Covering Main Street and Beyond. VOLUMEVOLUME 4. 1. HURLEYVILLE,HURLEYVILLE, SULLIVAN SULLIVAN COUNTY, COUNTY, N.Y. |N.Y.DECEMBER | JUNE 2019 2016 NUMBERNUMBER 7. 6. THEBASKETBALL NEXT ACT NEW DOCUMENTARY Outlining a Usable Past TO SCREEN AT and Sustainable Future A Review by Jonathan Shimkin think we’re just revisiting ARTS CENTRE our past,” he says – we segue HURLEYVILLE – “The into a section about Marisa Program to include Sullivan County Catskills: Scheinfeld, a photographer The Next Act,” a film by who focuses on portraits of Grayce Arlotta-Berner and Borscht Belt ruins. We see Q&A with Filmmakers Peter J. Russo, is a 38 min- her at work at The Pines, ute evocation of the Sulli- elegizing the ruins, and find- by Win Hadley screen. van County Catskills - past, ing in them a beauty that The documentary, which present, and potential fu- gives a new spin to Mr. Con- HURLEYVILLE – The runs less than 40 min- ture. It weaves together the way’s words. We revisit the Hurleyville Arts Centre utes, delves into Sullivan viewpoints of ten interview past both by adapting it to will present a special pro- County’s storied history as subjects, interspersing them contemporary circumstanc- gram on Thursday, July 18 a tourist destination, but with historical images (film, es, with new forms, and by that will include a screen- only as a foundation for photographs, postcards and – well, simply visiting it, in ing of the 2018 documen- what possibly lies ahead: posters). The perspectives a commemorative way, as tary, “The Sullivan County The Next Act. Filmmaker converge and diverge along when we visit a monument Catskills: The Next Act.” Grayce Arlotta-Berner ad- lines that give the film its or a historical site. The film, produced by mits that isn’t exactly how distinct texture and argu- This is one of the film’s Grayce Arlotta-Berner of she envisioned the movie PHOTO BY J. JAMES WALL ment. “The Next Act” is a Four Dogs Media and Peter when she began the project, most suggestive moments Russo of Kisco Kid Produc- but the story simply took on deft and suggestive collage. and marks the point where tions, has been shown twice a life of its own. It opens with a sprint all its lines of perspective before in Sullivan County, Ms. Arlotta-Berner says through the different eras of converge, upon the sense but only to limited audi- THE HURLEYVILLE DOVE the county’s history: the Sil- that, whatever the county’s ences and never on the big Continued on page 5 ver Age (1890s on - the era future course, it will inevi- of small hotels and sanitaria; tably build upon, and find One More Thing to Love About the Hamlet “Doctors Say Go To The creative ways to make use Mountains - A Region of by Elaine Corrington Kilgore, Christine Record, where one can enjoy a very of, the past. The Silver, the Absolute Health at Moder- and Yaritza Rivera from accessible walkway to the Golden, and even the Tar- ate Cost. Pure Air. Pure Wa- HURLEYVILLE – The Fine Arts Education; Emma granite cut-- made long ago so nished Ages are all vital ter. Pure Milk” reads a Silver Hurleyville Dove adjacent to Stokes from Admissions; the train could get through-- threads in the fabric of reviv- Age poster); the Golden Age the Pickled Owl restaurant Mark McNamara from the and beyond. On the hottest al. As Ms. Scheinfeld says (1940s & 50s– the era of the was unveiled on May 16 to Technology Hub and Incu- days, and when there is a lot of the Golden Age Catskills, big resorts and bungalow commemorate and celebrate bator (THINC); and Charlie of traffic, the rock cut is very “It was a place where people colonies); the post-60s de- Woodstock’s 50th anniver- Blume from Landscape De- noticeably cooler and quieter made memories” - memo- cline (the Tarnished Age?), sary this summer. sign. than any other outdoor area- ries being not only the natu- as hotels & colonies began It is one of 50 doves to Dana Migiorino, Lindsey and absolutely gorgeous. ral result of time spent in the to shutter like falling domi- be displayed across Sul- Bauer, Denise Sullivan, and One can also see the new region, but one of its active noes; and the present, with livan County, overseen by Julie Palmer helped paint the signs of historic and plant attractions in the first place. the region poised, hopefully, the County and the Sullivan dove. Julie Palmer and Jesse information that are located The allure of memory is PHOTO PROVIDED for revival. What sort of re- County Visitors Association. Wall documented the expe- along the trail- including one exemplified in the film by The Hurleyville Arts Centre Cinema will show the documen- vival, and what would con- Each dove on the so-called rience on film, Joe Rausch about the great train wreck. the example of “Dirty Danc- tary film, The Sullivan County Catskills: The Next Act on July PHOTO BY J. JAMES WALL stitute the most promising ing,” a film made in 1987 18. “Dove Trail” is painted by sprayed it, and the dove was The ten interpretive signs are The Hurleyville Dove, paint- future, are the questions at that is credited with spark- local artists showcasing the installed by Darin Kinney ed by artists from The Cen- intended to educate as well as the heart of the film. character and history of each and TCFD Land Crew. ter for Discovery, is located to slow the journey, enhanc- ing a revival of interest in After the opening histori- community. The Hurleyville The Hurleyville Dove in- in the mini-park adjacent to ing the visitor’s experience. the region – though the era cal overview, the film moves HURLEYVILLE’S Dove was designed and paint- cludes both historical and the Pickled Owl. The Hurleyville Dove is depicted in the film is not into interview mode. View- ed by students, residents, and new elements of the hamlet, The dove can be just the just one more thing to love 1987, but rather 1963 (a trait ers hear from an engaged JANET CARRUS staff from The Center for and showcases some of what start of a walk down the east about “the liveliest little ham- of retrospection it shares group of stakeholders - his- Discovery– including Chris makes it so unique. side of the Milk Train Trail, let in the Mountains!” with most other films in the TO BE HONORED torians, architects, hoteliers, mini-genre of Catskill Life, entrepreneurs, artists, real- e.g., “A Walk on the Moon,” SUNY Sullivan Foundation tors – each of whom has a or “Taking Woodstock”). deep personal affection for Similarly, the section on Awards Gala Set for June 13 MAGICAL HISTORY TOUR TOUTS HURLEYVILLE the region, and a vision for Bethel Woods depicts an ap- its future. Rather than pres- peal to the past that is prac- by John Conway 24 Years and Counting for the Historical-Architectural Bus Trip ent the interviews in strict tically mythic. The original sequence, the filmmakers ground has become a pil- LOCH SHELDRAKE – HURLEYVILLE – This earliest name of Phillipsport, move back-and-forth be- grimage site; the contempo- Hurleyville Arts Centre Di- year’s version of the histor- a once bustling community on tween subjects, keeping the rary main stage at the venue rector Janet Carrus will be ical-architectural bus tour the D&H Canal in the town of weave going. This gives the was deliberately built at among the women honored sponsored by the history edu- Mamakating. film the feel of an extend- some remove from the origi- by the SUNY Sullivan Foun- cation group, The Delaware The Magical History tour ed dialogue. It is skillfully nal site “so as not to dese- dation at its annual gala on Company will start and end in is a fundraising effort by The done, with pertinent juxta- crate the hallowed ground,” June 13. Ms. Carrus will re- Hurleyville. The trip is sched- Delaware Company, and runs positions developing along as Eric Frances explains in ceive the award for Philan- uled for June 15. from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. the way. his interview. At the same FILE PHOTO For 24 years now, the fully The bus will be leaving from thropy. Janet Carrus One instance: after a sec- time, Bethel Woods is an Ms. Carrus has been a long- narrated tour has introduced the municipal parking lot on tion featuring John Conway arena for contemporary time supporter of The Center munity Health for Catskill participants to historical and Mongaup Road, and prior to (Sullivan County Historian, performance. It both builds for Discovery. Her financial Regional Hospital, for Health; architectural landmarks in Sul- departure participants will be and also editor of this news- upon and extends its heri- contribution made possible Laura Silverman, founder livan County, taking in a dif- guided along a short stroll on PHOTO PROVIDED paper), who observes that tage. the construction of the Hur- of the Outside Institute, for ferent geographical part of the the Milk Train Trail adjacent Shindler’s Prairie House in Hurleyville, the scene of the people are being drawn back The implication of these leyville Arts Centre, which Sustainability; retired Sulli- county each year. This year’s to the parking lot, taking in most tragic fire in Sullivan County’s history, will be one of to the region for the same examples is that the “next opened in September of journey is being touted as “The some of the new interpretive the many topics of discussion on this year’s Magical History van West Superintendent Dr.
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