US 2011 0045572A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0045572 A1 Roggen et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 24, 2011 (54) PROTEIN VARANTS HAVING MODIFIED (30) Foreign Application Priority Data IMMUNOGENICITY Apr. 28, 2000 (DK). ... PA 2000 OO707 (75) Inventors: Erwin Ludo Roggen, Lyngby Feb. 28, 2001 (DK) ........................... PA 2001 OO327 (DK); Steffen Ernst, Bronshoi Publication Classification (DK); Allan Svendsen, Horsholm (51) Int. Cl. (DK); Esben Peter Friis, Valby CI2N 9/56 (2006.01) (DK); Claus Von Der Osten, CI2N 9/48 (2006.01) Lyngby (DK) CI2N 15/63 (2006.01) CI2N 5/10 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: CI2N L/15 (2006.01) NOVOZYMES NORTHAMERICA, INC. (52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 435/222:435/212:435/320.1; 500 FIFTHAVENUE, SUITE 1600 435/325; 435/348; 435/419; 435/254.11 NEW YORK, NY 10110 (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: NOVOZYMESA/S, BAGSVAERD The present invention relates to a method of selecting a pro (DK) tein variant having modified immunogenicity as compared to the parent protein comprising the steps obtaining antibody (21) Appl. No.: 12/699,979 binding peptide sequences, using the sequences to localise epitope sequences on the 3-dimensional structure of parent Filed: Feb. 4, 2010 protein, defining an epitope area including amino acids situ (22) ated within 5 A from the epitope amino acids constituting the epitope sequence, changing one or more of the amino acids Related U.S. Application Data defining the epitope area of the parent protein by genetical (63) Continuation of application No. 09/957,806, filed on engineering mutations of a DNA sequence encoding the par Sep. 21, 2001, now abandoned, Continuation of appli ent protein, introducing the mutated DNA sequence into a cation No. PCT/DK01/00293, filed on Apr. 30, 2001. Suitable host, culturing said host and expressing the protein variant, and evaluating the immunogenicity of the protein (60) Provisional application No. 60/203,345, filed on May variant using the parent protein as reference. The invention 10, 2000, provisional application No. 60/277,817, further relates to the protein variant and use thereof, as well as filed on Mar. 21, 2001. to a method for producing said protein variant. men BPN' on Alcatase amoa BAP-R oxer Savinase mom Esperase rCrPD498 49 99 149 199 249 Patent Application Publication Feb. 24, 2011 US 2011/0045572 A1 2O 18 16 14 geese. BPN' 12 as Acalase O alo BAP-R oxane Savinase 8 -O-Esperase 6 a-CoPD498 4. 2 as S . OOOOO O Rice (CCC(Oc CCC c cCcCCO 1 49 99 149 199 249 FIG. 1 US 2011/0045572 A1 Feb. 24, 2011 PROTEIN VARLANTS HAVING MODIFIED Such an epitope, maybe converting it from a high affinity to a IMMUNOGENICITY low affinity epitope, or maybe even result in epitope loss, i.e. that the epitope cannot sufficiently bind an antibody to elicit CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED an immunogenic response. APPLICATIONS 0007. There is a need for methods to identify epitopes on 0001. This application is a continuation of U.S. applica proteins and alter these epitopes in order to modify the immu tion Ser. No. 09/957,806 filed on Sep. 21, 2001, which is a nogenicity of proteins in a targeted manner. Such methods continuation of PCT/DK01/00293 filed Apr. 30, 2001 and and kits for their execution can have at least four useful claims, under 35 U.S.C. 119, priority or the benefit of Danish purposes: application nos. PA 2000 00707 and PA 2001 00327 filed Apr. 0008 1) reduce the allergenicity of a commercial protein 28, 2000 and Feb. 28, 2001, respectively, and U.S. application using protein engineering. Nos. 60/203,345 and 60/277,817 filed May 10, 2000 and Mar. 0009. 2) reduce the potential of commercial proteins to 21, 2001, respectively, the contents of which are fully incor cross-react with environmental allergens and hence cause porated herein by reference. allergic reactions in people sensitized to the environmental allergens (or vice versa). FIELD OF INVENTION 0010 3) improve the immunotherapeutic effect of allergen vaccines. 0002 The present invention relates to a method of select 00.11 4) assist characterization of clinical allergies in ing a protein variant having modified immunogenicity as order to select the appropriate treatment, including allergen compared to the parent protein, to the protein variant and use vaccination. thereof, as well as to a method for producing said protein (0012. In WO99/53038 (Genencor Int.) as well as in prior variant. references (Kammereretal, Clin. Exp. Allergy, 1997, Vol.27, pp. 1016-1026: Sakakibara et al., J. Vet. Med. Sci., 1998; Vol. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 60, pp. 599–605), methods are described, which identify lin 0003. An increasing number of proteins, including ear T-cell epitopes among a library of known peptide enzymes, are being produced industrially, for use in various sequences, each representing part of the primary sequence of industries, housekeeping and medicine. Being proteins they the protein of interest. Further, several similar techniques for are likely to stimulate an immunological response in man and localization of B-cell epitopes are disclosed by Walshet et al. animals, including an allergic response. J. Immunol. Methods, vol. 121, 1275-280, (1989), and by 0004 Depending on the application, individuals get sen Schoofs et al. J. Immunol. vol. 140, 611-616, (1987). All of sitised to the respective allergens by inhalation, direct contact these methods, however, only leads to identification of linear with skin and eyes, or injection. The general mechanism epitopes, not to identification of structural or discontinu behind an allergic response is divided in a sensitisation phase ous epitopes, which are found on the 3-dimensional Surface and a symptomatic phase. The sensitisation phase involves a of protein molecules and which comprise amino acids from first exposure of an individual to an allergen. This event several discrete sites of the primary sequence of the protein. activates specific T- and B-lymphocytes, and leads to the For several allergens, it has been realized that the dominant production of allergen specific IgE antibodies (in the present epitopes are of such discontinuous nature (Collins et al., Clin. context the antibodies are denoted as usual, i.e. immunoglo Exp. All. 1996, vol. 26, pp. 36-42). bulin E IgE etc.). These IgE antibodies eventually facilitate 0013 Slootstra et al; Molecular Diversity, 2, pp. 156-164, allergen capturing and presentation to T-lymphocytes at the 1996 disclose the screening of a semi-random library of syn onset of the symptomatic phase. This phase is initiated by a thetic peptides for their binding properties to three mono second exposure to the same or a resembling antigen. The clonal antibodies by immobilizing the peptides on polyethyl specific IgE antibodies bind to the specific IgE receptors on ene pins and binding a dilution series of each antibody to the mast cells and basophils, among others, and capture at the pins. This reference does not disclose any indication of how same time the allergen. The polyclonal nature of this process the antibody binding peptide sequences relate to any full results in bridging and clustering of the IgE receptors, and protein antigens or allergens. Subsequently in the activation of mast cells and basophils. (0014. In WO92/10755 a method for modifying proteins to This activation triggers the release of various chemical obtain less immunogenic variants is described. Randomly mediators involved in the early as well as late phase reactions constructed protein variants, revealing a reduced binding of of the symptomatic phase of allergy. Prevention of allergy in antibodies to the parent enzyme as compared to the parent Susceptible individuals is therefore a research area of great enzyme itself, are selected for the measurement in animal importance. models in terms of allergenicity. Finally, it is assessed 0005 For certain forms of IgE-mediated allergies, a whether reduction in immunogenicity is due to true elimina therapy exists, which comprises repeated administration of tion of an epitope or a reduction in affinity for antibodies. This allergen preparations called allergen vaccines (Int. Arch. method targets the identification of amino acids that may be Allergy Immunol., 1999, Vol. 119, pp 1-5). This leads to part of structural epitopes by using a complete protein for reduction of the allergic symptoms, possibly due to a redirec assessing antigen binding. The major drawbacks of this tion of the immune response away from the allergic (Th2) approach are the trial and error character, which makes it a pathway and towards the immunoprotective (Th1) pathway lengthy and expensive process, and the lack of general infor (Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol., 1999, Vol. 119, pp 1-5). mation on the epitope patterns. Without this information, the 0006 Various attempts to reduce the immunogenicity of results obtained for one protein can not be applied on another polypeptides and proteins have been conducted. It has been protein. found that Small changes in an epitope may affect the binding 10015 WO99/47680 (ALK-ABELLO) discloses the iden to an antibody. This may result in a reduced importance of tification and modification of B-cell epitopes by protein engi US 2011/0045572 A1 Feb. 24, 2011 neering. However, the method is based on crystal structures of 0030. In accordance with the present invention there may Fab-antigen complexes, and B-cell epitopes are defined as “a be employed conventional molecular biology, microbiology, section of the Surface of the antigen comprising 15-25 amino and recombinant DNA techniques within the skill of the art. acid residues, which are within a distance from the atoms of Such techniques are explained fully in the literature. See, e.g., the antibody enabling direct interaction” (p.
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