fives when they sters are correct, the Capitol Hill representatives will prove a stub- Hogarty. The original Duke '•five" M Isla Un v y grade, I*ck of experience t Perhaps, feut if that js the reason offered ' £ **?« ?? J, T *<£ accumulated seven straight victories horn inhibition to any Mich victory plans. 7, ', - _ . - « A*. ! i . * »T- 1 last Monday nrght in Madison Square , before ^experiencing defeat Though the Hoyas are comparatively newcomers to the Dukes' th#M. those, first nine winn of the campaign were pure luck. Nine Garden 44-34 before 12,202 thrill-j I The entire basketball record of schedule, the two teams have met 4 times before in the past. These The axteae nom tma "Lucked.v have " lost a bit of!• Blue, and ix influence; d th; e squad ; in | seeking'floor fans. Duquesne from 1914 to 1942 has been meetings occurred during the 1931*"*"^ : ~ - "~_T weir \he <-onfider.ee'that it possessed in| selection.of a tourney rtit th«J The brother act of Rader to Rader cataloged as. B. C, before Chick, and and^ 32 seasons with all tour.deci-j 1 of 'those parly season contests. The re-!*™ *"* campaign who better 14 points each, plus the A. D., after Davies. The B. C. era in­ sjons going to the Red and Blue ag-! Ka.nin*» of that confidence is depend- A Jinx? | accurate shooting of Waxman and cludes -the seasons from 1914 to 1924 gregate. The Washingtonians werej Freshman Team Dicta Holub gave.„the Long Island '•Doc" Saender ! inclusive; the A. D. era from 1924 to on: on tmental, attitude. The mind rst downed on their own court in the j The New York Blackbirds avoid j quintet an early lead that was never the present. , alone holds confidence or loses it. thes* teams for that reason alone. | overtaken. Howie Rader set the pace rst year, 32 to 28 and then in a re.r \ Resumes Plav The brilliant record of Clair Bee's One-defeat doesn't make a season j for the Blackbirds by dropping in Soph Footballers Six for Twenty Eight turn engagemetn Avere defeated on proteges in Madison Square Garden but pvhen that season is made up of seven field goals in the\first half, with The entire twenty-eight i years of the BluffHes' floor. 28 ,to 27. The | O.oni|>il**t Record Of Ten deserves a little investigation. The all home games then a loss at the ! brother Lenny carrying on in the last Open Second the-court game has included only six following yea"r's games ended in 29- ah>ence of Mid-West cage opponents honds of an invader - looks all the! frame for his share of the evening's different coaches. Each individual 27. 37-25 victories for tfie Dukes, thej Wins And One Loss makes the .record slightly less im­ more inexcusable. The Dukes can |lscore. HalfPlav mentor has a record of more victories gomes being played in the Capitol '• pressive. Big Ten leaders. North­ beat jteams of the Long Island c Jibre | Jo? Camic. lanky aggressive center than defeats, during his regime. and Pittsburgh, respectively. i The once beaten Freshman squad western' Illinois. Purdue. Ohio State as they have demonstrated in other j ft-tfm Rankin High, lead the Dukes' ! The second halt of the Intramural The career of each coach seems to Veteran Team {start the second half of their twenty and the strong non-conference mem­ years. But one fact about the Long•; scorers sprinkling his 13 points j basketball league got under way on'; be marked by certain highlights Hor Georgetown 'will eld a veteran game schedule next week with an ber*. Bntler.'Notre Dame, do not find arl Island series makes it a little more throughout the forty minutes of play. Tuesday when the Soph Football j « y '» distinguished as the first bas- team, which owns wins over such j enviable record of ten wins and one their way to the Garden to oppose | interesting. The Red and Blue have' His set shot after the tip-off put the , T handed the Askin Chem Sophs ketball. coach in Duquesne's history. eam formidable 0PP°™*its «• TemplejJone defeat A ^e ^ of the sea. Ihp Blackbirds. ' I nevet won a contest in the Garden | Red and Blue in the lead but it was a 25-14 lacing. The Footballers father McGuigan. next in reign), is when and Armv. what-makes, these: ao-i • ' Defeated Away j the starting five had never. short lived, with Holub and Hank | floorm|i a team of six footers had an "oted for his team that rolled up the romplishments more signicant is the son- one look al the Prospects of the Tennessee and DePaul tied defeats! participated in a fray in that arena.J Beendera hitting the hoop for L. I.U. i^^ ,jme ot it after the first'quarte,. highest score in the Bluff , record fact thaese victories were obtained : Yearlings' would have made anyone boo cs a 9 20 d feat over nn L I. U. and strangely, yiese games j ' ; ~—- ' I 'allies. | • .' | wh;n thev had a hard time finding ' - °- ' Canisiua. oh their own floor, which is to be the-l °"°ious «< the outcome of their arlier m the Mme season Fath er games They w ere were played outside New York. , The ¥ _ n f i, LM _ „ -J „ ! The remaining part of the first the hoop. Val Jansante took scoring ?, „ , scene of Wednesday's game with the i - ' mncpenesced Husar Bowl game, played in. New j ¥J " •''•*> * MltrUUS j half was all Long Island, with Clair honors bv sinking three field goals "•*• first quintet vanquished Call-. Daviesmen ' ^n(* very y°unK in eomparison with Orleans, was the scene of the Ten-1 'j _ , Bee'sj boys building up a 26-11 score and one free throw Foul shots had forma T,ea5.hers by the overwhelming Veteran Club ' '^e °PP°nents U>ey were to face. as the r-.o^see victory while Chicago wit- I f l/ir-ftl K/VtMnrt - whistle blew. , . „ .. , score of 6i-l. The first Duquesne 1 In spite of these .two handicaps aggregation to defeat the NavMy and The teom that the Hoyas will floor; ssed DePaul's triumph LTVI III KJUWlKISi c«ks™. Noszak and Camic cora- an important bearing on the fracas the "Little Dukes"- went ahead undt-r Villanova was coached by Father includes three juniors and two seniors . I bined to shower the glass back-board inasmuch as twenty personals were Perhaps the Garden influence is : Mac. who receive much experience iin last the expert, guidance of .-"Chick'* >'tty powerful on the character of Thi present standings of the Res- j for If) points as the second half got called by referee. Hank Russo. who Davies 'and experienced hands of Father Hannigan. who began his year's competition. Leading this Long Islanders' play just as tHej identi Student's Bowling 'league ' underway to close the gap at tune kept the game in hand all the way. their coach. "Doc Skender." to com­ lnt but The Cooney All-Stars, a newly or- four-year term in 191Q,'holds one of squad will be last season's high; i ivm aids the locals in their contests. sh > ,„„ ^Jh, haitlin* for l.»ri»r J "° ?' &* Metropolitan boys pile their present day record of 10 b 1 or enn'ized team, drooped its opener to the best as well as one of the worst scorer".- junior center BJW Bornheim. I Understand, of course. Long Island | **°* J '•*"**<** »" "'* '' <'"^ "| came back, [lead by Lenny Rader to wins and 1 loss. The outcome ot sh,p l onors as the se ond half the ve hem al int the Juriior Football Team in a sur- records in Duquesne*s basketball'lhis- His great offensive potency is sup- j has quite a lot "on the ball." Their; ? f °^ i K> f »« P° margin.
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