Now incorporating New Providence-Berkeley Heights Dispatch Summit ... Summit's only VOLUME 100 NO. 50 August 2,1986 Meet*** New twist to battle over rents By PAIGE TUNSTALL Pranski said the only response a judgement granting the entire SUMMIT--A new twist was ad- to the subpoena she had had increase amount of up to 46 per- ded to the battle between came Monday, the day before the cent," Schneider said, adding, landlords and tenants of 390 hearing, in the form of a one- "There's a new precedent being Morris Avenue during a hearing page statement summarizing set here that could affect all Sum- concerning rent increases in financial information relating to mit renters." county court Tuesday. 390 Morris. That was not suffi- "Indirectly affecting all The attorney for the landlords, cient, Pranski said, reiterating tenants, this means a new rent in- who have requested rent increases her request for detailed documen- crease of 19 percent compared to of up to 48 percent at 390 Morris, tation of expenses and income the-10 percent rent increase that said a subpoena issued 10 days relating to 390 Morris. : - has been used as a guideline by previously by the counsel for the the Summit Rent Commission," tenants was overbroad and asked Judge Hunter said the court Schneider said.' for information irrelevant to the would not "at this time" honor "Our attorney, Joan Pranski, case. Fulfilling the subpoena the motion against the subpoena. has asked Mr. Greenberg to pro- completely would place an unfair "The proper way is to bring a vide any and all documents he burden on his client, said at- formal written motion before the might have relating to con- torney Robert Greenberg. court," said Hunter. dominium conversion of 390 Joan Pranski, attorney The five tenants now in court Morris Avenue," Schneider said. representing the five tenants now have faced requests for rent in- State law prohibits financing con- in court to fight the rent in- creases of 33 to 46 percent. They dominium conversions through creases, had subpoenaed any include Phil Schneider, who is rent hikes, he said. SUAAMIT FIREMEN BLAZE WAY TO VICTORY over the Summit Police Department, winning the trophy for the Jaycee Soft- documents the landlord might running as a Democrat for a McLendon has asked the Rent ball Classic. This is the fourth time the fire department has triumphed over the police in the Softball finals; the other have relating to the possibility of Ward I seat on Common Coun- Commission to study the rental years were 1965, 1967, and 1979. This year's match was even until the sixth inning, when the fire fighters scored condominium conversion. cil. Schneider's platform includes situation in the city and re- four runs ond went on to a 16-11 victory. The triumphant team includes, back row from left, Dan Harvis, Don Nelson, introducing rent stabilization in evaluate whether or not rent con- Chris Cotter, Jim Connelly, Ray Carlson, Mike Lonergan, John Mullen, Bill Murphy, Jim Mason, Mike Barber, Co- Greenberg told Judge Mac D. the city. Schneider will face in- trol is necessary. In its annual captain Dick Bormann, and Nick Bellarosa; and, front row from left, Jeff Mudkins, Lionel James, and Co-captain Wayne Hunter he had been obliged to be cumbent Republican Judy report to council at the beginning Smith, holding trophy. Mike Cook and Joe Wurtzbacher, who played during the regular season, were on duty the day of out of his office much of the 10- McLendon at the polls in of the year, the commission the finals and unable to play. Dick Bormann was the winning pitcher. The fire department voted John Mullen Most day period since the subpoena November. wrote that rent control was not Valuable Player. had been issued. "We now risk the possibility of necessary. Family Services offers help in ending violence at home SUMMIT — "Society has who is abused or who watches his tion. parents hit one another is 10 ducted at Family Service America They must learn how to call a authorities and violence-prone come to appreciate that a bat- "The male batterer, therapists agencies in Boston and Baltimore tered wife needs a safe haven but times more likely to act violently have discovered, was generally halt, how to establish boundaries couples themselves how crucial it in his or her own marriage. In have had success with group for the husband and also for their is to treat the whole family so therapists find that attention beaten by his father or observed therapy for men. The men seem- must also be given to the hus- fact, when abusive parents his father beating his mother. He children. They should have help that the generational pattern of become elderly, their children are ed to appreciate a chance to talk and support in recognizing their abuse won't continue/' she said. band," according to Mary was often emotionally deprived about their feelings, to learn ways Nightingale, executive director of likely to mistreat them. Unless we as a child and now isolates self-worth so that they won't "Family violence is learned work with the whole family, the to improve relationships, and to allow themselves to become vic- behavior. It can be unlearned as the local Family Service Associa- himself from most adult relation- control their tempers, according tion. cycle of violence usually con- tims again in this or in a future well," she added. ships," she said. to Nightingale. marriage. "Unless the husband is helped tinues from generation to genera- Successful pilot programs con- Family Service Association's Among battered women "These spouses need to learn therapists offer help with family to cool off and given counseling, women 45 percent were sexually the situation just becomes that anger doesn't mean you bat- abuse problems, even on a 24- abused as youngsters and many ter and guilt doesn't mean you hour emergency basis. For worse," she said. -•-•••• experienced verbal abuse or All too often the wife returns get yourself abused. Family assistance call 273-1414. worse from their mothers. Most counselors can help such couples The association is located at 43 to him, tries to practice the new Give a child some could never please mother. As assertiveness she was taught at understand how to keep disputes Franklin Place. It is a non-profit adults these women have very low from getting out of hand, how counseling agency with a staff of the shelter, and he clobbers her!" self-esteem, usually lack friends, Nightingale said. "He just tries they can work out a safety plan licensed professional therapists. happy memories... have no social skills, job skills or and successfully negotiate The Family Service Associa- harder to pull the relationship inner resources. They tend to be back to its former status. This disputes. Both partners require tion is a member of the United Peter, six years old, remembers waking up one night earlier this ineffective parents. Nightingale help in developing social skills Way of Summit, Springfield, can put the wife in grave shook her head: "Some consider danger." summer in a strange house to a strange noise. It sounded to him like that will bring the warmth and New Providence and Berkeley a string of gunshots, just like he was accustomed to hearing on any man better than no man," respect they seek," said Heights. It is the only agency in Nightingale recently attended a she said. conference of Family Service television. , Nightingale. the county accredited by the He was terrified. He curled up and waited, hoping a neighbor "Women need more than sym- "Our big job is to convince Council on Accreditation of Ser- America counselors, where pathy and assertiveness training. studies were cited indicating 50 to would hear and call the police. ministers, lawyers, school vices for Families and Children. 60 percent of American families But the noise went on and no one came to his rescue. He sat and have spouse abuse. "This boggles listened and trembled for about an hour. The noise stopped abrupt- the mind. "Here ni affluent ly. Finally, about an hour later, he heard the front door open and suburbia?" she commented. his father come in. However, she said, economic fac- It was July 4. Peter's father had been out drinking after the tors seem to make little dif- fireworks. ference. "Of course there are Peter had no way of knowing that the thunder that woke him up varying degrees of abuse but was harmless-that it was, in fact, considered a treat by some of his serious physical abuse is becom- young friends. ing a full-scale family health pro- Peter probably won't see his father very much any more. He blem." doesn't get much chance to see his mother, either. She is working! "Statistics show that once overtime these days to help make ends meet for herself and her son.| physical brutality erupts, it Peter lives with one of his aunts now. ' escalates unless there is interven- Chances are Peter will sit at home this summer and stare at a | tion," she continued. "The child T.V. set in a dingy apartment. Alone. Without much to tell his 3 friends about his summer when he goes back to school next month. Although most children in Summit cherish the summer months, School crossing many dread them. For the children of those single parents who have hit financial hard times, summer is just something to endure. In the hope of helping these children, The Herald each year runs guards needed a Fresh Air Fund campaign to send needy youngsters to camp.
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