1.1 Compare criminal behaviour and Year 12/Unit 2. Criminology deviance AC 1.1 Defining deviance Acts that are criminal Key Vocabulary 1 Behaviour that is Such as heroically risking your own 1 Summary Less serious e.g. speeding. Tried by 1 Norms Specific rules or socially accepted unusual and good life to save someone else. offences magistrates. standards that govern behaviour in particular situations. 2 Behaviour that is Such as talking to the trees in the 2 Indictable More serious e.g. rape/murder. Tried in unusual and park, or hoarding huge quantities of offences crown court with jury. More severe 2 Values General principles or guidelines for eccentric old newspapers. sentences. how we should live our lives. 3 Behaviour that is Such as physically attacking 3 Violence E.g. murder, manslaughter, assault 3 Moral A set of basic rules, values and unusual and bad or someone for no reason. against the codes prinicples, held by an individual, group, disapproved of person organisation or society as a whole. 4 Sexual E.g. rape, sex trafficking, grooming. 4 Formal Punishments for breaking formal offences Defining Criminal behaviour sanction written rules or laws. Imposed by Offences official bodies e.g. courts, schools etc. Legal Any action forbidden by criminal law – 5 E.g. burglary, theft, robbery. 1 against definition 5 Informal Disapproval shown to a person for usually involves actus rea and mens rea property sanction breaking unwritten rules, such as telling 2 Social This includes consideration of differing 6 Fraud and E.g. frauds by company directors, benefit off or ignoring them. definition forgery cheating, tax evasion. views of what makes behaviour criminal, 6 Positive Rewards for behaviour society whether a law is actually enforced, and 7 Criminal E.g. arson, vandalism, graffiti sanction approves of e.g praise or medal. whether people think certain acts should damage have laws made against them or not. 7 Social Ways in which society seeks to control 8 Drug E.g. Supplying, trafficking, or possession control our behaviour and ensure we conform Formal sanctions against criminals offences of illegal substances. to its norms. Public 8 Actus reus Latin for ‘guilty act’ Custodial Court imposed imprisonment or detention in 9 E.g. rioting and violent disorder. 1 orders sentences a young offenders institution. offences 9 Mens rea Latin for ‘guilty mind’ 2 Community Court imposed work, fines, courses, probation 10 Fines Financial penalties dependent on sentences orders, restrictions, drug treatments and/or Norms, values and moral codes seriousness of offence and ability to testing. Served outside of jail. pay. Police Include cautions, conditional cautions and E.g. norm In the UK we tend to queue up in an orderly 3 1 11 Conditional An offender may avid prison if they sanctions penalty notices (fines) issued for minor fashion discharge offences – no court appearance. commit no offences in a given time 2 E.g. value Respect for human life is a value found in almost period 4 Other A criminal record, and depending on the all human societies possible crime: exclusion from certain jobs, possible 12 Absolute Defendant is guilty but court decides implications placement on ViSOR, travel restrictions, discharge punishment is not appropriate. of criminal restrictions on adoption, jury service, standing 3 E.g. moral The Police code of ethics convictions for elected office, or insurance cover code 13 ViSOR Violent and Sex Offenders Register Remember: Not all crimes are deviant, not all deviant acts are crimes, but some acts are both criminal and deviant! 1.2 Social construction of criminality: Year 12/Unit 2. Criminology Culture AC 1.2 Polygamy Homosexuality 1 What is Having more than one husband or wife 1 What is Sexual acts between members of the same Key Vocabulary it? at the same time. Includes polygyny, it? sex. polyandry and bigamy 2 Where is 75 countries outlaw male homosexuality. 45 it a crime? 1 Polygyny When a man has more 2 Where is Most countries. outlaw lesbian activity. Some countries ban it a crime? promotion of homosexuality e.g. Russia. than one wife at a time. Where is 3 Where is UK, Europe, North and South America. 2 Polyandry When a woman has more 3 Mostly only in certain Muslim countries it legal? it legal? e.g. India, Malaysia, the Philippines, than one husband at a time. Singapore, Sri Lanka. 4 Reason: Many religions condemn homosexuality. Religion 3 Bigamy An offence in the UK – 4 Reason: The Qu’ran permits Muslim men to take being married to more than Religion 5 Reason: Some countries have high levels of support up to 4 wives. Public for a ban on homosexuality. one person at the same opinion time. Punishable by up to 7 Reason: Polygamy has traditionally been 5 years in prison/fine/both. Tradition practiced in some African societies. 6 Reason: Male homosexuality being outlawed in more Sexism countries may reflect sexist attitudes about women not being able to be attracted to 4 Lesbian A female who has sex with members of the same sex. another female. Cannabis 5 Decriminalis When the laws are relaxed What is 1 Laws vary widely – in general possession is Adultery ation so that punishments for a it? treated more leniently than particular act are much less growing/supplying 1 What is A sexual act between two people, one it? severe. 2 Where is UK – an many other European countries or both of whom are married to it a crime? someone else. 6 Legalisation When a law is passed to 3 Where is Legalised for medical use in Canada/some 2 Where is Many Muslim countries, some Christian make a particular act no it legal? U.S. states. Decriminalised in Portugal. it a crime? African countries, 21 U.S. states. longer a crime. 4 Reason: Societies with greater emphasis on personal Where is Most countries, including the UK and 7 Gateway A drug such as cannabis Different freedoms more likely to not see it as a 3 it legal? India. drug norms criminal act. which may lead users to try and values stringer drugs in future. 4 Reason: Many religions condemn adultery – this Reason: Religion 5 Some governments see decriminalisation or can influence law-making. 8 Social Something that has been Different legalisation as taking drugs out of the hands ideas of criminals, others see cannabis as a 5 Reason: Many countries where women occupy a construction made or defined by society about how gateway drug and seek to control its use. Women’s subordinate position have unequal laws rather than occurring to control position drug use which forbid adultery. naturally. Remember: Crime and deviance are socially constructed – they vary by culture, time, and circumstances! Year 12/Unit 2. Criminology 1.2 Social construction of criminality: Time AC 1.2 Homosexuality Physical Punishment Key Vocabulary 1 Changes Made a crime in 1885 – legalised at 21 in 1 Changes Death penalty offences reduced until it Capital Execution by hanging over time over time 1 1967 in England and Wales, 18 in 1994, remained for just murder and treason, punishment 16 in 2000 Capital punishment abolished in 1965, corporal punishment abolished in 1967 2 Corporal Included flogging, birching, 2 Reason: Recommended that private acts over 21 punishment branding and being put in the Wolfend- be legalised in 1957 Reason: Capital punishment is a breach of the stocks en Report 2 Human right to life. rights 3 Reason: Successful campaigns by Homosexual Laws Relating to Children Campaig- Law Reform Society, Stonewall, and 3 Reason: If a person is wrongly found guilty and ns miscarria- Campaign for Homosexual Equality executed, nothing can be done to Changes ges of 1 Children today are seen as innocent correct it over time and needing protection but they used 4 Reason: Roy Jenkins, Home Secretary, and justice Politicians to be treated the same as adults in others supported campaigns for change Reason: 4 Most murders are committed in the work and by the law. not a heat of the moment without thought of Reason: Belief that the state has no right to deterrent 5 Children In 19th C young children worked – a Human control citizen’s private lives. possible punishment. 2 Rights and work series of Factory Acts gradually Reason: 5 Norbert Elias argues society has excluded them from the workplace decline in undergone a civilising process in the last violence? Drug Laws 500 years – physical punishment has 3 Compul- Introduced in 1880 ensured basic been replaced by self-control sory education and kept children out of the Schooling 1 Changes From 2001 possession became a civil workplace over time: offence if quantity less than 10 day Portugal personal supply Gun Control Laws 4 Child E.g. 2004 Children Act made child’s protecti- welfare fundamental principle on and Reason: In 1975 changed from dictatorship to Changes 2 1 Following Hungerford shooting in 1987 welfare underpinning the work of social Revoluti- democracy – increased openness led to over time on and Dunblane in 1996 laws governing services influx of drugs access to firearms were tightened. All Childre- Parent now have responsibilities handguns are now banned in UK 5 3 Reason: State sees drug use as a public health n’s rights rather than rights – UN convention Public issue and focuses on harm reduction Reason: Health 2 Set up by lawyers, academics, and on the child lays down basic rights for GCN parents of victims to campaign or children. Campaign 4 Reason: Sudden and rapid growth in the tighter gun control laws Scale of problem since 1975 – 1/100 of 6 Laws and Such as minimum ages for a wide the Reason: Started by bereaved Dunblane parents policies range of activities from sex to problem population addicted by 1990’s.
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