Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 2878-2882, June 1978 Genetics Regulation of the galactose pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Induction of uridyl transferase mRNA-and dependency on GAL4 gene function (in vitro translation/immunoprecipitation/GAL gene cluster/positive regulation) JAMES E. HOPPER*, JAMES R. BROACHt, AND LUCY B. ROWE* * Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02154; and t Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724 Communicated by Norman H. Giles, April 10,1978 ABSTRACT In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, utilization of Genetic control of the inducible galactose pathway enzymes galactose requires four inducible enzyme activities. Three of involves the four structural genes GALI, GAL10, GAL7, and these activities (galactose-l-phosphate uridyl transferase, EC genes, GAL4, GAL81 (c), GAL80; uridine diphosphogalactose 4-epimerase, EC; GAL2 and four regulatory and galactokinase, EC are specified by three tightly (i), and GALS.* Mutations in GALl, GAL10, GAL7, and GAL2 linked genes (GAL7, GALlO, and GALI, respectively) on chro- affect the individual appearance of galactokinase, epimerase, mosome II, whereas the fourth, galactose transport, is specified transferase, and galactose transport activities, respectively (6). by a gene (GALS) located on chromosome XIL Although classic Mutations defining the GALl, GAL10, and GAL7 genes have genetic analysis has revealed both positive and negative regu- invariably been recessive, and they map in three tightly linked latory genes that coordinately affect the appearance of ail four complementation groups near the centromere of chromosome enzyme activities, neither the basic events leading to the ap- pearance of enzyme activities nor the roles of the regulatory II (6, 9, 10). Mutations identified at the GAL2 locus are also genes have yet been determined. Regulation of inducible en- recessive and map on chromosome XII (6, 10). zyme activity could be mediated by events related to tran- Of the four regulatory genes GAL4, GAL81, GAL80, and scription, tra n, or enzyme activation. For the purpose of GALS, only GALS has been mapped relative to known cen- studying galae thway induction and its regulation, we tromere-linked genes (10). GAL4 and GAL81 are tightly linked have developed an _unoprecipitation assay that enables us to each other, but all other pairwise combinations among the to detect the GAL7specifieduridyl transferase polypeptide in four regulatory genes indicate no linkage to one another or to yeast extracts and among the polypeptides synthesized in an RNA-dependent in vitro translation system. Use of this immu- any of the galactose pathway structural genes (6, 11). noprecipitation assay in conjunction with in vivo labeling ex- The GAL4 gene is defined by pleiotropic recessive mutations periments demonstrates the presence of [3Hleucine-labeled resulting in a coordinate loss of all four inducible enzyme ac- transferase in extracts prepared from cells grown in galactose tivities (6, 11). More recently it has been shown that the GAL4 but not from cells grown in glucose. This gaactose-specific in- gene controls inducibility of a fifth enzyme activity, an a-ga- duction of transferase polypeptide is mediated by the de novo lactosidase (EC, which is required for utilization of appearance of a functional mRNA species whose synthetic ca- The GAL4 locus codes for a pacity is detectable by the combination of in vitro translation melibiose (12). probably poly- and immunoprecipitation. The appearance of functional peptide because some gal4 mutations are suppressible by un- th ge ST=RNA depends on wild-type expression of the linked nonsense suppressors (D. Hawthorne, personal com- _qlatory gene, GALA. Cells carrying a nonsense munication). The expression of the GAL4 gene appears to be _ aion in the GALA gene fail to produce the trans- under the direct control of the tightly linked GAL81 region and ___lA, whereas a nonsense suppressor of the GALA indirectly under the control of the unlinked GAL80 gene (11, __utant regains the galactose-specific mRNA response. 13, 14). The GAL81 region is characterized by a mutation, Results estab ish that the induction of the GAL7specified C uridyl transferase activity is mediated by de novo appearance GAL81 (designated C by Douglas and Hawthorne), that re- of a functional mRNA and that this galactose-specific response sults in constitutive production of the galactose pathway en- is dependent a wild-type GALA gene product. zyme activities (11). This constitutive phenotype is expressed only when the GAL81 c mutation occurs in a cis configuration In the simple eukaryote, Saccharomyces cerevtslae, the utili- with respect to a functional GAL4 gene (11). The GAL80 locus zation of carbon from exogenously provided galactose requires is defined by three allelic configurations: GAL80, inducible; the expression of an inducible enzyme system consisting of a gal80, constitutive; and GAL80S, noninducible (gal80 is re- specific galactose transport activity (1, 2) and the Leloir path- cessive to GAL80 and GAL80S is dominant to GAL80) (13,14). way enzymes galacinase (EC, galactose-1-phosphate The cis dominant mutation GAL81 C is atic to the GAL80S uridyl transferase ("transferase," EC, and uridine allele (14). Although suppressible (nonsense) mutations occur diphosphogalactose 4-epimerase ("epimerase," EC in the GAL80 gene (14), none has been found in the GAL81 (3-). The conversions catalyzed by these inducible enzymes region (D. Hawthorne, personal communication), thus produce glucose 1-phosphate which is then converted to glucose suggesting that the GAL80 gene, but not the GAL81 region, 6-phosphate by a constitutively produced isoenzyme activity codes for a polypeptide. The GALS gene is defined by recessive of phosphoglucomutase (EC (7, 8). Carbon originally mutations that produce an increase in the time required for in the form of galactose is thus made available for subsequent induction of galactose pathway enzyme activities (11, 15, glycolysis. 16). The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the Abbreviation: NaDodSO4, sodium dodecyl sulfate. payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked t The c and i designations will be replaced by GAL81 and GAL8O, "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate respectively, in order to conform to the standard three-letter no- this fact. menclature. 2878 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Geneeics: Hopper et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978) 2879 Douglas and Hawthorne (11) have proposed a model for specially pure sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaDodSO4) was pur- control of galactose pathway gene expression based in part on chased from Gallard Schlesinger. All inorganic salts were of ACS the Jacob-Monod operon concept of genetic regulation in analytical grade. bacteria. The Douglas-Hawthorne model proposes that the Selection of GAL4 Revertants. Stationary phase cells of GAL80 gene encodes a repressor protein whose site of action strain 3430-3c grown in YEPD were washed, resuspended in is the GAL81 region. The GAL81 region is conceived to be water, and plated on YEP-galactose plates at 9 X 105 cells per essentially like a bacterial operator region in that it is the site plate. Large colonies appearing within 4-7 days at 30 were of repressor recognition and controls the expression of a con- transferred to YEPD plates, allowed to grow at 300, and finally tiguous gene, in this case the GAL4 gene. The GAL4 gene replica-plated to YEP-galactose plates and to defined media product is viewed as a diffusible positive intermediary that plates containing glucose but lacking tryptophan, adenine, controls the synthesis of the galactose enzymes at the level of tyrosine, methionine, or lysine. Candidates for amber-sup- mRNA synthesis or at some subsequent step in protein syn- pressing mutants were those that displayed growth on YEP- thesis. galactose plates or on plates lacking methionine, adenine, or Confirmation of the Douglas-Hawthorne model would tyrosine, respectively, but no growth on plates lacking trypto- provide support for the notion that eukaryotic cells utilize ge- phane or lysine. These candidates were streaked for single netic control circuits similar to those well known in prokaryotes. colonies on YEP-galactose plates and retested as above. The A first step toward a test of the model requires direct evidence suppressed revertant, 3430-3c-R2S, of 3430-3c (gal4 amber) that inducibility and control of inducibility in the galactose was chosen from these tests. system is based on the appearance of new mRNA species. We Purification of Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase. provide evidence here that induction of GAL7 specified Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase was purified from cells uridyl of strain 108-3c in a transferase activity is based on de novo of grown YEP-galactose by using slightly synthesis uridyl modified version of a procedure to be described in detail else- transferase polypeptide and on the de novo appearance of a where. mRNA detectable an in vitro uridyl transferase species by Preparation of Immune Serum and the Gamma Globulin translational assay. Data are also presented that indicate that Fraction. The purified uridyl transferase sample was the appearance of this mRNA is the adjusted species under the control of to 50 mM Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4 (pH 7.2) and 150 mM NaCl GAL4 gene. and an aliquot was mixed with an equal volume of complete MATERIALS AND METHODS Freund's adjuvant. The resultant mixture was emulsified by sonication and an aliquot of this emulsion containing 100,ug Yeast Strains and Media. Strain 108-3c, a, trpl, ural, is a of protein was injected intradermally into four places on the haploid wild-type galactose fermenter obtained from Howard back of a New Zealand White rabbit. Injections (40-S50 ,g of Douglas' stock collection. Strain 3430-3c obtained from D.
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