js-sssr-i THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES B lllilP ® Vol. XXX, ' OCEAN GROVE, N. J . , FRIDAY, MAY 1 9 , 1922 N o . 20 M CARPENTER, GODFREY AND FIFTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY “KATCHA-KOO,” ;MUSICAL ENGLISH FOR FIRE BOARD CHICKEN FOR DIET OF THE STEINBACH STORE NEPTUNE SENIORS FANTASY, SCORES A HIT The fifty-second anniversary and William H. Carpenter, Leroy Gok- opening at Steinbachs, Asbury Park, frey ind Claude V. English were A noteworthy success was achieved CHURCHMEN GUILTY begins tomorrow and continues to by the Amateur cast presenting nominated for the office of fire com­ AT TRAINING CAMPand including Saturday, May 27th. VISIT WASHINGTON missioner of the.Ocean Grove dis­ “Katcha-Kof-in-thel^voy Theat^ , J The most important improvements Asbury. Park, Mondany and Tuesday;. trict at the.firemen's primary Wed­ mhde in many years have prepared evenings, under the auspices of the JERSEY PRELATE SAYS. THEY nesday evening. The term is for SKILLED CHEFS IN CHARGE the store for this event. Many de­ FOUR DAYS’ SIGHTSEEING .J, three years and the two commission­ Trinity Club, of Trinity Episcopal partments have been remodeled; all Church. ‘‘Katcha-Koo’’ is described fr SHOULD BE OUSTED ers to be elected on Saturday, May 27, OF ARMY MESS have been improved. Merchandise is AT THE CAPITAL will succeed Lot R. Ward and W/'H. as an Oriental-American musical fan-,- ;■ no longer boxed on shelves, but is all tasy in two scenes, the first in India, Carpenter. - “under glass,” keeping it absolutely The former election board members the second in • New York. Beyond'--.-, clean and unwrinkled. question this was the most ambitious-'.;r Any One Who' Buys Is A? Guilty were renominated. They oje: Judge, Young Men Who Attend Are As­ Entirely new and enlarged depart; Interesting Trip Arranged By Ira Alvin Turner; clerk, Daniel S.. endeavor in the spectacular-musical ■ ments have been installed for the fol­ line ever attempted by local talent. As the One Who Sells, Accord­ Reeves; inspectors,' Harry G. Shreve sured Of Many Pleasant Vaca­ lowing: Laces, woriien’s neckwear, E. Whyte, District Passenger and John E. Quinn. The chairman And the piece was carried along with ■ l .i 1 B ribbons, women’s and children’s hos­ remarkable swing arid precision, all 'a! ing To the View of Bishop Mat­ of the meeting was William El Tay­ tion Features While In Train­ iery, the Beauty Shop, notions, books, Agent of the Central Railroad. lor. things considered. The - music was ’ ‘ thews— Christian Support Need­ ing—Athletic Program Is De­ art embroidery, candy; stationery, Local Pupils Accompanied By tuneful, the songs and choruses pleas- This Friday evening from seven to etc. The great attraction of the ing, the dialogue crisp and sparkling, ■ eight o’clock the department election signed To Build Up Healthy week will be the special sales in all the dancing fine, and.the ensemble, ed To Avoid Moral and Spirit­ for chief and assistant chiefs will departments, partially covered by Classes of Matawan and Atlan­ be held. The present incumbents will :is a whole, a riot of harmoniously ual Disaster These Days. Bodies and Square ' Shotdders. today’s advertisement and completely tic Highlands Schools. blended colors. be reelectecf without opposition— covered by a sixteen-page booklet Principals iri the large/cast were: Lewis B. Howland, chief, and Charles available on application., Katcha-Koo, a fakir, Stanley E. Bishop Paul Matthews, of tha Pro­ G. Hickman and Phineas Proctor, as­ “Chicken on the hoof” is going to With Miss Alice Benard to chaper­ be almost a staple article of diet at Brower; Solejah, widow of wizard, testant Episcopal Diocesc of New sistants. / ’ •' ■- one the girls and Coach Claude New­ Delores DeGarcia; Urbanah, high Jersey and who preached in the the seven Citizen’s Military Train­ SALVATION ARMY DRIVE berry in charge of the boys, the ing Cnirtps, including' Camp Vail a t priestess; Alice Potts; Dick Hortoni ■ Ocean Grove Auditorium last sum­ TOWNSHIP TO IMPROVE FOR HOME SERVICE IS ON Seniors of the Neptune (Ocean Grove) collector of adventures, Kays Morgan; . mer, declares that the person^ who Little Silver, which will open in the high school paid a sight-seeing visit CORLIES AVENUE ROAD Harry Bradstonc, collector of an­ buys liquor is as guilty as a ' boot­ Second Corps Area, August 2. This of four days to Washington, D. G., tiques, Clarence Brown; Maharajah legger and is worthy-of excommun- was indicated when the other day of­ Starting Monday, the Salvation leaving here on Monday. The trip j ication from his church. He made this ficers who will be in charge of the Army home service drive is now on in of Hunga, Merrill Thompson; Boody- -. An ordinance for the permanent was made under the personal direc­ pah, slave, Edward Gallagher; Le- ‘ j statement at a church gathering in messes at the camps were .authorized, local territory, and the chances are tion of Ira E. Whyte, district passen­ ' f\ improvement 'of Corlies avenue, West the full quota will be raised,, and Belle Elysee, French wife of Mahara- ' . ,i Camden the other day. The bishop, Grove, for, which the State Highway! to purchase enough' chickens to take' ger agent of the Central railroad. jab, Elsie Henderson; Patsey Kildare, ’ in part, said: Department bears a proportionate care of the lusty appetites of the then some. The advisory, board in On this trip the class was repre­ “I feel that I. should not pass on young men who will attend them. ", charge of the drive consists of Wil­ Irish wife, Mary. Reid; Brazillitata, ..<3 share of the cost( was passed on first liam K. Deyereux, William J. Couse, sented by the Misses Doris Gravatt, Brazilian wife, Jane Mora; ChinrChin ’' I -ft without touching upon the subject of and second readings Monday night The mess arrangements have- been Carolyn Keast,' Grade Purchase, prohibition. If the Christian senti­ J. Lyle Kinmonth,William J. Reichley, Foo, Chinese wife, Ardath Potts; ; by the Neptune township committee. organized under the' direction of Dorothy VanDusen, Myrtle Apple­ Mrs.Mr?- ChattiePhflHin Gaddin,nnflilin "«1*rich American* —*— 1----- f 1 ment of the country does not stand, skilled dietitians of the army medical Jacob Z. Stiles and Captain Bou- itn rln tir fi— fil . '. It is promised that work on this im­ ter^e. ’ . gate, Ethelyri Goodyear, Lillian Hu- widow, Mrs. Ella Smith;. Dolly, ’ \ for law, we .face moral and spiritual provement, ■ one of considerable mag­ corps and are I designed scientifically litt, Viola and Lillian Rogers, Emma daughter, Mrs. Oscar Morgan; Pru- .■ disaster. The .attitude of some nitude to the peQpIe of that part of to tend to .build up weight on the stu­ Collections, in Nepturie township, Nary, Violet Penzotte, Maria Pol- ■ -v- *:*»■/ w , Christian men and women toward dents who attend the camps. including Ocean Grove, are being dence, another daughter, Mrs.___ Wii- the-township, will be started a s sooh made by Peter F. Dodd, Mrs. Jacob hemus, Hilda Clayton, Mildred Hutch­ bur Mitchell; solo dancer, Kitty Firi-‘v'?-<'!«:fei the Volstead act is negligent; it is as all the legal formalities have been Reports from list year's camp, inson, Helen and Marion Miller, Mary ley; Susquehanna Sue, Evelyn Kane. ;. even sympathetic. ' , complied with. A bond issue will care tabulated by the medical corps show Stiles, J. B. Sweet, A rthur' Seger Bennett, Esther Kittell, Ruby Rice, “Any one who buys liquor is as that the average youth who attended and Dr. G. L. D. Tompkins. The' These were abetted by a large com- . -.' for the township’s share of the 8ost. treasurer of the fund is William J. Helen Strudwick, Dorothy Ascher, pany of oriental ladies, priests and • < •. -V' guilty as the one who sells it. Both It is expected ,the road will be com­ the camp gained from ■ five to ten Ruth Boylan, Elizabeth Height, Ruth slaves, veil dancers, polo groupt v are bootleggers, Neither one has a pounds during his training. ■— Couse, of the Asbury Park Trust pleted before the heavy' traffic of Company, to whom checks • may be Pine, Helen McCall, Genevieve Flint, Yankee. Dixies,. English, Jackies, ' place in the church, and both are summer sets in. It is to be thirty- Major General Bullard, com­ and John Muller, Edward Rice, Jack French girls, Italian Dangers, Bel- worthy of excommunication. three feet in width, v, i manding the Second Corps Area. uri- mailed should the solicitors miss any Youngs, Theodore Giles, Reginald n-i--: -« •- •« - r- *' ilo ■ K. Ij. persons who desire to help the cause. gians, Columbians and ■ juvenile ’. “Enthusiasm for Volstead is not der whose direction the camps will Hyde, Clyde Pearce, Harry Truax, Uncie Sam. necessary, nor is it disloyal to work be held this year, directed {hat the va­ Frank Wardell, Haydn Proctor, Ben­ for the repeal of the law, neither is it cation features of the camps be i.iade nie Sehlossbach, Bruce Shubert,"War­ criminal to make use of .a store of FORWARD MOVEMENT so attractive that young men who den Wilson, Cooper Schuyler, Horace wine on hand before the days of the will attend these camps will have MOTHERS’MEETING Brand, Jack Saunders, Herman ■ law ., _ pleasant time while in training. Schmachtenberger, Wherry Zingg, APPLEBY SECURES ifij “We are facing a- serious . social A.t tho Plattsburg camp for infan­ Andrew Stewart, Charles Bedell, H„ 5 ' i m.'-M1 m condition, especially so far as our FOR BIG ENDOWMENTtry and at'all other camps, near OF GROVE W. C. I. p. John, Ferruggiaro, Lawrence Moore, ■ young people are concerned. The bodies of water arrangements have Joseph Rutherford, Abe Morris, Nor­ MODERN LIFEBOAT liquor is carried about by them in the .been made for swimming and boating.
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