BYBKING liEDGEJB PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1915. u j. JOHNSON TO MEET WILLARD IN CUBA, OR NOT AT ALL BALL PLAYERS OFF TOMORROW tt I I I I KAISER KOPF, SPEEDY r " .. i JACK JOHNSON RENTS "i WELL .TrtR r,HB'S A .1 .. a dRSrNT UTTLS CAttt JuiTTlHG ON bflK"- "- FIELDER, LOOKS GOOD ROMnJIkJC: Si' PRBTTY ,x XCYLiNUbRS jfljg?jg1 HOUSE IN HAVANA AND 5 5HE DID LASX j,mmahtk -- r. .. .n tinn sss1 bbmbbb1fjg?i TflAR JU4T I QM- - - ) HAtLBD stLisisisiB nit. , FOR OLD JOB HER frv ?V jM AWAITS ALL COMERS MMR'S OUT. TJlESU'T EH TVllfjtf & MGGO A C --s - . ' y . mLwwwwwwmm w jmr- tm'j5-Tt-jsk HTirTH N l sTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsafS . ErvUHH " r sUJi Vv StTV --,wm CHBOKU" otissWfffb, K and Phillies J-si- Negro Leases Ahlefpi Off fc&JKrv) WtitW Z s E? yYVtfBHiH bolts im r m Pugilist Tomorrow for Training 3S$L House for Year Will in Florida Contest for Fight Willard in Cuba, or Places Spurs Interest of Not at All Curley's Local Fans. Last Effort. The baseball prelude begins tomorrow HAVANA, 23. Phlladelphlans. Feb. Jack Johnson trill tnr Tho Athletics and go fight Willard FA 'Phillies sail from Now York to their not to Mexico to Jess training camps in fioriQa. uotn teams but will remain Indefinitely on Cuban coil, leave ncro on mo sama tram at a a. m. to defend the world's heavyweight title) .VrttlaV. 1 o'clock tho Clydo steam- - At All K- ship Apacho will bo tugged out of Now against comers. S Yrtrk nnrrjor, Deanng tno two local ciuds This was Indicated today when th Land tho Brooklyn nationals. , black champion announced ho had leased Tho Atniciics win arrive at tneir train-- In morn-ling- ', I A ?& for ono year a house Vedado, a suburb. jng camp, Jacksonville, Monday (TV Wun RUiWBO TmS. r-- AR AJdL ija MitfHTr barring submarlno Interference. JH&S M.nhC-JL-a DlPFCRCNTlAL CMTIROLV IBM TT'OO CRAPE "TUlNd litU SAW ME Johnson Intends to reside thero, making ' you HE CMoran's men will lunch In Jacksonville !gMLm "JO rwIf,s AB I MAin1oEr',' Before vocrJT Havana his headquarters. IVn (hat date, then take an afternoon Lma t0 Mal Ho gavo an exhibition last night before f train for 8t. Petersburg, arriving at tho tin-ster- coast resort Tuesday morning. a large crowd In tho Auditorium and dis- Lwtlbtir Robinson's bunch also will go played all his old-tim- e speed, despite) fby train irum jnunflunviue 10 uayiona, overweight. Ho now tips tho boam at L There will bo far moro than tlio usual Mntprest taken In tho spring doings of 215 pounds. Ho appeared wearing; a Kboth the Athletics and Phillies this spring. French flag around his belt. navo ueen no posl-hln- Hitherto thero almost It Is regarded as certain tho Johnson-Willar- d open In tho makeup of tho Mnclc- - la b In light. If It fought, wilt sfVfncn, and but few tho Phillies' ranks. staged hero. M. Klegln, a promotor, has SyThls year things nro different. Tho Johnson to tight MoVoy In Ha vJLriillltnn must build un an Infield niwl trot matched pv"":..-- . ... j ......,r r." vana next month. It will bo a tno ouuiuiu jii wuitting uiueri wmio mo bout. task before Mack Is to construct a re Tho Cubans are enthusiastic about box- liable pitching stall and develop a third ing, but nro tired of negro fighters. They plnco "Itun-Uom- baseman to take tho of want to sco some white boys. Johnson Baker. today along; Marlanao Is started training Just hero It not out of order to tako Beach. nolo of William Kopf, Baker's probable successor. Kopf's work was brought to EL PASO. Tex., Feb. 25. In a. final at- the notice of Connie Mack In 1912. Though tempt to Induce Jaok Johnson to como to ho. showed up well, Mack, who then had Mexico nnd fulfil hlo engagement to fight Billy Orr as a prospective utility Infleldor, Jess Willard at Juaroz, Jack Curley, the allowed the Toledo club, of tho American promoter of tho contest, left for Havana Association, to uso Kopf In 1913. Ho was today. Ho believes he can allay tho turned over to Cleveland at tho end of champion's fears of diro calamity If ho 1913 comes to Mexico, and was confident be- tho season, but Manager Blrmlng-hanwJJ- d SOMEBODY IS ALWAYS TAKING THE JOY OUT OF LIFE not great fore leaving that ho would bring tho "Blrj think a deal of "King tho cham- BrAjrV tho namo ho used In Toledo. Black" back with him, and that 4ifio result was pionship go would bo pulled off not later that Mack exercised March 17. the option he had on Kopf lor 19H and PATTERSON MAY BE MAN than tocyk him South last spring, After a TORONTO, Ont., Feb. 25. Tom Flana- battlo with Orr, Instlng throughout the gan, trainer, today received a cablegram training .'cason and well Into t'ne Amer- TO saylnlr League campaign, SHOCK FATHER TIME from Jack Johnson, at Havana, ican Kopf finally beat the champion had called oft his flght with out his rival for tho position of substi- mwzgmmw Jess Willard at Juarez, Mox., scheduled tute Inilelder. 100-Ya- C. says, Perm's 1913 Collegiate rd Champion and Record for March Tho fight, Johnson On a number of occasions last year will tnke placo In Havana. Flanagan Kopf waa put In at third and second One trained Johnson for his fight with Jeffries 'bases, when Baker and Collins wore In- - Holder Is Athlete of Ability Who May Shatter at Beno In 1910. i disposed. He showed up brilliantly In the Held In thoso contests and hit nt a Collegiate Mark of 9 4-- 5 Seconds. fair clip. 1,1 ko tho majority of ball HARRISBURG SELLS PLAYER .players, Kopf will do far better at tho According to Mr. Kipling "Tho Colonel's representative called In, regardless of the of. prlco. bat when ho Is allowed to play steadily. James C. Patterson, president tho Keller, of Cornell, and Olson, of Dart- lady nnd Julia O'Grady nro slaters under Brooks Crist Goes to Newport Nows. He naturally Is a left-hand- hitter, but nenlor class nt the University of Penn- mouth, In 10 seconds. In tho soml-(In- nl tho skin." Great Enterprise asalnst southpaws he bats from tho reg- he showed a turn of speed which In tho samo way the spirits of John League Prospects. - sylvania, is ono sprinter In America who and of Ralph Waldo This Is no chairing mntter. Messrs. ular side of tho plate, and to all appcar- proved to be a forerunner of wlint was Franklin linker HAnni8nUHa, Pa., Feb. 23. Brooks .Crist right-hande- is conceded to bo swift footed enough to apart as one bo for , ances Is Just as good batting d to bo witnessed In tho final, as ho broke Emerson nre not as far Ford and Ade are to congratulated bnseman and outfielder of tbe Harrtshurr third Now-po- rt equal of 9 5 tho worsted 10 un might Imagine tho spnee to bo between baseball team, today waa sold to as left. the record seconds for tho Just seconds after tho having devised one of tho greatest of all Trlstntf Virginia ILeague. Is Kopf Is only 23 years old, Is remarkably flashed. a home-ru- n hitter and u Nows, of the This dash. Howard P. Drew, of the quit boons to humanity. tho sixth fnlo made by Harrlsburg since the fast and Is as agile and quick In his ac- Don Upplncott. Patterson's teammato, Emerson, when he decided to the close of last season. Three other deals aro bo University of Southern California, has run game, expressed tho Idea as follows: There nre now 709,000 golfers In Amer- tions as Eddlo Collins. Ho will able now captain of the Penn clnderpath bat-tln- ir In 9 5 seconds, equaling tho "Qood-bp- e, proud world, I'm going homo; Crlst's fielding averago is .OS7 and his to take caro of third base in a way which tho distance squad, was the only on ica. The families of theso golfers num- llarrls-tmn- r other sprinter , y'f3iHsBlP! my rieuct, einrl not average Is over .300. He came to will make tho fans forget Baker, so far mark of Dan Kelly, of Oregon. Drew Is dny to comploto In JJC.SffA Thou art not I'm 3,000,000. veara ago from Brooklyn. The only that tho dlstnnco f n ber nt lenst In nddltlon there aro four as the fielding end of tho game is con- even time. Don In we; stntoment local officials will make regarding very likely to show wondorful form this turned tho trick his Long through the weary crowds I roam, outside friends to tho number of 10.000,000. next season Is that there will be a team here cerned. His arm is strong and ho Is ac- heat and semifinal. Tho final race will Loaguo continues. In tossing summer. A rtucr-nrf- c on the ocean brine, So tho Willing Enrs Co., L'td., appeals If tho Tristate curate his to first. bo long remembered. Cnptnln Bod Wag- fijJBfrriirisM sssssssssssMissssslllW'isffilf tniT h Patterson when conditioned Is a con- ner, of Hopkins, had tho pole position; Long I've been tossed by the driven foam; directly to at least 13,700,000 folks! performer, greatest ath- No. 2 .Hut noto, proud world, I'm going home." In nddltlon, when the company Is fully DUAL MEET TONIGHT SHOTS FOR THE BASKET sistent and his Pnttcrson was In lnne; Bond, of organized letic feat was to win tho 1913 collegiato Michigan, No.
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