DODO <:::IS C). Co-operative Insurance ~Q: J'~ <," ~~lJr ~.. o'" '1I}Ce c~'3-~ COUll tY/ DivisiO{\\\\ Division 2 North CUMBRIA versus CHESHIRE at Bower Park, Aspatria Saturday, 2nd October 1993 Official Programme 50p Sponsored by Jennings Brothers pIc County Officers President: John Branthwaite (Keswick) Senior Vi ce-President: Chris Garrard (Cockennouth) Vi ce-President: Eric Todhumer (Workington) Junior Vi ce-President: Joe Heaslip (Workington) Chairman: Alec Bleasdale (Penrith) Hon. Secretary: Frank Sheppard, (Cumbria Referees Soc iety) Hon. Treasurer: Roger Hackn ey (Upper Eden) R.F.U. Representative: Alan Milligan (Fumess) Hon. Admin. Officer: David Maclnnes (Millom) Public Relations Officer: John Robson (Greengarth) YOl/th Chairman Jane Wilman (Kirkby Lonsdale) Chairman of Selection Cam: Keith Warwick (Wigton) YOlllh Development Officer: Stuart Urquhart (07687) 75272) Advertising Feature Keep warm with style We stock everything from Silk Underwear to Down Jackets (including Waterproofs). There are Sleeping Bags and Rucksacks of every degree plus Survival Kits to take anywhere you're going. Ring or Visit Penrith Survival Equipment Morland, Penrith, Cumbria CAIO 3AZ Telephone: 0931 714444 Welcome to Cheshire It is my pleasure, on behalf of Cumbria Rugby Union, to ex tend a warm weleome to players, officiais and supporters for today's game at Bower Park. This garnc is of vital importance; bath sidcs have becn succcssfui in their fifst two eneounters, with Cumbria being 1 point ahead. The winner takes ail - ail being promo­ lion! 1 am sure bath si de s wi ll strive to give us a game of full commitrncnt. We thank our new County and Divisional Championship sponsors C.LS., one of the eountry's leading in surers, also Jennings Bros. pic for their eontinued sponsorship of Cumbria Rugby Un ion. We hope sponsors and guests will enjoy their visit. Our sineere tll ank s to the President and Committee of the Aspatria club for hosting the game. Thcir organi sation and hard work is very much apprcciated. Wc congratulate them on the rccent opcning of thcir new changing and rncdical facilitics which must surely equal any in the country. Wc trust that the referee and hi s two toueh judges have a good day and make it a eoun­ ty game to rem ember. 1 wish ail players, officiais and supporters an enjoyable day and trust our visitors will have a safe journey home. John Branthwaile. President, Cumbria Rugby Union. A Warm Welcome l'rom Trevor Green, Managing Director of Jcnnings Brothers Pic. Il gives me great pleasure to welcome you to today's County Championship match at Aspatria bctwcen Cumbria and Cheshire, wÎlh an espccially warm Cumbrian we1come to OUf guests and friends From Cheshire. Jennings is very proud of ilS assoc iation with Cumbria Rugby Union and wc arc confi­ dent that this, the first year of our second three year sponsorship agreement, will be another great success for both parties. Today 's match promises 10 be an exciting affair. At the lime of writing Ihis welcome , Cumbria have already defeated Warwickshire at Coventry. Does this auger weil for a retum ta Division I ? Today's match will provide us with the answer to thi s question but in keeping with the spirit of the game, 1 am sure that both teams will enjoy the match, provide us ail \Vith agame worthy of the ehampionship and eelebrate the out­ co me of the match with the traditional drink of Cumbria, which is, of course, a pint of Jennings! The very best of lu ek to both sides and may be hest team win. Trevor Green, Managing Direclor of Jennings Brothers Pic. C.I.S. County Championship Division 2 North Saturday, 2nd October 1993 CUMBRIA CHESHIRE Colours: Navy Blue Shirts Colours: Blue & White Hooped Shirts 15 Mike LOWTHER (Thornesians) FULLBACK, 15 Chris THOMPSON (Waterloo) 14 Kevin BUCK (Cockennouth) RIGH'j' WING 14 Dean CROMPTON (Liverpool St. Helens) 13 Jason SLATER (Kendal) RIGHT ,CENTRE 13 Richard MACKERTICH (Manchester) 12 Andy SOUTHWELL (Netherhall) LEFTCENTRE 12 Mike JONES (Sale) 11 Paul CUSACK (Aspatria) LEFTWING 11 Adrian BIRD (Winnington Park) 10 David BELL (Kendal) Captain FLYHALF 10 Simon MASON (Liverpool St. Helens) 9 Mark McDOWELL (Cockennouth) SCRUMHALF 9 John FARR (Bedford) 1 Steven IRVING (Aspatria) PROP FORWARD 1 David ALLCOCK (Winnington Park) 2 Alex MOFFAT (Fylde) HOOKER 2 John GRIGG (Liverpool St. Helens) 3 David JOHN STONE (Wigton) PROP FORWARD 3 Jason CUNDICK (Winnington Park) 4 Tony CLEMENTS ON (Aspatria) LOCK FORWARD 4 Stuart HUGHES (Liverpool St. Helens) 5 Mark DALEY (Wigton) LOCK FORWARD 5 David CRADDOCK (Manchester) 6 Andrew BELL (Wigton) BLIND SIDE 6 Simon MORRIS ON (Congleton) Captain 7 Richard STOWE (Kendal) OPEN SIDE 7 Nick YARDLEY (Winnington Park) 8 Mark RICHARDSON (Aspatria) No. 8 8 Andy McGARRIGLE (Winnington Park) Replacements Replacements 16 Mark MACE (Kendal) 16 Paul GERRARD (Winnington Park) 17 Mark SUTTON (Wigton) i 17 Andrew GARDINER (Stockport) 18 Nigel BROWN (Aspatria) 18 Gareth LEWYS-LLOYD (Bristol University) Referee: Mr. George SEDDON (R.EU. & Manchester Society) Touch Judge: Touch JL/dg e: Mr. Mike COMMON (Northumberland Society) Mr. E. David FARRIMOND (Orrell R.F.C.) From the Past The last time we played Cheshire in the County Championship was on 30th September 1989 at New Brighton Rugby Club, when lan Williams, who was making his debut, scored a hat-trick of tries. The team was: 1. H unter (Northamp ton), P. Cusack (Cockermouth), N. McDowe ll (Cockermouth), J . Routle dge (Egremont), G. Atkinson (Cockermouth), A. Harrison (Aspatria), G. Doggart (Aspatria), P. Jackson (Aspatria), N. Brown (Aspatria), S. Irving (Aspatria), F. Storey (Aspatria), K. Graham (Carlisle), S. Hodgson (Sale), 1. Williams (Wigton), A. McFariane (Sale). The last Championship home game was held at the Wigton club on Saturday, 1s t October 1988, and those representing Cumbria on that day were: M. Lowther (Cockermouth), P. Cusack (Cockermouth), R. Taylor (Vale of Lune), N. McDowe ll (Cockermouth), J. Hall (Wigton), D. Pears (Sale), G. Doggart (Sale), E. Little (Wigton), N. Brown (Aspatria), G. Robertson (Penrith), M . Ri c ha rdson (Egre mont), K. Graham (Carlisle), M . Brown (Aspatria), N. Carruthers (Wigton), A. McFarlane (Sale). Since these two matches, Ian Hunter, David Pears, Paul Cusack, Mike Lowther, George Doggart, and Andy McFariane have gone on to represent the northem Division, and ran, David and George have also played for England 'A'. In addi­ tion David and Ian went on to gain full England honours, whilst Ian went on the recent tour of New Zealand by th e British Lions. TODAYS NEWS: The results from this season 's County Championship games so far are: Warwickshire - Away at Coventry, Saturday, 18th September. WON 12-20. Team: M. Lowther (Thornesians), Mark Mace (Kendal) 60 mins., J. Bill (Kendal), A. So uth we il ( Ne the rhall), J. S later (Kenda l), K. Buck (Cockermouth), D. Bell (Kendal), M. McDowell (Cockermouth), S. Irving (Aspatria), A. Moffalt (Fylde), D. Johnstone (Wigton), M. Daley (Wigton), T. Clementson (Aspatri a), A. Bell (Wigton), R. Stowe (Kendal), M. Richardson (Aspatria). Scorers: T. Richardson, Southwell, Bi ll , Buck. Leicestershire - Away at Stoneygate, Saturday, 25th September. WON 14-21 . Team: M. Lowther (Thomesians), K. Buck (Cockermouth), J. Slater (Kendal), A. Southwe ll (Netherha ll ), M. Mace (Kendal), D. Be ll (Kendal) Captain, M . McDowell (Cockermo uth), S. Irving (As patria), A. Moffalt (F ylde), D. Johnstone (Wigton), M . Daley (Wigton), A . Be ll (Wigton), M. Sulton (Wigton), R. Stowe (Kendal), M. Richardson (Aspatri a). Scorers: T. Mace 2, P. Southwell 3, C. Southwell 1. Today, Mark Richardson plays hi s 50th County Championship game for Cumbria making his debut against Yorkshire in 1979. RJ.H. RUGBY AT ANFIELD TUESDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 1993 KICK OFF 2.30 P.M . R.F.U. NORTH V ALL BLACKS TICKETS r1 5 (Seated) Œ (S tanding) SPECIAL RATES FOR ACCOMPANIED SCHOOL PARTIES APPLICATIONS TO: The Ticket Office, Liverpool F.C., Anfield Road, LIVERPOOL L4 OTH Wi th reminance and SAE please Telephone Bookings (Credit Ca rd Only) 051 2635727 Subject to small surcharge Cumbria Rugby Union Application to become a Patron of the Union ln consideration of paying a minimum subscription of fS.oo (in the case of a Married Couple (f7.50) UWe apply to bccomc patron(s) thercor. N.me(s) Addrcss *1 enclose a ChequclSland ing Order for ______ made payable te the Cumbria Rugby Un ion. Signed _ _ ________________ *Pleasc forward togcthcr with a stampcd addresscd envelope to: Hon. Adm in . Offï ccr. D.M. Macinnes. Thwaitcs House, Duddon Hall . Broughton-in-Furn css, Cumbri a LA20 6EU. BITTER Printed by Reed's Limitcd. Penrith, Cumbria Tel. 0768 642 14 RU ..\ with the CIS ? CIS Insurance County/Divisional Championships "We are delighted that CIS will be sponsoring the County and Divisional Championships. Through this new commitment, CIS is playing a leading role in developing the sport at divisional and county level and is helping to ensure continued success in top class competitive rugby. Having another prestigious sponsor underlines the interest in rugby and 1 look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association." • • C _IS Co-operative Insurance .
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