FEATURES Reducing caesium contamination of food products in the Chernobyl area Under a collaborative project involving the IAEA, FAO, and other bodies, Prussian Blue compounds are being used in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine to reduce caesium levels in milk and meat products liadioactive materials dispersed by the Cher- Ukraine; and cattle in seven districts in the south- nobyl nuclear plant accident in April 1986 west region of Russia. caused problems for many countries of Europe. The widespread use of PB now will be fully Some were short-term problems related to iodine implemented at the beginning of the 1993 graz- contamination. Others concerned the deposition ing season at all .private farms in the territories of caesium-137, a long-lived radionuclide that affected by the Chernobyl fallout. Its application migrates through the food chain and accumulates will allow significantly greater amounts of in milk and meat. "clean" milk and meat to be made available to A number of countries are dealing with these small farmers and their families, and to rural problems today. In certain mountain areas of communities in the three States. southern Norway, for example, reindeer and The work is being carried out within the sheep were found in 1992 to be heavily con- framework of a collaborative project involving taminated with radioactive caesium. Levels of the IAEA, the Food and Agriculture Organiza- up to 20 000 becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg) tion (FAO) of the United Nations, the Agricul- were measured in reindeer, and up to 10 000 Bq/ tural University and Radiation Hygiene Institute kg in sheep. Following this discovery, a counter- of Norway, the Ukrainian Research Institute of measure was developed to lower the levels of Agricultural Radiology in Kiev, the Byelorus- radiocaesium in these animals, a method based sian Branch of the All-Union Institute of Agri- on the use of compounds known as "Prussian cultural Radiology in Gomel, and the All-Union Blue" (PB). PB in the form of bolus, salt lick, or Institute of Agricultural Radiology in Obninsk. concentrate is now being given routinely in Nor- The project's implementation now is being led way to between 100 000 to 150 000 sheep, 5000 by the FAO, with the IAEA providing technical reindeer, and 10 000 to 20 000 cattle. support. The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of In the three most heavily contaminated Nuclear Techniques in Agriculture, the IAEA former Soviet republics — Belarus, Russia, and Division of Nuclear Safety, and the IAEA's Ukraine — authorities have recently approved Seibersdorf Laboratories have provided expert PB's widescale use for livestock to reduce the services, equipment, and materials to the major content of caesium-137 in milk and meat. The counterpart institutes in the three States for action was taken by each State's Minister of making boli. Agriculture in the summer of 1992, and followed This article highlights selected aspects of this successful experiments in 1990 and 1991, large- project, one of many being conducted in con- scale field trials, and training sessions. The trials junction with a co-ordinated effort of the United involved 3000 cows in 21 settlements in the Nations as part of the ongoing international Leltchitsy region of Belarus; 10 000 cows in 54 response to the Chernobyl accident. (See box.) settlements in the Rovno and Volyn regions of The context of problems This article is based on a draft technical document — The Use of Caesium Binders to Reduce Radiocaesium Contamination In Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, there are of Milk and Meat from the Territories of Ukraine, Belarus, two principal livestock production systems, and the Russian Federation Further information may be obtained from the Agriculture Laboratory of the IAEA's dairy and beef, and each is practiced on both Seibersdorf Laboratories. collective and private farms. (See tables.) After 18 IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1993 FEATURES Nearly seven years after the Chernobyl accident Societies, with funding support from the govern- The continuing in 1986, scientists, physicians, engineers, and other ments of Germany, United Kingdom, and Finland. international specialists from around the world are actively in- • a research programme on radiation effects of response to volved in more than 50 projects to assist people in some 80 000 immigrants from the affected areas to Chernobyl the affected areas. They range from health and Israel, being carried out by the Ben Gurion Univer- agricultural projects to nuclear plant safety reviews sity, Beer-Sheba, Israel. and economic and industrial development program- • a programme covering projects in radiation mes. A number of them are being executed by protection research, nuclear safety, and health-re- international organizations and co-ordinated by a lated consequences, being carried out by the Com- United Nations' Task Force on International Co- mission of the European Communities. operation for Chernobyl. Others are being carried out • studies related to leukaemia, epidemiology, and by non-governmental organizations and national long-term health consequences, being carried out by governmental institutes in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, the International Cancer Research Institute in Lyon, and other States of the former Soviet Union. France. The list includes: • a bilateral assistance programme for studying • an international programme on the health effects the link between radiation exposure and thyroid can- of the Chernobyl accident, initiated in 1990 by the cer and leukaemia, carried out by the US Ministry of World Health Organization (WHO) and chiefly Health and Social Provision. Separately, similar funded by the governments of Japan and Finland. studies are being done by the Cancer Registry, Several other health-related projects are being car- Ministry of Health, in Sweden. ried out in the Chernobyl area, including those For its part, the IAEA has a number of projects funded by the International Federation of Red Cross directed at improving the safety of nuclear power and Red Crescent Societies, the Council of Europe, plants in the former Soviet Union and in Eastern Japan's Sasakawa Foundation, and the govern- Europe. In other areas, a project of the Joint ments of Germany, Netherlands, and France. FAO/IAEA Division on Nuclear Techniques in • a programme including some 30 projects, in- Agriculture on the use of Prussian Blue compounds to reduce caesium levels In milk and meat products itiated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific The faces of some and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Also being in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine is planned for full families living in developed is a project to create an economic and implementation in 1993. Also planned for 1993 is the former Soviet social development zone in Russia. publication of an international guide on agricultural republics visited by • an industrial development programme for countermeasures following the accidental release of scientific teams Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, proposed by the radioactive materials into the environment. Much of during the 1990-91 United Nations Industrial Development Organization the work follows the completion in 1991 of the Inter- International (UNIDO) and awaiting funding. national Chernobyl Project to assess the accident's Chernobyl Project • a Chernobyl humanitarian asistance and rehab- radiological consequences; the project was under- under IAEA auspices. ilitation programme, initiated in 1990 by the Interna- taken under IAEA auspices by 25 countries and (Credit: Pavlicek, tional Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent seven international organizations. IAEA) IAEA BULLETIN, 1/1993 19 FEATURES Dairy cattle and milk production for clean milk and used subsequently for animal feeding. There is currently no price difference Total no. of Average milk Temporary No. Of between clean and contaminated milk. animals in production/ premissible animals The systems of marketing animals for meat contaminated animal level, TPL above TPL are similar throughout the affected areas. area (litres/annum) (Bq/litre) Animals from collective and private farms are purchased by the state/local authority and Belarus gathered either at local abattoirs for slaughter or Collective 393 000 3000 185 3000 at fattening centres. As a rule, no distinction is Private 84000 3600 185 26000 made between the two types of production sys- tems. Beef production and marketing are much Ukraine less affected in the contaminated areas than is the Collective 120000 3000 370 1000 case for milk. This is because animals generally Private 120000 3000 370 20000 are fed clean forage/grain for 2-3 months before slaughter, allowing time for contamination Russian Federation levels to fall below the TPLs. Nevertheless, even Collective 200 000 2700 370 500 - 1 000 under this system around 12 000 animals per Private 25000 3000 370 year exceed the TPLs for meat (600 Bq/kg in Belarus, and 740 Bq/kg in Ukraine and Russia). Consequently, these animals must be maintained Cattle used lor meat production on clean feeds for substantially longer periods and they are slaughtered only when acceptable Total no. of Animal Temporary No. Of levels are reached. Again, there is no price dif- animals in weight at permissible animals ference between clean and contaminated animals contaminated slaughter level, TPL above TPL area (kg) (Bq/kg) at the time of marketing, although in Belarus, any meat found to exceed the TPLs before dis- Belarus 700 000 420 600 4400 tribution is sold at a fraction of the normal price. Ukraine 500 000 400 -420 740 3000 In all three States and under all production Russia 300 000 400 - 450 740 5000 systems, manure from animals kept in contam- Note Data were recorded during field studies in 1991. inated areas is used as fertilizer. Associated with these post-Chernobyl chan- ges in production and marketing of animal Overview of the Chernobyl accident, many different counter- products, each State has introduced systems for livestock in measures were instituted to ensure that food- monitoring radiation levels in animals, milk, and contaminated stuffs produced for general consumption would meat.
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