THE SILVER LINING - ---------------- - ..-- .-- _._._-------~_ ..~~_ .._---------_ ..._------------ Grabill, Indiana March, 1!J60 --.-------------.----------------------- TOO LATE TO LISTEN "And it came to pas:s, as he had They, and all that appertained to made an end of speaking all these them, went do\vn ali\'e into the pit, \vord~, that the ground clave asunder and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the (;on- thai was under them: gregation. And the earth opened her mouth, And all hrae} that were Hmnd and s\\'allowed them up, and their about them fled at the cry of them: hou:,;es, and all the men that apper- for they said, Lest the earth swallow tained unto Korah, and all their u;, up also." goods. From ~umoers IG I/From your mother who loves youll Submitted by \ViII Stettner June 24, 1894 punishment. and damnation and do I\J:: dear :,-on: not havl' the love for Jesus; s ueh do Your Jetter was received ve:sterda',-. n'Ot have the strength to endure OIl and J wa~ very much please'd io 1ea1:n the straight and narrQW path of life. !J.()\.I,' you are feeling at heart. I rejDice The yoke of Christ becomes too heavy from aJI m \' heart iha t vou have de- for them, and becomes a burden to cided to J:f;pent and seek the dear t hem. and the way becomes too nar- Sa\'iour because Be has done so much row. bec:lU~e they lack the love fDr guud f{)r you. )'e5, He also shed His the Saviour. - holy blood for you and your sins at Dear son, it is of great importance lilt, cross, and that out of pure lo\'e that you fully comprehend the great ,i11d mer('~' for all mankind, for we love of God and our dear Sa\'iour, and would all have had to be lost in all out of lQve give your heart to Him. cIernity, if our !o\'ing Saviour had Call unto JIim earnestly that He may !1(JI come into thi8 v,;orld to pay for b<' r:Jcrciful to YOll and save and res- our sin:'=. with His precious blood. cue \'oU frum VOUi' lust estate. Alone Therefore. we should love our Saviour the blood of Jc;sus Christ. the Son of :tbo',e ;dJ, from all our heart and alJ GoeL can cleanse us (rum our sins. The our ;;ouL and follow Him in obedience loving Sa\'iour is today yet sitting aU the d;n's of our life. O. mv dear upon the mercy seat and is calling son. ther~ is a difference between through the gospel to alJ mankind, t hr I."l' who repent only out of fear of Come unto me all ye who are weary 2 THE SILVER LINING ___ 0 .---------- •• _0- ------.-----.---. _._ ••• ~- ------.------ arId heavy laden. J \1,:ilJ quicken you. this is an <!.\·il nwt from which man 'rakl' UPI!!I you my yoke and learn rnu~t tH' thorough Iv clcan:;l~d and pur- from me. FOi' I am meek and lowh' ifie.d. - - (:jt heart. ] ',yj]] give you rest for you'r Eyen bdoJ'c the flood, God djd say, .~.Ij ul. .\Iy spi)'it ~hallJWl alwavs strive: with TherdoJ'e. d<J not let the evil enemy rnan, for he also is flesh or fl€shlv- ilOld you baek, even if you are ~t.i1I minded, T'herefol"c, God d€$t.;·oy~d young; just become reaUy childlike, tbem through the flood, (rue and upright, and pray to thl' Now, my dear son, that you ask me deal' Lord that He may enlighten for forgi\'cne.ss pleases me [rorn all .,our hean and ::,;how you everything m:: heart., and I gladly forgive yuu ev- wl'JI.~rl' you h<tv~: done v.'I"ong. so thal I~ryt bi!lg from all my hean, and you may he able to l)t'lug reai fruib 'wlll al5() pray to Jesul' for you, that :)f rep€ntance. Should the enemy He m~y be gracious to you, and ~how come l(> YOU and tel1 vnu that vau Hi~ merey, so that you may becorne (i. tli(l not (;,.;rn(!Jit lhi~ or·t.hat sin, HU1J iamb (Jf Jesus Christ, and a1:;;oprajs(~ you will find in your !1eart the sinful voul' Redeemer with a]] children llf root upon which thr C'l]rFl{' of Cod (.;..0(\ . was p1'onounced. But! thrDugh real So m.ay the dem- Lord give His repentallct' and cOllver~ion, we can blessing to these words \.•...hich 1 h~nte fi!1(i pardon and forgiveness in th(~ w)·ir1.en unto .':OU, that they may be.ar bJo(ld of Ciuist. good fruit, O. rn'r' dear son, learn dearh- how . CreetingH to you from all my heart the 5>in'rul lu.st. of the f]~sh, e~'en in J wish (or you th(~ gnlN' and help earh' you1 h, le.ads to that which i:-, from God tQ break through from ey-il: and no' one need fee! ashamed deuth unto hfe, to C:fHlfc:-\;-'.bdQ!'e God and man, fo! From your mother who loves you SOJOURNS TO ALABAMA H cnr y Kilgus (Continued) The: first Yl~1t:-; to AI~bama wcn~ ~'d and bapt.ized. were Ejd~r 1\oah made in UH: y~al' o~- 19:HL ]lar1.z1er and his brother-Amos, El- ThF fil's\ J1:1embers baptized were: der Bro. Ernc.'H. Graf, Bro. Henry Sa- ,H Hiil:-;ooro. bo and Bro. Hem'\' Bp.er .•• ;.rho ~·d:'\LJ IJ(:nry Stricklin and his \\-'ife, P(~arL sp-ent thret' d~Y8 there, to.IEether, Oc- .\~'en:' b~p~jzed April 28, 19M): Edgar toh(:r 7, 8: and £1 in the year of 19:-H1. :::ides and hi~, wife, :;"f ~ry .. Sept. 1. (Excep1 prolmbly Bro. Sabcl,) 1~J40; ])essie Sini(lI'd nnd (tuth Smith. During the week of Fcbruary ~:I to ;\ov. IX, lH<1CI. Thev 'iNet'€, the: fir."t 1he 16, in 1~)40. A}abamH again was ;.;ix member:-:. A littI(~ later on: J]ar- ',i~.jt.ed by Elder Bro. Graf, Elder Bro. 1.ha Evans, I,()ui~ Conde. Inez Schro<:k and Bro. Henr'.' Heer. Brook:,;, and Minnie K~'le werl' added. On .April 2t). 1940: ElrJer Bro. eraf .. They were aU bilptized jn a !'pring ":lder Bro. H~rt.z.ler and Uro. Henry stream. running through f)nJ. S1.rick- Beer spent a few days in Alab.arna. Ij!!':" pasture!, where quite ;·l number During the wef~k of .Jww 21 to 27. !?lfII'C' \\'1"'1:' haptized by Bro Baumnn !~J40, HJ''O. r-~cn Hcinigcr. Elder Bro and 1 -"ince. (:eMge y (~rgler and Bi'o, Henry Be':'!" Tht, first dd(~rs and mini.sters that. ·,isir.p.d Alabama. visited Alabama, during the year of A not be)' trip wa~ mach: to Alabama 1~4(), while the first souls were Pf{W- I (:(ll1ul\ued on Plll{l' 241 -.---.- -- .. _--_. - .. THE SILVER LINING --. -- - - - .--..•-----.--.--.,----.,- ...-.--- .. 3 LEST YOU DI E Henry Souder .J r. Ti me ea n 1)(' ,j whirl-wi nd i hat fj· Back be~'ond time, He was, In pon- na]l,: leHv('s ;J person m;luled and dering, \v(' loose a]1 1c/lrhing of time, df:''."a:-,i;i~. ed at the (,1H1. ::!ld look int 0 t h(' impO!lderable, Then, To ('xiS1 mixes ;, curi-ous n1ixiu}'c, i1! ('lprn;1l Ahva VS, we see One, Tlw ('nds never mpct, Th(, \\'hole j..: Then. H(' brollght into being hi;-;- cii:-;i :'I':~silJgJ~: \';caJ'Y, 1.ory ;1:-:' \':r knov: j L But. 1,1is Ligh t Thl·how] \)1' ti1(' (To\vd." Ow COJl- transfigures the path. and set.s us in \'L'r,}~i!w tenselw:,s .. , the blood boi]- j he hejght~ of His heaven, 1Jl,!2', !lan' a dis<lIJlIoiJ1ting, abnlJ]t" C'1Ie:!, He> was at. home with the Father The winner and his trophy are rus1 . , ' far s\veeter and far more than int'., Th(' :-,t;ldilJn1 cmjJtie:; out. We' :!l'C' at home in our places, There Tcl!' 1)lu)' i:-: rrur1!:u:,c1, Thp Vt~sterr1a\'~ 1 !JP.\' \n~re, the Father and the Word, ,il'(' li'.tJf', the lo!'n(Jr)'()\v~ 'uneeda;n, ]1f:amin,£; happjly. l'n,io,\'iJlj!' each QtheJ", cl!1<J .f~;·lin i.'-' gctmblpd to be lost in loviJ1t!" ('([ch other far more than \Ve , l' .' c!). :\:1011, l';ln undpr,--t.and. A,gains1 such mediocre terrain, Then, . , th(~ cross, such gapin~ <:has!Ils, the m;trvp] of Such a startling- :,ight ~ , , ' The 'h(' (TOSS s!;lnds in glorious good- \\'nod crossed, stuck in the ground, 'inri ihr. Savi-our nailed to the cros:" ",\ no w!wn th(~,\' '\\-ere come to the ITis \"f.:arv hodv w,ol1ld weie:h on tho~!' n!:I('f', v.-hieh i;-: c:1l1::->d('a]var,\', there J\jn-:. pir.rcr.c! through Hi:--:"f]e~h. ')w:; cTucifif'cI him, <\!ld the maIdaC'· "And one of the malefactors \'-.'hich i (,";-:,(1)1(' 011 ihe rif~ht h;md, ano th~ \\'P:(,' h;mged r:dJed on him. s3~'ing, u111('r on 11w left."- If i hOl1 be Christ, s~wr. 1h)',-;e1f and Who j, this .Tl'su<,: '! \Yhat doe~ HI' n;!\'(' 1lwi He ~(.' \''-:1rmJv attra(·t~ UI1- l't:lwlief can us~~ a 1ime-t\\'i~ter 10 ',.
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