members associate partners AUSTRALIA SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 02 / The SESAR programme is the operational and technological answer to Europe’s main air traffic management challenges. The aim of the SESAR Joint Undertaking is to ensure the modernisation of the European air traffic management sys- tem by coordinating and concentrating all relevant research and development efforts with a view to harmonising imple- mentation. Partnership, sustainability and user orientation are the founding principles of the SESAR Joint Underta- king’s work approach. SESAR’s key performance targets for 2020 are to: • enable a threefold increase in capacity • improve safety by a factor of 10 • reduce by 10% the environmental impact per flight • cut ATM costs by 50% SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 03 / Welcome Aerospace is one of the fields which has seen tremendous technological changes in the last 50 years. Since the first jet airliner flew in 1949, use of commercial aviation has grown more than seventy-fold. However, this radical increase is not mirrored in air traffic management (ATM) where many of the same technologies as in the 1950s are still used. Europe – thanks to the Single European Sky legislative packages – chose to create a public private partnership in which institutions, air navigation service providers, airport operators and industry combine their resources, skills and experience in one single European programme, SESAR. After an intensive preparatory phase, the technical research and development work at SESAR is at full speed. In 2011, SESAR will not only conduct the first validation exercises in a real life environment but will also deliver the first early benefits for aviation stakeholders. SESAR will also contribute to achieving Europe’s new 2020 priorities of the Innovation Union: SESAR creates new jobs, helps developing new skills, promotes the high tech and innovative industry, enhances EU leadership in aerospace and reduces the flight-related climate change impact. Patrick ky Executive director of the SESAR Joint Undertaking Single European Sky The Single European Sky is an ambitious initiative launched SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) is the technologi- by the European Commission in 2004 to reform the archi- cal dimension of the Single European Sky. It will help create tecture, and consequently the performance of European air a ‘paradigm shift’, supported by state-of-the-art and innova- traffic management. It proposes a legislative approach to meet tive technology. Following the ash cloud crisis in April 2010, future capacity and safety needs at a European rather than a European transport ministers decided that highest priority local level. The Single European Sky initiative is the only way has to be given to the acceleration and anticipation of the full to provide a uniform and high level of safety and efficiency implementation of the Single European Sky to advance the over Europe’s skies. integration of the European sky. key objectives are: • to restructure European airspace as a “Through SESAR, Europe’s innovation function of air traffic flows; capacity and the competitiveness of its • to create additional capacity; and industry will be boosted. SESAR is therefore • to increase the overall efficiency of the air a flagship programme for Europe.” traffic management system. Daniel Calleja, Director Air Transport Directorate – European Commission/Chairman of the SESAR JU Administrative Board SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 04 / Programme & Goals A programme for all and with all air transport actors The aim of the SESAR Joint Undertaking is to ensure the SESAR aims to eliminate the fragmented approach to Euro- modernisation of the European air traffic management sys- pean ATM, transform the ATM system, synchronise all stake- tem by coordinating and concentrating all relevant research holders and federate resources. and development efforts in the Union. The Joint Undertaking also fosters cooperation with similar programmes around For the first time, all aviation players are involved in the the world. definition, development and deployment of a pan-European modernisation project. Additional to its 15 members, in July 2010 the SESAR Joint Un- dertaking endorsed thirteen associate partners to secure the The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) was created under Euro- additional input and added value of critical stakeholders in pean Community law on 27 February 2007, with Eurocontrol the ATM research and development activities. and the European Union as founding members, in order to manage the SESAR Development Phase. members associate partners AUSTRALIA SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 05 / Several members and associate partners are made up of consortiums includ- ing affiliates and sub-contractors. As a result, more than 80 companies from across Europe and non-EU countries are participating in SESAR, demon- strating the impact of the programme on ATM R&D activities in Europe. The participating organisations are able to offer the specialist expertise of aircraft manufacturers, national air navigation services providers, airport operators and equipment manufacturers. This makes the SESAR Joint Undertaking a truly international public-private partnership. SESAR’s vision and strategic objectives SESAR aims to develop a new-generation air traffic management system capable of ensuring the safety and fluidity of air transport over the next 30 years. The SJU’s vision is to have created by 2012 the change in European ATM that demonstrates to the world its ability to deliver benefits to the community. This vision is sup- ported by seven strategic objectives: 1. Initial 4D trajectory is validated in an operational environ- ment supported by satellite-based technology 2. 10,000 SESAR flights, including 500 military, are performed 3. 80% of SESAR projects have tested their output in a real life environment 4. First SWIM pilots are in place to exchange data across at least 5 domains 5. the first remote tower is ready for operations 6. SESAR benefits are demonstrated on city pairscon - necting 8 European airports 7. Airspace users have signed up to the SESAR busi- ness case for time-based operations SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 06 / Partnership in practice with benefits for all Airspace users (both civilian and military) work programme is guaranteed through specific contracts. Civilian airspace users include scheduled airlines, charter Airspace users will support SESAR in different domains, companies, cargo and air freight service providers, the busi- including flight operations; flight planning processes and ness and leisure aviation sectors and all forms of non-military supporting systems; or aircraft system specifications. air travel, from hot air balloons through police helicopters to hobby pilots. The military are also users with an interest Military needs and roles related to air traffic management in SESAR technology developments. are unique and well taken care of in the SESAR work pro- gramme. Military representation is guaranteed in the SJU’s SESAR programme results will help them run more reliable Administrative Board, and a dedicated senior military advisor and punctual services, even in the face of rising demands on ensures continuous presence of the SJU in different civil- air transport capacity, helping their businesses to be sustain- military consultation bodies. able long into the future. Improved air traffic management will bring several tangible benefits: • Lower environmental impact – SESAR aims to reduce aviation’s environmental footprint by 10% • Lower infrastructure costs – SESAR’s goal is to halve total infrastructure costs • Increased safety through better information sharing The technical expertise of airspace users (general & busi- ness aviation as well as major, regional, leisure, cargo and low fare airlines) including their associations in the SESAR SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 07 / Airport operators Air navigation service providers (ANSP) The ATM technology developed through SESAR will contribute Europe will see a doubling in demand for air transport by 2020 to more direct flight paths and smoother, more rapid descents, according to projections. In order to manage this increased reducing noise and other environmental impacts. As airports capacity, air traffic control or air navigation service provid- are the nodes of the aviation system, they will hugely benefit ers will need improved technology to help communicate, from a more collaborative decision making to better serve coordinate and share information among themselves, with their clients: airlines and passengers alike. Several airport airports and with aircraft, as well as more accurate informa- operators are already members or associate partners of the tion on the position and trajectory of the aircraft. SESAR’s SESAR programme, including non-European ones. core objectives are to develop the air traffic management technology needed to manage this increasing demand with reduced costs and environmental impact. By now, some 21 European and non-European ANSPs are actively involved in the programme. SESAR Joint UndERtAking / 08 / Suppliers The competitiveness of European industry depends on innovation and technological advancement. The European aerospace industry, whether manufacturing aircraft or equipment for the ground or the air, is commit- ted to pursuing this through R&D. The SESAR programme is the best way to provide this for air traffic management. By developing the technologies necessary to allow airports, airspace users and air navigation service providers to handle the
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