M03_ROBB6743_08_SE_SUP.indd Page 67 9/24/15 2:55 PM user /206/PHC00193/9780133856743_ROBBINS/ROBBINS_FUNDAMENTALS_OF_MANAGEMENT8_SE_978013 ... SUPPLEMENT 3 Communication and Social Media EXHIBIT S3-1 What are Canadians doing online? And the Desktop 1 Playing games Laptop 1 Social media Survey says . 2 Social media 2 General browsing Canadians have the highest social 3 General browsing 3 Playing games media network penetration in the world. 4 Banking 4 Banking Eighty-two percent of Canadians use 5 Hobbies/interests and news 5 Hobbies/interests a social network versus 75 percent of Americans. Tablet Mobile Canadians spend an average of 1 Social media 1 Social media 2 hours 19 minutes on social 2 Playing games 2 Messaging networks each day. 3 General browsing 3 Taking/editing photos of Canadian Internet 4 Entertainment 4 Playing games 91% users have social media 5 News and hobbies/interests 5 General browsing accounts, and 66 percent have used social media in the past month. have a Facebook account, 85% and 57 percent have used Facebook in the past month. have a Twitter account, 46% and 22 percent have used EXHIBIT S3-2 Top social networking sites in Canada by unique visits Twitter in the past month. have a Google+ account, +8% 45% and 13 percent have used Google+ in the past month. 2012 have a LinkedIn account, 2013 30% and 11 percent have used LinkedIn in the past month. have a Pinterest account, +27% 26% and 10 percent have used 1 +38% +96% Pinterest in the past month. +792% Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Source: CIRA: Canadian Internet Registration Authority Factbook, 2014. M03_ROBB6743_08_SE_SUP.indd Page 68 9/24/15 2:55 PM user /206/PHC00193/9780133856743_ROBBINS/ROBBINS_FUNDAMENTALS_OF_MANAGEMENT8_SE_978013 ... SUPPLEMENT 3 ORGANIZATIoNAL collect feedback from employees and communicate with each other. The ensure they were on board. informal communication system fulfills CoMMUNIcATIoN Stantec’s brand strategy launched in two purposes in organizations: (1) it The business community recognizes September 2013, but prior to that much permits employees to satisfy their need social media as a multifaceted tool. work took place. A 2011 strategic for social interaction; and (2) it can Some employers prescreen job appli- planning session in Boston featured the improve an organization’s performance cants by searching their Facebook company’s leaders talking about a need by creating alternative, and frequently and LinkedIn profiles or reading their to unite the company under a common faster and more efficient, channels of Twitter feeds. “While the majority of purpose: community. In 2012, Stantec communication. Canadian companies are engaging in partnered with a large global brand social media, most of them aren’t com- consultant and conducted research with Direction of bining the two fundamental pillars— its 13 000 employees. This ensures that Communication Flow posting information and monitoring each employee is able to be a brand Organizational communication can flow what people are saying—with enough ambassador and can communicate downward, upward, laterally, or diago- frequency to build lasting relation- the strategic plan and platform to nally. Let us look at each of these types ships with their customers,” said Katie their clients and the general public. of communication. Delahaye Paine, CEO of KDPaine & This massive communication strategy Partners.2 Some employers, such as the featured formal communication Downward Communication Every City of Toronto, have blocked the use of channels such as office meetings and morning and often several times a day, social media at work, while others are email and informal channels such as managers at UPS package delivery creating their own company networks the company’s social networking site, facilities gather employees for manda- on Facebook to allow employees to use StanNet. tory meetings that last precisely three social media as one of their communica- minutes. During those 180 seconds, tion tools. Formal Versus Informal managers relay company announce- Communication between manag- Communication ments and go over local information ers and employees provides the infor- Communication within an organiza- such as traffic conditions or customer mation necessary to get work done tion is often described as either formal complaints. Each meeting ends with a ­effectively and efficiently in organi- or informal. Formal communication safety tip. The three-minute meetings zations. As such, communication is refers to communication that follows have proved so successful that many fundamentally linked to managerial the official chain of command or is of the company’s office employees are performance.3 part of the communication required to using the idea.4 Stantec went through a major strate- do one’s job. When a manager asks Any communication that flows gic planning renewal process, followed an employee to complete a task, he or downward from managers to employ- by a coordinated brand repositioning she is communicating formally. So is ees is downward communication. based on the community theme. The the employee who brings a problem Downward communication is used to overall strategic platform featured five to the attention of his or her manager. inform, direct, coordinate, and evaluate main aspects. The first was the com- Any communication that takes place employees. When managers assign pany’s purpose statement, which is within prescribed organizational work goals to their employees, they are using essentially a mission statement. Next arrangements would be classified as downward communication. Managers was the listing of core values, followed formal. are also using downward communica- by the promise—another version of Informal communication is com- tion when providing employees with a vision statement. The fourth aspect munication that is not defined by the job descriptions, informing them of was the company’s voice, or its com- organization’s structural hierarchy. organizational policies and procedures, munications plan. This is where com- When employees talk with each other pointing out problems that need atten- munications strategy must be aligned in the lunchroom, as they pass in hall- tion, or evaluating and giving feedback with Stantec’s overall strategy. The last ways, or as they are working out at on their ­performance. Downward com- aspect was implementation, or living the company exercise facility, they munication can take place through any with the new brand and strategy. Prior are engaging in informal communica- of the communication channels we to the public launch, it was crucial to tion. Employees form friendships and described earlier. Managers can formal communication informal communication downward communication Communication that follows the official chain of Communication that is not defined by the Communication that flows downward from command or is part of the communication organization’s structural hierarchy. managers to employees. required to do one’s job. 68 PART 2 | PLANNING M03_ROBB6743_08_SE_SUP.indd Page 69 9/24/15 2:55 PM user /206/PHC00193/9780133856743_ROBBINS/ROBBINS_FUNDAMENTALS_OF_MANAGEMENT8_SE_978013 ... SUPPLEMENT 3 improve the quality of the feedback Lateral Communication Com- has the potential to create problems if they give to employees if they fol- munication that takes place among employees do not keep their managers low the advice given in Tips for employees on the same organizational informed. ­Managers—Suggestions for Giving level is called lateral communication. Feedback. In today’s often chaotic and rapidly changing environment, lateral com- Upward Communication Any com- munication is frequently needed munication that flows upward from to save time and facilitate coor- employees to managers is upward com- dination. Cross-functional munication. Managers rely on their teams, for example, rely employees for information. Reports heavily on this form of communication. How- are given to managers to inform them TIPS FOR MANAGERS of progress toward goals and any cur- ever, it can create conflicts rent problems. Upward communication if employees do not keep Suggestions for Receiving keeps managers aware of how employ- their managers informed Feedback ees feel about their jobs, their cowork- about decisions they have ers, and the organization in general. made or actions they have Managers can use the following tips to receive Managers also rely on it for ideas on taken. feedback more effectively: how things can be improved. Some ✹✹ Seek clarification and specific examples. examples of upward communica- Diagonal Communica- ✹✹ tion include performance reports pre- tion Communication that Share your feelings about the message. pared by employees, suggestion boxes, cuts across both work areas ✹✹ Observe the nonverbal cues from the sender. employee attitude surveys, grievance and organizational levels ✹✹ Be open and avoid being . procedures, manager–employee discus- is diagonal communica- defensive sions, and informal group sessions in tion. When an analyst ✹✹ Verify assumptions and summarize. which employees have the opportunity in the credit department to identify and discuss problems with ­communicates directly Suggestions for Giving Feedback their manager or even representatives of with a regional market- top management. ing manager—note the Managers can use the following tips to give more effective feedback: The extent of upward communication different department depends on the organizational culture. and different organiza- ✹✹ Relate feedback to
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