COLBY COLBY COLLEGE f^l fj WATERVILLE I ' fl . MAINE 04901 I—-*,.,.,,,,,,/ ! | L J VOL. LXXIV NO. 4 OCT. 16, 1 970 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT October 13 f 1970, To the Editor and Editorial Board of the Echo .y Gentlemen : Except for the conspicuous efforts of one editor and a few members of other editorial boards, the Echo has exhibited a deterioration of taste and tone for some time. The first two issues this fall encouraged me to think that the Echo was making a constructive effort to reverse this trend . The issue of Friday, October 9th, however, while in part quite constructive , represents in several ways a deplorable con- tinuation of the downward spiral . I regret to have to inform you that, speaking as President of the College and with the concurrence of the Chairman of ' the Board of Trustees , Colby College feels it necessary to begin exploration of steps that may lead to institutional disassociation from this publication . It is important for the students and faculty , as well as our alumni , parents, and friends who support this college, to know that the college can no longer ignore the evident fact that the Echo does not appear : to reflect accurately the concerns or the tastes of the community as a whole . The steps to be explored and their full implications will be discussed with the Board of Trustees later this month . In the meantime may I request, again with the concurrence of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, that you cease immediately using the name "Colby " in the title of . your pub- lication . ¦* Sincerely yours, r - /j:'fy <,?/'' >A- t L% {. t£c j Robert E. L. Strider President Bns! | | I S fl ^^^ta... 4pr* ' ™^<u, ffiijj Btoaiairtf It is little womler that the precincts oj Colby College i/n We lirM ul ' ;dl. ruiil.' -l lln- I'lv-idrii t V i -lm rii. l.-ri/alii.n «.1 lln- n , |, d>. i ' M ! hallo wed by the name oj . Lovejoy. 'I' o hai'e insp ired one man i--iii - ul 11ir |- .( ,11 1 I a - " ;i i|i '|ilui'idi||. < • < 1111ii111 ;1 1 i< >n "I l In- ilnn i inn .ird -|>ir;d . .i p 10 so \>reat a sacri fice for Jnonan liberty is a service lur^e in la-l' and t < m« - . I he - liili'ini - nl due- in 11 n-nnjiu/.c thai t\ i lli the I t\ !< • > ¦ \ r.nU ¦ \iucr icitii education, And fro m it has come a spiritual anion' r i i. 11 1 __ i • - ul .Midi I In' Id I U I | ii > .—— i - .- .-« • .- in i -in "In h ni' u| n| i d .ii al i -i >n I nun I \ t\ ii Ii 1 ' nteiit to liti s college that dollars iind bricks can newer make. cadi ^r nii' .-ti'i'. tin n nn | i|i'\ inn ul tin- ri! ill -rial Mall niitli'i'mic- -i-; ni l n aid char, I' m' llir jin'.-i'j i l Mall lu hr lii'ld in am n\ ;ii ;n n niiilaldr lm lln- nn lli.nl- ,,l p.j-i h'roin an address by the lion. Herbert Hoover , rdi lui'ial huji'd.- . lu lir llllll|iril lujjrlhiT ttdli llii'in a- a |i.ii't "I a In ml < .an- ( Colby 1 JJ7 i Honorary * n ul air. I u rnlirris r nl 11 |r rili I una I 111 in I' l I i d I III- \ 'al - I * I I < > a • i ' I II ,1 . ' d n . anN at the Caitamial Observance oj the ki nd id riniliiin.il lun ul' iv\ . -i-al i d j ia- t "l i'mnl- i- man ui' al. \, . ,>ulut ..U M i - Ma rty rdom of h.lifah I'ari sh /.imv/c v " l;i-I i' and linn' id I hi ' |ii'i ' -i'ii l I'dilui'iid -In 11 i- di -| da\ i d i nd\ in lln I n . I I In i . i.- .-llr .- 11 1 I lh' I'lll'l'i'lll -I'lllrMrr. I f nn r ill'r 1 'nl' i'i'd lu talk a|iui|| I I' - 'Ild- nn d ii 1 1 -u .M 11 In I ||r I' ( .1 III I lli'll \\ i' llll'ijlll I'i 'a.-uliahK nill-illrr i Mll\ lln - III! |H i' --li ill • : IN i n h\ tln -r thrci' i — «t» - — . I iilii'i' Miii^lv i'nun (ill. fu uiiiii'iit- nn tin- iir I nn u rk ami llir n\ i it in.; > d tin A Sliiteinenl from the Editorial Hoard of Hie I£ <.* 110 \ i'iir - Mai I J i \ ii j i' lulu ¦!' .- ul' | lir iid min iMi'al inn. Iar nll\ . a in I Mud. ul Inn In Ii.in . ¦ I hi' li'l li'l' lllill il|l|ir;il'.- nil I III' I mill |lilf_ r ill tlli- NNi 'i'k '.- K< dl< > (tlil << • - II- ill I ii 'r n mnirralK kn ur.ihlr . \ul all Ii.in i - liked ur ;i|i|ii'u\ ml . >\ nnin nlu.il i-m i ( ""' I"' 1 'iiliiir |M)>iliuii ul' lirini. |)iirt ill' I lie ih'\s - \s liicli w c aiv i'r-|itni-dd<' In rv|>< >rl In nn I lm |i;ii.i' - u l llir l'. !| |l I . I i n I I lm ni'iiri'.il rn 11 -i ai -i i- -inn- lu In- ilia I lln 1 ' ~ 'liiliiuii^iiii Ikhkh' n> uur nrw >s\urlhiiic-> iiiij^lil lie , mir .-iliuilitiu iii'ci' -M la(c> |i,'ijii'i' 11 a.- -I h iw ii an idij i-i- 1i\ iI\ iind 1'unrrni in di-rii.- .-iii;. tin- dmrli «>111111 u- and m ili'llii'N run II I- i d the I'lillcii' . '" '' ' "iiitiii'iil and anal\.-k I I n' It'll it I'm III I lie I'l'iv-idi'tll '.- I M'ficr (di'livi'l't'd i i i l«» 111«- hand.- id' llir nl In hi- lu 1 1 rr. I In- I'l'i' -idi'ii l r\|irr--i' - hi- a|i|il'u\,d ul lln lir-1 |w u |- 1 I |i > - ' " ' ll '"' "I tlir KCIIl) al iiliniit ." '. ill) (' .M./l' iii'Mlas ) wu.- n-c.-iM-d wi th a iiiivluiv ul n| lln- ,-i'ini' -|r r , hnl lm nl'iji'i -l- In I,in "la-li' and linn' id lln- i - -in - h|i n Inlni , " -< 11 - | i t- i -•- and di.-lii'licf |i\ 111 < - iiirinlirr.- ul' ll dilurial Ma IT. UhT rr| hni I <• ( f mad ''lh, \\ liik' in In ill I inn |h;il (In- i- .-im na- "in jiarl i|iiili- « nii~lcn< In . - . In -lair- Ml ¦ ¦< ,| ~ ~ "I I lir I' l' f.-idiMil ' .- li' lli'l'. Iiuw c ut, I lir iVrliiifj Itrciiiiir nn ire and nun in- ul lllill il i'u|irr-riili'd ''in -I'Vi'i'id nn ;i\ - a di' |ilinalil.' ml innal h >n "I llir ill m iinn a " ("'''I'lt'si l). T'lii> |iii/./.|i'ni('Mi prr w uiil id' n\ liat uc l'«* lt u a.- Ilifimiliiji'iioii.-. nalnm >|iir;il. Si niT 1 In' li't I it dun- t)u I >|iiv if\ nn|i;iI parlii nlar a-pml- n| lh,. |.,ijii ' nn > i a " I III.' |c(ti't' . I'l llliT "ruil-li'lirl In r ul' "i |r|i|ul'il I lie , i l i- dillii'llll 11' < i ill II lli 'll I i il l f IlliJ i 'l d In mi ' " " ' \\ 11 lit- nm- ;iiv Ii inpli il lu i n I' l'uin v Imi \m> |.j| 11 .unui.M' j| -i'i'in> (lull lhr I'rc-iili'iil .- jiriinr olijivtiuii lu I hi- i'1'iliri-ni ul I In' lil-li' mid 11 Mir id llic |i;i|ht, ¦ ¦ nn ""' '' ' III) i.- u lull he Iim'iii.- a- ";i dr li'i'iui'iiliiin id' laMr and luiir 1'u, .-nine lime " Nukr lln- ulil niiiviiii, dr ijii-lilni- nun i' .-l di-|iii lanilnin (I In -i' i i- im di-|ni li I' ' ' '''' '-'"'- nn in Male in | hr -I'l'inid |iiii'iifj'i'ii |ili. "I I i,- ii n | iui'1ai i llnr lh <¦ ,-I m\ imi I - II i a 11 IT- ul I a-It ), llir l'i'il l l \ t 11 llir I' d' -id i'II I - lid I it nn null I i in In air 11 ia I I hi ' and , l.inilh . ,,. , NN , ,)) ,!_ . ()(|( niuinni. |p.ii' t¦ ti l.- , and I'rirnilr w lm .-ii|i|m»i'1 tlii,- rnllrnr . i—in- ul ta-l>' , \ -w\\ ii) tlii- I'lT' O - i- nu\ a r|u-n( m,iHi 'V , ls ' - '" ""^ lluil l In- rnllrui. ra n no Iiiii»t|- i;>iiom llir I'iic l lllill llir I'T '.IK I duc> mil MUiuiijih ii u'iiiIht- ii I I lm I'd .{ 11 I -I all and Mn dim I < • < >\ «tiiiih'i 11 l« • in I« • i — ¦ •'I'l"''' 11' In ri'l'li'i' l iii'i'iinilcK 1111 • iMMirri'll- or llir la.-li'Mil' llir i t > ii 11) 11111 i I \ a,- a nit' l uilhlht' I'lf-idt'iil luc ,- ui liuni' iind ;i li.dl nn \\ i diif-da\ .
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