
4420 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD..-SENATE MAY 21 '2862. Also, petition of patrons of .Frankfort 2875. By Mr. !LYNCH: R-esolutions of the CALL OF THE .ROLL Springs Grange, No. 1989, Beaver County, Pa.. Central Union Label Council of Greater New urging the early passage of Senate bill 860, York, urging increase . in salary for postal Mr. HilL. I suggest the abseace of a to provide for the common defense in rela­ -employees; · to th-e Committee on the Post ·quorum. tion to the sale of alcoholic liquors to the Office and Post Roads. -The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk land and naval forces of the United States, 2876. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: Petition of will call the roll. and to provide for the suppression <>f vice in Frank J. Venning and a number of citizens - The Chief Clerk called the roll, and vicinity of military camps and naval estab­ pf Keokuk, Iowa, urging tpe passage of Sen­ the following Senators answered to their lishments; to the Committee on Military Af­ ate bill 860, providing for the suppression of names: fair~ vice in, the vicinity of military and nav.al -camps and cantonments; te the Committee Aiken Ellender Norris 2863. Also, petition of 46 citizens of Beaver Andrews · G-eorge Nye County, Pa., urging enactment of Senate bill on Military Affairs. Bailey Gerry. O'D.anlel 860, as a contribution to a wholesome defense 287\1. By Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the Ball Gillett.e O'Mahoney program and a reenactment of legislation Watchmak-er's Local No. 101, International Bankhead Glass Overton similar to that <>f 19i7 and so give to 'the .Jewelry Workers' Union, .at San Francisco. Batkley Green Pepper young men of 1942 the protection their fath­ Calif.. adopted April 24, 1942, xelative to Bilbo Gurney Radcliffe ers bad in 1.917; to the Coli_lmittee on Military House bill ~6, .a ·bill tC3 increase the salaries Bone Hatcll ReynOlds of oertain !IJIG&ta.l employees; to the Commit­ Brewster lia;rden Rosier Affairs. Brooks Hili R'W!Selil 2864. Also, petiti-on .of 105 citizens of tee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Brown Holman Schwartz Beaver County, Pa., urging the early passage 287-8 .. By )lr. SMI'IH of Wisconsin: .Resolu­ Bulow Hughes Smathers of Senate bill 860, to provide for the common tion of the United Automobile Worker.s ol' Bunker John'!lon, Calif. Smith defense in relation to the sale of '8ilcoh.olic Ameri-ca, Local .85, Racine, Wis., approving Burton Kilgore Spencer liquors to the land and naval f-orces of the the ffillowing general principl-es of taxation; Butler La F~ette T.a!t 1 The income tax and estate tax be utilized at Byrd Langer Thomas, Okla. United States, and to provide for the sup- capper Lee Tobey pression nf vice in the vicinity .of military m&ldmum .effi.cieacy; undivided surplus iunds oar.a way McQarr:an Tunnell camps and naval estabUsbments; :to the Com­ be :re_gar-ded .as taxable income; excess-profits Chandler McF.arJand Tydtn.gs mittee on Ml1itary .Alfairs. tax--!l"ate .o-f pmfit to corporation not to ex­ Cha-vez MeK-eUaT Vttncrenberg 2S65. Also. petition of 63 members of the ceed rate all6wed individuals who lend .money Clark, Idaho .!MeNm-y V'Bn Nuys East .B.r.ook United Presbyterian Churcb, East to -Go~ernment--namely, 2 U! ,percent; e~empt Clank, Mo. .Maloney Wa_gner conna11y Maybank Wtt'ls'h 'Brook, Pa., urging enactment .of Senate bUt .securities ,and '()bligations to be ;placed on taKable basis; taxation oi excessive bonuses Dantther Mead 'Wb€eler 860, taking liquor from our Army camps, .and Davi~ Milliun Whlte also legislation probibiting liquor adv,er'ttsing _paid by corporations; and l.ndividual and Doxey . Murdock Willis over the radio; to the Committee on Military corpor.ate incomes to be limlteJ to .$25,000; to Affairs. the Committee .on W.ays and Means. Mr~ HILL. I .announce that the Sen­ 2866. Also, petition of ~07 residents of 2879. By the SPEAKER: ·Petition of the ator fr.om California ,[Mr. Dow.NEY) is l3eaver County. P.a., CJriginated in the First Townsend Club, No. 2, of Du Bois, ?a., peti­ .detained on .offici'B.l bu.siness in his State. Methodist Church of .Beaver F.allsA P.a., urg­ tioning.considerat1on of their resolution with Tbe .Senator fmm Pennsylvania [Mr. ing the enactment o! Senate .bil'l '81)0 to Jlro­ 'l'ef€renee to A•pay a'S -y_(j)u <g.o'" for pen£1Gns and GUFFEY], the Senator from lliinlllis [Mr. vide the largest pm:slble protection for the defense; oo the Oommd:ttee on Ways and .Means. · Lu-cAs], and the Senator fr<Om Missouri men in our Army .arui Navy a,galnst the influ­ [MT. TRUMAN] of the eom­ ence of vice .and intoxicating liqu"ors; to the -a;r,e m-em'bers Committee on MiiitaTy Afiaira. mittee attending the funeral of the late 2867. By Mr. HAINES: Petition unanimously Re.Pr.esP.ntative BoLAND, .of Pennsylvania. approved by the 89 mt!mber.s .m the Armor SENATE -and are therefore necessariiy absent. Bearers .Men's Bible Class of St. Paul's United 'I'he Senat()T from l<>wa fM:r. HEruuNcl. THURSOAY, MAY2l, 1942 iE:vangeUcal Congregational Church of Ycrk, the Senator from Montana [Mr. M-uR­ Pa.; to the Committee on. Military .Affa.ws. (Legislative day of hiday, May 15, 1942} 'RAY], the Senator from Tennessee ['Mr. 2868. By Mr. P.etithm HEIDINGER: of Roy STEWART], the Senator from Ut-ah 1Mr. Adams and 63 <>thers, r-esi<ients of Harrisburg, The Senate met at 12 o'clock mer.idlan, T.HOMMl]., and the Senator from Wasb­ ill., requesting the passage CJf Senate bill 860 -on the expiration of the r-ecess. as a oontrmutton to our national de.fen.se pr.o­ ingron ,[Mr. WALLGREN] are necessarily 'Ihe Reverend O.sear F. Blacltwclder, .absent. gram; w the Committee on Military· A1Iairs. D. D., pastor, Chur.ch of the Reformation, 2869• ..Mso. ·petition Df I.. E. Vanwe-y amd -50 The Senator £r-om Colorad-o J:Mr• .JOHN­ other members of the United Brethren Chureh Washingt'On, D. C.~ c~:eroo the foUowing soN] has been caTI-ed out of the city on .of Flora, lll .• :appealing fm lepslation which -prayer: import~nt public business. Will provide the l-argest pQSSible protection ror Father of us an, Lord of the nations, Mr. McNARY. The Senator from Ver­ the men in our Army and N-avy against viae Saviour of mankind, we tllrn to Thee as mont IMr. AusnNJ. the Senator 'from 1Uld intoxieating liquor, and urging the pas­ Massachusetts !:Me. LoDGE].. the Senator sa,ge of Senate birll 800; to the <J.ottllnittee .on the source of -our light, the refresher of Military Aifatrs. our spirits. the cleanser of our motives. from Kansas [Mr. REED].. and the Sen­ 2870• .Also, petition of Mmrue P. Flink­ We _pray for strength of charact-er and ator from Idaho 1MT. THoMAS] are neces­ houser and 65 other :residents <Of White of .body. We pray for clear minds .and :sarily ·abBent. Comnty, .IH., urging the acloption >Of Senate singleness of purpose. The Senator· rrom New .Jersey IMr. bii1600; to t;he <Jommittee.on .Mi.lit.ar.y Aifaks. In like manner. we pray for ou.r ooun­ BARBOtrR11 is absent because of iilne~. 2871 • .Also. petitlon of .J. S. Vise and sundry try, tor the fathers and mothers 'Of young The Senat'Or from .Minnesota LMr. other citizens >()f Ewing, IlL, :and. :surrounding men in the Natio-n~s service -as wen a-s .SmP.sUA:D J i:s absent bee.ause of illness eammunity. urging tbe passage :of :.Benaile bill their sons, for lea1iers ami f-or humble in his family. "860; bo the Committee vn :Military Afiairs. The Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. 2872. By Ur. JONES; Petition .of Edith men and women in the ranks of life. Es­ BRIDGES] is absent as a result of an in­ Ptiehal'd and t 1'I residents <Of :M2roor Oonnty, pecially we pray .for the President ,of the Ohiu, and members of the Andel:SD'n Bethel Uni,ted States, ·for ~ Congress, and for jury and .iUness. · Church of GO<I, d M'eln.don, Obio, m. snppmt all in posts -of responsibilitY~ W.e pray The Senator from Wisconsin !Mr. of Senate blll :860; to the C.ommittee on f-or an early and la'Sbing pea:oe_, if it :be WILEY] is absent attending to public MUitary A:Ifair.s . Thy wm. Above the .sfurm and tragedy matters. · 287B. -By Mr. KRAMER: Petition <>f the of this hour may Thy kingdom oome. The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy­ Metropolitan Water District of Southern Througb JesJ]s Christ~ DUr Lord. eight Sena-tors have -answered to their California, urging that the situation .en'Sttng ·names. A quorum is present. on the Qolorado River at and in the vicinity Am-en. of the city of Needles, Calif., be imm'ed1at.eiy ·THE JOURNAL EXECUTIVE COMMUNJCATIONS. ETC. Investigated and that ap.pr.opriate action to On request of Mr. HILL, and by unani­ The VICE PRESIDENT 1aid bef'Ore th-e remeay tl¥e fiood conditions on the l"i:v.er at molJIS eonsent_, tbe rea<iin_g <Of the Journal :Senate the following 1etrers, which were that pGlnt be taken; to the Committee 'OD Flooo COntroL of the proceedings of the calendar day referred as indicated: · W·ednesday, May 2.0, 1942, was dispensed 287-4:.
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