US 2013 O142905A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2013/0142905 A1 Gibbons et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2013 (54) MICROBLAL-BASED PROCESS FOR Publication Classification HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE (51) Int. Cl. (71) Applicant: Prairie Aqua Tech, Brookings, SD (US) A23K L/18 (2006.01) A23. I/00 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: William R. Gibbons, Brookings, SD (52) U.S. Cl. (US); Michael L. Brown, Volga, SD CPC. A23K 1/188 (2013.01); A23.J I/00 (2013.01) (US) USPC ........................... 426/52: 426/656: 435/254.1 (73) Assignee: PRAIRIEAQUA TECH, Brookings, SD (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 13/691,843 (22) Filed: Dec. 2, 2012 The present invention describes a bio-based process to pro O O duce high quality protein concentrate (HQPC) by converting Related U.S. Application Data plant derived celluloses into bioavailable protein via aerobic (60) Provisional application No. 61/566,487, filed on Dec. incubation, including the use of such HQPC so produced as a 2, 2011, provisional application No. 61/566,557, filed nutrient, including use as a fish meal replacement in aquac on Dec. 2, 2011. ulture diets. Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2013/O142905 A1 Freshwater Acid aaaaaaaaaaa cocking White Fiakes * extensic Acii iricitatio saccharification inockins 32C pi 3 50C phs 3 - 5 precipitation tfiftigatic it ceitfitigatio: Soids Ethat Stigernatart Condensate hio -- eyagoratic distiatic Cordessed Sciitis final drying t CSC F.G. Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2013/O142905 A1 sses ".sax---8xxix: ~...~ox sexxx saskask&kkxx-xxxx Aurobasidium faier 38 iycircysis arx: * guisians 8:y:8s wixxxia (c. 888 six : :::::::c cistiatix: is::::::8 isieskis target is species *eiteting FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2013/O142905 A1 F.G. 3 Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2013/O142905 A1 Extrusior later ad Hydrolysis and life Enix'fres flirtial Orgai Gun Pra tipitatier Ets . Distillatir Centrifuge Frr late HF-3 Earls Feedins Trials with Target Figh species r Pelleting FG. 4 Patent Application Publication Jun. 6, 2013 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2013/O142905 A1 8. : S&8. : s, s:3. 8.8. "S&S& s:8. 3.: : & s 8: 38 oisture Content: we 8 88 iss 8: FIG.S US 2013/O 142905 A1 Jun. 6, 2013 MICROBAL-BASED PROCESS FOR tionation process to remove part of the fiberand oil prior to the HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE conversion process, resulting in a dry-frac DDGS of up to 42% protein. While this product has been used to replace CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 20-40% of fish meal in aquaculture feeds, there remains the APPLICATION need for a higher protein, more digestible DDGS aqua feed product. Such a product would be especially attractive if the 0001. This application claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. protein component had higher levels of critical amino acids S119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/566,487, filed Such as taurine, lysine, methionine, and cysteine. on Dec. 2, 2011, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 0009. Therefore, a plant-derived protein source which is 61/566,557, filed on Dec. 2, 2011, each of which is incorpo cost-effective and “green.” and that is of a high-enough qual rated by reference herein in its entirety. ity to fully or substantially replace more of the fish meal in an 0002 This work was made with Governmental support from the National Science Foundation under contract DBI aquaculture diet is needed. 1005068. The Government has certain rights in this invention. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0010. The present disclosure relates to an organic, micro bially-based system to convert plant material into a highly 0003 1. Field of the Invention digestible, concentrated protein source that also contains a 0004. The invention generally relates to incubation pro microbial gum (exopolysaccharide) binder, including Such a cesses, and specifically microbial-based aerobic incubation concentrated source which is suitable for use as a feed for processes to produce high quality protein concentrates, animals used for human consumption. including products made therefrom and use of Such products 0011. In embodiments, a composition containing a non in the formulation of nutrient feeds. animal based protein concentrate is disclosed, where the com 0005 2. Background Information position contains at least 55% protein content and no detect 0006. In 2008, approximately 28% of the world’s wild, able stachyose or raffinose on a dry matter basis. In one marine fish stocks were overexploited and 52% were fully aspect, the composition contains Aureobasidium pullulans exploited, even as the demand for per capita consumption of deposited strain NRRL No. 50792, NRRL No. 50793, NRRL fish and shellfish products have increased with the increasing No. 50794, NRRL No. 50795, or a combination thereof. human population. With dwindling wild fish stocks, in an 0012. In one aspect, the non-animal based protein concen effort to meet this increased demand, commercial aquaculture trate is isolated from cereal grain and oilseed plant material production has increased dramatically. However, one of the including, but not limited to, soybeans, peanuts, Rapeseeds, primary constituents of dietary formulations for aquaculture, canola, Sesame seeds, barley, cottonseeds, palm kernels, fish meal protein, is also derived from wild capture fisheries. grape seeds, olives, safflowers, Sunflowers, copra, corn, coco It is estimated that at least 6.7 mmt of fish meal will be nuts, linseed, hazelnuts, wheat, rice, potatoes, cassavas, required to Support commercial aquaculture production by legumes, camelina seeds, mustard seeds, germ meal, corn 2012. This is clearly an unsustainable trend. gluten meal, distillery/brewery by-products, portions and 0007 Lower cost, more sustainable plant-derived sources combinations thereof. of protein have been used to partially replace fish meal in 0013. In another aspect, the protein content of the compo aquaculture diets. Defatted soybean meal (SBM, 42-48% sition is in the range of from about 56% to about 90% on a dry protein) has commonly been used to replace up to 20% of matter basis produced by a process including extruding plant total protein in grower diets for several species, while Soy material at above room temperature to form a mash; adding protein concentrate (SPC, 65% protein) has been tested suc one or more cellulose-deconstructing enzymes to release Sug cessfully at higher total protein replacement levels, largely ars into the mash; inoculating the enzyme-treated mash with governed by the trophic status of the species. These soybean at least one microbe, which microbe converts released Sugars products provide high protein and relative good amino acid into proteins and exopolysaccharides; precipitating the profiles, but are still deficient in Some critical amino acids resulting proteins, microbes, and exopolysaccharides with (e.g., taurine) required by carnivorous marine fishes. SPC can ethanol or a flocculent; recovering the precipitated material be used at higher levels than soybean meal, primarily because via hydrodynamic force; and drying said precipitated mate the solvent extraction process used to produce SPC removes rial. anti-nutritional factors (e.g., oligosaccharides) and thereby 0014. In a related aspect, the at least one microbe includes, increases protein bioavailability. In addition, a thermal step but is not limited to, Aureobasidium pullulans, Sclerotium has been used to inactivate heat-labile antigenic factors. The glucanicum, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, Ralstonia eutro primary limitations of the current solvent extraction process pha, Rhodospirillum rubrum, Kluyveromyces spp., Pichia are its cost, the lack of use for the oligosaccharides removed spp., Trichoderma reesei, Pleurotus Ostreatus, Rhizopus spp. in the process, and quality issues that frequently limit inclu and combinations thereof. sion to 50% of total protein in the diet. Further, processing of 0015. In one aspect, the plant material is from soybeans in soy material into Soybean meal or soy protein concentrates the form of defatted soy flakes or soybean meal. In another can be environmentally problematic (e.g., problems with dis aspect, the plant material is from oil seeds or their de-oiled posal of chemical waste associated with hexane-extraction). meals. In another aspect, the plant material is from distiller's 0008 Corn co-products, including dried distiller's grains dried grains with solubles (DDGS). with solubles (DDGS), have also been evaluated in aquacul 0016. In one aspect, the protein concentrate includes at ture diets at fish meal replacement levels of up to 20%. DDGS least 0.1 g hydroxylysine/100g of concentrate. has lower protein (28-32%) and more fiber than soy products, 0017. In one embodiment, an animal feed comprising a but is typically priced at ~50% of the value of defatted soy non-animal based protein concentrate is disclosed, where the bean meal. Some ethanol plants have incorporated a dry frac composition includes at least about 1.25 g of lipid/100 g US 2013/0142905 A1 Jun. 6, 2013 composition, where the composition contains no detectable 0021. In one aspect, the animal feed is supplemented with stachyose or raffinose and at least 55% protein content on a lysine, methionine, lipids, biotin, choline, niacin, ascorbic dry matter basis, and where the composition includes at least acid, inositol, pantothenic acid, folic acid, pyridoxine, ribo 35% of said animal feed by weight. flavin,
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