THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1928 Ellenboro, R-2; and G. B- Moore, of MR. J. K. MOORE, OF Ellenboro and Mrs. Jessie Moore Par- MRS. L. L. WOMACK GOLDEN VALLEY The Newest In nell. ___ t Mr. A. C. Moore, One full brother, CLAIMED BY DEATH Bostic, R-4, Sept. 23.?Rev. K. N. FALL SHOES CAROLEEN, DEAD of Forest City, R-2, survives also one Snipes filled his regular appointment Fashion reaches a climax of smartness in this unique two-strap full sister, Mrs. Dona Grose, who i at Golden Valley Methodist church is one of many de- makes her home with Mr. O. B. Grose, j Funeral Services Held Satur- Patent Pump. Price $12.50. This artistic shoe Prominent Citizen of Lower Sunday morning with good atten- Wright-Scruggs' collection of beautiful Fall of Forest City, R-2. Three half broth- day at Floyds Creek for I lightful models in Rutherford Succumbs To , dance. He preached a splendid ser- ers and two half sisters survive and Weil-Known Woman footwear models. Brief Illness mon which was thoroughly enjoyed , ' of Boiling Springs; City, R-2 I' are John Moore, of Forest ,by {his audience. His subject was Thomas Moore, of Forest City,R-2; ? Whether worn with lustroua J. Kistler | i I "The Five Links of the Golden Caroleen, Sept. 24.?Mr. : of Raleigh. The sis- ( / shimmering and Joe Moore, Forest City, R-2, Sept. 24.?Mrs. | Chain." satin, velvet or aged seventy-two years, died of Moore, I ters are Mrs. R. C. Ledbetter, , L. L. Womack, aged fifty years, died i soft woolen, black patent Mr. Blaine Melton and family, of here Friday. He was taken ill Thurs- Spindale; and Mrs. 'Sis' Daniel, of at her home near Bethany church ®«BB( V Glen Alpine, Sunday with Mr. leather is exceedingly effec- day with an illness in the nature of Forest City, R-2. ! Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. | spent (Melton's parents', Mr. and Mrs. J. R. \ tive?particularly so with colic. A doctor was summoned who Mr. Moore was a faithful member ; Mrs. Womack had been in ill health of the Methodist church, having join- for six months, and her death was not , Melton. I 1 I some of the reds, plum and gave him some medicine for relief. ed a number of years ago. At the ; unexpected. j Mr. Jethro and family vis- \ blue shades so popular this illuntil his death Fri- Rollins He continued of his death he was a member of jited at Mr. Spurgeon Rol- time Funeral services were held at and Mrs. day. the Oak Grove Methodist church. ilins last week. Floyds Creek Baptist church Satur- i Funeral services were held at High day. Rev. Z. D. Harrill, of Ellenboro, I Miss Inez Houser spent the week Shoals church Sunday afternoon at Mesdames A. C. Duncan, F. I. 'was in charge, assisted by Rev. R. N. | end visiting her sister, Mrs. Bedford Hosiery to Match Always four o'clock. The services were in Barber, C. E. Alcock, Miss Flora , Childress, of Caroleen, and Rev. C. Beatty, at Spindale. charge of Rev. D. G. Washburn. The | Order by Mail Marks and Rev. John S. Wood at- ! C. Matheny, of Alexander. Interment last interment was in High Shoals ceme- Miss Nannie Melton spent tended the district meeting of the was in Floyds Creek cemetery. Miss Lizzie The Masonic Order, of which he I week with her cousin, ' Order Eastern Star, held in Shelby f\)he Shoe Store" was a member, had charge of the Mrs. Womack is survived by her Beatty. on Thursday. Mesdames Ida B. interment service. husband, ten children, her parents Miss Mary Melton and Miss Lizzie Watkins, Green and LiZfcie Goode, of and four brothers and four sisters. Mr Moore is survived by his widow !Beatty are spending some time with Cliffside, also attended. The children are Hicks Womack, Un- and seven children, as follows: Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty. Edgar ion, S. C.; Herman, Zeb and Howard, ert C. Moore, Mooresboro; J. Litten, the small son of Mr. and | Big line of farm implements at of Forest City, R-2; Mrs. Lillian *** Moore, G. T. Moore and John C. badly Spartanburg?S.C ! Wolf Ky.; Misses Jen- Mrs. Ben McCurry had his eye 2/ Moore, of Caroleen; Samuel Moore, Farmers Hardware Co. Belcher, Pit, nie, Eula, Reba, Margaret and Marie injured, when a nail, thrown by his Womack, all at home. Her parents, small sister, struck him near the Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrill, reside sight in his eye. Mr. McCurry took his near Henrietta. The four brothers are j son to Shelby, to an eye specialist. Messrs. Fletcher, Vance and Ed Har- \u25a0 It is thought that the child may re- rill, of Forest City, R-2, and George I cover if nothing develops to prevent Belk's Two Big Harrill, of Campobello, S. C. The j healing. sisters are Mrs. Cora Harris, Caro- j Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melton attended leen; Mrs. Elisha Price, Grover, N. j the Quarterly Conference at Ceder C.; Mrs. C. McDaniel, of near Prov- Grove Sunday afternoon. DEPENDABLE idence church, and Mrs. Lillie Hen- Mr. John Yelton is very ill, we are DOLLAR DAYS son, of near Bethany. sorry to note. Mrs. Womack was a good mother Rev. K. N. Snipes was the dinner and a Christian character. She was; guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J,S. PRICES! » a member of the Baptist church, and ! Anderson. mf Whether specially reduced or Friday Saturday was active in its work. Mrs. Dovie Whisnant of Lawndale, regular prices, you can was a visitor in this community Sun- / depend day. on our prices "MISS FOREST CITY" wTw V $ all being the low- Sept. 28th and 29th IN CHARLOTTE OBSERVER es* possible for high quality i HOLLY SPRINGS NEWS eCQHOMT Bitcw' merchandise. A picture of Miss Willie Lou Jones, , who won the title "Miss Forest City" ?? Bargains all over the store Harris, R-l, Sept. 24.?Rev. D. J. in the recent beauty contest spon- Hunt filled his regular appointment sored by The Courier, appeared' in at Holly Springs Saturday and Sun- Tuesday's Charlotte Observer, along Jemima day, preaching good sermons both PANCAKE FLOUR 14c) with that of one of South Carolina's days. beauties. off on Men's Clothing On last Sunday the Holly Springs !s'b, 10% City" SYRUP n 29 "Miss Forest will appear in Sunday School gave a short program c throughout the entire newspapers on state missions. All the classes country and Miss Jones will prove a ! marched from their rooms while Miss lona Cocoa, 2 lb. can 30c most worthy representative of oul- Maudie Robbins played a march on little city. 4 Silk, Velvets, Goods | the piano. The program follows: All Wool The national beauty contest, in "What State Missions Are," given | which a photo of Miss Jones has been Iby Mr. Edward Cole. "The Great and Flannels $ 1.95 per yard | entered will be held in New York Progress We Have Made," given by | City, October 15. Miss Jones has a Miss Ina Robbins. "My Tithe," given Sugar great chance to win in this national i by Miss Gladys Roach. "The Things Miss Ebbie ?? and up 10 per cent reduction. contest. Worth While," given by * The publishing of Miss Jones' Sue Matheny. Special song "Take Libby's Sauer Kraut photograph throughout the United My Life and Let It Be," sung by the 10c States will prove of much publicity jAmomo Class. Secretary's report, Song Lots of Bargains. Come value to our city, and willshow to the J given by Mr. Garland Roach. PALMOLIVE world just how pretty the girls grow j and special offering; closing by the 1 in Forest City. 1 pastor. Dismissed into preaching ser- and see yourself. I j vice. 3Cate f\*>r Miss Maggie Cole, of Boiling RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT SOAP 20c Springs, spent the week end with j - I j home folks. Whereas, Our Heavenly Father in Miss Lucy and Gladys Roach and Stringless Beans, 2 No. 2 cans 25c his infinite wisdom and goodness Messrs. Garland and Grover Roach \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 wmmmmwmmtmmmmmmwm HMßM did on Feb. 15, 1928, remove from visited Miss Lillie, Maudie and Ina Dept. Store our midst, beloved friend, Saturday night. Many BOKAR Belk's our much Robbins inter- co-worker and Sunday school super- esting games were played and all The c RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. flflrIT I" °ffee taken I®7 ? intendent, Mrs. Alta Randall Mag- seemed to enjoy the occasion very ontheß yrd Polar / D ness. We deplore her untimely death, much. IfilrrrrExposition /I therefore, be it resolved: On last Saturday at 1:30 o'clock UUI I LL lb T*f (J Mission- * First?That the entire member- j the Holly Springs Woman's 9 ship of the Oak Grove Sunday school, j ary Society met and gave a very in-; " Corn 2 .... of which she was a most excellent i teresting program and Miss Lillie B. Flakes, for 15c LIGON'S DRUG STORE, Inc. and worthy superintendent, wish to j Robbins was elected as chairman of program committee and Mrs. Rena Fine Quality Corn, 2 No. 2 cans 25c A Drug Store Full of the Best and Most record our sincere love and appre- j Reliable Remedies ciation of the devotion and dignity ? Robbins was elected as chairman which marked her consecrated Chris- j personal service committee. Mrs. Car- FLOUR Cigarettes tian life. rie Allen was elected as a member of the personal service committee.
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