Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 3-11-1932 The Western Mistic, March 11, 1932 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, March 11, 1932" (1932). The Western Mistic. 12. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/12 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STq VOL. 23 WESTERN MINNESOTA'S STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Moorhead, Minnesota, Mar. 11, 1932 NO. 1 DRAGON,NODAK American Legation To Model League Assembly FOUR DELEGATES GAME FEATURE SENT TO MODEL OF GYM OPENING LEAGUE SESSIONS •SIOUX CAGE S CONQUER DRAG­ WILL REPRESENT UNITED STATES ONS 49-23; M. S. T. C. CAPTURES AT ASSEMBLY; FOSTER TO CITY CHAMPIONSHIP BE SPEAKER Despite the somewhat dampening ef­ fect of overwhelming defea', the Dragon Representing the United States at the cohorts celebrated royally with song Model League Assembly of the colleges and speech to open the huge new gym­ of Minnesota, Gorman Th'ompson, nasium on March 2. Everybody, in­ Goodridge; John Costain, Moorhead; cluding the visiting and triumphant Donald Bird and Clarence Glasrud, De­ Nodaks, charted the opening night as a troit Lakes, left Thursday at 1:00 p. m. success. Before a throng of 1400 stu­ for Noithfield, where the second annual dents and townspiople, Representative E. assembly is convening at St. Olaf and J. Holm, Mayor C. I. Evenson, President Carieton Colleges today and tomorrow. R. B. MacLean, Coach Alex Nemzek, Above are pictured the American Legation to the second annual Model League Assembly of the colleges of Minne­ Mr. Murray will accompany the group. Albert Zeck, and Thelma Erickson ex­ sota convening at St. Olaf apd Carieton Colleges today and tomorrow. From left to right they are: John Costain, Moor­ The delegation expected to arrive in tolled the miraculous structurue and head: .Clarence Glasrud. Detroit Lakes; Gorman Thompson, Goodridge: and Donald Bird. Detroit Lakes. Northfield this morning in time for the the benefits educationally to be de- luncheon meeting at Carieton, at which rived-from the new buildiftg. Between periods, with the score time William Trufant Foster, eminent DRAGON BAND TO ! ® ^iBYRD EXPEDITION economist, was to speak on debts and standing considerably against them, the reparations. Dragons continued to rejoice in their CALENDAR OF EVENTS PRESENT CONCERT Imitates League new physical education building. A MEMBER TO BE The Minnesota Model League is spon­ military clog to the tune of "Stars and Tonight—8:30—All-School Party Stripes Forever" by members of the AT FARGO HIGH S —Exchange. HERE ON FRIDAY sored by the Carnegie Endowment Playground Management Class and two i® Tomorrow Night—Women's All- through the League of Nations Asso­ College Party—Exchange. ciation of .Minnesota, and is internation­ numbers by the Male Chorus under th COMPLETE PERSONNEL OF CON- | ® LOFGREN TO SPEAK MARCH 18; Wednesday, March 16—Installa­ al in character. It was organized for direction of Mr. Preston featured the CERT BAND ANNOUNCED COMMISSION TO BE INSTALL­ tion of New Student Com­ the purpose of acquainting the general intervening ten minutes. FOR THIS YEAR ED WEDNESDAY Win City Championship mission. public with the mechanics of the Struggling desperately against the Opening music activities for the Friday, March 18—Charles Lof- League of Nations and the Geneva Con­ Forthcoming chapels will feature, on ference. jinx which diverted their tries for the spring term, the College Concert Band gren to speak in Chapel. Friday, March 18, Charles Lofgren, who The first two meetings of the Model net, the Dragons sucummed to the will present a program at ten o'clock unusual accuracy of the rangy Nodaks ®®®®®®®®®®®®® was personnel officer with Byrd's Ant- League will be held today at St. Olaf. morning assembly at Fargo High School to the tune of 49 to 23. artic expedition, and on Wednesday, The afternoon meeting will represent on Tuesday, March 15. the Council of the League of Nations Despite the margin of contest lost, March 16, the officers of the newly the 1931-32 Dragon basketball team may Curt Remfrey, xylophone; Reynold MAGAZINE PRAISES discussing the Manchurian question. elected Student Commission, who are to Gorman Thompson will speak for the be deemed successful, having won their Christensen, cornet; and Robert Walls be installed. United States delegation. first city championship in the annua' and Harlow Berquist, clarinet, will play j BAND ACTIVITIES Concordia-M. S. T. C. series and scored Instead of the regular assembly the Discuss Disarmament solo selections. The second meeting will be held at a victory over St. Thomas. The count, FEBRUARY ISSUE OF "SCHOOL chapel period this mornlng was given in the series, was three games for the The full program is as follows: Gold- ] MUSICIAN" CITES WORK over to a meeting of the graduates and 7:30 tonight. At this meeting the-var­ ious students speaking for their assign­ Dragons to two for the Cobbers, man's Band March, King; ' Morning, | the Faculty Council OF DRAGON BAND ed nations will present the disarma­ The Dragons this year won decisions Noon, and Night, overture, Suppe; Se Palmer Here Tuesday Speaking Tuesday on the subject, ment proposals to the conference in also from Jamestown, Valley City, St. lection for two clarinets, Hadyn, Robert In the "School Musician" for Febru­ Thomas, dropping tilts to the A. C., "Life as a Heritage and an Adventure", Geneva now in session. Donald Bird ary, 1932, a picture of the Moorhead North Dakota U, Wahpeton Science. Walls, Harlow Berquist. Dr. A. W. Palmer, President of Chicago will represent the United States in pre­ Mayville, River Falls, and LaCrosse. Feature Solos State Teachers College Band, together Theological Seminary, said that our senting her disarmament proposals. Three Cagers Graduate Egmont Overture, Beethoven; Xylo­ with an article concerning the organ­ heritage may be divided into three The session tomorrow will be held The 1932-33 season will see only one phone solo—Raymond Overture, Thom­ ization, is reproduced- groups. at Carieton in Severance Great Hall: this meeting will represent a conclud­ face missing from the regular lineup, as, Curt Remfrey; I Love Thee, from The article says, in part: In the first group would come the ing session of the Geneva disarmament that of Chet Gilpin at guard. The other Atlantis Suite, Safranek, Baritone Solo things that represent the achievements "Prospective teachers, every one of conference next June or July. John graduating members of the first squad —Arthur Skjonsby, and Cornet Solo— of the past. "There are things in our them! Yet in their busy programs they are Obert Nelson and John Ingersoll. Jules Herman; Cornet Solo, Reminis­ religion that are so fine, so beautiful Costain and Clarence Glasrud will take part in the debates, presenting the The N. D. U. Nodaks were at top cences, Hoel, Reynold Christensen; and have arranged their courses so that that they will remain the permanent viewpoints of the United States. form competing against the Dragons at Man of the Hour, March, Fillmore. they may study at least three band re­ spiritual heritage of the race. Among the opening game of the new gym. The these are the ten commandments, be­ Luncheon Concludes Assembly Personnel Given hearsals during the week, University won an easy 49-23 victory, cause they have stood the test of time. Tomorrow noon the Model League Mr. Christensen, director of the Band, "Organized in February, 1928, with the Nodak guards filtering through the Hard to Say "Good bye!" Assembly will be concluded with a announced the membership of Otis fourteen members, the Teachers College poorly-functioning Dragon defense. In the second group would come the luncheon in the Carieton Tea Room. Rasmussen. Leads Scoring year s concert band which is composed Band of Moorhead, Minnesota, has things which are outgrown and have Twelve colleges will send delegations Lanky Cliff Rasmussen looped the of 36 students. grown, in only three short years, to a to be parted with. Quoting from to the assembly. Each of the groups (Continued on Page Four) The personnel of the select organiza­ membership of fifty, and is well-equip- Trader Horn, "One of the first things will represent a different nation and tion is as follows; first clarinets: Robert ped with instruments, uniforms, and that education teaches you is to stand will act at this assembly just as it de­ Walls, Harlow Berquist; second clari- music. The enthusiasm and loyalty of alone." We are not able to stand termines its respective nation has acted, I nets: Jane Buse. Lorna Strand; third its members and the generous support aione until we can part with some ORGANIST TO GIVE is acting, and will act in the future. clarinets: Jessamine Coleheur, Ray Si- of the college made possible the organ- things we have inherited. "We are 1 It is the hope of the sponsors of the monitsch, Louise Murray; Eb clarinet: ization s more-than-expected rapid now engaged in an endeavor to say RECITAL MARCH 20 assembly that through the medium of growth. goodbye to war", said Dr. Palmer. Agnes Sorkness; alto clarinet: Ruth student efforts a better outlook on the Narveson; bass clarinet: Clare Hallack: "Although not a military organiza­ The third class would include those LYCEUM COMMITTEE SCHEDULES present world crisis may be reached. oboe: Inez Ruenitz; flute: Mary Reck; tion the present concert band !s con­ things which must be re-interpreted HOUDESVEN TO APPEAR AT bassoon: Harry Keehne; saxaphones: ducted more or less on military prin­ in the language of the modern world.
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