(Eomwrttort Sattij (Eamjma Serving Storrs Since 1896 VOL. LXX, NO. 45 fttarra. (Cdnnrrtirut MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1M5 New Center For Honors Students Dedicated At Reception Thursday by Judy Klerys dential Lounge of the Student tonor students might be Inter- Approximately 150 honors Union. As a result of these ested in. There will also be scholars, advisors, and instruc- meetings, a Special Events Com- honors classes held at the house tors were on hand Thursday night mittee chaired by Pete Langer Itself if the students express such to mark the openhouse dedication has been formed. Acting as a desire. of Harvey House, the new honors Secretary and Publicity Chair- The house Itself consists of center. man of the committee are Judy four furnished rooms on the main There was no formal dedica- Kendall and Lauren Kahn re- floor that are readily available tion ceremony, although Pres- spectively. for student use at this time. ident Babbidge and several others According to Langer, the com- There are also two rooms on the administrators attended the re- mittee under the direction of second level that have as yet not ception. Students and faculty met faculty advisor James McKelvey been finished off but will be In Informally and together admired of the History Dept.. plans "a the future. and discussed the new honors program of Informal coloqulms.' On the main floor is a fully center. Speakers in the very near future equipped kitchen In which pro- The building, located on Storrs will be Dr. Gerson of the Po- gram members will be able to Road, Is an old white colonial litical Science Dept., Dr. Somer prepare coffee and food for var- house dating back to the 1800's of the Music Dept., and Dr. ious receptions or snacks. that has just recently renovated Warner of the English Dept. The The house will be open from for use as the honors center. committee also plans to bring In 4-10 p.m. daily and will have According to President Bab- speakers involved in politics, the people Involved in the work- bldge, there were Just two such entertainment, civil rights, and study program here at UConn as all subjects which they feel the Its caretakers. JUDY KENDALL, SECRETARY OF THE B.O.G. Special Events Com- houses on campus. The uni- mittee; Dr. William Spengemann, Coordinator of the UConn Honors versity was faced with two al- Program; President Homer D. Babhldge; and Peter Langer, chairman ternatives; either tear the houses of the committee discuss the possibilities of Harvey House at the down or remodel them and put open house dedication-reception held at the new honors program them to some use. The later AWS Asks For Declarative center Thursday evening. was decided upon and the houses were renovated. The two build- ings are centers for the In- Interpretations From Court ternational Club and now also ♦he Honors Program Scholars. by Eileen Zemetls "Since the AWS is directly in- New Xmas Program Capable William Spengemann, co-ordln- volved in the area of women's ator of the UConn honors pro- Associated Women's Student has dress standards (as indicated In gram, and John Ab'hott, assistant petitioned the Student Court to the STANDARDS of the COED Of Reaching More Trainees director of the program, cited rule on the controversy which CODE) it is AWS' contention that the combining of a social pro- has arisen because of Senator the Senate has little or no con- by Kathleen Richards gram with an academic one as Michael Llpson's amendment to stitutional grounds on which to children have been unable to the goal of Harvey House. To Associated Student Government involve Itself in an area in which Mansfield Training School and attend parties each year. The date, there are 80 Sophomores Student Senate bill #34 allowing an Area Council - namely AWS- the University of Connecticut new program will reach ten times and 50 Freshmen enrolled In blue Jeans and bermuda shorts ls Involved." came closer together last week as many children as in past the honors program. At Har- in the Student Union. AWS specifically asks for inter- when two Independent dormitor- years, according to Mansfield vey House these people will be The amended bill, passed by pretation of those sections of the ies, Holllster B and Chandler sources. able to meet and become ac- the majority vote of the Senate ASG constitution which deal with House, initiated a new Christ- "An additional advantage of the quainted with others In the pro- on Nov. 3, states: "The dress and name "Area Councils". The mas program at Mansfield for program," said Naomi Lubln, an gram and exchange ideas policy for men and women in Women's governing body asks the boys In Marvin Hall. activity leader at Mansfield, "is and points of view. the Student Union building shall a general definition and a state- This program of taking the party that some children coming Into a Until now, the program mem- allow the wearing of dungarees, ment of the financial relation of to the Mansfield children, as op- large group of older people are bers have been meeting for study bermuda shorts, shoes without ASG to a member organization posed to bring a few children often afraid. At Mansfield, where and socializing, in the Presi- socks, and sandals." which does not obtain its op- to a party on campus is a much the parties will be held, the child- erational funds from the Stu- better idea according to Martin ren In a more secure atmosphere dent Senate. Kenney, Director of the Hospital with surroundings and people that AWS also questioned whether Improvement Program. they know." Duke Professor J. B. Rhine Article VD, 1,J. "Student Sen- Many of the children in Mans- The training school has offered ate may makes rules and reg- field halls have been unable to full cooperation for all dorms ulations affecting student CUS- attend UConn parties held for wishing to take part. For in- To Deliver Lecture On ESP TOMS, elections, celebrations, them in the past, and because of formation call Naomi Lubln at contests, and the GENERAL BE- transportation difficulties, many 429-1960. The public will have an op- Perception after Sixty Years" HAVIOR of the Student Body..." portunity to learn the most re- and "Parapsychology, Frontier can be defined to include dress cent developments on "extra Science of the Mind." regulations. sensory perception" (ESP), when Rhine has given invitation lec- The case of the Associated Wo- the nation's leading practitioner tures to the Royal Society of men Students versus the Student of the art delivers a talk, on Medicine and to the British As- Senate will come before the Stu- World News Briefs Thursday, Dec. 2, on the "Para- sociation for the Advancement dent Court In the near future. psychology and the Nature of of Science. As yet, no witnesses have been Man" at UConn. named for either side. Marijuana Raid In Darien The lecture by Dr. J. B. Rhine, retired Duke University profes- Fraternities sor, will be presented at 8 p.m. Police In the fashionable com- Police said that one of three in the Union Ballroom, and Is Begin Open muter town of Darien, Connecti- girls taken Into custody was 15 sponsored by the Student Union Work-Study cut, center of a teen-age drink- years old. And she was turned Board of Governors. Bid Program ing scandal last year, raided the over to juvenile authorities. A botanist by training, Rhine Available apartment of a young man yester- During Smith's trial last Octo- taught at West Virginia and Har- The fraternity open rush system day and arrested nine youngsters. ber, 13 adults were arrested. vard Universities before settling is In effect from now until the Over Xmas Police said they found a quantity Four were socially-prominent at Duke, where he spent a year end of the semester. Any stu- of what they believe was mari- couples. Eight persons were con- as a post-doctoral student before dent, except for first semester Some work-study Jobs are avail- juana. The apartment raided was victed and fined on charges of taking an instructorshlp in psy- freshman, may rush any house. able during Christmas vacation that of 20-year-old Michael serving liquor to minors. chology and philosophy. In 1934 If the house votes to extend a according to Thomas Roberts, Smith, was convicted last year of All the youngsters arrested in Rhine published "Extrasensory bid, the rushee must pick up and work-study Director. Needy stu- negligent homicide In the auto- yesterday's raid made bond of Perception," the first in a ser- sign a bid card at the Inter- llvlng in or near Hartford, Stam- accident death of a 17-year-old $3,000 to $5,000. Police said one ies of books on this topic, which fraternity Council Office. He ford, Newington and New Haven girl, after attending a party. It youth was a witness for the pro- since has been followed by "New can then start pledging, imme- should contact Roberts if they was alleged adults had served secution in Smith's trial. Smith Frontiers of the Mind,", "The diately, either in a new pledge are interested In a Christmas Job. liquor to minors at two parties Is free on appeal of his convic- class or as part of an already Some of these Jobs will be the night of the accident. Reach of the Mind," and "New tion. World of the Mind." Rhine also existing one. training programs and the stu- Is co-author of "Extrasensory The rushee need not have an dent will be trained for work 18 cumulative to sign the bid.
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