DIREaTC)RY.] THADES DlRECTORY. ENG 1859 DobbinB J. T. 4 and 6 Grove st. Ardwick green Barlow & Chidlaw, Limited (machine cut Curtis, Sons & Co. (John Hetherington & Sons, Griffiths Thomas & Co. Lees Street gears), Croft st. P . Limited,engineers,Pollardst.),Phcenix works, Mills, Ancoats *Barlow H. ·B. & Gillett, Chartered Chapel Bt. Ancoats Jones Willlam C. Limited, Appleto patent agents, <1 Mansfield cham- "Dagnall Bros. (practical lanndry' st. Collyhurstrd bers, 17 St. Ann's square-T 11 engineers), Leaf st. Greenheys TN 15x "MONOPOLY, Manchester;" TN <1,018 Rm;ho;rne Kelsall H. M. & Co. 23 Fountain st Central . Dalziel James, (;3 Olifton st. 0 T Livingston JohnH. S. Minerva Works (dealers), Beacon (The) Engineering Co. Limited, 17 Davidson & Co. Limited, 37 Corporation st Hendham vale, Queen's rd St. Ann's SQ Davies C. & Co. 43 City rd. H Pettitt E.' S. & CO, (under royal Bell Bros. 41 Corporation at Dean & )Iatthews, 7·5 Trafford I'd. S letters patent, an improved Beresforrl (The) Co. Ltd. Dickinson st. S De Bergue & Co. Ltd. Strangeways lron Works. method for making engine waste, Berkel & Parnall, Marsdp.n court, Fennp.l st Mary st. Strangeways thus rendering it softer..:_cleaner & Beyer, m Peacock & Co. Limited (locomotive Devoge & Co. Sycamore st. Oldham ra longer). King Street mill. King & tramway engine), Gorton Foundry, Gm·ton Dixon W. F. & Co. 60 Percival st. C on M street, Salford, and at Ashton and la. Gorton Donat &; Co. 21 Spring gardens Oldham-'l' N 1,501 Central; TA Birch Edward & Co. 47 Rochdale rd roDonovan & Co. Limited Broughton "HBLOS, Manchester" Birch G. 8& Co. universal and plain Bridge Ironworks, Salford -TN Phcenix Mill Co. Piercy st. Anc01ts grindingmachines, improved slot- 3.404: Central; TA" DAZZLE, Manchester" . ting machines. cold iron and steel RigbY, Wain,wright & .Co. Neptune sawing machines, patent auto- Dowson & Mason Gas Plant Co· W~rks, UnIOn st. Falrfield st. and matic gear cutting machines, Limited (The) (gas producers, Wllliam st.Ardwick, Manchester- high-class lathes, planing ma' power plants, furnaces of all TN 319 Central; TA" SEAKING, Man- chines, milling machines, wire kinds), Alma Works, Levenshulme chester" . mattress weaVing machines, and -T N 39 Heaton Moor; TA" G...SIFY. Shawcross J. & Co. JunctIOn st. DUCle st engineers'. machine tools gener· Levenshull1le .. Smart Arthur &; Sons. Ltd, Rock- ally. Gear cutting and machining Drake&Dauncey(mechanical),16 JohnDaltonllt cli1le Mills,Hamilton st.Collyhurst to the trade; ISlingtonToolWorks Drake & Gorharn Limited,47 Spring gardens.. Islington grove,S-TN3,191Centrai and 39 Kennedy st Birch William, 3 Milbn st. LB Eliton T. & CO. 35A Major st Spencer & Curedale. Limited (waste m"",berg Engineering Co. Limited, 78 Cross et Edmeston Archibald & Sons, Ltd. bleachers. engine waste manufao- Bop.hm R. & Co. 39 Bridge st. DeanRgate (and Dlillwrightsto calicoprinters, turers, &c. for home and foreign Bolton A. & 00. 411 Deansgate bleachers, dyers & finishers). markets), Bury Ground Works, B th J & S (b id d Springfield Works, Patricroft- Bnry-T N (Bury) 2 (2 lines); TA 00 ames .ons ra, cor TN 3.266 Central; TA "EdDleston. .. BLEACH Bury" and engine packl.Dg), Brownsfield MIll, Patricroft" , Great Ancoats st Bradshaw &: 00. 78 Cross st amEllillon W. T. & 00. Limited, 323 Bolton rd - lid d Irlams-o'-th'-Height-Henry Lee, secretary B rad yG . & C o. Cl.Dva an ware- house hoists and new patent Empire Engineering Co. (engineers, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. silent self-sustaining hand power makers of sight feed lubricators, (See also Machine Makers, Machinists, Civil and electric passenger goods and steam and oil separators, safety Engineer3, Blectric Light Engilleer.•, Tele­ service lifts, &c. &c. 49 Pott street, valves, injector_sJ &c.)-Telephone. graph Engineers, Mining Enginee-rs, Gas Ancoats-T N 6,597 central 6,588 Central. manchester; Tele- Engineers, Fl£rnace Engineers, -'.J/olor E"1 ngi­ • Brand EL! ward 472 Mons la. East MS gra~, "Appliances~Manchester; .. neers, Sanitary Engineers, Injecto,' Makers , .'... EmpIre Works, Clarendon rd. and Crane Makers.) am Brayshaw S. N. (SpeCIalIty-MIllIng Salford (formerly at Failsworth) Cutters), :I Mulberry st. 11 Marked thus * are Consulting Engineers. Brearley &; Don. 65 ()ro~s st England Richard (late James :Marked thus m are Members of the Institution Brierley Ben & 00. 49 BJackfrlars st Parrottl, Brown street, Chapel of Mechanical Engineers. Broadbent & Ellis, Wilmslow rd. D street, Salford Marked thus am are Associate Members. m Broo"s & Doxe~.Limited, Union Iron Works, Etchells J. C. & Co. Limited, lift maker.• , 15 WG and JunctIOn Iron Works, N l:i; town Cannel st. Ancoats Adams Thomas, Thomas st. W G office, 15 Market st Alcock Brothers, 50A Great Bridgewater st Broughton James & Co. Dutton Street Iron Fairburn & Hall. 63 South corridor' -mAllell,HarriHon&Co. Commercial Bt.KnottMiJr Works, New Bndge s~ Royal Exchange,Bankstreet; and mAIlen Mucus W. (centrifugal and Brown Alfred Gcorge, 3!1 Blackfriaru st Palace Works, Wood street, Stock­ other pumps); head office, 461.1. Mar­ Brown William (l£xors, of), Victoria Foundry port ket street; works, 113 Ellesmere f'hort st. City rd. H street, Chester road, H Buck & Hickman Limited, 3 Cross st Farmer Sir JaDles It Sons Limited Buckley W. W. & Son (and gear cutters), (millwrights, engineers, and AlIen WnUam, 70 to 76 Port street MIlton Works, Christ Church sq. I:i machinists; makers of all kinds and Leech street-T N 2,264 Central; of machinery for calico printers, " TA" E~GINES" Buffoline Noiseless Gear Co. Ltd. (gea.r cutters, gearboxes &c ), Chapel bleachers. dyers, mercerisers and AlIen William, Union st. ; 113 and 11·5 Great st. Levenshulme sohreinerers, calenderers, em­ Ancoats st. and Jersey st. Ancoats bossers,finishers,& manufacturers BurroughsAddingMachine Limited. oflinoleum. Speciality, calenders Armstrong(Sir W. G.), Whitworth &; 3 Prince's chambers, 16 John Dal­ and calender bowls), Adelphi Co. Limited, Openshaw ton st-JohnDrucquer, manager Atkinson O. & Co. 12 Bennett st. A Iron Works, Salford-T N 1,074 Butterwcrth Williarn &; Son, Albert Works, Central; TA "AGHICOLA, Manchester" A.yrton William & Co. (successors King st. VI' est Felber, .Tucker & Co. (& machinery agent5 and to William Weild & Co. (engineers Butwall Engineering 00. FredeTick rd. P and specialists in seWing thread export€rH I, 2:J Peter st Carneron John Limited, Oldrield Hoal! Iron l<'enton. Horrocks &; Co. Limited, Berkshire· JDachinery &c,),Gorebrook Works, Works, Oldtleld rd. S st. Lower Vickers st Longsight-T N <1,866 Central; TA Carr Thomas, 102 Fairfipld st .. Sl'UOLEH. Manchester" B'ollowB & B"te Limited, Broxmer st. Gorton ('arter J., Sons & Co. Limited, New Bailey st. S FordHmith Herb81'l, t-I adfield st. Cornbrook Babcock & Wilcox Limited, manu­ Catterall Peter J. 29 Rof)ert st. 0 rnFox William (Mand:ester Ship Ca 1101 Co.), 41 facturers of patent water-tube Chalrner Thomas,27 Stocktou st. C on M Spring garden~ boilers, steam super-heaters feed­ Chapman Charles & Sons, 2!J3 Liverpool st. 8 Gadd Thomas (care of H ulse &; Co. Limited), water heaters, steaID piping; Chew William ~. jun. (motor),50 Bland st. MS Calder st. Regent rd Churchill Charles & Co. Limited., *Gadd \VilIiam & SOIlS, t14 Barton arcade, --__L_ .- ti Oxford st --works, Frederick rd. P and 7 Deansgate Lo" er }1os1ey st Galloways Limited, Knott Mill Churchill Machine Tool Co. Limited Iron Works, Chester rd. Hulme; (mach ne and slUall toob), 1U7 Frellericl<. rd. branch works. Bennettst. Hyde rd. P-T A "CIII·K.CIIALE, Manchester;" Ardwick TN 759 Pendleton Garner Brothers, 35A Major st City Machine Co. 30 Tipping st. A Gardner L. & Sons Ltd. Barton Clarke. hapman & Co. LImited, :; Arcade Hall Engine Works, Patricroft ch>lmbe,s, St. Mary's gate Garland J. & Co. BrOOK F rge, l3enneLt st. A. Clarke RicharL! & Co. (and fan makers), Hen· Garnett P. & C. Limited, 69 Chapel Bt. Ancoats London: Oriel House, Farringdon hurst st.::;o th, Queen's rd GaB & ~rechanical Speclalty Co.Limit"d, MawsoIl E,C.; Manchester: 30 Cross mConstantine l<Jzekiel Gray~on, A.M.INST.C.E. st. cha.'ubers, 28 Deansgato street (T N 3112 City)' Glasgow: 17 8t. Ann s sq Goldthorp Frederick Lcigh, 297 Stockport rd L 29 St. Vincent place-T A "Ba-b- Couk Charles W illiam, Huntingdon st. 0 on M Goodbrand & Co. l!J Victoria st cock" for all addresses-works,! CouttR A. Hurg.·ss &-- 00. '11 Ch ,pel st. S Renfrew, N.B COWl1n & Co. 14 Market pi mG-reen E. & Son Limited, 2 Exchange st Green J. H. & Co. Oook et. S Baerlein & Co. 12 BlackfriarB st. and Cow burn S.tfety Valve Cll. Ambrose st. WG Craig W'illiarn, :; John Ualt"n st mGresham & Oraven Limited, South Hall st. 8 Gort n New Spinning and DOUbling Mills, Grimme, Natalis & 00. 4 Albert sq Croft st. Gorton Craven Brothers LiDlited, Vauxhall Haden Geor~e N. & mSonB, 4 Albert sq; works, mHailey W. H. & Co. Limited, Albion Works, Works, llsoorne street, Rochda.le Sykes st. Chester rd Oldtield rd. and E~sex st. Oldtield rd. S roa.d; also Reddish, Dr. Stockport Ha'tidilY Jsph. &Co. Portland Work-, Brown st. Rochllale rd Barber & Colman, T..imited, Curzon mOrawfori} J"sep . 2 Exc!l,mge st Hampson Hrothe~,Limited, Olayton la.Olayton buildings. 38 King street West. I Croft &: PerkilJti Limite t, 4 Uealls, ,te Ha.m-on J hn W. 103 8t. 8tephen st. S .. The Ba.rberKnotter" and Darber .Crossley llrotherti Lim;ted, Ope1l8ha W & Napier Harrap William Henry, Dickinson st. S Warp-Tying Machine managing st 1,0l"tun director. T. E. Bingham-T N 2,959' Crossley C. W. B. 21 Exchange llUildlllgS, St. Hartcliffe, Lee & Malkin Limited Central I M«ry s gate St. SiIDon st. Salford MaN. 117*.
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