June 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E809 HONORING THE TYLER JUNIOR has ensured safer, more efficient travel for all Security Administration. In 1966, Congress COLLEGE APACHES, 2017 NJCAA Americans; and he is worthy of every recogni- created the National Traffic Safety Bureau— DIVISION I WOMEN’S TENNIS tion he has received. now the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- CHAMPIONS Barry is retiring as the Regional Adminis- ministration (NHTSA). Joan joined the new trator of the Great Lakes Region in Region agency early on, helping to set the foundation HON. LOUIE GOHMERT and Property Operations in Des Plaines, Illi- for auto safety policy in this country. She left OF TEXAS nois. He began his career in federal service in NHTSA to work at U.S. Public Interest Re- 1976, working for 12 years as a civil engineer. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES search Group and Public Citizen before return- Barry then became an Associate Program ing in 1977 to serve as NHTSA Administrator Monday, June 12, 2017 Manager in 1988 of Airway Facilities, now under President Jimmy Carter. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it is with enor- Technical Operations. He continued to move Joan’s post-government career is equally mous pride that I recognize and congratulate up in the FAA; and with each position he took distinguished. For 27 years, she served as the Tyler Junior College Apaches Women’s on, the word ‘‘manager’’ was a recurrence in President of Public Citizen, a leading advo- Tennis Team on winning the 2017 NJCAA Di- his title. This is indicative of Barry’s incredible cacy organization for health, safety, account- vision I Women’s Tennis Championship. leadership skills, showing a clear trust from his ability, and fairness. As ranking member of the This is the 18th national championship in peers to grant Barry greater responsibility. subcommittee with jurisdiction over auto safe- the women’s tennis program’s outstanding his- Barry spearheaded the establishment of the ty, I have worked with Joan many times over tory and the 55th national title for Tyler Junior Chicago Area Modernization Program Office in the years on issues from requiring rear back- College. 2003. Nearly 15 years later, the office is still up cameras to stopping the sale of cars under The TJC Apaches won their 2017 cham- active. He created a team of people, each with recall. She testifies frequently before my sub- pionship in a hard-fought victory against ASA diverse goals, and united them to build a coa- committee, and I always value her insight. Miami (FL), winning with 46 points to ASA Mi- lition with the City of Chicago as operator of Even after she retired as President of Public ami’s 44, at the Reffkin Tennis Center in Tuc- O’Hare International Airport. Through this of- Citizen, Joan remains a strong advocate for son, Arizona. The Apache’s victory capped off fice, Barry facilitated a process in which the consumers. She continues to serve on the an undefeated 21–0 regular season. City of Chicago, through a reimbursement Public Citizen board and as Co-Chair of Advo- Aside from winning the overall tournament, process, paid salaries for the extra employees cates for Highway and Auto Safety. When a several team members excelled individually as needed to meet a shortened deadline for the pressing auto safety issue arises, I know it is well. Three TJC freshmen, Jasmine Asghar, Environmental Impact Statement. only a matter of time before I hear from Joan. Kalani Soli, and Yuna Ito each earned a sin- It has been a pleasure to work with Barry People owe their lives to Joan Claybrook’s gles title. Ms. Soli and Montana Moore also for the last 10 plus years. My office and I have public service and advocacy. That is why her brought home a doubles championship, win- worked closely with the FAA on many issues extraordinary work has been recognized by ning 6–2; 6–2 in straight sets. regarding O’Hare Airport, mainly as it relates prominent institutions, including the American Congratulations should also be extended to to the O’Hare Modernization Program. Barry Academy of Pediatrics, Consumer Federation team members Mekeila Erspamer, Oceane was our ‘‘go to’’ expert with any questions we of America, and Georgetown Law Center. As Garibal, Elena Tendero, and Michelle Walker had and he was always responsive and easy Joan celebrates her 80th birthday, I want to for their significant roles in bringing the entire to reach. Even if he was travelling, he would celebrate her enormous contribution to con- team to victory. call me or my staff back as soon as he land- sumer safety. Every American goes through This recognition of their accomplishment is ed. Over the years, my office has requested the day a little safer because of Joan. extended to all of the athletic staff including several meetings or briefings on different mat- Head Coach John-Paul Connell, Assistant ters and it was very easy to set up a meeting f Coaches Kimm Ketelson and Brent with Barry or his staff. Krivokapich. We must also extend accolades Barry also had a way of taking complex SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS to TJC President Dr. L. Michael Metke, Assist- technical matters and making them easy to ant VP/Athletics and Student Life Dr. Tim understand. I recall attending the FAA work- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Drain, Assistant Athletic Director Kelsi Weeks, shops at William Howard Taft High School in agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Associate Athletic Director Chuck Smith, and 2015 regarding the 2015 Re-Evaluation of the 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Administrative Assistant Sherry Harwood. O’Hare Modernization Environmental Impact tem for a computerized schedule of all The faculty, staff, and friends of Tyler Junior Statement. Barry walked around the audito- meetings and hearings of Senate com- College and the entire community of Tyler rium with me explaining the different poster mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- have devoted countless hours to support and boards displayed around the room. Barry’s tees, and committees of conference. encourage these outstanding young athletes in knowledge was so vast and he was always so This title requires all such committees the pursuit of their dreams. kind, with that infectious smile on his face. I to notify the Office of the Senate Daily It is my most esteemed honor to acknowl- will miss working with him. Digest—designated by the Rules Com- edge everyone involved with this endeavor. Please join me in recognizing all the con- mittee—of the time, place and purpose May God continue to bless these students, tributions Barry Cooper has made over the of the meetings, when scheduled and their families and friends, and all those individ- last 41 years. I extend my best wishes to any cancellations or changes in the uals who call Tyler, Texas their home. Barry as he enters this new stage in life and meetings as they occur. Congratulations to the 2017 NJCAA Division makes many more wonderful memories with As an additional procedure along I Women’s Tennis Champions, the Tyler Jun- his wife, children, and grandchildren. with the computerization of this infor- ior College Apaches, as their championship f mation, the Office of the Senate Daily legacy is now recorded in the CONGRESSIONAL Digest will prepare this information for RECORD that will endure as long as there is a CELEBRATING THE 80TH BIRTH- printing in the Extensions of Remarks United States of America. DAY OF FORMER NHTSA ADMIN- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ISTRATOR AND CONSUMER AD- f on Monday and Wednesday of each VOCATE JOAN B. CLAYBROOK week. CELEBRATING BARRY COOPER ON Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIRE- HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY June 13, 2017 may be found in the Daily MENT OF ILLINOIS Digest of today’s RECORD. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY MEETINGS SCHEDULED Monday, June 12, 2017 JUNE 14 OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to celebrate the 80th birthday of an out- 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 12, 2017 Commission on Security and Cooperation standing consumer advocate and dear friend, in Europe Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Joan B. Claybrook. To hold hearings to examine the Roma- today to recognize Barry Cooper, who has Joan has championed consumer safety both nian anti-corruption process, focusing dedicated 41 years to federal service. His inside and outside of government. She started on successes and excesses. work in the Federal Aviation Administration her public service as an analyst at the Social SVC–212–210 VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:25 Jun 13, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JN8.014 E12JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with REMARKS.
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