February 2014 APC www.APCmag.net As appeared in Copyright CSC Publishing Wet Scrubbers for Dry Dust? Absolutely. Ron Hatton Sly Inc. quired design modifications needed on the scrub- Wet scrubbing in industrial processes sometimes ber, as there are with dry dust collectors. A dry col- can be an overlooked method for air pollution con- lector requires special grounding for the tubesheet trol. Whether the reasoning is reluctance to change and filter bags, along with the use of explosion from well-known, typical dry collection tech- vents or chemical suppression. These safety de- niques, concerns over handling dirty water, or sim- vices require periodic inspections and preventative ply being unaware that the technology is available maintenance to ensure that they function properly for an application, wet scrubbing is not typically at if an accident occurs. the forefront of engineers’ or process personnel’s Due to several tragic and fatal events in recent years, list of equipment for controlling plant emissions. the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and The purpose of this article is to highlight the bene- Occupational Safety and Health Administration fits and potential advantages of using a wet scrub- (OSHA) have broadened the application and tight- ber system. ened the enforcement of safety measures with regard to both plant housekeeping and equipment design. The increased safety requirements have been imple- mented to protect workers, plants, and equipment. et scrubbers can be used for controlling Although not all explosions occur inside dust con- exhaust from process equipment or as trol equipment, as happened in a housekeeping-re- nuisance collectors designed to address W lated explosion that occurred recently at a sugar housekeeping issues. There are many successful in- refinery, dust collectors provide ideal environments stallations of wet scrubbers downstream of furnaces, for deflagration to occur. Examination of explosions dryers, mixers, bucket elevators, bagging stations, shows that there are five elements necessary for an and other emission points. The versatile technology explosion to take place: fuel (combustible dust), en- is not only an alternative to more traditional pollu- closure, dispersion (dust cloud), oxygen, and an ig- tion control equipment, in some cases, wet scrubbers nition source. All five of these elements must be are the best option. present to have a deflagration. Baghouses and car- tridge filters can create an environment that fulfills Combustible/Hazardous Dusts four of the requirements. The fifth one — the igni- For instance, if you have an application where the tion source — could be provided by the process particulate being collected is combustible, a wet (spark), careless workers (cigarette), or mainte- scrubber can be an ideal choice. Using water to nance/construction near the collector (welding or scrub particulate from an airstream eliminates the grinding spark). Dust carrying a static charge also explosion potential of the dust. There are no re- can arc inside the dirty air chamber, causing igni- Copyright CSC Publishing tion. All of these situations are real and do happen. expensive. Decreasing inlet temperatures can be Baghouses and cartridge filters can be successfully accomplished by dilution (adding ambient air), ra- protected by equipping them with explosion vents diant cooling, or water sprays. All of these meth- and suppression systems. The process and plant ods dramatically add to baghouse system costs, are protected by isolating the system ductwork and, in the case of using water to reduce the tem- with fast-action dampers or suppression to prevent perature, expensive controls are required to make the flames from moving down the inlet ductwork sure an excess amount of moisture does not find its and back into the plant and process. Statistics show way to the collector. that the majority of damage to a plant is caused by An alternative approach would be a wet scrubber. secondary explosions. All of these protection de- Because adding water into the system does not af- vices are expensive and require ongoing mainte- fect scrubber operation, quench systems can be em- nance and inspections that add costs to plant ployed prior to the inlet to the scrubber. A scrubber operating budgets. that includes a pre-quench section is capable of Wet scrubbers can be a viable alternative to using a handling temperatures in excess of 2,000°F. While dry collector in these types of applications. Using these quench systems add to the cost of equipment, water as the collection media, a scrubber inherently the reduction in air volume reduces scrubber size, eliminates the dust cloud and explosion potential by and there is no concern about moisture carryover immediately wetting the dust and saturating the into the unit. airstream. There is no threat from an external (or in- Examples where scrubber technology has been suc- ternal) ignition source — provided that the convey- cessfully implemented would be furnaces, kilns, and ing media is not a combustible gas. Therefore, a wet incinerators. scrubber eliminates the requirement for explosion and isolation protection, saving capital and long- term operating costs. Moisture in the Gas Stream If your process has a moisture content in the gas The previously cited example of an industrial explo- stream that would foul or plug a dry dust collector, a sion in a sugar refinery would be an excellent exam- wet scrubber could handle these difficult conditions ple of when a wet scrubber should be considered. without any issues. Since the scrubber uses water to Other such applications where combustion concerns saturate the gas stream for particulate removal, the are present include handling metal fines, chemicals, moist process gas is easily introduced into the scrub- and many organic materials. ber. These same gas stream conditions in a dry dust collector can result in severe caking on filter bags, High-Temperature Gases plugging of discharge equipment, high differential High-temperature applications also can be very fit- pressures, and frequent filter changes and mainte- ting for wet scrubbers. With a dry dust collector, you nance attention. have special high-temperature construction require- Dryers, kilns, and other process equipment are de- ments that need to be addressed during the design, as signed to drive off moisture from the product. The well as expensive high-temp filter bags that are very result is that the air or gas used in the process picks costly to replace. With a wet scrubber, the standard up this moisture and carries it to the dust collector. designs can handle the high temperatures of the Baghouses and cartridge filters are popular collec- process without any special design considerations or tion devices for these applications but bring with expensive replacement parts. them potential problems with moisture. Even wet In many of today’s processes, extremely high tem- compressed air, the method for pulse cleaning peratures are required. Baghouses and cartridge bags and cartridges, can cause operating problems filters — generally designed for lower tempera- by adding unwanted moisture, causing operating tures — can be designed for temperatures up to and maintenance issues with pulse valves, sole- 550°F using filter media such as fiberglass or PTFE. noid valves, and filter media. Moisture issues are Ceramic or stainless steel media can push operat- difficult to overcome with special media, which ing temperature over 700°F, but they are extremely can be expensive and may only offer temporary Copyright CSC Publishing fixes. Many installations will require insulating the For example, a process that produces solid particu- collector and, at times, the addition of auxiliary late and contains HCl in the airstream can easily be heat to control condensation during startup and filtered within a scrubber system. The water will shutdown of the process. collect the solid particulate through inertial im- paction and interception. By adding a caustic solu- Wet scrubbers are not affected by moist or wet air tion (such as sodium hydroxide) to the water and require no compressed air, insulation, or auxil- stream, the HCl will be scrubbed from the gas iary heat. No filter media means no expensive bag stream and converted to NaCl (sodium chloride) in change-outs and no unscheduled down time. the recirculated water. With the particulate and the harmful gas removed from the airstream, the Particulate and Gaseous Contaminants scrubber exhaust now can vent to atmosphere. And Wet scrubbers are a logical choice for applications since the scrubber solution is nonhazardous, deal- that have both particulate and gaseous emissions to ing with the wastewater can be easily managed. be removed from the airstream before it vents to at- mosphere. With a dry dust collector, gaseous emis- Financial Advantages of Wet Scrubbers sions cannot be addressed as it will only collect the Besides addressing aggressive process-related en- solid particulate. There would need to be a sec- vironments, wet scrubbers can provide financial ondary piece of equipment, such as a scrubber or relief as well. In many cases, a wet scrubber has a RTO, installed to remove the gases. Wet scrubbers lower initial capital cost, better energy savings, can collect the solids, as well as scrub the gaseous lower maintenance costs, and no replacement filter components from the airstream all in one piece of equipment. bags/media to account for. Wet scrubbers are fairly simple in their design and do not have any in- ternal moving parts. Impingement Plate Scrubber Airflow is drawn into scrubber and passes through plate Impingement plate scrubbers collect particulate and water, which traps contaminants. These designs are absorb vapors and gases. High collection efficiencies (99+ suitable for applications that require collection of both percent) can be achieved with low water consumption particulate and gaseous contaminants. and minimum pressure drop. Copyright CSC Publishing Chart 1 shows the comparison of a typical 10,000 cfm, emission requirements. Impingement plate (or tray) low energy scrubber and dust collector.
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