Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1971-10-06 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1971). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2254. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2254 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 't•·--· .. ;,hViUt ocr ....... j' THE XAVIER NE VOL. LVll XAVIER UNIVERSITY, CINCINNATI, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1971 NO. 2 Homecoming Plans Announced; ·Leon Russell To Appear by MIKE MADGES Plana for Homecoming Week· man Hall. Four bands will perform The game will follow with kick· end were announced Friday, Oct· and the concert will last from 3 to off time scheduled for 1:30 p.m. ober 1, by Student Body President 7p.m. Half-time activities will include Jim Crowley. Thia year's activities Saturday's activities include a the crowning of the homecomin1 will include a mixture of both for­ moming parade conaiating of 12 queen and the awarding of a mon· mal and informal activities adding floats, 20 clowns and three march­ etary prize for the beat . float. variety to the weekend. ing bands. The honorable mayor Poat-game activities will conaiat Ainong the scheduled events ale of Cincinnati, Willia D. Gradiaon, of a number.. of partieil around Jr., will preside over· the parade campus. included a concert featuring Leon A dance Saturday evening will Ruaaell on Friday, October 15, at which will commence at the Music Hall downtown. conclude this year's Homecoming. 8:30 p.m. The concert is promoted The affair is scheduled to be· held by a booking agent, Roger Abram· Other day-time activities will center on the ·xavier. campua.. at Brookwood Inn from 8:30 p.m. son, with Xavier guaranteed a to 1 a.m. Tickets will sell at '6 $2500 profit. The concert was Members of student govem­ apiece. Continuous muaic by the scheduled both to provide needed mentintend to use the university's Wanderluat and the Daltoniana is revenue for student government tennis ci>urta as a beer 1arden for guaranteed throu1hout the even· and to substitute for the cancel­ pre-game refreshment.. ing. lation of the Feliciano concert. It should be noted that the concert QUEEN CANDIDATES will be held a week before Home- coming. Ticket. are now on sale Applications are being sc- Fortin Urges at the Community Ticket office cepted for Homecoming Queen downtown and Xavier's Student candidates. All applications Participation Governmentoffice. All tickets sold must be tumed in at the Uni- in advance are $4.50; the coat versity Center no later than by TOM GUSH will be $5.5Q atthe door. Friday, Oct.ober 8, 1971, by The Executive Board of the Uni· Homecoming Weekend will 2 P.M. If there are any ques· versity Senate will meet this commence on Friday, Oct. 22, tions, call Jerry Whitney at Thursday to diacuBB the agenda Football Is E%Citing! with a mini-concert outside Brock· 281-2922. for the general University Senate (See story on pa1e 8). meeting scheduled for Wednesday . _ October 13. Dr. Roger Fortin, Vice-Chair­ NOTICE man of the_ University Senate, OriginalHomecoming Plans emphaaized that the Senate The delivery of the 1971 encoura1ee university parti· Mueketeer. has been delayed cipation throu1h su11e11tions. due to an administrative re­ Developed· Into Chaos He maintained that the pur­ quest. The yearbooks will be pose of the Senate i• to delib­ sent from the printer on Octo- by MIKE MADGES erate upon such su11estions . her 9th; they will be distributed That there will be a Bomeeomins weekend Mr. Dave Kihm, Social Chairman, and to advise those parties to the student body as soon as was his decision finalized. who have the opportunity to possible after receipt. this fall waa not a reality. until. this past week. - Crowley and Kihm, however, act upon the su11estions. The uncertainty concernins ·aomeeomfns re­ do not agree. : Fortin stated that the problem sulted from the ·decision of Mr.· Ray Guye, Crowley maintains that no such of student boredom (both social University Aaaiatant Dean of Co-curricular Aft'aire, to refuse meeting was held; Kihm argues and academic) and the Kvapil sit· to place his sipature on a contract for a stu­ that the unsigned contract was uation are issues which would be dent concert featurins Jose Feliciano. Bia action returned in the mail before he considered for inclusion on the Calendar · ever had a conversation with agenda. left the Bomecomint weekend at leaet in. doubt, Guye. Kihm, who had finalized Fortin expressed concern over Revised if not, in real danser of total elimination. plans for the conce~ before a the role of drinking and drugs as vacation trip to California, re­ an escape from boredom among Mr. Roderick Shearer, Vice­ Guye'a refusal to sign the con- ------------­ signed as Social Chairman upon the students. He stated that it is President of Student Affairs, an­ tract resulted from his deciaion leaming of Guye'a decision. Kihm that the concert was a bad finan­ News Analysis the Senate's responsibility to in­ nounced last week th11t several stated. that he had given Guye vestigate this problem and to sug· cial risk. Guye explained that the ------------­ changes have been made in the financial indebtedneaa of student ation with. Mr. Jim Crowley, Stu; his home phone number before gest ways of remedying it. University's Calendar for this year. govemmentatthetimeofoontract dent Govemment President, and (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 6) Clauea willnot be 'held on Mon­ negotiationa-Juneofthisye~- -------------""'T------------------------ day, December 20th. Therefore, plua the fact of past financial Christmas vacation Will begin for losses in such undertakings deter­ all divisions after claues on Sat­ mined his action. He further Xavier Faces Recruiting Ci;-isis urday, December 18th. stated and subsequently verified In order to accommodate the to this reporter that letters were - by GARY TAPHORN loss of one cl888 date, clauee will sent to. Student Senate members . As often as Muakiea are be­ midwest schools. As an example, many high schools only once a be held on Veterans Day, Monday, explaining the aituapon and re­ labored with the university's Thomas More Collete suffered a year, and often can send only October 25th. Thia i8 the Monday questin1 their advice. He stated critical need for more money, an drop of over 200 student. in this one recruiter. following the Homecomin1Week· that only after co1111idering theae issue even more Ul'lent now con­ year'• enrollment and many O'Brien, who ia in charge of end. opinions and diacuaain1 the 1itu· front. Xavier - the search for other universities are facln1 Xavier's recruiting effort, em· student.. similar decreasea. ploys a total recruitin1 staff of Fr.EdwardJ.O'Brien,Auiatant In addition to tisht money pro­ 12 people, many of them recent to the Preaident, informed the blems, collesea are faced with Xavier paduatel. However, thil Coming Nat W' eelc ·New• Jut Friday that Xavier, u burden10me reetriction1 ilnpoeed number ii not nearly sufficient well aa JDOlt other colle1e1, muat upon them by hiah schoola. The for 1uch a hush teak, especially face the crucial problem .of ,reatnt handicap li• in the fact recruitin1 enoqh 1tudente to that each collese may 10 into (Contin~tfon PG6e 3) . Departmental Review remain a solvent inltitution. In thil period of national af. Flu SheteAre"Now Available" fluence, it would 1ee111 an unlikely In the · intere1t of providin1 everyone know1 about but refuaea Xavier 1tudentl with more infor· to talk about: we'll diaplay the problem to have to campaisn Arrangement. have been made throqh the McGrath Health mation reararding the academic content. of the closet for you. actively for new 1tudent1. How· Center to provide t\u ahotl thia year to thoae who are intere1t.ed. opportunities at Xavier, the New• You'll hear about new. coU1'881 in ever, accordin1 to O'Brien, the If you have not had flu ahotl in other years, the doctors sus1eat will present a new aeries entitled · the planning stages and the auc· inflation sweeping the country two shots, one now and one in January. Otherwiae, one shot is "Departmental Review". ceaa of student. in each field with has made it increasingly difficult sufficient. The service ch!lrge is $2.00 per shot. fol' students to "hack it" finan- We'll find out the expectations regard to graduate school.·. cially in college. The doctors recommend that the flu shots be given immediately of the Department Chairmen before the start of cold weather. You may pay the $2.00·per-shot and the reaction of the faculty and The Biology Department will be Xavier is not alone in facing charge to Ms. Margaret Dillon, Treasurer's office; or you may pay student. in each department to examined first, followed by the this problem. Although freshman this fee directly to the Health Center. these goals. Some department. Philosophy Department in the enrollment was ·down slightly from last year, Xavier did sur- Flu shots will be administered from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., have a skelet.on in .the closet that following issue. prisingly well in relation to other ._M_o.nd,_a.. Y.. t.h.r.ou .. g_h..,F .. n.. ·d .. a.y .... ________________,_ XAVIER UNIVERSITY, CINCINNATI, OHIO, WIDNEIDAY, OCTOBIR 1.1171 Original Homecoming Plans. DevelQped. lntO. (:haos --------------. 1 1 (Continllff from pa(Je I) Adiviti• •uppoMcuy includ• ~ot pro~lelll8.
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