1EJH_2019_04_original.qxp_Hrev_master 31/10/19 09:47 Pagina 214 European Journal of Histochemistry 2019; volume 63:3071 Bleaching melanin in formalin- different and partly unknown molecular fixed and paraffin-embedded features. In general, melanins can be Correspondence: Claudio Pigoli, Department defined as a heterogeneous group of mole- of Veterinary Medicine, University of Milan, melanoma specimens using cules deriving from the oxidation of pheno- Via dell'Università 6, 26900 Lodi, Italy. visible light: A pilot study lic compounds with polymerization of the Tel. +39.02.50334165. resulting chemical products. In animals, E-mail: [email protected] 1 2 melanins are subdivided into eumelanins, Claudio Pigoli, Lucia Rita Gibelli, Key words: Bright-field microscopy; canine; 1 3 black to brown in color, and pheomelanins, Mario Caniatti, Luca Moretti, 1 equine; feline; light radiation; photobleaching; 1 1 reddish to yellowish. A third subtype of swine. Giuseppe Sironi, Chiara Giudice melanin, called neuromelanin and often 1Department of Veterinary Medicine, associated to the afore-mentioned groups, is Contributions: CP, LRG, MC, LM, GS, CG, University of Milan, Lodi composed of a mixture of eumelanins and study design, data analysis and interpretation; 2Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale pheomelanins. In particular, it has been LM, performing of the light source spectral measurement; CP, performing of the photo- della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna, hypothesized that neuromelanin granules consist of a pheomelanin core surrounded bleaching protocol, histochemical and Milan 2 immunohistochemical stains; CP, LRG, MC, 3 by a eumelanin layer. Department of Physics, Politecnico di GS, CG, viewed the histological specimens. In animals, melanin granules are pres- Milano, Milan, Italy All the authors have drafted the manuscript ent in various sites including integumentary and reviewed the work critically, have read system, eye, central nervous system and and approved the final manuscript and agreed inner ear. Given its presence in a wide range to be accountable for all aspects of the work. of tissues, it is not surprising that melanin Abstract performs different tasks ranging from mere- Conflict of interest: the authors declare they In fluorescence microscopy, light radia- ly mechanical ones to those of radical scav- have no competing interests. tion can be used to bleach fluorescent mole- engers. The main role of melanin is to pro- Acknowledgements: We would like to thank cules in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embed- tect living organisms from the harmful Massimo Datteri and Laura Tassielli from the ded (FFPE) samples, in order to increase the effects of electromagnetic radiations. In Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della ratio between signal of interest and back- particular, it is able to absorb radiations in a Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna for the ground autofluorescence. We tested if the wide range of wavelengths from the ultravi- technical support, cutting and staining of his- same principle can be exploited in bright olet to the visible spectrum. The energy tological sections. We would also like to thank field microscopy to bleach pigmented absorbed is then redistributed as heat.1 Stefano Tomasoni from DI.C.S.EL srl for his melanoma FFPE sections together with cell Energy absorption is also followed by redox valuable advices regarding the world of LED morphology maintenance. After dewaxing reactions that ultimately can lead to forma- light sources. and rehydration, serial FFPE sections of a tion of molecules having spectral absorp- Received for publication: 9 September 2019. feline diffuse iris melanoma, a canine dermal tion properties that differ from the original Accepted for publication: 15 October 2019. melanoma, a gray horse dermal melanoma polymer. Since melanins absorb both visible and a swine cutaneous melanoma were irra- and not visible light radiation, their oxida- This work is licensed under a Creative diated with visible light for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 tion can be achieved both by high-energy Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 days, prior to Hematoxylin & Eosin staining. radiation, such as ultraviolet rays, and by International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). Complete bleaching was obtained after 1-day low-energy radiation, such as visible light. treatment in feline and swine melanomas, The phenomenon by which a molecule ©Copyright: the Author(s), 2019 while 2 and 3 days were required in canine undergoes oxidation by means of light irra- Licensee PAGEPress, Italy and equine neoplasms, respectively. In all 3 European Journal of Histochemistry 2019; 63:3071 diation is called photo-oxidation. doi:10.4081/ejh.2019.3071 treated samples, cell morphology was main- Although the exact mechanism of melanin tained. Photo-induced bleaching combined photo-oxidation has not yet been explained with immunohistochemistry was tested after in all its aspects, several studies have shown a 3-day photo-treatment using five different that during ultraviolet and visible light irra- Materials and Methods markers. According to the literature, in all diation, singlet oxygen and superoxide samples neoplastic cells stained positive for anions are produced and rapidly quenched Samples vimentin, S100 and PNL2, while negative by melanin. The oxidation induced by these for FVIII and pancytokeratin. In conclusion, reactive oxygen species is considered to In this study, four FFPE samples of pig- visible light can be effectively exploited to play an important role in the photo-degrada- mented melanocytic neoplasms were used. bleach pigmented melanoma FFPE sections tion of melanin itself.3,4 Visible light is rou- In particular, a grey horse dermal melanoma prior to perform routine histochemical and tinely used, in our laboratory, to damage the and a swine cutaneous melanoma were immunohistochemical stains. molecules responsible for background auto- retrieved from the archives of the Istituto fluorescence, thus making them no longer Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della fluorescent, prior to perform immunofluo- Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna rescence assays on formalin-fixed and (IZSLER), while a case of feline diffuse iris paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples.5-8 In melanoma and a case of canine dermal Introduction the present study, we investigated if the melanoma were obtained from the archives Melanins is a generic term derived from same principle could also be exploited in of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the Greek word “melanos” meaning dark. bright field microscopy to bleach FFPE University of Milan. For each sample, six 4 Although the term melanin is often used to samples of pigmented melanoma, prior to µm-thick serial sections were cut and identify a single entity, it actually encom- perform routine histochemical and placed on SuperFrost Plus™ adhesion passes a number of pigments widely distrib- immunohistochemical stains, ensuring the slides (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, uted in living beings and characterized by maintenance of cell morphology. USA). [page 214] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2019; 63:3071] 1EJH_2019_04_original.qxp_Hrev_master 31/10/19 09:47 Pagina 215 Original Paper Light source and emission spectrum buffer maintained at 24°C (the temperature different markers were tested: three of them evaluation reached by the sections during photo-treat- (vimentin, S100 and PNL2) are commonly In this study a 300 W ViugreumTM spot- ment) and in the dark inside a thermostat used in the melanocytic neoplasm histolog- light (Guangdong Zhongshan Yilangde incubator (Cavallo srl, Buccinasco, MI, ical identification workflow, while two Illumination CO. Ltd., Zhongshan City, Italy). Every 24 h, for 5 days, a section for (pancytokeratin and FVIII) are usually not China) containing a 594-phosphor white each sample was removed from the Petri expressed by melanoma cells. Sections LED panel with an emission divergence of dishes and stored with the control sections. were dewaxed in xylene and rehydrated 120° and emitting a 36000 lum and 6500 K At the end of the fifth day, to minimize the through graded alcohols; endogenous per- light, was used. Since the manufacturer of possible differences given by a non-con- oxidase activity was blocked with 0.3% the spotlight supplies only the color temper- temporary histochemical staining, all histo- H2O2 in methanol for 30 min. Sections were ature of the light emitted but not the specific logical sections were jointly stained with then dipped in Petri dishes containing emission spectrum, the latter was measured hematoxylin-eosin (H&E). 0.05% sodium azide TRIS buffer and pho- using a HR2000+ spectrometer (Ocean tobleached for 3 days. The duration of the Photobleaching protocol combined photo-treatment was chosen after the evalu- Optics, Largo, Florida), which has a wave- with immunohistochemical stain length range of detection from 190 nm to ation of the results of photobleaching and In the immunohistochemical assay, five 1100 nm. The light of the lamp has been H&E combined protocol: the treatment able coupled to the spectrometer through an optical fiber. Photobleaching apparatus The photobleaching apparatus has been made similarly to the one described by Duong and Ha.6 The spotlight was placed in a room maintained at 4°C and placed so that the LED panel was facing upwards and that 4.5 cm thick reflective spacers could be placed on the spotlight protective glass. With this configuration the distance between the samples and the LED panel was 8.8 cm. Above the spacers, two 12-cm square Petri dishes were placed, filled with TRIS buffer pH 7.6 added with 0.05% sodi- um azide, in order to inhibit bacterial growth (Figure 1). A glass mirror was posi- tioned on the Petri dishes so that the light not directly absorbed by the samples could, at least in part, be redirected towards them. Figure 1. Photobleaching apparatus. The spotlight was placed so that the LED panel was fac- With this configuration of the apparatus, the ing upwards and that reflective spacers could be placed on the spotlight protective glass. Above amount of light impinging directly on the the spacers, two 12-cm square Petri dishes, filled with TRIS buffer added with 0.05% sodium samples from the LEDs has been calculated azide, were placed.
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