Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 35, Number 2 (2010) 137 SUBJECT INDEX, 1-35 Volume numbers are given in italics (only the first number for double issues, such as 13/14). Unitalicized page num- bers follow volume numbers. Authors of reviewed books and the main subjects of those books are now included in the subject index. 33, 36, 37; 25, 56; 34, 109-110, 112-113 Alunite 25, 47 A Agricultural Hall 3, 18, 19 Alusuisse 17, 19 Aachen, Tech. Univ. 4, 4 Ahriman 25, 111, 112 Alving, A. 31, 77-78 Abbot, H. 9, 18 Ahura Mazda 25, 111, 112 Alyea, H. N. 10, 3, 8, 14 Abbot-Michael, H. 8, 15 Aime, G. 34, 84 Amalgamation 23, 13, 14, 16, 17 Abbott, B. 11, 29, 56 Air, nature and properties, 3, 21; 34, Ambix 32, 2-3, 7, 74, 83-85 Abbri, F. 12, 42; 20, 71-72; 33, 47 151-152 Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 26, 94-99, 101, 116 Abderhalden, E. 17, 3, 4, 6; 24, 45; 32, 109 Air Products and Chemicals Co. 8, 27 ; 27, 124 Abegg, R. 13, 48; 34, 74 Albany Academy 12, 26 Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 6, 15, 16, 18-20, 25; Abel, F. 24, 3-9, 11 Albemarle Furnace Co. 9, 21 8, 17; 20, 33; 31, 23; 33, 95-98 Abraham, H. 27, 94, 95 Albert, Prince 11, 30, 66 Am. Assoc. Adv. Women 8, 17 Academie Française 5, 12 Alberts, B. M. 33, 40 Am. Assoc. Clinical Chemists 24, 44 Acad. Sci., French 5, 12-17, 20, 28, 34; 27, Albertus Magnus 13, 48; 25, 52; 31, 45; Am. Chem. J. 6, 17, 19; 13, 41-45; 31, 62; 26,84, 85, 87-89, 94, 104, 105, 107 34, 107 24-26 Acad. Sci. USSR 27, 22 Albright & Wilson 19, 7 Am. Chem. Soc. 3, 16, 17; 6, 16, 18; 20, Accum, F. 10, 9, 27, 28; 11, 69; 29, 3; 32, 70 Albumin 17, 2 33-39; 26, 92-101; 27, 46, 51, 52, 131, Acetamide, Kekulé’s structure 12, 12 Alchemy 13, 19-26; 24, 72-74; 25, 50-60; 133; 31, 1, 7-8 Acetylene 32, 27-34 26, 73-75, 75-78; 26, 140-141; 28, 65-75, Am. Chem. Soc. NY 6, 15, 17-20; 31, Achard, F. 4, 12 127-128; 29, 68, 52-55, 110-112; 30, 55- 19, 23-26 Acide nitreux 3, 8 56; 31, 5-6, 33-34, 57-65; 32, 143-144; The American Chemist 12, 32; 26, 94 Acidity function 19, 38 33, 112-113, 122-123; 35, 129-130 American Cyanamid 31, 39-40 Acidosis 24, 46 Alcoa 17, 19 American Ferment Co. 25, 25 Acids, Lavoisier theory of 5, 6, 7, 42-47 Alcohol 33, 29, 31-33 American Home Products 25, 25 Ackerknecht, E. 26, 7 Alder, M. 35, 84 Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. 27, 130, 131 Acree, S. F. 19, 50, 53 Alderotti, T. 33, 32 Am. J. Pharm. 28, 11-13, 16 Actinon 28, 79 Alembic 24, 54 Am. J. Sci. 15, 9, 12; 31, 23-24 Activity 26, 121 Alexander II, Tsar 30, 122, 124 Am. J. Sci. Arts 2, 7; 12, 36, 37; 15, 9; Activity coefficient26 , 121, 122 Alexander III, Tsar 30, 122-123 26, 95 Acton, H. 29, 6 Alexander the Great 25, 112 Am. Legion 27, 131 Acylous 19, 37, 40 Alexander, J. S. 32, 60 Am. Medical Assoc. 31, 66-69 Adam, N. K. 15, 2; 34, 16 Alien Property Custodian 25, 2 Am. Pharm. Assoc. 28, 12-16 Adams, C. B. 20, 25 Alizarin 9, 8-9; 32, 11; 35, 54 Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists 24, 44 Adams, J. 30, 91-102 Alkali trade 27, 107-113 Am. Univ. 28, 22-23; Res. Station 27, 128 Adams, R. 4, 31; 6, 22; 13, 42; 26, 37; 28, Alkaloids 28, 2-4, 10-13 Americium 33, 89-93 87-89; 29, 38, 47-50; 30, 13; 33, 105 al-Kamily, M. 34, 108 Amherst College 4, 6 Adams, W. G. 21, 2 Allard, G. 33, 38 Amine oxides 20, 11, 12 Adamson, G. P. 30, 46 Allen, J. F. 32, 12 Amino acids 17, 1-7 Addinall, C. 25, 4 Allen, M. J. 30, 20 Ammonia, determination 20, 21, 22 Addison, J. 10, 25 Allergan 25, 20 Ammonium chloride 26, 62 Adirondack Iron Works 17, 47-49, 54 Alles, G. A. 25, 17 Ampère, A.-M. 11, 56 Adkins, H. 25, 4, 7; 26, 7, 8 Allison, F. 35, 87-88 Amygdalin 27, 29, 30 Admiralty, 11, 37, 38 Allmand, A. J. 34, 16 Amyl nitrite 21, 4 Adolph, W. H. 35, 67-68 “allotropic silver” 28, 26-27, 29-31, 33 Amyott, T. 11, 19 Adrenalin (epinephrine) 25, 31 Allotropism 6, 30, 31; 27, 63, 66, 67 Anaconda Copper Mining Co. 20, 63-67 Aeriform fluids 23, 3 Aloe 10, 25 Anatomia veneris 25, 56 L’Affaire Curie 20, 33-39 Alpha Chi Sigma 24, 21 Anaxagoras 5, 18, 44 “Affinities” 23, 42-44 Alpha helix 25, 78 Anchimeric acceleration 19, 35, 40, 44 Affinity, chemical 24, 64; 31, 45-53; 35, Alpha particle 11, 96 Anderson, A. 25, 17 7-16 Alsberg, C. 28, 5 Anderson, C. 11, 38, 66 Affinity, elective24 , 63; 31, 45, 47-50 Alsberg, M. 26, 99 Anderson, R. 4, 26 Affinity units 12, 11, 12; 15, 52, 53 Altempohl, D. 17, 19 Andrade, E. N. da C. 34, 16 Aftalion, F. 12, 39 Alum 3, 5, 7 Andréoli, E. 27, 94, 95 Afzelius, B. B. 34, 101 Alumina process, Bayer 17, 15-19 Andrews, D. H. 33, 94 Afzelius, J. 26, 38 Alumina process, LeChatelier 17, 15-17 Andrews, T. 26, 42, 45-48; 27, 82, 83, 85, Agassi, J. 11, 16, 66 Aluminum 26, 127 90, 95; 29, 99; 32, 45; 34, 3 Agassiz, L 26, 113 Aluminum, production 20, 24; 27, 48, 49 Anecdotes, use of 7, 26-32 Agfa 9, 9; 23, 37 Aluminum chloride 21, 13-17 Anethole 27, 93 Agricola, G. 8, 5; 12, 3-9; 7, 41, 42; 24, 138 Bull. Hist. Chem., VOLUME 35, Number 2 (2010) Angenheister, G. 35, 102 29, 92; 32, 110, 126; 33, 12-16; 34, 3-5, 49; 27, 88; 34, 41 Anger, V. 17, 31 71-72; 35, 99 Babo generator 8, 34, 35 Ångström, A. J. 35, 98-99, 102, 106 Arriaga, R. 33, 112 Bacchi, C. J. 33, 101 Aniline 27, 26, 31, 33-34 Arsenal 5, 16, 17, 31, 33 Bacci, M. G. 33, 41 Aniline black 9, 8 Arsenic 33, 17-24 Bache, F. 5, 45; 15, 27, 28 Aniline dyes 23, 34, 36; 32, 35-44; 32, 11 Arsenic poisoning 20, 64, 65; 31, 40-41 Bacon, C. W. 9, 17 Aniline yellow 9, 9 Art 28, 121, 127-128; 35, 56-57 Bacon, F. 5, 19; 13, 36; 20, 5; 28, 65-75; Animal electricity 25, 84 Artifacts, chemical 1, 8, 9; 2, 19-21 29, 4; 29, 71; 30, 61; 34, 107 Anionoid 19, 35, 37, 39, 40 d’Artois, Count 26, 62 Bacon, J. 12, 37 Anionotropy 19, 37 Ashdown, A. A. 24, 21; 26, 37 Bader, R. F. W. 6, 10; 35, 56-57 Anisaldehyde 27, 93 Asmussen, E. 33, 85 Baekeland 32, 40 Annals of Science 2, 13 Asphaltum process 26, 105 von Baeyer, A. 7, 20, 21, 23, 30; 9, 8, 16; Anquetil du Perron 25, 111 Aspirin 25, 23, 24, 26 12, 11; 13, 35; 17, 3; 26, 119; 30, 11; 31, Anschütz, R. 22, 21-26 Assaying, Am. Iron 17, 41-55 22, 25; 32, 38-40; 33, 8, 11 Antabuse 33, 82-88 Assoc. Med. Surgeons 27, 131 Bagley, E. B. 33, 108 Antidolor Co. 25, 24 Assoc. Off. Agr. Chemists 6, 15, 16; 21, 55 Bailey, E. H. S. 6, 16; 25, 43-47 Antimony, regulus of 1, 3; 2, 23 Astatine 35, 87, 91-94 Bailey, J. R. 21, 12; 29, 33, 36 Antiphlogistic theory 4, 8-10; 5, 4, 5, 18, Astbury, W. T. 7, 8; 34, 17 Bailey, P. S. 33, 69-70 37, 39-41, 44; 8, 5; 23, 3 Aston, E. 28, 116 Baird, E. T. 30, 42 Antisemitism 25, 119 Athenaeum 11, 37 Baizer, M. M. 30, 20 Antoine, E. 32, 60 Atkins, H. 34, 24 Baker, H. B. 34, 15 Antonoff, G. N. 4, 17 Atkinson, E. R. 24, 20 Baker, J. T. 30, 45-46 Antozone 26, 48, 49; 27, 96; 34, 39-49 Atmizone 26, 49 Bakewell, W. Mr. & Mrs. 30, 86-87 Antsey, P. R. 28, 57-58 Atomic Energy Commission 6, 21 Balance, chainomatic 8, 12-14 Apothecary 28, 9-12 Atomism, 11, 33; 15, 45; 26, 84, 89; 28, Balance, Watkins and Hill 8, 23 Apparatus, Lavoisier’s 5, 31-34 70-71 Balances 20, 48, 49 Arabinose 23, 22 Atoxyl 23, 28-32 Balancing chemical equations 9, 33 Arago, D. F. J. 11, 33, 52; 13, 36; 26, 41, Atropine 23, 22; 28, 3-4 Balard, A. J. 20, 18; 26, 84-86, 89 86, 87; 27, 69 Atwater, W. O. 3, 20; 21, 51-53 Balfour, A. 25, 119 Arago’s effect 11, 52 Atwood, L. 24, 57 Balke, C. W. 31, 14-15 Arbuthnot, J. 29, 72 Atwood, T. 28, 10 Ball, P. 29, 117-119; 31, 41-42 Arbuzov, A. E. 7, 26; 17, 22, 26, 27; 27, 40 Atwood’s machine 8, 23, 25 Ballistite 24, 10 Arbuzov, B. A. 7, 25-26 Atyaksheva, L. F. 33, 68 Balloon, hot-air 10, 37, 38 d’Arcet, J.
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