How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method 12/17/17, 629 PM Contribute Edit page (/edit-article/) New article (/new-article/) Home (/) Programs (/rubiks-cube-programs/) Puzzles (/twisty-puzzles/) Ruwix (/online-puzzle-simulators/) Rubik's Cube Wiki (/) (/the-rubiks-cube/how-to-solve-the-rubiks-cube-beginners-method/) Home page (/) (/online-rubiks-cube-solver-program/) (/shop/) Programs (/rubiks-cube-programs/) Rubik's Cube (/the-rubiks-cube/) (https://www.facebook.com/online.rubiks.cube.solver) Twisty Puzzles (/twisty-puzzles/) (https://twitter.com/#!/RuwixCube) Puzzles (https://ruwix.com/twisty- (https://plus.google.com/s/ruwix#112275853610877028537) puzzles/) Home (https://ruwix.com/) » Puzzles Designers (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/designers/) (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/) » 4x4x4 Puzzle Modding Rubik's Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/twisty- puzzle-modding/) Siamese Twisty Puzzles (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/siamese-twisty-puzzles/) 4x4x4 Rubik's Electronic Cubes (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/electronic-rubiks-cube-puzzles- Cube - The touch-futuro-slide/) A scrambled Shape Mods (https://ruwix.com/twisty- Easiest Eastsheen puzzles/3x3x3-rubiks-cube-shape- 4x4x4 cube mods-variations/) Sticker Mods (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/rubiks-cube-sticker-mods-and- Solution picture-cubes-how-to-solve-orient- center-pieces-sudoku-shepherd-maze- The Rubik's Revenge is the 4x4 pochmann/) version of the Rubik's Cube Bandaged Cubes (https://ruwix.com/twisty- (/the-rubiks-cube/). This is also a puzzles/bandaged-cube-puzzles/) Hungarian invention, designed 1x1x1 Rubiks Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/1x1x1- by Sebestény Péter. This twisty rubiks-cube/) puzzle (/twisty-puzzles/) can be Void Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks-revenge/ Page 1 oF 17 How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method 12/17/17, 629 PM puzzles/void-cube/) used as a 2x2x2 (/twisty- 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/2x2x2- puzzles/2x2x2-rubiks-cube- rubiks-cube-pocket/) pocket/), not turning the outer Give the gift Edges Only Void Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/edges- layers or can be used as a 3x3x3 of fitness void-cube/) if we rotate only the outer 2x2xN Cuboid Puzzles 45 (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/2x2xn- layers. There are about 7.4×10 cuboid-puzzles/) possible permutations for this 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzle. puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks- revenge/) It has 24 edges, 24 centers and 8 Parity (https://ruwix.com/twisty- corner fields. It has similar core puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks- revenge/parity/) mechanism as a Rubik's Cube 5x5x5 Rubik's Cube (/the-rubiks-cube/how-take-apart- (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/5x5x5- rubiks-cube-professors-cube/) disassemble-the-rubiks-cube-and- NxNxN Big Cubes put-back-together/) but in this case (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/big- cubes-nxnxn-solution/) the 4 center pieces are held Cuboid (https://ruwix.com/twisty- together by a hidden center. To puzzles/cuboid/) take it apart pop out a center piece 1x3x3 Floppy Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/super- with a screwdriver.Reassembling floppy-cube/) can be hard unless you have four 2x3x3 Domino Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/2x3x3- spare hands. domino-cube/) accessory bands sold separately 3x3x4 Rubik's Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/3x3x4- Play with the Rubik's starting at 95 rubiks-cube/) $149 $12995 5x3x3 and 7x3x3 Revenge simulator (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/5x3x3- + Free shipping and-7x3x3-rubiks-cube-cube4you-c4y/) (/online-puzzle- Kilominx (https://ruwix.com/twisty- simulators/4x4x4- puzzles/kilominx/) Megaminx (https://ruwix.com/twisty- rubiks-revenge-cube- puzzles/megaminx-gigaminx-teraminx- petaminx/) simulator.php) Gear Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- (http://rubiks- puzzles/gear-cube-extreme-ultimate- how-to-solve-gearcube-solution/) cu.be/) Gear Shift Puzzle (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/gear- shift-puzzle/) Pyraminx (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/pyraminx-triangle-rubiks-cube/) Square-1 (https://ruwix.com/twisty- https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks-revenge/ Page 2 oF 17 How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method 12/17/17, 629 PM puzzles/square-1-back-to-square-one/) Skewb (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/skewb-pyraminx-mod-skewb- diamond/) Dino Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/dino-cube/) Helicopter Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- 2x2, 4x4 and 5x5 cube puzzles puzzles/helicopter-cube/) Mirror Cube Curvy Copter (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/curvy-copter/) Variations (/twisty- DaYan Gem (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/3x3x3- puzzles/dayan-gem-3-jumble-solution/) Starminx (https://ruwix.com/twisty- Just like the Rubik's Cube, the 4x4 rubiks-cube- puzzles/starminx-solution- shape-mods- dodecahedron-shaped/) has many shape mods (/twisty- Ivy Cube (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/3x3x3-rubiks-cube-shape- variations/mirror- puzzles/ivy-cube/) mods-variations/), built on the blocks-cube/) Hungarian Rings (https://ruwix.com/twisty- same inner mechanism. puzzles/hungarian-rings-sliding-puzzle/) Rubik's Clock (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/rubiks-clock-mechanical- puzzle-solution-machanism/) Rubik's UFO Solution (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/rubiks- Axis Cube – cube in solved ufo-solution/) position but it changes its shape Rubiks Cheese Like Ruwix (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/rubiks- as you scramble it. cheese/) (https://www.facebook.com/online.rubiks.cube.solver) Octahedron – the centers become Rubik's Magic (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/rubiks-magic-master-magic/) corners and the corners become rubiks snake twist centers. (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/rubiks- snake-twist/) Fisher Cube (/twisty- Sliding 15-Puzzle (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/sliding- puzzles/3x3x3-rubiks-cube- 15-puzzle/) shape-mods-variations/fisher- Smart Egg (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/smart-egg/) cube/) – the mother of shape Buy Puzzles Non-Twisty Puzzles mods. (/shop/) (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/non- twisty-puzzles-snake-cube-hanayama- Bandaged Cube (/twisty- babylon-tower-brain-racker/) puzzles/bandaged-cube- Jigsaw Puzzles (https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/jigsaw- puzzles/) – with some pieces puzzles/) attached together.2x2 (/twisty- Neo Cubes (https://ruwix.com/twisty- puzzles/neo-cubes-magnetic-balls- puzzles/2x2x2-rubiks-cube- puzzle/) pocket/) in a 2x2 by Meffert's. https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks-revenge/ Page 3 oF 17 How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method 12/17/17, 629 PM Rubik's Programs Windmill – with a slightly twisted (/rubiks-cube-programs/) core. Cube solver (/online-rubiks-cube-solver- program/) Mastermorphix – 4 colored Timer (/online-rubiks-stopwatch-timer/) pillowed shape shifter. Simulator (/online-puzzle-simulators/) 4 colored shape-shifter. We have Widget (/saved-rubiks-cube/edit.php) to mention the 4x4 Ghost and Rubik Scrambler (/puzzle-scramble-generator) Simulator Mirror cubes (/twisty- (/online-puzzle- puzzles/3x3x3-rubiks-cube-shape- Latest News (/rubiks-blog/) simulators/) mods-variations/mirror-blocks- 33x33x33 Rubik's Cube - World Record (https://ruwix.com/33x33x33-rubiks- cube/) too. cube/) Share this Rubik's Cube World Record: SeungBeom Cho 4.59 page (https://ruwix.com/seungbeom-cho- How to solve a 4x4 rubiks-cube-record-459/) Rubik's Cube World Record - Patrick The solution is more Ponce 4.69 (https://ruwix.com/rubiks- cube-world-record-patrick-ponce-4-69/) complicated than the classic (https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?(https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?(https://plus.google.com/share?(http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit? Rubik's Cube World Championships Rubik's Cube method (/the- u=https://ruwix.com/twisty-url=https://ruwix.com/twisty-url=https://ruwix.com/twisty-url=https://ruwix.com/twisty- 2017 Paris (https://ruwix.com/rubiks- cube-world-championships-2017-paris/) rubiks-cube/how-to-solve-the- puzzles/4x4x4-Cpuzzles/4x4x4-heckpuzzles/4x4x4-puzzles/4x4x4- Feliks Zemdegs world record average: rubiks-cube-beginners- rubiks-rubiks-out rubiks-rubiks- 5.97 seconds (https://ruwix.com/feliks- zemdegs-world-record-average-5-97- method/), but if you know how cube-GeekPrank.comcube-cube-cube- seconds/) to solve a 3x3x3 then you rubiks-(http://geekprank.com/)rubiks-rubiks-rubiks- Non-Cubers say the Darndest Things (https://ruwix.com/non-cubers-say- shouldn't have difficulties with revenge/)forrevenge/&text=Check%20this%2Bout:) therevenge/)revenge/) darndest-things/) this one either. We solve the 4x4 best Cube 3x3 Competition - Write and Win! (https://ruwix.com/cube-3x3- grouping the 4 centers and the online pranks! competition/) edge-pairs together, and finally Feliks Zemdegs World Record: 4.73s (https://ruwix.com/feliks-zemdegs- solving it like a 3x3. Some rubiks-world-record-2016-4-73/) Mats Valk World Record: 4.74s speedcubers can solve this (https://ruwix.com/mats-valk-rubiks- cube under 30 seconds so it cube-world-record-4-74/) Why Speedcubers Dislike Rubik's can't be that hard! Branded Products (https://ruwix.com/why-rubiks-brand- cube-disliked-hated/) Notation https://ruwix.com/twisty-puzzles/4x4x4-rubiks-cube-rubiks-revenge/ Page 4 oF 17 How to solve the 4x4 Rubik's Cube - Beginner's method 12/17/17, 629 PM We use letters to mark the rotations on the cube, similar to the the Rubik's Cube notation (/the-rubiks- cube/notation/). Deep turns come in when we move two letters together, but we can define slice turns when we move the second layer only. We are going to use the official NxNxN notation (/the- rubiks-cube/notation/advanced/): F – Outer front face clockwise U' – Outer up face anticlockwise L2 – Double turn of the left face (180o) Fw – Outer block move: the two front faces together clockwise. For NxNxN cubes we mark how many layers to grab but we can ignore this for a 4x4 cube since the numbers is always 2: 2Rw'. Other tutorials use lowercase letters to mark double turns. f – Lowercase letters mark inner slice turns.
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