Songs for services that include science This is by no means a comprehensive or up to date list, but a collection taken from a variety of sources that may be useful as a jumping-off point for thinking about science and sung worship. From the Test of FAITH resources (2009/2010) Hymns ‘All Creatures of our God and King’, Francis of Assisi, tune by Peter von Brachel (All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing) Mission Praise 7, Hymns for Today’s Church 13. ‘From thee all skill and science flow’, Charles Kingsley (From thee all skill and science flow, all pity, care, and love) Hymns for Today’s Church 310. Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised 479. ‘God in his love for us lent us this planet’, F Pratt Green (God in his love for us lent us this planet, Gave it a purpose in time and space) Hymns and Psalms 343 ‘God who spoke in the beginning’, Fred Kaan (God who spoke in the beginning, Forming rock and shaping space) Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised 135. ‘God who stretched the spangled heavens’, Catherine Cameron (God who stretched the spangled heavens, infinite in time and place) New Century Hymnal 556. ‘Great Is Thy Faithfulness’, Thomas O. Chisholm (Great Is Thy Faithfulness, O God My Father) Hymns and Psalms 66, Hymns for Today’s Church 260. ‘How Great Thou Art’, Carl Gustav Boberg (O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the works Thy hands have made) Mission Praise 506, Hymns Old and New 380. ‘I sing the almighty power of God’, Isaac Watts (I sing the almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise) Mission Praise 293, Hymns and Psalms 334. ‘Jesus is Lord!’, David J Mansell (Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it) Mission Praise 367, Hymns for Today’s Church 17. ‘O Lord of every shining constellation’, A F Bayly (O Lord of every shining constellation, That wheels in splendour through the midnight sky) Hymns for Today’s Church 314, Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised 78. ‘The spacious firmament on high’, Joseph Addison (The spacious firmament on high, with all the blue ethereal sky) Hymns and Psalms 339, Hymns Ancient and Modern Revised 170. Songs ‘Almighty God’, Tim Hughes (The rising sun that fills the sky, The starry host that lights the night) Holding Nothing Back album, Survivor Records 2007. Songs of Fellowship 4, 2064. ‘Awesome God (your voice)’, Vicky Beeching (Your voice is the voice that commanded the universe to be. Your voice is the voice that is speaking words of love to me.) The Journey album, Sparrow Records 2005. Songs of Fellowship 3, 1680. ‘Beauty for brokenness’, Graham Kendrick (Beauty for brokenness, Hope for despair) Complete Mission Praise 806. ‘Everything that has breath’, Matt Redman (Let everything that, everything that, Everything that has breath praise the Lord) Blessed be Your Name album, Survivor Records 2005. Songs of Fellowship 2, 880. ‘God of wonders’, Marc Byrd and Steve Hindalong (Lord of all creation, of water, earth and sky) Spring Harvest 07/08, 53. ‘Great in power’, Russell Fragar (Praise him, you heavens and all that’s above.) Songs of Fellowship 3, 1501. ‘How Great is our God’, Chris Tomlin (The splendour of the King, Clothed in majesty) Arriving album, Sparrow 2004. Songs of Fellowship 4, 2065. ‘Indescribable’, Laura Story (From the highest of heights, to the depths of the sea, Creation’s revealing Your majesty) Great God Who Saves album, 2008. Songs of Fellowship 4,1775. ‘My Jesus, my Saviour’, Darlene Zschech (My Jesus, my Saviour, Lord there is none like you) Songs of Fellowship 2, 935. ‘Who paints the skies (river of fire)’, Stuart Townend (Who paints the skies into glorious day? Only the splendour of Jesus) The best of Stuart Townend album, Kingsway Music 2007. Songs of Fellowship 2, 1118. ‘Wonderful Maker’, Chris Tomlin (You spread out the skies over empty space, Said ‘let there be light’) Not to Us album, Sparrow 2002. Songs of Fellowship 3, 534. ‘You’re the word of God the Father (across the lands)’, Stuart Townend (You’re the word of God the Father, From before the world began) Lord of Every Heart album, Kingsway Music 2002. Songs of Fellowship 3, 1669. Children’s songs ‘God is great’, Martin W Sampson [This isn’t specifically a children’s song, but it would work well] (All creation cries to You, Worshipping in Spirit and in truth) You Are My World album, Hillsong publishing 2001. Songs of Fellowship 3, 1155. ‘God’s love is big’, Simon Parry (God who made the universe, The earth, the sun, the moon and stars) Great Big God album, Vineyard Music 2005. ‘He made the stars to shine’, Archie Hall (He made the stars to shine. He made the rolling sea) Junior Praise 76. ‘My God is so big’, traditional (My God is so big, so strong and so mighty) Additional words at www.stickykids.co.uk/lyric/199-My_God_is_So_Big.aspx ‘Our God is a great big God’, Nigel and Jo Hemming (Our God is a great big God, Our God is a great big God) Great Big God album 4, Vineyard Records 2009. ‘Praise the Lord’, Lincoln Brewster [This isn’t specifically a children’s song, but it would work well] (Praise the Lord from the Heavens, Praise Him in the skies) Amazed album, Integrity Incorporated 2002. ‘Who’s the king of the jungle?’, arrangement by Andy Silver (Who’s The King Of The Jungle? Who’s the king of the sea?) Junior Praise 289. Ideas for toddlers: www.dltk-bible.com/poems-creation.htm Stars and planets sing your glory, Trevor Thorn https://www.jubilate.co.uk/songs/stars_and_planets_sing_your_glory More hymns and songs by Trevor Thorn at http://crossandcosmos.blogspot.com From From the Dust: Conversations in Creation, discussion guide by David Vosburg Songs: “God of Wonders”, “How Great Is Our God”, “We Bow Down”, “Youʼre Beautiful”, “Cannons”, “Starry Night”, or “Your Beloved”. Hymns: “How Great Thou Art”, “For the Beauty of the Earth”, “Morning Has Broken”, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, “Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty”, “We Sing the Greatness of our God”, “All Creatures of Our God and King”, “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”, or “Let All Things Now Living”. From the Eco-congregation resource Celebrating Creation: Ideas and Resources for Worship Nine new environmental hymns to familiar tunes available at www.christian-ecology.org.uk/hymns.htm ■ Creator God, abundant life your mark (t. Sine Nomine) ■ Creator God, your children’s voices rise (t. Sine Nomine) ■ For the beauty of the earth we give to God our praise (t. As the deer pants) ■ Good gifts for all (t. We plough the fi elds) ■ Lord of all languages, whose mighty Word (t. Slane) ■ The earth is crying out for love (t. Waly Waly) ■ The earth is the Lord’s unite in awesome praise (t. Lord of the dance) ■ The glory of creation, throughout the universe (t. Ewing) ■ What the Lord creates (for children; t. Twinkle twinkle little star) and older hymns ‘Jan Struther’ (Joyce Maxtone Graham 1901 – 1953) wrote many beautiful hymns with a strong ecological theme, especially some of her less well-known ones. They are available at http://tinyurl.com/janstruther ■ High o’er the lonely hills black turns to grey (Advent) ■ Round the earth a message runs (Easter) ■ Sing, all ye Christian people! (Easter) ■ When Stephen full of power and grace (St Stephen, 26 December) ■ When Mary brought her treasure (The Presentation, 2 February) Unto Mary, demon-haunted (St Mary Magdalene, 22 July) ■ O saint of summer, what can we sing for you (St Bartholemew, 24 August) ■ God, whose eternal mind (Marriage) ■ Daisies are our silver (For children) ■ When a knight won his spurs in the stories of old (For children) ■ Lord of all hopefulness ■ We thank you, Lord of heaven The Eco-congregation hymn & song board CH3 Church Hymnary, third edition CH4 Church Hymnary, fourth edition HAP Hymns and Psalms, Methodist Publishing House 1983 MP Mission Praise NEH New English Hymnal All you works of God CH4.151 Almighty Father of all things that be CH4.497 Behold the great Creator makes (Christmas) NEH.23, CH4.308 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (Epiphany) NEH.49, CH4.327, HAP.123 By the rutted roads we follow CH3.619 Christ, of God unseen the image CH4.453 Christ is coming! Let creation from her groans and travail cease CH4.475 Come light, light of God (short chant) CH4.784 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest NEH.279 Creator of the earth and sky (evening) NEH.152 Creator of the stars of night (Advent) NEH.1, CH4.288 Disposer supreme, and judge of the earth NEH.216 Earth, earth awake; your praises sing (Easter) CH4.420, HAP.379 Eternal Father strong to save NEH.354 CH4.260 Father Eternal, Ruler of creation (in environmental crisis) CH4.261 Father God in heaven, Lord most high www.jubilate.co.uk Fill your hearts with joy and gladness (Psalm 147) CH4.103 For the fruits of all creation CH4.231, HAP.342 Glory be to Jesus (Passiontide/ atonement) NEH.83 Glory to God above! (Psalm 105) CH4.105 God in such love for us lent us this planet CH4.240 God is love: let heaven adore him (hope for creation) NEH.364, CH4.123, HAP.036 God is our refuge and our strength (Psalm 46) CH4.3 God moves in a mysterious way NEH.365, CH4.158 God of day and God of darkness CH4.217 God of great and God of small CH4.174 God the Lord, the king almighty (Psalm 50) CH4.39 God who created this garden of earth www.ccli.co.uk God who made the earth, declared it good in the beginning CH4.228 God, whose farm is all creation CH4.226 God’s will for creation is Jesus’ to do CH4.136 Great God of every shining constellation CH4.246 Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father CH4.153, HAP.66 Have you heard the raindrops? CH4.525 He’s got the whole wide world HAP.25 How excellent
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