Supplementary Map 2: MMF Night Hunting and Night Lighting Lake Agro-Zone Boundary with Lake Winnipeg Winnipegosis Rural Municipalities (R.M.) Legend Mountain Agro-Zone Boundary Agro-Manitoba Non-Agro Manitoba Riding Mountain National Park Waterbody Minitonas Rural Municipality (R.M.) Swan Manitoba Provincial Boundary River 0 5 10 20 30 40 Kilometres Miles Mountain 0 5 10 20 30 40 Data Source: MLI, Geogratis Scale: 1:1,150,000 Projection: UTM Zone 14 NAD 83 (when printed 11" x 17") ¯ Date: April 3, 2019 Mossey River Ethelbert SS KK Shell River Lawrence Grahamdale OO NN Hillsburg Dauphin Dauphin Gilbert Lake Grandview Plains Siglunes Fisher Shellmouth-Boulton Ochre Ste. Bifrost Rose River Alonsa Eriksdale Russell Silver McCreary Creek Rossburn Armstrong Park Coldwell Gimli Glenella Birtle Clanwilliam Alexander Lake Ellice Shoal DISCLAIMER: This m ap is a ge n e ralize d re pre se n tatioLn aokfe the ManSittorabath Mclae tiirs Fe dHe raartiroisno’sn (the “MMF”) Agro-Zon e Bou n dary for the pu rpose s of Night Hu n tin g Manitoba St. Rosedale an d Night Lightin g by Man itoba Me tis Harve ste rs an d Citize n s an d for n o othe r pu rpose . This m ap is for illu strative an d re fe re n ce pu rpose s on ly. It m u st be u se d in Laurent addition to the m ate rials available at: http://w w w .m m f.m, w hich m ay be u pdate d from tim e to tim e . It is the re spon sibility of Man itoba Me tis Harve ste rs an d Lakeview St. Citize n s to e n su re the y have re vie w e d the se m ate rials an d are actin g in com plian ce w ith the Me tis Law s of the Harve st, an d an y othe r law s that m ay apply, at all Minto Lansdowne Rockwood St. Clements tim e s. The m ap is e xclu sive ly ow n e d by the MMF an d prote cte d by copyright law . Re produ ction , alte ration , distribu tion , or disclosu re w ithou t the MMF’s prior Andrews Lac du w ritte n con se n t is strictly prohibite d. The MMF m ake s n o w arran ty, e xpre ss or im plie d, as to the accu racy or com ple te n e ss of the m ap an d assuWm eesst bn o urernspeon sibility Archie Woodlands Bonnet or liability, in clu din g w ith re spe ct Mtoi nainoyta crim in al chHaragme ,i olotass, or dBalmanasghe aorfd an y kin d, in clu din g pe rson al in ju ry or de ath, arisin g from the u se or re lian ce on this m ap or from e rrors, de ficie n cie s, or fau lts the re in , w he the r su ch dam age is cau se d by n e glige n ce or othe rw ise . Brokenhead Pinawa © Man itoba Me tis Fe de ration In c., 2019. All rigOhtds arensae hrve d. Langford.
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