NOVEMBfilt 12,1911 10 TBX ON YESTERDAY m OF 11. SPlCllllltlltDlliCmm l i y. ill mil I eooD ini BUmETHIl GIVING ti ■: u - 01! BY MONTY. Walah, Elliott and Bredd, all strong nominees for the Olympic team. Too Early in Season to Do WelgostAnd Welsh Will Meet New York, Nov. 11.—The approach Truly a great crep of spiked-shoe of the national Indoor champion- artists are being conditioned for the More Than Select Likely in Son Francisco For Light, •hips of the A. A. Ui which will be big indoor occasion of the year, and it Candidates — Very Last held In Madison Square Garden, New is more than likely that the winners might Title—Will be bark­ York, on December 26 and 27, has in all of the events will be includ­ ed With "Pomp and bought up again the question: Who ed In the personnel of the American ' s' '' 'fV Games May Reverse Some •re our best athletes and what will be athletic army that invades Stockholm. oj the Positions, the make-up of the Ameican team in But there are others. Many col­ PIV‘” the Olympic games next summer. lege athletes, who because of their Although some men perfor better studies, are unable to make the trip And some worse on a wood floor than to New York for the indoor “champs" Wendall, Spreckling, Howe Wolgast Stands to Wm Crowu^ they do out of doore, nevertheless it have qualified themselves for consid­ win he poslsbls to get a good line on eration by their ecent achievements. Butler, Smith, Pendleton De- ing Trttmph of Eis UjqI the eligible Olympic timber when the Ira Davenport, the Chicago Univer­ Dec'^mber events take place. sity quarter-miler and half-miler, can Witt, Fisher, Are [Some of Faces Raid Proposition m Tiio running events are at differ­ not be denied. He i& practically a ent distances than the regulation out­ certainty for the team, having made The Players Who are Show- Welsh Who is a Clever Com- door races. They are from sixty yards better time in the two furlong event up to five miles, and fhe class of the than anybody since Maxey Long, ing First Team Form. bination Fighter. candidates can be figured for prac­ Sv/ynne Henry, of Texas, national By W. S. FARNSW ORTH. tically every Olympic face excepting outdoor champion in the hundred two New York, Nov. 11.—Football sports By W. W. NAUGHTON. the Marathon. The standard run­ years age: and R. C| Craig, the Mich­ are figuring on their All-American elev- San ning and standing jump contests igan University flyer, will prove stiff Francisco, November ll —y obstacles in the sprint tryouts. Billy ens about this stage of the season, and Wolgast and Freddie Welsh are to bo^ are p;- "rarimed. as v.cll as all the already have probably decided upon weight competitions excepting Uie Hayes and Mercer, of Pennsylvania; twenty rounds in the Vernon Arena certain players. It is hardly fair how­ kommer-throv. and discus. and Hough, of Boston, must be reck­ Los Angeles, on Thanksgiving Day ever, for anyone to pick their men so There will b? prcbabiy the great­ oned with in the short distance run&. Here is an event that looms ia red Jones and Eerna, of Cornell are cer­ easily, as, not until the very last game letters on the pugilistic calendar. est llpt of atl'letes competing that has been played and won, a cer­ ever ent^'red one meet indoorsi Sev­ tainties in the mile and two miles. Ia is a genuine championship and While the Ellers are about supreme tainty who is the very best in his rd- will be marked with all the “pomp and eral western a!id southern men have spectiye position. In their blanks a.id promise to as hurdlers in the club class, they panoply” of such affairs. A coveted make thlucs hct for the champions of will encounter Titans when they meet The writer, like hundreds of others, title will hank in the balance and the thinks he knows of a few who already affair will be presided over by a real the Nc'v Vork A. C. and the Irish- the collegians, Shaw, of Dartmouth, are sure of being elected to the "great­ American A. C. and acccidingly the Smithson, of Oregon Nichelson and live referee, who will be ready to est team on paper,” but the only way ccaches of bc*^h clubs- are working Kirksey. of Mis-souri, and Chilholn, of slap a shoulder or hoist a glove-bedeck­ hard pcl”.ting the iraiiiins of their Yale, any one of whom would be a to mention their names at this tim« ed hand alaft when the battle is lost of the year is to call them likely candi­ and won. men for these events. fit representative for their country. dates. After the bobtail bouts of the East In the Sprint rcces there arc three The “jumps also present several good men ent'Ti^d who may be members of men who will net compete in the in­ Wendall, whose front names arc I and the no-acount contests of the West, ti:e Clvmpic liain. They are Alvah doors. They are Burdick, of Pennsyl­ Percy Langdon, looks to be as sure j a ring event of this character is some’ Meyer. I'cbby Clov.ghcn and Jim R. vania; Horine and Beeson, of Califor­ of making the All-American team as ' thing to look forv.^ard to. What makes he w^as last year. Here is the pivot it all the more interesting is that r e r /’^rror, of the li ish-Americans. nia; Irons, of Chicago, and Thorpe, of the great Harvard eleven. Take him I it flavors of the international com­ All ot iheaf. or. a good outdoor track, the Carlisle Indian. In the weights, away from the Crimson backfield and plication. have don“ the hundred as last as there are Ralph Rose, the world’s ten se-.ocdc. ;■ will be a great three- chanipion. of San Francisco; Lee Tal­ tlieir attack would be weakened fifty If Wolgast wins his match, it will be per cent. corner* i lilt when they pound their bot, of Kansas, and Jack Horner, of the crowning triumph of his career. way tO'vard the tape. Michigan. The pole-vault will be AMERICAN OLYMPIC TEAM POS­ Sprackling, Brown’s captain and A victory over Packey McFarland or clever, fast-gaited, quick-thinking j Matt Wells at the hard and fast light- remarkable a"ray is entered in monopolized by the collegians, Gard­ SIBILITIES FOR 1912. the m’ddlc-distance contest?. Jim ner, of Harvard Scott, of Leland- quarterback, is playing even more sen­ I weight notch would not mean as much, sational ball than last year. The fact ' for it is very evident that neither of McEti’ 'e .f the Vest Side Y. M. C. A. Stanford, and Cook and Wagoner of that the Providence man has taken ’ these men could meet the chafnpion on X Y., is exnecied to show his bast Y ale. part in every game, while Howe, of ■ level weight terms. Both Packey and form He is a wonder on a board The only event left is the Marathon A trio ef track stars, poslsbilities for Yale, rested in the early battles, is al­ Matt have to fight a few pounds above track and may take the measure of —and here is where America stands a the 1912 American Olympic team, who Tarry Gi.- ing. Frick and Borgnian, oi good chance of being lambasted ,by most sure to earn him the job on j the scale and, such being the case, I Wolgast would get little credit for the New Yorks; Borland and Ter- the foreigners, no matter v,’ho is sre before the public because of the W^alter Camp’s “A.-A” team. ^^ill;^ r. cf the pastimes, and Jim selected, unless some top-notch new­ epproach of the national indoor cham-’ Howe is every bit as good a general J whipping either of them “at 133 ring- Riie-'- erger. cf the iish-Americans if comer bobs up. Tewanima, the In- plcnship that win be held in Madison as Sprackling, but he is not, in the 1 side.” I W elsh Can make any weight that "Peer!e«'» Mel” Sheppard is allowed dfan, seems about the best Just now, Square Garden, New York, on Decem­ opinion of the writer, as versatile a i Wolgast can make. In the next plac?, to com;, te, he wili of course be the but he has never prosed his ability ber 26th and 27th. performer. In the game against Pennsy ' Freddie is a combination fighter. He ia favorite in these events, but this re­ over the twenty-six mile route as he Sprackling was a demon in his attack. On the left is Harry QIasing, 'star I remarkably clever at stand-away work middle distancer of the New York He did not show to the same advantage cent dishonorable discharge from the ha* at the ten and twelve mile dis­ .and he has studied the fight-yonrself- twenty-second regiment is likely to tance. Erxleben, of St. Louis; Pilli- in the Harvard contest, inasmuch as Athletic Club, who returned a .short loose system until he is well able to cause his dlsquclification by the A. vant and Hatch, of Chicago, and Ciar- tinw ago from a triptrip' to Europe, the Crimson ends kept him well cov­ ered. In f£tct, the whole Cambridge [take care, of himself during clinches A.
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