f - 2,^2- N0T AVAILABLE FOR loan gazette EXTRAORDINARY 181 The mi mi'i iii.ictii i <;\xi>\ Ulf HI 1*1 lU.ICiM I <itXDA Published by —Uganda Gazette Authority Vol. CV No. 19 24th April, 2013 Price: Shs. 5,000 CONTENTS Page General Notice No. 257 of 2013. The Parliamentary Elections Act—Notices ... 181-182 THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT The National Environment Act—Notice ... 182 ACT No. 17 OF 2005 The Mining Act—Notice ................ ... 182 Section 20 (I) The Companies Act—Notices ... ... 182-183 AND The Advocates Act—Notices ... ... 183 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ACT The Trademarks Act—Registration of Applications 183-184 CAP. 243 Section 172 SUPPLEMENT NOTICE PUBLICATION OF CAMPAIGN PERIOD FOR Statutory Instrument PURPOSES OFTHE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION No. 14—The Electoral Commission (Appointment of Dale FOR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT BUTEBO of Completion of Update of Voters* Register in the CONSTITUENCY, AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT Specified Local Government Council Electoral COUNCIL BY-ELECTIONS, PALLISA *.DISTRICT Areas in Pallisa District) Instrument, 2013. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral Commission in accordance with Section 20(1) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005 and subject to General Notice No. 256 of 2013. section 172 of the Local Governments Act, Cap. 243 that the period commencing on 16th May, 2013 and ending on 4th THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT* June, 2013, is hereby published campaign period for ACT No. 17 OF 2005 purposes of the Parliamentary by-election for Member of Section 9(1) Parliament Bulebo Constituency, and the Local Government Council by-Elections, Pallisa Disiricl. AND Issued at Kampala this 22nd day of April, 2013. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ACT ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU, CAP. 243 Chairperson. Electoral Commission. Section /19 (1) General Notice No. 258 of 2013 NOTICE * THE ELECTORALCOMMISSION ACT APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATION DAYS AND VENUE CAP. 140 FOR PURPOSES OF THE PARLIAMENTARY BY­ Section 25( I )(b) ELECTION FOR MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. NOTICE BUTEBO CONSTITUENCY, PALLISA DISTRICT AND PUBLICATION OF DISPLAY PERIOD FOR PURPOSES OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCIL BY­ THE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION FOR MEMBER ELECTIONS, PALLISA DISTRICT. OF PARLIAMENT FOR BUTEBO CONSTITUENCY, PALLISA DISTRICT AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral COUNCIL BY-ELECTIONS, PALLISA DISTRICT*. Commission in accordance with Section 9(1) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, No 17 of 2005, that the 13th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Electoral day of May, 2013 and 14th day of May, 2013 are hereby Commission in accordance with Section 25(I)(b) of the appointed nomination days and published for purposes of Electoral Commission Act (Cap. 140), that the period the Parliamentary by-election for member of Parliament, commencing on 13lh day of May. 2013 and ending on 22nd Bulebo Constituency, Pallisa District and the Local day of May, 2013, is hereby appointed display period of Government Council by-elections in Pallisa District. Voters’ Register and is hereby published for purposes of the Parliamentary by-election for Member of Parliament Bulebo Nomination shall be conducted by the District Returning Officer Constituency, Pallisa District; and the Local Government al the District Headquarters in Pallisa Disiricl from 9.00 a.m to Council by-elections, Pallisa District. 5.00 p.m on each of the appointed dates. Display shall be conducted al the respective polling stations from 8.00 a.m. lo 6.00 p.m. during the appointed period. ISSUED at Kampala this 22nd day of April, 2013. Issued at Kampala this 22nd day of April, 2013. ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU, ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU, . Chairperson, Electoral Commission. Chairperson, Electoral Commission. |24 ri i April 182 THE UGANDA GAZETTE General Notice No. 259 of 2013. General Notice No. 261 ol 2013. THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT ACT No. 17 OF 2005 Section 18(1) (a) AND PUBLIC NOTICE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ACT CAP. 153 CAP. 243 THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT (WASTE Section 107 MANAGEMENT) REGULATIONS, 1999 NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT ION TO ISSUE A LICENCE TO PUBLICATION OF POLLING DAY FOR PURPOSES OF OWN AND OPERATE A WASTE TREATMENT AND THE PARLIAMENTARY BY-ELECTION FOR MEMBER DISPOSAL FACILITY OF PARLIAMENT FOR BUTEBO CONSTITUENCY. (Under Regulation 7(1) (c) of The National Environment PALLISA DISTRICT AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (Waste Management) Regulations, 1999. COUNCIL BY-ELECTIONS. PALLISA DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given by (he Electoral Commission in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application for a accordance with Section 18( 1 )(a) of the Parliamentary License to own and operate a waste treatment and waste Elections Act, No 17 of 2005 and Section 107 of the Local disposal facility has been received by the National Governments Act, Cap 243. that the 6th day of June, 2013 Environment Management Authority (NEMA) from is hereby appointed polling day for purposes of the by­ LUWERO INDUSTRIES LTD.. P.O BOX 1651. KAMPALA. election for Member of Parliament for Butebo Constituency. The waste treatment and disposed facility is located al Pallisa District and the Local Government Council by­ Kigali Village, off Kampala-Gulu Highway. Nakasongola. elections in Pallisa District. Dated al Kampala this 16th day of April, 2013. Issued at Kampala this 22nd day of April. 2013. ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU. DR. TOM O. OKURUT Chairperson. Electoral Commission. Executive Director. Gcncral Notice No. 262 of 2013. General Notice No. 260 of 2013. THE MINING ACT. 2003. (’The Mining Regulations, 2004). THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS ACT NO TICE OF GRANT OF LOCATION LICENCES. ACT No. 17 OF 2005 It is hereby notified that Location Licences. Number LL.04I3 & LL.0414, registered as Numbers 001603 & 001604 Section 28 (1) (a) respectively, have been granted in accordance with the AND provisions ol Section 27 and Section 29 to M/s. Industrial Minerals Ltd., ol P.O. Box 23, Kascse, for a period of three (3) LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT years, effective from 12th January, 2013. ’The Location area subject to the 1 nation Licences is 15 & 13.75 AC!' 243 hectares and is on Topography Map. Sheet Number 93/2, Section 17 situated in Kasesc District. Dated al Entebbe, this 12lh day of April, 2013. NOTICE EDWARDS KATTO. PUBLICATION OF POLLING STATIONS FOR Ag. Commissioner for the Geological Survey PURPOSES OF THE BY-ELECTION FOR MEMBER OF and Mines Department. PARLIAMENT, BUTEBO CONSTITUENCY. PALLISA DISTRICT AND THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT General Notice No. 263 of 2013. COUNCIL BY-ELECTIONS IN PALLISA DISTRICT. I HE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OE UGANDA, 2000. Notice is hereby given by the Electoral Commission in (Cap. 110). accordance with Section 28( I )(a) of the Parliamentary NOTICE. Elections Act, No. 17 of 2005 and subject to Section 172 of i in i *?1*i' ccl,on l9M) of the Companies Act. (Cap. the Uxjal Governments Act, Cap 243. that the list of Polling Stations for the by-election for the Member of Parliament ganda’ 200()- no,icc is hereby ei'en that lJGANDA has been special for Butebo Constituency, Pallisa District, and the Local resolution passed on the 15th day of March, 2013 and with Government Council by-elections remains the same as published for the General Elections. 2011. n.,mnP,P'°Ma J’r ‘hc RcSisll<>r of Companies, changed in nameh° u K UGAN0A LIMITED. and that such new namc has been entered in my Register. Issued al Kampala this 22nd day of April, 2013. Dated at Kampala, this 15th day of March. 2013. ENG. DR. BADRU M. KIGGUNDU. Chairperson, Electoral Commission. MUGABE ROBERT. Assistant Registrar of Companies. 24th April] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 183 General Nolice No. 264 of 2013. General Notice No. 268 of 2013. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. (Cap. 110). NOTICE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY. Pursuant to Section 19(4) of the Companies Act, (Cap. 110) Laws of Uganda, 2000, notice is hereby given that It is hereby notified that an application has been presented JI REH TOURS LIMITED, has been by special resolution lo lhe I^aw Council by Awerc Hellcn who is staled lo be a passed on the 12th day of April. 2013 and with the approval holder of a Bachelor of l^tws Degree from Makerere of the Registrar of Companies, changed in name to JIREH University. Kampala, having been awarded on lhe 23rd day of TOURS & TRAVEL LIMITED, and that such new name January, 2009 and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded by lhe has been entered in my Register. Law Development Cenlre on the 3rd day of September, 2010, for lhe issue of a Certificate of Eligibility for entry of her name Dated al Kampala, this 15th day of April. 2013. on lhe Roll of Advocates for Uganda. MWES1GWA S1LVERIO, Kampala. MARGARET APINY, Assistant Registrar of Companies. 8lh April, 2013. Ag. Secretary. Law Council. General Notice No. 265 of 2013. General Notice No. 269 of 2013. THE COMPANIES ACT, LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. (Cap. 110). THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. NOTICE. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE Pursuant to Section 19(4) of the Companies Act, (Cap. OF ELIGIBILITY. 110) Laws of Uganda. 2000, notice is hereby' si ven that It is hereby notified that an application has been presented M.C.S BIA BUS SERVICE LIMITED, has been by special to the I .aw Council by Gilla Joshua who is staled lo be a holder resolution passed on the I Olh day of July. 2012 and with the of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from Makerere University, approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed in name to Kampala, having been awarded on lhe 21 st day of January, MAKERERE COLLEGE SCHOOL" PARENTS 2011 and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded by lhe Law TEACHERS ASSOCIATION LIMITED, and that such new Development Centre on lhe 27th day of July.
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