St. John Neumann Parish February 21st, 2021 First Sunday of Lent NEWCOMERS WELCOME! Please call the Rectory for an appointment with Msgr. Matz to register to become a member. CONNECT WITH US! www.sjnparish.org Saints Colman—John Parish Rectory Neumann Catholic School [email protected] www.scjnschool.org 610-525-3100 610-525-3266 380 Highland Lane 372 Highland Lane Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Matz In Residence: Rev. Robert J. Chapman readingacts.files.wordpress.com Permanent Deacon: Deacon Kevin Harrington Parish Services Director: Ms. Clare Frissora “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and Sunday Assistance: believe in the gospel” Mk 1: 15 Rev. Gerald D. Canavan Rev. Robert Murray, OSA Business Manager: Mrs. Joy Falcone CONFESSIONS — during the pandemic Administrative Assistants: Tuesdays at 6:00 pm—in the Gathering Room Mrs. Norma Guzmán MASS — during the pandemic Mrs. Terri Giangiulio School Principal: Mrs. Kelly Ciminera Start each day with Mass! PREP/Director Religious Education: Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Public Mass Mrs. Camille Morrison Sunday: 7:30 am Public Mass Music Ministry: Mrs. Isabel Momenee 9:00 am Public & Livestream* Mass 10:30 am Public Mass COORDINATORS OF PARISH MINISTRY Monday—Saturday: 8:00 am Public & Livestream* Mass *Join the livestream Mass when it’s taking place or catch up Visit ‘Ministries’ at www.sjnparish.org later in the day via “Mass Replay” — www.sjnparish.org Active Adults Group: Bill Haines Adult Faith Formation: Clare Frissora DEVOTIONAL PRAYER Altar Guild: Nora Saraceni Rosary — Mondays at 7:00 pm in church enter on ‘Caring for Friends’: Cheryl Calnan grotto side or join us live on Facebook* CYO Athletics: Dan Stout Thursday after the 8:00 am Mass Garage Sale: Mary Ann Macciocca Adoration — Thursday after the 8:00 am Mass Good Samaritans: Craig Callaghan Divine Mercy Chaplet —Friday after the 8:00 Mass H.O.P.E. Program: Clare Frissora Hospitality: Honor Jones MARRIAGE & BAPTISM Interfaith Hospitality Network: Mary Beth Wolanin Please contact the Rectory to speak with Lectors: Jack McNamara Msgr. Matz. Baptisms are held on the first and third Little Church School: Janet Baffa Sundays of the month. Liturgical Environment: Jackie Falcone RCIA: Clare Frissora Follow us on Facebook Respect Life: Clare Frissora (an account on FB is not needed to visit us!) Ushers: Jack McNamara RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Journey with SJN beginning this spring! Are you considering the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who might be? Those who may be interested in becoming Catholic are invited to join us as we journey in faith. Contact us: [email protected] or call 610-525-3100 Salvation Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) Update! Join us! Donations are accepted online, via Thursday, Thank you for the regular mail, and through Amazon Feb. 25th—7:00 pm generosity of your Wish List. In comments/memo prayers and any note that you are Join by Zoom! Click on the link below or copy from St. John Neu- financial support mann it to your computer browser. For help with you can offer! Zoom, contact [email protected] https://zoom.us/j/96577638525 To lend financial support: This week’s session: “Not Just a Spectator Visit www.ihncares.org Sport” — Relying heavily on Jesus’s own teachings, we will see that God intends for us to make good use of the grace he gives us. Offerings — Materials are available at our homepage, Click February 14th: Here $ 14,918 Click on image to visit our While not required, participants can view online giving site prior session videos (Sessions 1—5) at www.formed.org and search for ‘Salvation’ or Click Here. Thank You Mass Intentions CONFESSION Tuesdays at 6:00pm Saturday, Feb 20th 5:15 pm Joseph Troncelliti in the Gathering Sunday, Feb 21st 7:30 am Rose Dercole Room 9:00 am Barbara Schanne The basic requirement for a good 10:30 am Arlene Santillo confession is to have the intention of nd Monday, Feb. 22 8:00 am Catherine Swanick returning to God like the "prodigal son" Feast of the Chair of St. Peter People of SJN Parish and to acknowledge our sins with true Tuesday, Feb. 23rd 8:00 am John Cunnie sorrow before the priest. The Gospels show how Jesus wants to forgive our St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr sins. The lives of saints show that the th Wednesday, Feb. 24 8:00 am Thomas L. Tobin person who grows in holiness has a Thursday, Feb. 25th 8:00 am Catherine Ann Hayden stronger sense of sin, sorrow for sins, Friday, Feb. 26th 8:00 am Antoinette Campbell and a need for the Sacrament of Penance or Confession. -Catholic.org Saturday, Feb. 27th 8:00 am Samuel McClure An elderly priest mak- when he needed you in the garden, and you de- ing rounds in a prison came nied him three times.” upon a despondent young Then St. Luke spoke, “You must leave. You man. “Leave me alone, Fa- have not been found worthy of the kingdom of ther. I’m no good”, said the God.” young man. “Everything I “My life has been recorded correctly and I have touched has been ruined. I have led others am guilty as charged. Yet I know there is a place into a life of crime. I have wounded the only ones for me here. King David and St. Peter will plead who care for me—my mother, my wife and our my cause because they know of the weakness of young daughter. There’s no hope for me.” man and the mercy of God. You, blessed physi- The priest was silent for a moment before cian, will open the gates to me because you have he spoke. “The hurt you have inflicted on others written of God’s great love for the likes of me. may never be healed. What you have done is Don’t you recognize me? I am the lost sheep that most serious. What you need now is to find a the Good Shepherd carried home.” And the gates new compass, a new way to walk. We must opened, and Luke embraced the sinner. begin by teaching you some new stories.” “You see”, the priest concluded, “I want “Stories!” The young man shouted. “I you to learn stories, not as an exercise in fiction, speak to you out of despair and you talk to me of but in order to walk in mercy. Stories will help stories? I live without hope and you speak to me you find your way. of happy endings? If my life is to be spent behind The Scripture scholar, William Barclay bars, I may need new facts, but I certainly don’t wrote that “lepers were people who were already need stories.” dead, though still alive.” The disease was bad The priest said, “Humor an old man. Listen enough, but the stigma that was attached to it to one tale.” was even worse. Although this disease has been Once a very bad man died and went be- eradicated, there are many people today who fore the judgement throne. Before him stood suffer from isolation and a sense of hopelessness. King David, St. Peter and St. Luke. A chilly silence Jesus gives the leper in the gospel new hung heavy in the room as an unseen voice be- life. And that’s what he wants to do for those who gan to read the details of the man’s life. There are in need of healing. Looking at our sins (and was nothing good that was recorded. When the sins can be a type of leprosy) can sometimes voice concluded, King David spoke: You have make us feel that we will never be “good with committed evil crimes. You do not belong in the God” ever again. We may think that we have Kingdom of Light.” The man faced the great king burned too many bridges in our life. But it and cried, “Son of Jesse, it is true. I am a wicked doesn’t have to be that way. Just the simple pray- man. Yet I dare ask you for forgiveness. You slept er, “If you wish, you can make me clean” can be with Uriah’s wife and later, to cover up your sin, the start of a new life. Sin can also isolate us. arranged his death. I only ask forgiveness as you That’s why it’s good to listen to the stories of have known it.” those who have made mistakes just as we have. St. Peter was the next to speak. “Unlike This week begins Lent. Use this time to David, you have shown no love toward God. By focus on the stories of those who have perhaps your acid tongue and vile temper, you have fallen into the same traps as we have or maybe wounded the Son of God.” “I should have learned worse. See how Christ touched their life and al- to be more silent. I took the Lord’s name in anger low him to do the same for you through the Sac- too often. Still, Simon, son of John, I plead for rament of Reconciliation. grace. Though you walked by his side and lis- tened to his words from his own lips, you slept Please lend a hand! Meals are always needed and appreciated! Trays are available in the Life Center and in the back of the church. You can take the meals to the Freezer Room in the Life Center at anytime. Click logo to visit website Remember to tie up each dinner in the plastic bag and use the pro- Since 1974, Caring for Friends has served vided red ties to secure the opening.
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