November, 1993 63 Criteria for Humidity in the Building and the Building Envelope Anton TenWolde and William B. Rose In: Rose, William B.; TenWolde, A., eds. Bugs, mold rot, II: Proceedings of workshop on control of humidity for health, artifacts. and buildings; 1993 November 16–17; [Oak Ridge, TN]. Washington, DC: National Institute of Building Sciences; 1994: 63–65. This symposium intended to bring together a THE NEED FOR HUMIDITY CRITERIA wide variety of building professionals and building When building professionals and building owners users to discuss the multiple aspects of humidity in ask the question “what humidity should I maintain the building, and begin the process of defining better criteria for humidity in buildings. In this paper we in my building?” they usually do not get a satisfac- tory answer. The reason for this is that the question present some basic concepts and issues that should be considered when formulating humidity criteria. is difficult to answer. The “right” answer very much These issues are often related and involve human depends on what is in the building (artifacts, people, health and comfort, building use, surface moisture plants), the priorities of the building owner or occu- and humidity, and resistance of building materials pants, and the building construction details, espe- to moisture. cially details regarding the thermal integrity of the building envelope. It is important to maintain hu- midity conditions that meet the needs of the people HUMIDITY CRITERIA FOR HUMAN HEALTH AND and things inside the building without destroying COMFORT the building itself. Humidity and moisture can espe- cially become an issue when there is a change in ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal Environmental building use or occupancy. Changes in ventilation, in- Conditions for Human Occupancy is perhaps the door RH, moisture release, or building air pressures most widely known standard for indoor humidity in can create moisture problems in a building where the United States. This standard defines one tem- there were none before. Perhaps it is possible to pro- perature comfort zone for winter and one for sum- vide better guidance to building owners and occu- mer. In the 1981 version of Standard 55 the comfort pants in making decisions about humidity and humidity range was defined in terms of dew point building use. temperature, and ranged from 35°F (1.7°C) and 62°F (16.7°). This translates into approximate RH ranges Building researchers and consultants also have of 25% to 80% in winter and 20% to 70% in summer, long had a need for criteria to determine if a build- depending on temperature. Although ASHRAE 55- ing or building component will be operating satisfac- 1981 professes to be based on considerations of respi- tory. Better tools for calculating moisture contents of ratory health, mold growth, and other moisture building design and materials in service are begin- related phenomena, the 1981 version appears to be ning to become available (e.g. the MOIST computer primarily a human comfort standard. It appears model), but no agreed-upon criteria exist as yet to from the 1981 version that people are not particu- evaluate the results obtained with those tools. For larly sensitive to relative humidity and are comfort- many years avoidance of surface condensation and able in a wide range of RH conditions. However, the various saturation moisture content criteria were 1992 version of ASHRAE Standard 55 contains a used. These criteria were aimed at prevention of de- drastically reduced upper RH limit of 60% RH, win- cay and structural damage to building materials. ter and summer, which coincides with the upper RH For instance, some have used a wood moisture con- limit recommended by Sterling et al. (1985). This tent of 20% or higher as a criterion for moisture prob- lower upper limit apparently reflects a concern for lems, while others have used fiber saturation mold and mildew growth and health, not comfort. (around 30% MC for solid wood). More recently mold The Canada Department of National Health and and mildew growth has been recognized as a basis Welfare (1987) recommends RH ranges of 30% to for performance criteria, resulting in criteria for sur- 80% in summer and 30% to 55% in winter, based on face relative humidity. A consensus on the “best” cri- comfort and health considerations. Apparently, the teria would be of use to many building professionals. winter maximum of 55% is based on the danger of condensation or mold growth. Neither the ASHRAE 64 Bugs, Mold & Rot II Proceedings standard nor the Canadian criteria recognize the im- The authors believe that a maximum 80% portance of microclimates and the moisture/thermal monthly average surface relative humidity is a use- integrity of the building envelope. Finally, to control ful criterion for building professionals. In addition to dust mite population it has been recommended that relative humidity a simultaneous temperature crite- indoor humidity be maintained below 45% (Pope, rion should be defined. This becomes especially criti- Patterson and Burge 1993). Mites reproduce over a cal when assessing the potential for mold growth in range of 45 to 80 % RH, but 65°F to 80°F (18°C to unheated spaces or building envelope cavities. Al- 27°C) and 75% to 80% RH appear to be optimal for though various molds can grow at a wide variety of dust mite growth (Anderson and Korsgaard (1986). temperatures there seems to be agreement in the lit- erature that molds generally will grow at tempera- This much is clear from reviewing the various rec- tures between 32°F and about 104°F (0°C and 40°C). ommendations and criteria: Mold may survive but will not grow at temperatures below 32°F, and mold will generally not survive pro- 1) RH criteria for human comfort are not very longed exposure to temperatures above 104°F restrictive. (Hunter and Sanders 1991). It seems therefore ap- propriate to use a temperature criterion of 32°F to 2) Recommendations for RH criteria for human 106°F concurrent with the RH criterion. health are more restrictive but vary widely. 3) None of the above criteria sufficiently recognize OTHER CRITERIA the importance of microclimates and the build- ing envelope. Special humidity requirements may override or be imposed in addition to the above requirements for The authors believe that at this time it is more human comfort or health. Examples are special envi- useful to define humidity criteria for occupied spaces ronmental requirements in museums, libraries, and on the basis of human comfort, and to deal with swimming pools. These criteria may contain not only health issues in terms of surface RH and tempera- humidity levels, but also criteria for rate of change ture criteria. Exceptions may be special require- in humidity. At this time we will confine ourselves to ments for occupants with extreme sensitivities or mentioning the need to consider any such special re- allergies. This would indicate that comfort criteria quirements. for "middle of the room" RH should be according to the "old" ASHRAE Standard 55. Concerns for degradation or dimensional stability of building materials may also supersede the other criteria for humidity. Concerns for dimensional sta- HUMlDlTY CRITERIA AT BUILDING SURFACES bility of wood building products during cold weather, when temperatures are too low for growth of mold or As David Miller states in his concluding remarks decay organisms, is one example. James Connolly, in in these proceedings: there is a consensus that fungi his article elsewhere in these proceedings, cites cy- should not be allowed to grow in buildings. He also clic condensation deteriorating paint finishes as an- points out that favorable conditions for mold growth other example. He also includes a list of suggested vary with mold species and substrate. However, maximum moisture contents for a variety of materi- building professionals need a simple standard or cri- als under different conditions. This list is a very use- terion by which to judge the likelihood for mold ful tool but obviously needs further discussion and growth in new construction or retrofits, as was clear expansion. from comments from the audience during the sympo- sium. Recognizing the complexity of the issue but re- sponding to this need, the International Energy RECOMMENDATIONS Agency Annex XIV proposed a simple performance criterion for building surfaces: the monthly average On the basis of previously reported data as well water activity of a material surface should not ex- as information presented at this symposium we put ceed 0.8 (see the paper by Hens in these proceed- forward a set of interim performance criteria for hu- ings). Water activity is the ratio of water vapor midity inside the building as well as the building en- pressure in the substrate and that of pure water at velope. These criteria are all in force simultaneously, the same temperature and pressure. For practical but one or two may govern at any given time, loca- purposes monthly average water activity may be tion, or building design. We realize that these recom- equated to monthly average RH at the surface of the mendations are not based on consensus, and on material. Thus average monthly RH at the surface incomplete information in some areas. should remain below 80%. Only for non-porous mate- rials which are regularly cleaned (glass, metals, a. Occupied zones: Relative humidity in the glazed tiles, etc), avoiding prolonged surface conden- center of the occupied zone should be main- sation should be made the criterion. tained between 25% and 80% in winter and November, 1993 65 20% to 70% in summer. basis: ASHRAE 55-1981. b. Interior surfaces and building cavities: Monthly mean RH less than 80% at all interior build- ing surfaces, including building envelope cavi- ties, if concurrent monthly mean temperature at same surfaces between 0°C (32°F) and 40°C (104°F).
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