UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CABINET DU SECRETAIRE GENERAL FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Date: 8 July 2004 Ref: To: Mr. S. Ordzhonikidze From: S. Iqbal Riza Director-General Chef de O^pi^t^^ UNOG Geneva Fax No.: +41 22 917 0002 Fax No.: 2129632T55^ No. of pages: (including this one) 1 Subject: Club of Madrid 1. With reference to your fax dated 7 July 2004 on the above subject, please be advised that we have not yet received die invitation for the Secretary- General to attend the inaugural meeting of the Club of Madrid General Assembly. Your request for authorization to accept the invitation issued to you will have to be looked at in die context of the Secretary-General's possible participation. 2. We shall revert as soon as an invitation has been received. Best regards 7.JUL.2004 13:03 ONU GENERftL DIRECTOR NS993 P. 1/8 OFFICE DES NATIONS UN1ES A GENEVE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA LE DIRECTEUR GfiN^RAL TELEFAX Mr. Iqbal Riza Sergei To: Chef de Cabinet From: Director-General United Nations, New York UNOG Fax: 263-2155 Tel, N° -1-41 22 917 2100 Co; Fax.N0 +41 22 917 0002 Date: 07 July 2004 Pages: 8 Subject: Club of Madrid i. I have received a letter from. the former Prime Minister of Canada Ms. Kim Campbell, whom I Icnow personally, ^ncjsrningjhe forthcoming General Assembly of the Club j>f Madrid, scheduled to take place on 12 and. 13 Nov.embejr 2004 in Madrid, This ^ar'Ffocu^jwllbe_"!Qeniocracies in Danger: Diagnosis and Prescriptions", The text of the letter is attached for ease of reference. 2. The Secretary-General has been, invited to be the Keynote Speaker at the Inaugural ~8ession7 .............. '"' ...... ....... 3. IJiaye been invited to the event as was the case previously and it would be my intentionL tojparjticipate, in particular in the context of the discussions concerning ^'Te^ritoriaTly based ethnic, linguistic, religious threats to the democratic order", a topic that might be of interest to the United Nations. 4. As per past practice, I shall inform you of the political aspects of those exchanges float may be relevant for UN activities. I would be grateful for authorization., ^ Best regards, $££ MJfa Page 1/1 07/07 '04 WED 07:02 [TX/RX NO 8798}- @] 001 ' 7.JUL.S004 13:04 ONU GENERflL DIRECTOR N2993 P. 3/8 CLUB DE A/LAD: Mr. Sergei Qrdzhonilddze Director UN Office in Geneva Palais des Nations 8-14, Avenue de la Paix CH -1211 Geneva SWITZERLAND Dear Mr. On behalf of Presiden£ Madrid, I have flae plfa^^Winvite~you"to attend our III ib th tafce*pte£e in Madrid, Spaia3 on November 12 ^andl3 oftius^gar. The flieme for this year's General Assembly~Donieiience"wUl be ^"emocracieTin Danger: Diagnosis and Prescriptions", a particularly timely issue of increasing concern to the international community. As you know, the Club of Madrid is an independent organization, established in 2002 with the objective of strengthening democracy and helping emergent democracies in then: transition and consolidation efforts. Our 43 members are former Heads of State and Government of democratic countries from different regions of the world who, together with the in-depth knowledge of international experts and other practitioners., put their personal experience in government to the service of this mission. You can learn more about our organization and activities atwww.clubmadrid.org.. The work of the Club of Madrid has a very practical approach and its activities are filmed.at making realistic and feasible recommendations to emerging democracies and their leaders regarding the strengmening and consolidation of democracy in all its aspects. For instance, in April, the Club of Madrid, together with the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Greek Government convened a high-level regional meeting —"Securing Peace and Democracy in the Balkans" in ThessaloniM, Greece. This meeting provided the opportunity for pertinent security and reform issues to be addressed from a regional perspective in recognition of the fact that regional security cooperation and input from the international community are key ingredients to peace and democracy in the Balkans. Participants included ministers, undersecretaries and specialists . from 10 neighbouring countries and international organizations, including NATO. Our work,, however, also involves in-depth analysis and discussion of issues related to the promotion of democracy between practitioners and scholars. This allows us to enrich our own range of experiences and better serve those we aim to assist. Our General Assemblies provide an excellent-opportunity to organize this type of exercise with the participation not only of our members and experts' hut also a number of specially invited guests from government, academia and civil society. Felipe IV, 9 - 3° izqda. ° ES-28014 Madrid te!. +34 61 523 72 1S « fax +34 91 532 00 SB e-mail: [email protected] • www.dubmadrid.org 07/07 '04 WED 07:02 [TX/RX NO 8798] i|002 7.JUL.2004 13:04 ONU GENERflL DIRECTOR NQ993 P.3/S 5 CLUB DE MADRID Our 2003 General Assembly centered on the impact of IMF policies on democratic governance. The discussion was intense and resulted in a very frank and open debate of the issues among members, experts and senior IMF staff, all of which has led to further, more focused exchanges and improved understanding of the issues by both parties. This year, the General Assembly will focus on an analysis of the threats that increasingly besiege both emerging and consolidated democratic systems - "Democracies in Danger: Diagnosis and Prescriptions". Their causes, both internal and external, will be examined with an ait" at formulating concrete recommendations on mitigating and preventive measures. Issues to be discussed include democratic civilian control over the security, intelligence and police services; the constitutional/ institutional stalemates that often weakens democratic systems; the ethnic, linguistic, religious and territorial threats to the democratic order, and the role of international institutions in mitigating threats to democracy. The vast experience of your organization in most of these fronts, especially the latter, will greatly enrich the debate. The Conference portions of our General Assemblies are normally organized around both plenary and working group sessions. Enclosed you will find the Conference's Preliminary Program, as well as a detailed explanation of the structure designed for this year's Assembly. We have invited Kofi Annan, S5cre^ary^Gjejieral_^j^JUmted Njrti|MisJ,-Mto_beij3ur ^^fSS^S^o^^^'^SS^^^^^^siao^a& Closing Session Wnriocus on "The Role sJL ,, t,^-*J.-'-tM.»F-.^l...o|,A, ,. , , ^ , , ^,^ ^^Tj^uft>WiMt-—JMn^p^ff -__.. ofJnfernationa11 l Institution- 1 - u 1 w w s1 in Mitigating Threats to Democracy" with a Round Table format to which we have invited the heads of major international organizations, including the OAS, the African Union, the EU, the Commonwealth, and NATO . We will shortly contact your office to confirm your attendance. We hope your agenda will allow you to participate in our General Assembly and will be sending you more detailed information by mail. In the meantime, please, do not hesitate to contact me by email at eaguerofflolubmadrid.ore, by telephone ( +34 91 523 7216 ) or by fax (+34 91 532 008S ) if you have any further questions. 07/07 '04 WED 07:02 [TX/RX NO 8798] i]003 7.JUL.2004 13:05 ONU GENERfiL DIRECTOR N2993 P.4/G CLUB DE MADRID Ilk GENERAL ASSEMBLY DRAFT AGENDA 11-13 November, 2004 - Madrid Thursday, 11 November 21:00 23:00 Inaugural Dinner Friday, 12 November 9:00 9:05 Opening of the General Assembly 5:05 9:10 Review of the Agenda 9:10 9:20 Proposal of New Membsrs 9:20 10:10 Report of the Secretary General. Approval of Financial Statements 10:10 10:15 Brief Explanation of Conference Structure and Organisation 10:15 11:00 IMF and Democracy: Phase II Results, Brief Discussion and Wrap-Up 11:00 11:30 Coffee-break 11:30 12:30 Session 1: Democracies in Danger: Diagnosis and Prescriptions. Keynote Speaker Open Session 12:30 13:30 Debate/Questions and Answers 13:30 15:30 Lunch i .•^SfSQj ' jM'BfSD 'i ' 'Se5Slon:2:iR.resentat!qn;',oWhQm'si^ • i f i,l. ..'iv'!1*1'!) l"i|'T ', 1 v l 11 1 : ;i '! > !''."',y! ,Plenary:Session '' .:.' .'"'" ',-v'i'';' *'.\- iV"':;/'^''^^!'':'":''''"^ :•'':,: ':' "'"' ''fi^/vjiiii^iV^'lf'^if'. ^'' ''-''": ''i ;,:,;;: H Graup l; '.•'CIviliari.pernqcraltic Coritroj |O^S.eourjy,ili1telUigeiice.an8fi61iceJiSarvicies- ; '"' :• ', '" , Group') j; ^Constitutlonai;arja J| nstitutibiij'aj^ebr^gnjs^ •'Srb^p.'Hl^eitlltsirjaiiy^i^d'^liini^ $ 16:30 17;00 Coffee-break 1?!00 ,1B:30 Session 3: Group Discussions: 'Diagnosis' . "... ..: . ' .;.. ••/:•. •l 1 • 1 •Group'.l; ••Civilian:fDernpceat(c.Goritrci|^f;S9Curlty,: ,lrite]|igence -and 'Police Services; .'.:. 21:00 23:00 Dinner Saturday, 13th November '.9:30 'Session 4: Group Discussions: 'Prescriptions' : . ....!' • ", -'"'h' Group ••(: CiyIlian'Dempcin3tic-Oohfroi;.df;SeounV.slrtte:llig8nce.and;Ro]ice.ServieBs , •; . :1 • Group 'II ; -Con$titLitlonalahd'lnBtitiJtioriar:M<schar|ismS'to Avoid 'Ryp.'tyres.^r)iCl P.ara|ysts .: : Group III: Territoria'llybased 'e'thnlc; .lingulstic./irsljglous threats 'tQ^he.^dernocraticordei'. 11:00 11:30 Coffee-break uSsss'ioh'Sr'Sum'nlaijfrtandSPpnrilysibhs'ffro ";:-' \-\ --,• , '^ \ Vpienaiy.BesB^ffilii^'jI'g^'.-^ 13:45 • 16:00 Lunch 16:00 17:00 Session 3; Round-Table: "The Role of International Institutions in Mitigating Threats to Democracy" Panelists Open Session 17:00 18:30 General Debate 18:35 18:45 Dates for next assembly 18:45 19:00 Approval of Final Comunique 19:00 Closing of General Assembly 23/06/2004 07/07 '04 WED 07:02 [TX/RX NO 8798] @]004 7.JLJL.2004 13:05 ONU GENERflL DIRECTOR NQ993 P. 5/8 ra H- cn o IT C3 ItW is &: o jo til "3 f^ tu g § u.
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