BOSCH Bosch Limited Corporate Relationship Department The Manager Post Box No:3000 BSE Limited Listing Department Hosur Road, Adugodi 1st Floor, New Trading Ring National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Bangalore-560030 Rotunda Building Exchange Plaza, C-i, Block G Karnataka, India Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Bandra-Kurla Complex Tel +91 80 67521750 Dalal Street, Fort Bandra (E) Mumbai -400 001 Mumbai - 400 051 www.boschindia.com ScriD code:500530 Scrip code: BOSCH LTD L85110 KA1951PLC000761 13.11.2020 Dear Sir/Madam, Subject: Compliance under Regulation 47 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 Please find enclosed the newspaper notice published in Business Standard (All Editions) on 12.11.2020 and Kannada Prabha (Bengaluru edition) on 13.11.2020. Kindly take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for Bosch Limited, (Rajesh Parte) Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Enclosed: as above Registered Office: Bosch Limited, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560030, Karnataka, India Managing Director: Soumitra Bhattacharya, Joint Managing Director: Jan oliver Roehrl 6 MUMBAI | THURSDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2020 BllSUlCSS St<ffid<ird SOUR CIN: L74999MH1995PLC085878 Indiabullsis INDUSTRIES Registered Office : "Solar" House 14, Kachimet, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440023, HOUSING FINANCE Maharashtra, India. INDIA Tel: + 91 712 6634555, Fax: + 91 712 22500200, INDIABULLS HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED LIMITED Email: [email protected], Website: www.solargroup.com Registered Office: M-62 & 63, First Floor, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110 001, CIN: L65922DL2005PLC136029 Email: [email protected], Tel: 0124-6681199, Fax:: 0124-6681240, Website: http://www.indiabullshomeloans.com EXTRACT OF UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER & HALF YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30,2020 Sub: Statement of Deviation / Variation in utilisation of funds raised forthe quarter ended September 30, 2020 (Rs. in Crores, except per share data) Name of listed entity Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited Standalone Consolidated Mode of Fund Raising QIP Issue Quarter Half Year Quarter Quarter Half Year Quarter Date of Raising Funds September 15, 2020 (Equity Shares) Amount Raised (Rs.) Approx. ? 683 Crore Sr. Particulars Ended Ended Ended Ended Ended Ended Report filed for Quarter ended September 30, 2020 No. 30.09.2020 30.09.2020 30.09.2019 30.09.2020 30.09.2020 30.09.2019 Monitoring Agency Not Applicable Unaudited Unaudited Monitoring Agency Name, if applicable Not Applicable Is there a Deviation / Variation in use of funds raised Yes-/ No (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) If yes, whether the same is pursuant to change in terms of a Not Applicable 1 Total Income from Operations contract or objects, which was approved by the shareholders (net) If Yes, Date of shareholder Approval Not Applicable 352.28 660.65 337.95 589.12 1084.14 512.62 Explanation for the Deviation / Variation Not Applicable 2 Net Profit for the period after tax 43.63 78.80 71.94 67.63 111.60 86.61 Comments of the Audit Committee after review No Comment Total Comprehensive Income for Comments of the auditors, if any Not Applicable 3 the period (after tax) Objects for which funds have been raised and where there has been a deviation, in the following table 43.75 78.98 72.06 49.21 92.13 81.20 Paid up Equity Share Capital Mode of Original Object Modified Original Modified Funds Amount of Deviation/ Remarks 4 (Equity share of ? 2/- each) Fund Object, Allocation allocation, Utilised Variation for the if any 18.10 18.10 18.10 18.10 18.10 18.10 Raising if any if any (Rs.) quarter according to 5 Reserves applicable object (excluding Revaluation Reserve) _ _ _ _ _ _ QIP Issue To augment the long-term resources of the Company Not Approx. ? 683 Earning per Share and to maintain sufficient liquidity for meeting funding Applicable Crore 6 (Face value of ? 2 /-) requirements of its business activities. (not annualised) The aforesaid statement, as reviewed by the Audit Committee, is available on the website of the Company (http://www.indiabullshomeloans.com/) or that of National Stock Exchange of India Limited (www.nseindia.com) and BSE Limited (www.bseindia.com). a) Basic: 4.82 8.71 7.95 7.20 11.86 9.32 For Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited b) Diluted: Sd/- 4.82 8.71 7.95 7.20 11.86 9.32 Place :Gurugram Amit Jain Notes: Date :November 11, 2020 Company Secretary 1 The Unaudited Consolidated and Standalone Financial Results for the quarter and half year ended on September 30, 2020 of SOLAR INDUSTRIES INDIA LIMITED (the "Company") have been reviewed bytheAuditCommitteeand approved by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on November 11,2020. The Company confirms that its statutory auditors have issued limited review report with unmodified opinion on the respective standalone and consolidated financial results for the quarter and half year ended on Indiabulls Commercial Credit Limited September 30,2020. (Formerly known as Indiabulls Infrastructure Credit Limited) 2 The Company has identified 'Explosives and its Accessories', as its only reportable segment as defined under Ind AS 108 - Operating Extract of Unaudited Standalone Financial Results for the six months ended September 30, 2020 (? in Crores) Segments. Previous 3 Previous period figures have been regrouped, as considered necessary, to conform with current period presentation. Six Months ended Accounting 4 The above is an extract of the detailed format of statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and half year ended on Sr Particulars Year Ended September 30,2020 filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) No. 30.09.20 30.09.19 31.03.20 Regulations, 2015. The full format ofthe Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and half year ended on September 30,2020 are (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) available on the Stock Exchange websites at: (www.nseindia.com) and (www.bseindia.com) and on the Company's website at: 1. Total Income from Operations 878.65 1,223.05 2,190.47 (www.solargroup.com). 2. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period (before Tax, Exceptional and / or For Solar Industries India Limited Extraordinary items) 231.55 484.77 27.25 3. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax (after Exceptional and/or Extraordinary items) 231.55 484.77 27.25 Sd/- 4. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax (after Exceptional and/or Satyanarayan Nuwal Extraordinary items) 191.54 379.75 19.81 Place : Nagpur Chairman 5. Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising Profit /(Loss) Date : November 11, 2020 DIN - 00713547 for the period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] 192.09 379.73 19.76 6. Paid-up Equity Share Capital 247.80 247.80 247.80 Adfactors 602 7. Reserves excluding Revaluation Reserves (as per balance sheet of previous accounting year) 4,159.15 8. Net worth 4,597.91 4,762.66 4,406.95 9. Debt Capital / Outstanding Debt 8,916.10 10,387.90 8,878.07 10. Outstanding Redeemable Preference Shares - - - 11. Debt Equity Ratio 1.94 2.18 2.01 12. Earnings per Share (EPS) before extraordinary items *(EPS for the six months are not annualised) -Basic (Amount in ? ) 7.73 15.33 0.80 -Diluted (Amount in ? ) 7.73 15.33 0.80 -Face Value (Amount in ? ) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Earnings per Share (EPS) after extraordinary items *(EPS for the six months are not annualised) -Basic (Amount in ? ) 7.73 15.33 0.80 -Diluted (Amount in ? ) 7.73 15.33 0.80 -Face Value (Amount in ? ) 10.00 10.00 10.00 Bosch Limited 13. Capital Redemption Reserve 4.00 4.00 4.00 Registered office: Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bengaluru - 560 030 14. Debenture Redemption Reserve (? in Crores) 247.05 165.44 247.05 Tel: +91 80 6752 1750; Website: www.bosch.in; 15. Debt Service Coverage Ratio [(Earnings before Interest and Tax for the E-mail: [email protected]; CIN: L85110KA1951PLC000761 period/year) + (Principal collected from Customers during the period/- year)] / [(Interest Expense for the period/year) + (Principal repaid of the borrowings during the period/year)] 3.90 2.84 3.78 NOTICE OF POSTAL BALLOT AND REMOTE E-VOTING 16. Interest Service Coverage Ratio (Earnings before Interest and Tax / Interest Expense) 1.43 1.77 1.02 INFORMATION Members of the Company are hereby informed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 110 and other applicable Notes: provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") read with Rule 20 and Rule 22 of the Companies (Management 1. The above results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and subsequently approved at the meeting of the Board of Directors held and Administration) Rules, 2014 ("the Rules"), Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and on November 11, 2020. Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 ("Listing Regulations"), Secretarial Standard-2 issued by the Institute of 2. This unaudited financial results of the Company for the six months ended September 30, 2020 has been prepared in accordance with the Company Secretaries of India including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in requirement of Regulation 52 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended from time to time. force, Ministry of Corporate Affairs ("MCA") General Circulars No.14, 17, 22 & 33/2020 dated 8th April, 2020, 13th April, 3. The above is an extract of the detailed format of Six Months ended / Annual Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regula- 2020,15th June, 2020 and 28th September 2020 respectively ("MCA Circulars") and subject to other applicable laws and tion 52 of the SEBI (Listing and Other Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Six Months ended / Annual regulations, the Postal Ballot Notice has been sent on 11th November,2020 in electronic mode to those Members whose Financial Results are available on the Company's website (http://www.indiabullscommercialcredit.com) and on the website of BSE (http://w- e-mail addresses are registered with the Depository Participants or the Company/Integrated Registry Management ww.bseindia.com) and NSE (http://www.nseindia.com).
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