Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Armstrong Women's Volleyball News Archives Armstrong Women's Volleyball Archives 10-26-2011 30-0 ! No. 16 Armstrong Sets School, PBC Record With 3-0 Win Over Montevallo Armstrong State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/armstrong-volley-wmn- news This news article is brought to you for free and open access by the Armstrong Women's Volleyball Archives at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Armstrong Women's Volleyball News Archives by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 30-0 ! No. 16 Ar mstrong Sets School, P B C Record With 3-0 Win Over Montevallo - Ho me of the Ar mstrong Pirates C O MP OSITE SEARCH MENU V OLLEYBALL Box Score 30-0 ! No. 16 Ar mstrong Sets School, P B C Record With 3-0 Win Over Montevallo MONTEVALLO AR MSTRONG Fi n al 1 2 3 T 0 M ONTEVALL O (13-14, 4-7 P B C) 22 22 18 0 3 AR MSTRONG (30-0, 10-0 P B C) 25 25 25 3 https:// w w w.ar mstrongpirates.co m/sports/ wvball/2011-12/releases/201110280v7ijp Posted: Oct 28, 2011 Like 0 Tweet GAME LEADERS MONTEVALLO SAVANNAH, Ga. - The No. 16-ranked Armstrong Atlantic State University volleyball squad broke its own Peach Belt Conference K: Manyi Ati - 14 record for best start to a season and consecutive wins with a 3-0 B: 2 Players (#7, #11) - 3 victory over visiting Montevallo on Friday evening, improving to 30-0 on the season. Set scores were: 25-22, 25-22, 25-18. D: Anna Garrison - 14 The 30 straight wins and 30-0 mark both eclipse the 29-0 record set SA: 3 Players (#1, #13, #14) - 1 by Armstrong to begin the 1999 season. The 30 straight wins also ARMSTRONG places the Pirates into the NCAA record book, tying both Cal State Los Angeles (2000) and Rockhurst (1998) for the 19th-longest K: Brendyce Budd - 11 winning streak in DII volleyball history. B: Leia Pittman - 6 Armstrong (30-0, 10-0 PBC) also keeps pace atop the Peach Belt D: 2 Players (#2, #11) - 12 standings with the win, while Montevallo (13-14, 4-7 PBC) sees its SA: Ashley Seal - 2 modest four-match win streak come to an end. TEAM STATS The Falcons were within one point in the first set, 22-21, when junior setter Ashley Seal notched a solo block of Montevallo's Manyi Ati, MONTEVALLO ARMSTRONG then Brittany Wolf and Amanda Jones followed up with kills to give the .212 Hitting % .243 Pirates the first-set win. Another block by Seal and junior Leia Pittman ended the second set after Montevallo had saved two set points, then 7.0 Blocks 9.5 Seal notched a kill from the back row in the third set at 23-17 to give 44 42 the Pirates match point, and Montevallo's Michelle Walker served the Digs b all l o n g t o gi v e Ar m str o n g t h e vi ct or y. 3 Aces 6 The Pirates got an all-around outstanding perfor mance fro m Seal w h o F ULL STATS l e d all pl a y er s wit h 3 4 a s si st s b ut al s o c o ntri b ut e d s e v e n di g s, f o ur bl o c k s, t w o s er vi c e a c e s a n d a kill o n t h at n e xt-t o-l a st p oi nt of t h e t hir d s et. S e ni or Brendyce Budd n ot c h e d a t e a m- hi g h 1 1 kill s a n d 1 2 di g s, w hil e s e ni or St a c e y D a vi s a d d e d 1 2 di g s a n d Pitt m a n n ot c h e d si x bl o c k s - f o ur i n t h e l a st s et. M o nt e v all o w a s l e d b y Ati' s m at c h- hi g h 1 4 kill s a n d . 5 0 0 hitti n g p er c e nt a g e, w hil e W al k er hit . 3 7 5 a n d a d d e d 1 2 di g s. A n n a G arri s o n t alli e d 3 3 a s si st s a n d a t e a m- hi g h 1 4 di g s a s w ell. Ar m str o n g will l o o k t o e xt e n d it s wi n ni n g str e a k t o 3 1 b y h o sti n g A u g u st a St at e i n a P e a c h B elt C o nf er e n c e m at c h u p o n S at ur d a y at 3: 0 0 p. m. at t h e A R C. AR MSTR ON G STATE UNIVERSITY 11935 ABERC ORN STREET, SAVANNAH, GA 31419 AR MSTR ON G STATE UNIVERSITY IS ONE OF THE PRE MIER NCAA DIVISI ON II C OLLE GIATE ATHLETIC PR O GRA MS IN THE NATI ON, FEATURIN G 13 NATI ONAL CHA MPI ONS, 97 PEACH BELT C ONFERENCE CHA MPI ONS, 148 NCAA CHA MPI ONSHIPS APPEARANCES AND 302 ALL-A MERICANS. ALL P ORTI ONS OF THESE MATERIALS ARE C OPYRI GHT 2017 AR MSTR ON G STATE UNIVERSITY. C ONTENT MAINTAINED BY CHAD JACKSON, DIRECTOR OF SPORTS CO M MUNICATIONS. FOR MORE INFOR MATION ON AR MSTRONG ATHLETICS, PLEASE C O NTA CT CHAD.JACKSON @AR MSTRONG.EDU..
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