VOLUME 21 'V /J934 e*** NUMBER 81 Wanted ^ Washington, Thursday, April 26, 1956 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE (c) This suspension order is neces­ CONTENTS sary to reflect current marketing condi­ Chapter IX— Agricultural Marketing tions and to facilitate, promote, and Agricultural Marketing Service Page Service (Marketing Agreements and maintain orderly marketing conditions Proposed rule making: in such marketing area; and Orders), Department of Agriculture Cucumbers grown in Florida; (d) This suspension order does not hearing with respect to mar­ Part 988—Milk in K noxville, T enn., require of persons affected substantial keting agreement and order_ 2689 Marketing Area or extensive preparation prior to its ef­ Frozen fried fish sticks; U. S. fective date. standards for grades_______ 2687 ORDER SUSPENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS Therefore, good cause exists for mak­ Rules and regulations: ing this order effective for the period Milk in Knoxville, Tenn., mar­ Pursuant to the applicable provisions May, June and July 1956. of the Agricultural Marketing Agree­ keting area; order suspending It is therefore ordered, That the fol­ certain provisions_________ _ 2679 ment Act of 1937, as amended (7 U. S. C. lowing provisions of § 988.93 of the or­ 601 et seq.), hereinafter referred to as der be and hereby are suspended for Agriculture Department the “Act”, and of the order, as amended May, June and July 1956; See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ (7 CFR Part 900), regulating the han­ ice. (a) For the months of March through dling of milk in the Knoxville, Tennessee, Army Department marketing area, hereinafter referred to July, subtract the Class II price, ad­ as the “order”, it is hereby found and justed for Class II butterfat differential, See Engineers Corps. determined that: from the Class I price, adjusted by the Civil Aeronautics Board 1. The following provisions of § 988.93Class I butterfat differential and the Notices : will not tend to effectuate the declared Class I location differential. Reeve Alaska Airmotive and policy of the act for the months of May, (b) For the' months of August Reeve Aleutian Airways, Inc_ 2703 June and July 1956: through February * * * Customs Bureau (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. C. Notices: (a) Por the months of March through 608c) July, subtract the Class II price, ad­ Prospective tariff classifications: justed for Class II butterfat differential, Done at Washington, D. C., this 23d Bicycle and accessories and from the Class I price, adjusted by the day of April 1956, to be effective on and lamps imported with bi­ Class I butterfat differential and the after May 1, 1956. cycles ___________________ 2695 Class 1 location differential. [seal] Earl L. B utz, Rifle barrels when imported (b) For the months of August through Assistant Secretary. assembled with rifle ac­ February * * * tions____ ______________ _ [P. R. Doc. 56-3260; Filed, Apr. 25, 1956; 2695 2. Notice of proposed rule making, 8:53 a. m.] Defense Department public procedure thereon, and 30 days See also Engineers Corps. notice of the effective date hereof, are Rules and regulations: found to be impracticable, unnecessary, TITLE 32— NATIONAL DEFENSE Solicitation of commercial life and contrary to the public interest in insurance on military in­ that: Chapter I— Office of the Secretary of stallations in oversea areas_ 2679 (a) The information upon which this Defense Defense Mobilization Office action is based did not become available P art 141a—Solicitation of Commercial' Rules and regulations: in sufficient time for such compliance; Life I nsurance on Military I nstalla­ Telecommunications Advisory (b) This suspension order will relieve tions in Oversea Areas Board; creation of_________ 2682 handler (s) who operate nonpool Plant (s), distributing less than 15 per­ This part is added to this chapter. Engineers Corps cent of receipts of milk in the marketing Sec. Rules and regulations: area, of making payments for such milk 14Ia.l General. Flood control regulations; Tuol­ distributed in the marketing «area. Peti­ 141a.2 Application. umne River Project; Tuol­ 141a.3 DOD Life Insurance Board. umne River, Calif____ ______ 2682 tioner’s producers are intermingled with 141a.4 Minimum requirements for com­ Producers supplying regulated handlers panies. Federal Communications Com­ under this order. Petitioner has made 141a.5 Announcement of findings. mission Payments required under § 988.93 (b) 141a.6 Change in status. Notices: during the past several months and Authority: §§ 141a.l to 141a.6 issued un­ Hearings, etc.: Payments have been sufficient dur- der sec. 202, 61 Stat. 500, as amended; 5 Collins, Joseph Thomas_____ 2704 ng this period to maintain an orderly U. S. Ç. 171a. Mississippi Broadcasting Co. marketing situation. To increase such (WCOC-TV) and Laurel Payments as required by § 988.93 (a) at § 141a.l General. Pursuant to § 141.3 Television Co., Inc_______ 2704 nis tune would be disruptive of orderly (d) of this subchapter, companies desir- Musser Broadcasting Co. et al_ 2703 marketing conditions; (Continued on p. 2681) Petty, Firm C______________ 2704 2679 2680 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Power Commission Page Securities and Exchange Com- Pase FEDERAL|pEGISTER Notices: mission Omno^»3« ¿P Hearings, etc.: Notices: Central Kentucky Natural Hearings, etc.: PublisheTTdaily, except Sundays, Mondays, Gas Co. et al_____________ 2709 Pennsylvania Electric Co___ 2712 and days following official Federal holidays, Fleet, Howard W., et al-------- 2706 Union Electric Co. of Mis­ by the Federal Register Division, National Humble Oil & Refining Co. souri_____________ 2713 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ and Arkansas Fuel Oil Co__ 2711 Western Utilities Corp____ _ 2712 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Treasury Department approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Inc., et al_______________ 2707 See Customs Bureau. amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ McGill, J. R., et al__________ 2711 Wage and Hour Division tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Moore, Wayne, et al------------- 2711 Notices: mittee of the Federal Register, approved by O’Brien, Frank E., et al-------- 2708 Learner employment certifi­ the President. Distribution is made only by Ohio Fuel Gas Co__.________ 2705 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ cates; issuance to various in­ Transcontinental Gas Pipe dustries___________________ 2701 ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Line Corp__ ___________ 2705 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Federal Trade Commission CODIFICATION GUIDE per month or $15.00 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies Proposed rule making : A numerical list of the parts of the Code (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Trade practice rules for : of Federal Regulations affected by documents the size of the issue. Remit check or money Blueprint and diazotype published in this issue. Proposed rules, as order, made payable to the Superintendent coaters industry— ----------- 2694 opposed to final actions, are identified as of Documents, directly to the Government Melamine dinnerware indus­ such. Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein try___________________ — 2695 Title 3 Pa*e Is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulations, Plastics housewares industry. 2694 Chapter II (Executive orders): which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Immigration and Naturaliza­ Sept. 19, 1934 (see Group 297, to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Arizona). amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ tion Service 6132 (revoked in part by PLO eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Notices: tendent of Documents. Prices of books and 1288)_____________________ 2686 pocket supplements vary. Statement of organization ; mis­ Title 7 There are no restrictions on the re­ cellaneous amendments____ 2696 P b o n tp i* T • publication of material appearing in the Part 52 (proposed)___________ 2687 F ederal Register, or the Code of F ederal Interior Department R egulations. See Land Management Bureau. Chapter IX: Part 988_____________________ 2679 Interstate Commerce Commis­ Part 1015 (proposed)_________ 2689 CFR SUPPLEMENTS sion Title 16 Notices : Chapter I: (As of January 1, 1956) Fourth section applications for P r o p o s e d r u l e s (3 docu­ ments)____________>___ 2694,2695 The following Supplements are now relief___ t - _____________ — 2713 available: New Haven Railroad; increased Title 32 commutation fares, 1956____ 2714 Chapter I: Title 16 ($1.25) Rules and regulations: Part 141a____________________ 2679 Title 17 ($0.60) Parts and accessories necessary Title 32A Title 20 ($1.00) for safe operation; qualifica­ Chapter I (ODM) : tions and maximum hours of DMOIX-2___ __________ 2682 Previously announced: Title 3, 1955 Supp. service of employees of motor ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209 ($1.25); carriers and safety of opera­ Title 33 Title 8 ($0.50); Title 9 ($0.70); Titles tion and equipment________ 2687 Chapter II: 10-13 ($0.70); Title 14: Part 400 to end Part 208___ !-______ 2682 ($1.00); Title 18 ($0.50); Title 19 ($0.50); Justice Department Title 39 Title 21 (Rev., 1955) ($5.50); Titles 22 See Immigration and Naturaliza­ Chapter I : and 23 ($1.00); Title 24 ($0.75); Title 25 tion Service. ($0,50); Title 26: Parts 1-79 ($0.35), Part 3______________________ 2683 Parts 80-169 ($0.50), Parts 170-182 Labor Department Part
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