Boy Meets Horn .........................6 C Jam Blues ...........................5 Caravan ...............................8 Creole Love Cal1 .......................12 Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me ...........15 Don 't Get Around Much Anymore ...........18 1 Got lt Bad (And ?ha in? ~ood............. 24 1 Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart ...........21 ln A Mellow hne ....................... 28 ln A Sentimental Mood ..................30 lt Don It Mean A ninq (IF /t Ain t Got ?bat Swing) . .32 Mood Indigo .......................... 34 Prelude To A Kss ...................... 40 Rockin' ln Rhythm ...................... 36 Solitude ............................. 46 Sophisticated Laày ..................... 43 The Mooch .......................... 48 C JAM BLUES Ncrn arc U-is 5j CrJic Eningrsr C--i-meiRBaak BRC>S PVBUCAllMYS US Inc (Prinl) AII R,.~LS -b8.--t~ -- BOY MEETS HORN Words and Muric by Duke Ellington. Iriing Millr. Juan Tiiol Al 87 B b7 Al Bbl BI B bl A7 Bb7 BI Chorus ~rn BI ' El HORN, gou'll hear a 1 -- - -- O ,940 (ionorea 7968 a-o &%%'nea 10 EMi MOLLSULS C !n< and FAM0,S M2S.C COFIPORA~,~n tne ,SA A R.pnts a ~saeine J S A Contrmof EU MlLLS MJSL .nc IPuDLS~ng, aia HAHNER BROS PLBLICAT OhS J b Inc tP in!, NI rights reserved. Inleinatianal Copyright seeured. Cdirn El C C dim 1" mcl - O - dv 50 néwwhen BOY MEETS HORN; Ion aiid oh. SV - - 1 qiwetthnt ir SL'C~SII'S like the rnel-1~wrnus-i~from an-0th-cr aorld of urearns:vou'll hear a Ern Gi E- Dl Fdim n? Il m ..? 113 DI G 1 CARAVAN Woidr and Music by Ouke Ellington. Irving Mills. Juan Tizd Night ' and stars a - b'ove- that shlne so Ebdirn Cl Eh dim Cl ~bdim Cl Ehdim c Ehdiin Cl 1. Id brlght The mys-'rry of rheir lad - log llgtt Eh dim CI Ehdim Cl Ehdirn Cl Fm6 e 1937 rene*ed 1965, aiio Arsqiieo IO EMI Ml..S MJSIC ne ana FAMOLS MAC CORPORATION .n liie L SA A R Q~SIL aP !rie ,SA Coniio eo Dy EM M ..S MLS C Inc Prnisn ng ano VUARNER RROS PIB-ICAT OhS S Inc Pi ni All rights reserved. lnlernational Copyright secursd. 1 " shoal-der as u-e creep ' A-cross the sands so 1 hay 1 ' keep ' This men -'ry of oor CAR - A . 1 VAN This Is so ex - cit - ing I " are so in - vil i ng E b7 G dim - L - - - ,- rA 1 Rest ina In rny arms As 1 Ab C7 Fm6 Ebdirn Cl - I " ihrill to the mag - Ic charms of 11 Eh dim CI ~bdim Cl ~b dim Cl E b dim Cl YOU Be - side me here be -math the Misterioso . I I I I A. Eh dim Cl E) dim CI Eh dim Cl Ehdim Cl I ' blue ' My dream of love is corn - 'lng Cl A. Eh dim Fm6 1 ' 1 true th-II O des - ert CAR - A - VAN. DO NOTH IN' TILL YOU HEAR FROM ME Wordi bg Bab Rurrell - MUSICby Ouke Ellmgton Moderately slow Sorne-one told sorne-one and sorne-one t But they would-n't hurt- you, not rnuch, 1 Since ev - 'ry one spreads the sto - ry With his own lit - tle per-son - al touch.- - O 1943 (rm1971) bl UiI ROB81NS CATlVffi Inc. and HARRISON MUSIC CORP Yi me USA Al Riemm& he US4 bl EMI R0881NS CATALffi Inc. (PublWirgj and W*RNER PUBLICATICNS U.S. lm. lpnnn ueaui leyl saop ~ng-fiau auo-auios w!fi uaas uaaq aA.1 anil I a3ueui-OJ ano la-p!s-uoa Iseal )y I 1 that I'm un-tme?When we're a - part- the words in my heart - re - veal how 1 feel- a-bout you u- - 1u* u- 1 - Some kiss mav cloud mv mem - O - ry And oth-er arms mav hold a thdl 1 But please do noth in' till you hear it from me.. And you nev - er will. - 1 - Do ~oth-in'Till You Hear From DON'T GET AROUND MUCH ANYMORE Words by Bob RUSIPII -Music by Ouke Ellington I Rlien Sm not play- ing sol - i - taire- 1 take a book down from the c GI c Em Gaue Eml AB G Dl G And u+at with pro-grams on the air- 1 keep pret - ty much to my - self. O 1942 lrenewed 19701 bv EMI ROBBINS CATALMj Inc. and HARRISON MUSIC CORP in the USA- AI n.gnis outaio. JSA Aomn s~eieaO, FMI RORB hs CATALOG nc (p.0 rn ng 3rdWARNER BROS PJBL CA1 ONS U S inc (Pi ni' Ali riqhts te~erreo nlernat ona Copi, gnt sec-IPO Slowly Choms ( - Missed the Sat - ur-day dancc Heard they c&d-ed the flnor - - 3, Could - dt bear it with - out - you- Do& Get A- round Much An-y - rn& 1 - V ( Thought 1'd uiç- it the club Got as far as the door I LET A SONG GO OUT OF MY HEART Wards and Mu-ic by Ouke Ellington. Irving Millr, Henry Nemo, John Redmand " Ev - 'ry - one has a fav - or - ite Song, r I nlv heart has one too; - But 1 lost III~ fuv - or - ite song, That's why I'm so blue. ppp~ @ 1936 (ienewed 1966) and Assigned 10 EMI MILLS MUSIC. ln~.and FAMOUS MUSIC CORPORATION in the U.S.A. AII Rignrs ouLside lhe U.S.A. Controlled by EMI MlLLS MUSIC. Inc. (Publishing) and WARNER BROS. PUBLICATIONS U.S. 1°C. (Prinl) AI1 righls reserued. International CoWriphI securea. 'II .&. Il' -, 31 - snur laaths'q~rqaiuo3asoaId - IV lute to iii;ilce :r - inends? - You kriow tlicit we wereiiieant to 1 - CIUT OF B~YIEART. Me - lieve lie, du-ling, when 1 sxy- 1 woiit kiiow SIX-eetiiius- I GOT IT BAD (And That Ain't Good) Wards and Music by Oukp Ellington. Paul Wcbrtpr - The po - ets say that al1 wb love are blind; But Dl Am'i G Ddim Dl A ., The 1 Good Ebok S.). .Ga se& and ye shail findo W~U, 0 1941 lrenewed 1968). bv. EMI ROBOINS CATALOG 1°C. and HARRISON MUSIC CORP in the USA A1 Rqnlr ollr ui !ne LS4 Aam n.alrird oi EMI ROOOI\iS CATA-OC nr P-ri 5r n<) ana WAHAER BrlOS 9-0- CATiOhS S iIr !Pr n) A I ~"IPrerarieo nrinal.on8 Cop,r gnl sec-feu - 1 have sought and my - what a climb it isy men he's gone Im cloud - y with show - ers; in e - mo - tion, like the O-csan it's Al G CI G Dl Am BI Eml [addo Am1 Dl l ei -ther sink or swim- When a wo-man loves a man like 1 love bim. Moderately slow -Chorus Edim G C G BI Em Al Eml A9 Alaug Al fiev - er treats me sweet and gen -tle the way he should; Like a lone - lv weep - ine wil - low lost in the wood 1 Got It B'ad And That Good 1 1 Got It Bad And That Ain't GoodI EdimG C G BI En Al E ml A9 Alaue Al - n- My poor heart is sen - ti - men - ta1 not made of wood 1 And the thinca 1 tell mv oil - low no wo-man should Tho when /he week-end's o - ver and Mon- day rolls a - roun9 1 end up like 1 folks withgood in - ten-tions tell me to save my tears Im glad Im nad a - Bml El D dim Am Eblaug Dl EdimG C G just cry - in' my heart out 7-He doit love me with - ont him I like 1 love him no - hod - y coold i GO^ ~t I make him love me the wav he shoold 1 Got It IN A MELLOW TONE Music by Ouke Ellington, Medium Swing Tempo (notaiofast) 0 1940, 1942 (Renewed 1968, 1970) by EMI ROBBlNS CATALOG Inc Al1 Righls Conlrolled by EMI ROBBINS CATALOG Inc. (Publishing) and WARNER BROS PUBLICATIONS US. Inc. (Plint) Al1 rights resewed. Internalional Copyright recured. peinîes iqS!iAdo3 leuo!leuie!ul peuasai s~6,i[IV (lu!Jd) '2'4 'Sn SNOIlV3118nd 'SOHE t(3NHVM PUE ((ôU!ilS!lKlnd]'3Ul '3lSllW S11IW IW3 Aq PallOilUO3 .VSn au1 @P!*inOs1~61n IIV v sn aqi u! ~o!lvnodn0331snw S~OWV~ puelu1 '31sn~sii!vi 1.3 ai pau6!8sv pue (~961pamauato ~~61Q sb cl DI Gin ~b7 F A b~ ~b E brn A bl cl Mood 1; with - in a \r<rld ko hea - 4cn - 1 For \ ne-ver dremt tliei 32 IT OON'T MEAN A TH ING (1 F It Ain't Got That Swing) Werds and Muiic by Dukr Ellingten. Iwing Mi115 Lively IV What good 1s del- O - dy, Gm Gml cm6 Ebl Gm Gml Gm6 Ebl Dlau~Gm Gm Gml I - what good 1s mus- le, If lt aldt pos-sess-in3 some- thing sweet,-- It alnt the . I inel-o - dy, lt alnlt the mus-le, ~here'ssome-thlng else that makes the tune chu- plete. CII0RT:S Cm cm1 Ebl Dl Cm Cl - IV It don't roaïn n thlng, if it aidt pot that swing,- -- - - B 1932 lRPnPheO 196ci ana nsspneu IO EM MILLS M~SCne a,," FAMO-s MOSIC CORPORAT oh ii the L s A A R ont$ ocilsine the LI S A Conlrc en or FM MILLS MLSIC iiic (Pub qninol an" HARhER BROS PLB.ICATIDhS S nc IPilm. t dont mean Flsus r, 1 ;ah,) ia mskes no d'lff-'rénee if-' it's sreet or ha7 Just &ive that rhy-îhm , .
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