NOTE BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 52(1):75-79, 2004 FEEDING BEHAVIOR OF Scolelepis sp. (POLYCHAETA: SPIONIDAE) Erica Veronica Pardo* & Antônia Cecília Zacagnini Amaral Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Instituto de Biologia – Departamento de Zoologia (Caixa Postal 6109, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brasil) *[email protected] Scolelepis sp., is abundant in the intertidal zone littoral zone of sandy beaches, where collections were of sandy beaches along the coast of the state of São Paulo made, during low tide, between September 1997 and (Amaral et al., 1995). It is morphologically very similar September 1998. Sand samples were dug with a shovel to to Scololepis squamata and may be part of a species about 20 cm in depth, and were then washed with complex, because some morphological variations seawater through a 0.5 mm-mesh screen. The worms (probably induced by changes in environmental factors were placed in sediment from the collection site held in such as salinity, temperature, or different sediment types) small transparent plastic pots (“aquaria”) of 200 ml can be found in individuals from the same locality. capacity (diameter 65.2 mm, height 60 mm). The pots Individuals can reach lengths of about 80 mm. The were covered with a nylon mesh (0.03 mm mesh size) to acuminate prostomium has 4-5 eyes arranged in a row, a allow for water circulation and prevent the animals from prominent caruncula, and two long tentacular palps escaping. The aquaria were then placed in a plastic cube which are occasionally lost. According to Dauer (1983), (length 45 cm, width 28 cm, height 16 cm), with who studied Scolelepis squamata, in contrast to most seawater piped in directly from the channel, in the spionids this species has no sulcus along the palps, but laboratory of the University of São Paulo Marine the palps are provided with two compact rows of Biology Center (CEBIMar - USP). By this method the immovable cilia of unknown function. Next to these cilia animals were maintained under optimum conditions are cells that secrete mucus to trap food particles. At the during the observations. base of each palp there is a simple row of movable cilia, During the different study periods, 5 aquaria which appear to play no role in feeding (Dauer, 1983). were set up, each with 5 individual worms. After 24 Like other spionids, Scolelepis sp. feeds at or just above hours of acclimation, as recommended by Dauer (1983), the water-sediment interface, using its multifunctional the aquaria were removed from the system and palps to search for, grasp, transport, and/or reject food observations were begun. The worms were observed by particles (Taghon et al., 1980; Dauer et al., 1981; Dauer, means of a stereoscopic microscope and the light covered 1983, 1994). with a transparent red paper filter, to reduce the light Although the feeding biology of the spionids is intensity. The description of their feeding behavior is well studied (Taghon et al., 1980; Dauer et al., 1981; based on 19 sessions, totalling 30 hours of observation, Dauer, 1983, 1985, 1991, 1994, 1997; Muschenheim, with notations made every 5 minutes. In order to observe 1987; Dauer & Ewing, 1991; Taghon & Greene, 1992; possible variations in the feeding habits, live plankton Shimeta, 1996; Bock & Miller, 1997; Qian & Chia, was offered as food and also particles on the surface of 1997; Shimeta & Koehl, 1997; Williams & McDermott, the sediment were suspended by a fine jet of water from 1997; Ferner & Jumars, 1999), only one study was done a pipet. on the feeding behavior of Scolelepis squamata (Dauer, After the acclimation period, resting individuals 1983). The note presents study analyzed the feeding extended about a third of their bodies out of their behavior of Scolelepis sp., especially food capture and galleries, keeping their palps extended in the water above ingestion. the prostomium, perpendicular to the sediment and The individuals of Scolelepis sp. measured about initially forming a 90° angle (Fig. 1A). 18 mm long and 1 mm in diameter. They were collected Feeding behavior did not vary much as a rule. In from Cabelo Gordo Beach, located in São Sebastião, most cases, during feeding a worm positioned itself with state of São Paulo (23°49.614”S and 45°25.298”W). about a third of its body outside the gallery and its palps Cabelo Gordo Beach, on the mainland side of São held at a 60° angle above the sediment (Fig. 1B). In this Sebastião Channel, is a small, low-energy beach with position, it alternately touched the sediment surface with narrow intertidal zone and moderate slope. The upper 10 the tips of its palps, with 360° rotary movements, as if it cm of the sediment is very fine sand, with coarser sand were sweeping the sediment (Fig. 1C). Some of the below. particles captured were discarded and/or lost, and others Scolelepis sp. is abundant in the upper mid- were brought to the mouth and ingested. After a particle PARDO & AMARAL: FEEDING BEHAVIOR OF SCOLELEPIS SP. (POLYCHAETA: SPIONIDAE) 79 was captured, the palp was coiled helicoidally toward the S. squamata came to the surface to feed and kept their mouth (Fig. 1D), and the partly everted pharynx engulfed palps coiled helicoidally, capturing particles deposited on the food. During this extremely rapid process, one palp at the sediment and touching the surface only with the distal a time was brought to the mouth. ends of the palps. The helicoidal coiling of the palps The activity of sweeping the sediment and during food ingestion may be an essential element in the ingesting the particles lasted for 2 to 3 minutes. feeding of Scolelepis sp. According to Dauer (1994), S. Following this period, the animal retreated within the squamata and S. hutchingsae do not have a sulcus on gallery for about 5 minutes. After this interruption, it their palps, and the cilia on the palps are non-motile and again returned to the sediment surface with about a third are only indirectly useful to transport the particles to the of its body extending out of the gallery, but facing the pharynx. other side, having turned around inside the gallery. It The behavior of beating the tips of the palps on then resumed sweeping the sediment with its palps. This the sediment surface may be interpreted in two ways: to reversal in body position inside the gallery effected a collect the particles directly, bringing them to the mouth 360° turn with respect to its surroundings, enabling the and to suspend the surface particles in order to collect worm to sweep the entire surface of the sediment around them from the water column. According to Self and the gallery opening. In most instances, a depression Jumars (1978), sweeping the sediment with the palps (concavity) in the sediment surface around the gallery may efficiently resuspend the finer particles (which have opening could be seen (Fig. 1D). Individuals were also higher nutritional value). observed with only the prostomium visible, capturing The behavior of ingesting particles directly with sand particles at the gallery opening directly with the its mouth showed by Scolelepis sp. may indicate that the mouth, partly everting the pharynx. animal has adapted to the deposit-feeding habit, but uses When sediment particles were suspended by a it less often than when it is exposed to currents. fine jet from the pipet, or even by a slight movement of According to Dauer et al. (1981), changes in the the aquarium, the animals became more active and environment can greatly modify foraging behavior in moved their palps more rapidly. However, instead of some species of spionid polychaetes. Taghon et al. capturing the surface particles, they moved their palps in (1980) suggested that animals which are able of changing the water column (Fig. 1E), taking the suspended their feeding behavior are typical of environments where particles with the tips of the palps. The palps were then there are rapid changes in water flow, such as in the coiled helicoidally and brought to the mouth, the pharynx intertidal zone. This behavior may also be related to the being partly everted. The same behavior could be seen evolution of the family. According to Dales (1963), the when plankton was offered, diatoms being ingested spionids belong to a group of polychaetes in evolutionary whole. transition between those that feed directly on the Sometimes the worms expelled previously sediment with the proboscis, and those that use tentacles ingested particles from the mouth, everting the pharynx (palps), as well as others in the order Spionida. and expelling the particles, which appeared to be The depressions that appeared around the agglutinated by a small thread of mucus. These threads opening of the galleries were caused by the foraging were frequently seen on the sediment surface around the activity of the animal, that turned 360° around the gallery gallery openings. opening, foraging completely around it and forming the In the laboratory, Scolelepis sp. feeds on depression. The absence of current must have intensified suspended particles and, in still water, is a deposit-feeder. the feeding activity around the gallery. The same suspension-feeding habit was observed in The behavior of expelling threads with mucus- Scolelepis squamata by Dauer (1983), who studied it agglutinated particles has not been observed before in using a system of different current velocities. Studies of spionids. This may indicate that particles are selected the feeding behavior of spionids have revealed the after ingestion or they can be rejected during the existence of several modes of feeding with the palps digestive process, and that the feeding activities by the (Taghon et al., 1980; Dauer et al., 1981). The pattern of palps are only foraging.
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