FRE~FRI LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 708 FRENClt FOLISHER8--continued. Clayton William, 395 Battersea Park rdSW Kenison E. 51 Bl.thorne rd. HornseyRise N Claxton E. 13 Btellman st.Low.Clapton NE Clifford Arth.20 Wilcox rd. S.LambettJ SW Killick Aibert Jas.89 Grove rd.HollowayN Cleverley E.H.6 New Park rd.Brixton SW Cole Th~. 5a, Beaufoy rd. Sth.LambethSW Kimpton William Charles, 63 Victoria road Cook Alfd. Thos.3Chelsham rd.Clapba.mSW Coobey A. 66 Latcbmere rd. BatteTsea SW west, Stoke Newington N Critchley Stephen,7 Bridge st.HomettnNE Cooklsey Robt,35 Low€ll' gro. Wand3wrth SW Kutner Isaac, 218 High st. Plumstea.d SE Dixon V. 6 Askew cretJ. Shepherd'tt Bush W Cornelins Henry, 30 Church st. Woolwich Lear George, 50a, Beresford st. Woolwich Dolgarno .A.117 Clarence rd.Low.Claptn NE Corr William, 667 King's rd. Fulham SW J,evy Myer, 64 Clifton road, Peckham SE Elli11 John, 2a., Dunn at. Bha.cklewell NE Cossey Cha.s.Hy.310 York rd.WndswrthSW Lobering C. 2 Culvert road, Battersea SW Emely John, lOa, St. John's road, Dept- Cotsford Mrs. 8. 56 Stockwell green SW Lofts F. W. 53 Cornwall rd. Brixton SW ford New Town SE Crane Ohas. 27 Porson st. Lewisham SE Lomas Geo.l8 Fairview p:ace, Tulse HillSW Emery J a.s. W Engleheart rd. Catford BE Curti& J. 14 Ba'lham New rd. Balham SW Lott Geo. 48 Park crescent, Clapham SW Eva.ns Henry, 9 Union street,Cla.pha.m SW Davis A. !lO Meeting House la..PeckhamSE Lovell Frederick B. 213 Southampton st. Foster Henry, 1 Dacre street, Lee SE Day Thos. 10 Stellman st. Low.ClaptonNE Camberwell SE Freshwater Willia.m Tboma.s, 16 Ri.smarck Dean Edward, 158 High st. Battersea SW Mace & Knight, 65 Stuart rd. PeckhamSE road, Upper Holloway N Delmotte Arthur, 46 Chryssell rd. North Mann Edgar,43 Livingstone rd.BattrseaSW Goody Hy. 14 Leipsic rd. f'amberwell SE Brixton SW Mansfield R.40 Blackwall la. Greenwid1 SE Haviland Jn.14 Hackford rd.N.Brixton SW Dodson Albert, 8 Victoria rd. Peckham SE Marchant .A.lfd.19 Plough rd.Battersea SW Hill Arth. 27 Moza.rt Bt.. Que~m'e l'ark: W Douglas Mrs. Elizabeth, 162 Fonthill road, Marl"iott G. 49 Glenthorne rd. Hmrsmth W Humphreys J.l80Merton rd.Wa.ndswrthSW Finsbury Park N Marsden Fredk;. 333 York rd. Battersea SW Jarman William & Son, 79 Cornwall road. DoW!ling Thos. H. 16 George st.Norwd SE Marvin George, Ivy cottage, Little hill, Brixton SW Dunn Mrs. M. A. 6 Editb row, Fulham SW Upper Clapton NE Jarman J. 3 Cornwall road, Brixton SW Dyer W. J. 109 Lower Park rd.Peckhm SE Maybee Mrs. Sarah, 33 Lewisham road SE J Oll£8 William, 106 }'ouni:Qin rd. Tooting Elliott John, ~7 Linnell rd.Camberwell SE Moore William James1 l Rose cottages, Graveney SW Farefoot Fdk. 1 Muirkirk rd. Catford BE Station road, Brixton SW Kerslake E. 45 Chestnut grove, Balham SW Field Frank, 131 Btewart's road, South Morgan Alfnd James, 207 St. George's Lane W.l4 Vanderbilt rd. Wandsworth SW Lambeth SW road, PeckhAJD SE Langstd William Henry, 47 Alma road, Field Geo. E. 78 Sumner rd. Peckham SE Morgan Herury, 413 Wandsworth road SW Wandsworth SW Flory Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Market hill, High Mb!'gan Hy. 44 Winstanley rd. BatterseaSW Lewis H. R. & Son,Perrins ct.HampstdNW street, \Voolwich BE Morley Arthur, 21 Lewis gro.LewishamSE Lines 0. H. & Sons, Waldron terrace, Flowers William, 279 Wandsworth rd SW Moslin Hy. 89 Battersea Park road BW Garratt lane, Summera Town SW Gadda Mrs. Rose, 4 Gillespie rd. Finsbnry Mullins Sydney, 9 Crown place, South Loader Jn.Rd. 68 Charlt()n la.Charlton S.O Park N End lane, Sydenham SE Lunnon Chas. 20 Charteris rd.Finsbrv.Pk N George Jn. F. 1 Paradise rd. Clapham SW Myers Jn.. 84 Andover rd. Holloway N Mason Henry, 43 Founta:n roaU., Tooting Gibson Lewis, 47 High etreet, Fulham SW \Iunn Jas.26 East row,Kensal New TwnW Graveney SW Gilbert Mrs. Isabella, 2 Blomfield pave- Murphy Geo. 228 Munster rd. Fulham 8W Oatea Edward Godfrey, 69 Da.visville rd. ment, Uxbridge rd. Shepherd's Bush W Nessling Arth. .23 Manaton rd.Peckhm SE Shepherd's Bush W Gilbert J. F. 110 Edmund st.Cambrwll BE Neviil John, 145 Meyrick rd. Battersea SW Parry Thomas William James, 260 South Gluning Sl.38 Melmotlh pl. Walham GrnSW Newcombe F.200KensaJ. rd.Kense.J.Nw. Tn W Lambeth rood SW Godfrey G. 62 Stoke Newington road N Newell F. 178 Ohatc.--worth rd.Low.OlptnNE. Payne George William, 76 Canning road, Gold=ith W.H, 65 Wayford st.BattrsPa SW Newman Henry, 36 ~bsact st. Brixton SW Highbury Vale N Golledge Chas. 67 High st. Homerton NE Newton Hy. 120 Kender st. New Cr088 S:& PPrkinll Wm. 69 Elswlck rd. Lewisham SE Gordon Wallace, ~ Plough ter.Battrsea SW Niooolas AJ.be<rt, 13 HOO"nsey buildings, Pike Hy. 8 Riversda1e rd. Highbury N Gosden Walt. 6 Cork st. Camberwell SE Southwold road, Upper Clapton NE Reason A. & Sons,41 Rectory pl. WoolwchSE Gosling Mrs. Martha, 2 Bridge street, Nicol Mrs. E. 6 Spicer st. Battersea SW Redmayne George, 25 Balham hill SW Greenwich BE Norris Charles, 98 Battea:sea rise SW Reed George Samuel, 30 Crystal Palace Gray J. W.6 Robertson st. Rth. Lambeth SW Oliver Frederick George, 63 Camqen grove road, East Dulwich BE Grayson A. 31 Chapel rd. W. Norwood RE north, Peckham SE Rutt A. 20 Mulkt:m rd. Hornsey Rise N Green E. W. 176 Falcon rd. Battersea SW Osborne Joseph, 101 Stockwell road SW Sears Jn.71 Hacktord rd.NorthBrixton 8W Green 8. 42 liindmans rd. E. Dulwich SE Page Sidney E. 141 GoldJ:lawk road, ,shep- Smith Geo. 83b, Grove la.Camberwell SE Green SI. 64 Winsla.de rd. Dp.Clapton NE hocd't! Bu;;h W Smith George, 9 Durham rd. Rolloway N Grimes Frederick, 4 Wandsworth plain, Palmer Rd. 56 Balham hill, Balham SW Smith Henry, 276 Sumner rd. Peckharn RE Wandsworth EHV Payn Mrs. Eliza Ann, 10 Cr-anJDer road, Tnll Rt. Jas. 39 Kingsman st. Woolwich GuildforD. William,134 Batt~.sea Par'Ii: rdf:W North Brixton SW Wataon J. J. 50 Dalling rd.Hammrsmth ~ Ha.rding T. 20 Adair rd.Kensa1 New TwnW Perry Wm. 34 New rd. Sth. Lambeth SW Winter W.18 .Askew cres.Shepherd's BshW HMdinges Ernest Edwin, 24 Nunhead Phillips A. 60 Gi"eybound rd. Hmrsmth W 8'I'een, Peckham SE Plater Wm. 39 Victoria rd.Btk.NewingtnN Timry F. J. 214 Kilburn la. Ken sal Grn W Pocock T. 2 Whateley road & 69 North FRET CUTTERS. Hassett B. 121 Fonthill rd. Finsbury Pk N Cross road, East Dulwich SE Sanders & Co.Hazellville rd.HornseyRiseN Henbury L. 70 S1,1rrey lB. Battersea SW Polley Jsph. 328 Glyn rd.Low. Claptn NE Hewett Cha.s. 145 High st. Peckham SE Poole Wm. 29 Mozart st. Queen't~ Park W FRIED FISH DEALERS. Hewett Mns. Mary Ann, 105 & 107 High Potton Chas. 52 La.dywell rd.Lewishm SE street, Peckham SE Preston L. G. 92 High st. W. Norwood SE Alexander Edwd. 213 York rd.BatterseaS"\\ Higgins Ric'hd.2l Oldridge rd.Balham SW Pritchard Henry, 120 Trafalgar roadt Alfanetti Mrs. B. 201 Wandsworth rd SW Higman Mrs. Mary Ann, 60 York road, Greenwich SE Andrews Augustus, 171 Peckham Park rd. Battersea SW PryOO" B. 96 Putney Bridge rd.Wnd11wthSW Peckham SE Hilder Robt. 14. Battersea Park road SW Ragan John, 15 Peckham Park road, Peck- .Archer F. 4 Glenburnie rd. Up. Tooting SW Hilder Robert, 120 Culvert rd.Battenea SW ham SE .Armstrong S. 81 Dorset rd. S.LambethSW Hiley A.l Ha.rton st.Deptford New TwnSE Reed Jas. 29 Haymerle rd. Peckham SE Ashton & Co. 59 Victoria rd. Fulham SW Hiley Harry, 16 Lewi~am road SE Roberts Thos. 2 Victoria cres. Fnlham SW Axleby Fred Kent,91Falcon rd.Battrsea.SW Hiley J.62 Tanner's hill,Deptford NewTnSE Robinson J, 167 lkeybonnd rd.Hmrsmth W Bale J'ames, 27 North st,. '"Clapham SW Hill C. 103 Commercial road, Peckham SE Ruda Simon, 12 Spray st. Woolwich Barford Hy.F.68a,Fermoy rd.Maida. Hill W Hitls Jn. 137 Meeting House la.Peckhm SE Bakove L. 149 Church st. Stk.NewingtonN Barrett Geo.l15 Stephendale rrl Full11un SW Hiscoke ,John, 2 Metropole parade, Cold- B111ltwell A.W.6 Waterloo st.Hammrsmtb. W Bartlett Ohas. 1 Ha.rdes1 st. Herne Hl SE harbour lane, Camberwell BE Saltwell Harry,26 Mozart st.Queen's Pk W Barton Yrs.Jessie,«< WandBW()rth~ rd SW Hitchcock: W. 21 Church st.S.Lambeth SW Sams E. « Webbs road, Battersea BW Beale Ja.mes, 125 York rd. Battergea SW Hodge Richd. 210 Albert rd. N. Woolwich Sandford Art1Jnr Ohaa. 116 Uxbridge rd W BElson Rd.13 Church passage,GreenwchSE Hodgson George, 6 Hercules rd.HollowayN Bandford Jsph. 30 College st. Putney SW Beney Fredk. 17 Hazlemere. rd.Peokhm. SE HodtJOn A.J. 95 Bhacklewell la.HackneyNE Sa.ndy Wm. 86 South !11;. Wandswar!Jh SW Best James, 37 Tooting grove, Tooting Holker A.J.12 Tynehatn rd.N.WandswthSW Savage J. lOO Woolwich rd. Greenwich SE Graveney BW Hollingshead William, 6:l Boscombe road, Savary John, 6 Hindle st. Shacklewell NE Bird William Arthnr, ~ Hazell'l'illEl :rqad, Shepherd's Bush W Sayers John, 141 Higtl st. Woolwich SE Homsey Rise N Holmes Samuel, .:) Rollo st. Battersea SW Scaia Bartholomew, 18 High street & 18 Birt H. 384 Coldharbour lane, Brixton -SW Horgan .A.
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