UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT | SCH00L OF DISTANCE EDUCATION β eCOgnレed byDistanca Education Buttauρ E助―lIGの Calicut University P O Malappuram Kerala-673635 Website : www.sdeuoc.ac.in Phone : 0494 2407356, 240O2BB ADMISSION TO UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMM[ES | | | PROSPECTUS 2018‐ 2019 wwlsdeuο ε.α ε.:η 1 PROLOGUE | The University of Calicut, established in 1968, the second University to be set up in Kerala was opened as a part of the affirmative policy of the govemment in response to the challenges offered by the Geo- political nature of Malabar. It aimed to bring higher education within the purview of one and all. At present the University has 30 Post Graduate departments and 426 affiliated colleges and is the largest residential cum affiliating University in Kerala.. SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION(SDE) The School of Distance Education, one of the major deparrnents of the University was established in 1981. Now it is a major education provider in Kerala with an annual enrolment of about 50,000 students. THE GOVERNANCE OF THE SCH00L OF DISttCE EDUCATION Ⅵ ce― Chance1lor DEKoMohanllned Basheer Pro Vice― Chance1lor DnRMohan … DLAbdul Mtteed・ ■A Controller of Exalninations | | DnVVGeorgekutty Finance Officer 1/C SrioSuresh.K.K Director 1/C Dn SivadasanoP | | wwwsdθ uο ε.ac.in 2 INDEX S l Page N o No. Contents ■ 上 Programmes Offered 4 2 General Instructions to the Candidates 5 3 Admission Rules 9 4 Programme Structure 11 5 Fee Structure L4 6 Documents to be submitted with application for 15 admission tl | | www.sdeuoc.ac.in 3 | Sl No Name of Programe 1 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN AFZAL… UL― ULAMA || 2 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN ARABIC || 3 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN ECONOMICS || 4 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN ENGLISH || 5 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN HINDI || 6 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN MALMLAM || 7 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN HISTORY 8 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN POLITICAL SCIENCE 9 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN PHILOSOPHY 10 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN SANSKRIT 11 BACHELOR OF ARTSIN SOCIOLOGY 12 BACHELOR OF COMMERCE || 13 BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION(BBA) | 14 BACHELOR OF SCIENCEIN MATHEMATICS || l wwwsdeuoε .ac.in 4 2。 Gleneral lnstructions to the Candidates。 | 2.■ Students seeking admissiOn shall apply on― line only.On…line Registration facility for a山面ssion is provided through wwlsdeuoc.ac.in/OnlineRe21stration or」 hough the Umversity website、 ら、ら、Luniversitvofcalicutoinfo/(DnlineRe2istration.The p五 ~ ntout Of the apphcation should be ― sent to The DirectoL School of Distance Educadon, University of Calicuち CaliCut Un市ersity.RO,Malappuram‐673635。 2.2 Mode of Remittance of Fee l lnstant Web Pa5mlent Utihty available in the website(Credit/Debit C ard,/Internet B anking) 2 Jana Sevana Kendrams/Akshaya/Post Office 3 State Bank of India (via e-chalan) and SBI Internet Banking 2.3 Steps for submitting online application ' Pay the required fee (Admission Fee, I & II Semester Tuition Fee, and all other fee applicable for the progralnme ) through the Instant Web Payment Utility Provided in the SDE website (wrt'w.sdeuoc.ac.in) or in the University website (rrru.rv.universityofcalicut.infoi Instant Web pa),'rnent System). o Use the purpose code "OTH00073" for all UG Programmes except B.Sc Mathematics.Use the purpose code "OTH00076' for B.Sc Mathematics prograrnme. o Take the printout of the chalan receipt. o I security code will be sent to the mobile number entered at the time of payment. o After receiving the security code, select "Online Registration" link in the website. o Select the same online registration link "OTH00073'or "OTH00076" as appticable. o Enter the chalan number and security code. Upload the photograph in JPEG format. o Fill in all the relevant fields in the application form. o Check all the details before submitting the application. o Take a printout of the online application. o Send the application form with alt the required documents to- THE DrREcroR, scHoor- oF DISTANCE EDUCATION, TJNIVERSITY OF CALICUT CALICUT TJNIVERSTTY.P.O, MALAPPURAM. 673635. www.sdeuoc.ac.in 5 ● Admission is granted only on satisfactory fulfmment Of the eligibility conditions regarding basic l qualifications and the submission of relevant documents prescribed in the prospectus. Applications which are defective or unaccompanied by the required Original Certificates, T.C and fees shall be summarily rejected. 2.4 SpotAdmission Applicants can submit their applications along with all the required documents directly in SDE. They should remit T55/- for spot admission. The original certificates of these candidates will be returned on the same day after verification. 2.5 Identity Card Each student will be issued an Identity Card on admission showing the enrolment Number! Contact Class Centre etc . This can be downloaded from the website (www.sdeuoc.ac.in> Online ID Card) .If the original Identity Card is lost or damaged, a duplicate will be issued on payment of t105/- towards fee for duplicate Identity Card . Students must quote their Enrolment Number/Online ID in all their comespondences with SDE. The students should bring their Identity Card whenever they come to S.D.E and to attend Contact Classes. The card should be sumendered to get Transfer Certificate(T.C) on completion/ discontinuation/cancellation of the course. 2.6 Contact Classes The students of SDE will be offered contact classes at various contact class centres. The details regarding the centres are given in the table below. A student can choose Contact Class Centre at the time of Online Registration. The allotment of contact centres will depend on the number of students enrolled for each programme. If sufficient number of candidates are not enrolled for a programme, the nearest contact class centre will be allotted. No contact class will be provided if the enrolment for a prograrnme is less than 20.The time table of contact classes will be sent to the students well in advance. The classes will be handled by teachers of the SDE, teachers of the colleges affiliated to the Universities in Kerala and by experts in the concemed field. | www.sdeuoc.ac.in 6 I STUDY CENTRES/CONTACT CLASS CENTRES (Subject to the availability of Studena) S ‐ N 。 Name of Centre Programmes 1 W.M.O. College, Muttil, Wayanad BA,BoCom 2 Govt. Arts & Science College, Meenchanda, Kozhikkode BA,B.Com,BSc. 3 Govt, College, Malappuram BA,BoCom,BSc. 4 MES KVM College, Valanchery Malappuram BA,BoCom,BSc. 5 Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur BA,BoCom,BSc. 6 St.Thomas College, Thrissur BA,BoCom,BSc,BBA 7 MES Kalladi College, Mannarkkad, Palakkad BA,BoCom,BSc 8 Govt College, Madappally, Kozhikkode BA,BoCom,BSc,BBA 9 Govt. College, Chittur, Palakkad BA,B.Com,BSc Z.Z Study Materials The study materials prepared by the teachers and experts in the subject will be distributed to the students through the Contact Class Centres. The copies of the study materials will be made available in the website(www.sdeuoc.ac.in>Student Zone) Study Materials). The study materials will not be provided in Printed Form if the total enrolment for a programme is less than 50 students. 2.8 University Examinations The examinations of the School of Distance Education will be conducted by the Controller of Examinations. Snrdents of the School of Distance Education should submit their applications for Examination through online as per the notification from Pareeksha Bhavan. The printed copies of the online application for examination should be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations with the necessary documents. The dates of examinations will be intimated to the students through News papers www.sdeuac.ac.in 7 and University website(wr+rw.universityofcalicut.info) . The students have to register for the whole examinations at the first appearance for each semester. Students have to remit the 2od and 3d instalments of their tuition fee after the completion of 2od and 4h semester examinations at the beginning of the 3d and 56 semester respectively. The students who failed to remit their tuition fee on time will not be permitted to apply for examinations. Students are required to remit their tuition fee and apply for examination on time to keep their SDE registration active. 2.9 Centres of Examination The students can select their prefened examination centre from the list of approved centres provided at the time of online registration. Centre once selected cannot be changed. 2.10 Subsequent Appearance Students who fail in any paper and intend to register for reappearance should do so directly with the Controller of Examinations. 2.ll.Tfansfer Certificate Original Transfer Certificates, submitted by the studens seeking admission, will not be returned to them once they are admitted to the course. A fresh TC will be issued by the SDE after completion of the course or on discontinuation. 2.12 Paritv wittr Regular Students Students of the SDE are offered the same Courses as in the regular colleges affiliated to the University of Calicut. They have the same syllabi, curriculum and examinations. 2.13 Admission to SC/ST/OECStudents belonging to SC/ST/OEC category will be admitted in the SDE without remitting the tuition fee at the time of admission only if they are not employed in GoWQuasi GovUPublic sector services.. But they have to remit all other special fee like Admission Fee, Matriculation Fee etc. Such students have to submit the duly filled in application for fee concession(available in the website www.sdeuoc.ac.in>Downloads) along with self attested copy of SSLC, +2 , Original Caste Certificate, Income Certificate and Nativity Certificate issued by competent authorities and copy of AADHAAR card at the time of admission. These students should submit an application for renewal of tuition fee in the 2od and 3d year in order to continue to avail the fee concession. 2.14 SDE Librarv The SDE has a separate Library of its own with a good collection of books, periodicals, reference books etc.
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