College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1995 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 6, Issue 2) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 6, Issue 2)" (1995). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 399. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/399 Copyright c 1995 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers SBA candidates speak, page 6 ~micu~ ((uriae MARSDALL - WYTHE SCHOOL OF LAW A.meriea~ First La w Scbool VOLUME VI, ISSUE TWO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 TWENTY PAGES Merhige deciding the tough cases By Eliza Hutchison explained that he wanted to be a segregation. Senior District Judge Robert lawyer from an early age, though As a result, he was forced to R. Merhige spoke to a gathering a high school teacher thought he protect his fami ly with federal of students in the McGlothlin should strive to be a taxi driver marshals for an extended period. Moot Courtroom on Sept. 5. The instead. Merhige proved his high Despite threats to himself and topic of his speech was "Decid­ school teacher wrong, and went family in over 1500 letters, ing the Tough Ca-ses. ' Merhige on to accomplish much in the Merhige refused to acquiesce in concluded that in twenty-nine legal profession. his position or his lifestyle: years of being a judge, not a Addressing the topic of tough "People told me to change m single case could be described as caSl<s. Merhige explained, "All phone number. I never did be­ anything but "tough." . cases are tough if the judge lets cause that would mean the crooks Merhige, who has been de­ them be tough. Once a decision had won." Assessing that diffi­ scribed by many as "quick to is in, I don't take it home with cult time, the judge concluded, make up his mind, but slow to me." That said, it is difficult to "They were not going to scare change it," became a U.S . Dis­ see how some of the cases over me out of doing what I needed to trict Court judge in 1967. After which Merhige presided did not do. But it was disappointing that completing his undergraduate go home with him. In the Rich­ it all went on so long." education at High Point College mond school desegregation Merhige's discussion was re­ on a basketball scholarship, cases, for example, Merhige took plete with humorous, as well as Merhige attended law school at literally the order in Greenville serious, anecdotes of life in the Judge Merbige speaks to a captivated audience -Nolali. Hal<1homc the University of Richmond. He v. New Kent for immediate de- See MERHIGE on 5 SBA funding yields big WInners and losers By Paul Walker receiving money compared to 16 last year. submitted by SBA, only $22,800 was graduate students and two graduate stu­ On Sept. 7, over $22,000 was handed The big winners from this year's budget received. This is the second year that the dents. No wonder the SBA only received outto M-W students. No, you didn't miss battles were the National Trial Team and new Finance Committee structure has been 55% of its requested budget. As Rick something which was fmally important in Journal of Women & The Law, while the in place and it certainly seems to be im­ Cross said, "The undergrads are in charge your hanging file. What you missed was biggest loser was undoubtedly Moot Court pacting M-W organizations. Prior to last of the money. Unfortunately they're a the meeting where SBA organizations (see accompanying article on how Moot year, the Finance Committee consisted of little shortsighted and would rather give received their budgets and funding for the Court is reacting to the budget constraints). a mixture of professors, graduate stu­ the money to a party instead of Moot year from SBA Treasurer Rick Cross (3L). The SBA certainly wasn't helped in its dents, and undergraduate students. The Court." There is no recognition that Moot As always, the SBA had difficult deci­ efforts by the Finance Committee of the new system, put into place last year, elimi­ Court and some of the other law school sions to make, a process not made any student government on the main campus. nated professors from the committee, groups "enhance the reputation of the easier by an increase to 18 organizations Ofa requested budget ofjust over $41,000 which is now composed of six under- See SBA FUND on 5 No beer here: W&M advertising reg bites the dust By Sutton Snook notified Glenn Gormley, owner years refused to take ads out in for specific events, when taken The Sept. 6 issue of the of the Green Leafe, of the deci­ school publications because the in context," Smith laterrecanted. --Inside-- Amicus Curiae was prohibited sion. The ad was placed as re­ regulations were too restrictive. In fact, the entire alcohol policy Dean's Council dinner 3 from putting the word "beer" in vised, reading "The Largest King questioned the policy and refers to the consumption of al­ Krattenmaker interview 4 an ad placed by the Green Leafe. Selection ofB***S in Southeast added that "this is the most abu­ cohol and to regulations for stu­ Crossfire 7 Associate Vice President for Stu­ Virginia." sive case of wielding authoritar­ dent sponsored and on-campus Crossword 10 dent Activities Ken Smith noti­ Gormley commented that the ian power I have ever seen. events. Nowhere within its 24 Pat Marshall 11 fied Editor-in-Chief Stephen regulation was " insulting to me Americans kicked the King of regulations does it mention re­ Sheryl Underwood 14 King that W&M policy prohib­ as a business owner trying to England out for such totalitarian strictions on advertisements in ited words with, as .he. quoted advertise my product, and to adult acts, and we should kick the ad­ student publications. "beer" in their ads, as long as from the school's alcohol policy, students. Does the First Amend­ ministration out too." Smith commented that the they are subordinate to the main "reference to 'alcoholic bever­ ment not pertain to beer in Vir­ What Smith failed to include school alcohol policy was last focus of the ad. Also, bars may age,' ' alcohol,' ' cocktails,' ginia? Where does it end? Are in his discussion with the Amicus revised in July, 1995, then sent not advertise enticements to 'kegs,' ' golden beverage or they going to prohibit the adver­ was that he had not quoted the to the state Attorney General's drink, such as Happy Hours and brew,' or other terms or illustra­ tisement of eggs because of their rule in its entirety. His original office for review. Smith said "2-for-I" specials. Smith gave tions descriptive of alcoholic high cholesterol content?" Not­ reference was to Rule 19 of the that after the Amicus contacted the example that a bar may ad­ beverages or which encourage ing that people are allowed to Alcohol Policy, which refers to him regarding this article, he vertise specials on buffalo wings or promote the consumption of wear t-shirts with profane slo­ advertisements to specific events contacted the local ABC repre­ between certain hours and add alcoholic beverages ... " Conse­ gans, Gormley asked, "Which is sponsored on campus; they do sentative John Hughes for local that beer and alcohol is avail­ quently, faced with violating more offensive, the word 'fuck' not apply to general advertise­ regulations on alcohol advertis­ able, but may not advertise that school policy, and the risk of or the word 'beer? " He added ments in student publications ers, who informed him that it is an establishment has a Happy' losing school funding, theAmicus that this regulation inhibits his from restaurants and bars. "The acceptable for bars and restau­ Hour between 4-7pm with spe- revised the advertisement and ability to make a living and for regulation appears to refer to ads rants to include words such as See BEER on 5 2 Mopday, September 18, 1995 THE. AMIcus Cf.!RlAE <;2: I'. in the lower b&~t of the clasa and don' t h&va.~ Q: I'. in the top 10' ot ~.~l.s~, . &Dd .1r.~dY h~v~ · a . Jack Mackerel's "NIFTYU any job offers . ~t should I do? " fev jqb otfers . should I keep requesting interviews in cas. I CAll g'et something better? 1l0-1l01l~(!1l~(! Q&A ~~~iOll all * ~AI~mllfMrWrMf~l Q: I've beard tram members of the previous class that Q: I requested aD intervf•• with a fir.. wbere I ~ the interviewers sent by certain ti~ .aka really Q: Is there any way I can be exempted from repaying ay want to work, but they didn' t want to ••• t with •• . lewd, sexist, and biqoted comaents. Should I interview atudent loans it I don't find .. job? What ahould I do? there? @vooeemlA! ESPECiALLY If YOU HAVe @YES! GOINSANf,! -(EENS'{ -vJftNSY RtCORPER PI fAPe: pt~Nr I1ENrAL .)) YOU CNJ Si-lM£ YOURt1PtRIWC£ WI1H fHE [WC OR [HE DISA8IlAfY W/~L U(r !'tP/AI YOU PR.o8N::i-Y [HE 101,([ Of DtB[ (.IZOM WoNt !.-AND A JOB YOUR~51 BUr WAlCH ~O W I ctRICXJS (HEY Gtf WHEN yOUS AY ·nr[£ yrr !II THE AMICUS CURIAE From the Editor's . Marshall#Wythe School ol Law • • • A recent article iri the Vir­ with 100 computers and/or laptop . we seem to nave so little? We are P. O. Box 8795 Williainsburg,Virginia 23187 (804) 221·3279 ginia Law Weekly reported on connections, student mail boxes told that the additions to our law "Dedicated to the complete and objective reporting of student new construction at the Univer­ and enough lockers for each stu- .
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